Re: Warren Parker

2011-04-27 Thread Sheryl McBride

I just watched the Columbo episode of Publish or Perish and it is indeed 
Warren Parker. You can recognize
 the voice because it still pretty much sounds the same as the Andy Griffith 
episodes. I checked IMDb and he wasn't 
listed in the credits. I also recognized another actor from TAGS. James 
Milhollin not only appeared in the episode
Aunt Bee Takes A Job (played the character of Arnold Finch), but also 
appeared in The Ghost and Mr. Chicken
as Milo Maxwell, bank president. James Milhollin plays the van driver who Riley 
Greenleaf has a fender-bender with
in the Publish or Perish episode.

Sheryl in NC
WBMUTBB mailing list

Citizens arrest on Andy

2011-04-27 Thread Holland Shoaf

No, not the episode with Gomer running around yelling citizens arrest , but 
the episode with Barneys Uniform.
Andy is warning Fred Plummer about Barneys Judo experience.
While he's doing this Andy is nonchantly eating grapes sitting out in front of 
the grocery store.
I say  Stop Thief, Citzens arrest  !
I know, I shoudnt have mentioned it.
Lexington NC
Less than one hour from Mayberry.
WBMUTBB mailing list

To Ken Anderson and Andys near death experiences

2011-04-27 Thread Holland Shoaf

Ken, you are the man ! Thanks for replying. I also would like to add that 
Barney about got someone killed ( via Gentleman Dans trigger finger ) on the 
Gentleman Dan Caldwell episode by placing a bullet in his gun without telling 
Andy. I think Barney should have spoke up while Andy was trying Gentelman Dans 
Message: 2
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2011 07:52:29 -0500
From: Ken Anderson
To: Maybery Digest
Subject: Andy's Near Death Experiences
Message-ID: AA4B47485D9A40D7881C95740F1D9C14@computer
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
I think Andy came very close to having a near death experience on several 
occasions. One was when Helen caught him with the Fun Girls in the courthouse 
and the other was when Helen was sitting behind Andy and Mavis Neft at the 
diner. You heard the old saying, If looks could kill. I think the vein was 
even sticking out on Helen's neck.
Kenneth G. Anderson
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, WI 54701
WBMUTBB mailing list

The Amazing Talent of Frances Bavier

2011-04-27 Thread Mari Ellen Ryan
Greetings Fellow Mayberryites and Members of the Esquire Club and Direct
Descendants of Nathan Tibbs,

Just have to comment when I read about Frances Bavier and her background
(raised by older parents with mid 19th century values) how she was able to
do scenes like her Toot Toot Tootsie piano-stool spinning scene and the
scene shes very heavily made-up in an attempt to ditch the
Professor/Lecturer who thought she looked like his deceased wifeWOW
she really could act!  I love her character and aside from Fearless Fife
she is my favorite!

We're no Spring Chickens, you know...Happy Easter anyway!

Resident Northern Person,

Mari Ellen
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Don Knotts' seminal role...Ralph Furley?

2011-04-27 Thread Dixonhayes

In a message dated 4/27/2011 7:27:22 A.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

It said  that he was on the Andy Griffith Show but was better known for 
his portrayal  of Ralph Furley from Three's Company.  Does anyone here think 
that Don  Knotts was better known as Ralph Furley?  He'll always be Barney 
Fife to  me.  
Of course not, that's ridiculous. He'll always be Barney Fife to a vast  
majority of people who've heard his name.  Better known as Furley to that  
writer, maybe, but if he thinks *everyone* knows him best as Ralph Furley,  
perhaps he should rethink his profession as someone who's supposed to be more 
in  tune with pop culture, past *and* present.  Just because *he* may not be 
a  TAGS fan doesn't mean no one else ever heard of it.  That's just  silly.
It's a fact, not an opinion, that The Andy Griffith Show fared much  
better in reruns than Three's Company and that Don Knotts won a record five  
Emmys (eventually tied, still unbroken) in that one role as Barney Fife and 
zero  as Ralph Furley.  Plus, Furley isn't an American icon like Barney  
Fife.  If you think of a shrill, aging landlord who chases after  women, most 
people don't automatically call him a Furley.  But if you're  pulled over by 
a small town cop who acts like he's throwing the book at you and  
protecting society because you were going 27 in a 25 mile zone, many people  
later describe him to friends as a regular Barney Fife. 
Perhaps the guy was talking to a specific demographic and assumed a  
character on a black and white TV show wouldn't be relatable to younger people  
who thought the world began the day they were born.  I see that quite often  
and people who write like that do so at their own folly.  I would love to  
know what he based that on, but I can't even wrap my mind around that.
WBMUTBB mailing list

TV Island and Herbert Hoover

2011-04-27 Thread Hughes, Clyde L. (HSC)
I totally agree - thanks for your words on TV(Is)land :)  
I had words with Floyd this morning, and he's changed his mind (again) and now 
states that Herbert Hoover (instead of Calvin Coolidge) was dead set against 
that Cleveland show.  Seems it made his hair turn orange.
Also, Floyd indicated that his new manicure shop addition is nearing completion 
and needs some female volunteers to test it out.  He took a mail order course 
in nails (Nails By Mail) and is eager to start clipping. 

Over and Under,
Clyde Barn

WBMUTBB mailing list

Young people love TAGS, too!

2011-04-27 Thread Susan Blank
I am an elementary music teacher in Defiance, Ohio.have been for the
past 30 years.  In those years, I have quoted many a TAGS episode, and
laughed at lines the kids have quoted as well. I've also had quite a few who
love to imitate Barney.  I have found that lots of kids and their parents
are avid watchers of our beloved TAGS reruns.  This, I believe, proves that
this show is timeless, and will endure and entertain forever!

Susi Blank
Miss Crump (many years later)

Tick, tick, it's time for lunchtick, tick, it's time for dinner!  

WBMUTBB mailing list

Favorite Non-Verbal Scene

2011-04-27 Thread Harry Brewbaker
Great idea Dewey.  The first one I thought of was in Barney Gets His Man.  
After Eddie Brooke is hauled away and Barney tells Thelma Lou that this is the 
Danger Game and he was in it for keeps, he walks across the street to his 
da-da-da-d music.  What makes the scene so great to me is the camera 
angle.   The camera is at street level.  You see the crowd watch Barney walk 
away and the closer he gets to he camera, the larger he looks.  Barney Fife, at 
that moment, was truly larger than life. 
Another favorite is from Briscoe Declares For Aunt Bee.  With the boys playing 
and singing in the background, Briscoe is playing his jug and making eyes with 
Aunt Bee, slowing moving closer and closer to her.  Great scene.
I'm sure we'll think of many more.
Harry in Salem, VA
WBMUTBB mailing list

Favorite Short Clip and Prices in Mayberry

2011-04-27 Thread Ken Anderson
One of my favorite short clips on TAGS is from a color episode.  Andy and 
Howard are tied up by robbers in a cabin.  Howard wants a drink of water to 
dump on Otis who is passed out beneath the window.  When Howard attempts to 
throw the water onto Otis he misses and gets Andy right in the face.  I crack 
up each and every time I see that scene.

One of my favorite things about TAGS is to note the prices of things on store 
windows and in restaurants etc.  It really demonstrates how the cost of living 
has changed so dramatically over the past 50 years.  One thing I do not 
understand though.  Last night I bought a $20 gift card as a birthday gift for 
a neighbor.  I have been paying $20 for a gift card for over 40 years and the 
price has not gone up one cent.  If the price of gift cards can stay the same 
for over 40 years, why can't everything else?  I even took a good thank about 
this with a bucket on my heard.  Of course it was a plastic bucket and not 
metal so maybe that is why I can't figure it out.

Rubber baby buggy bumpers, rubber baby buggy bumpers, rubber baby buggy 
bumpers.  Now try typing that fast three times.

Kenneth G. Anderson
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, WI 54701
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: with and without whiskers

2011-04-27 Thread ridestherange

I enjoy watching watching Ellen Corby on The Waltons.She had a way too short 
stint on TAGS.She
was a hustler on TAGS.On the other side of the coin,she portrays the family 
matriarch as Grandma
Walton.She is a no nonsense,strait laced gob of glue that holds the family 
I find myself watching The Waltons now as much as I do TAGS.She is the 
quintessential actress,
talented,but down to earth.Her stroke could not hold back her dedication and 
enthusiam to please
her ever grateful audience.


Hi Everyone,

Just a little introduction.  I'm Kim and a newbie to the group but a devoted 
veteran watcher of TAGS.  Your mailing group is so enjoyable and my sincere 
appreciation for allowing my membership in your wonderful group.  I have found 
myself cackling nearly out loud at some to the posts.  It has also brought out 
observations that I may or may not have noticed.

In reference to Mr. Dewey's observations I wish to comment.  It has truly been 
a pleasure to observe many of the actors and actresses in other character 
roles.  Frances Bavier and Helen Corby were excellent in some western roles.  
And of course Denver Pyle and James Best were great in their western roles, in 
addition to their stint on the Dukes of Hazzard.  I was wondering what other 
roles they may have been involved with in addition to TAGS and the westerns?

Has anyone seen Andy Griffith's skit role on the Steve Allen Show with Imogene 
Cocoa and Elvis Presley?  Last night, while viewing Mr. Anderson's videos on 
YouTube (The chicken trick was great!), someone has posted the pilot episode of 
TAGS (on a Father Knows Best episode??) and other videos of Mr. Griffith on 
This is Your Life.  Great videos that I had not seen (a child of the early 

Thank you all very much for such an enjoyable group, all the info and the 

WBMUTBB mailing list

Mr. Sims

2011-04-27 Thread Dan Goodwin
I guess Mr. Sims (Dabbs Greer) was kinda mad about not being able to buy Andy's 
house, he just tried to burn down Lucas' house on The Rifleman.  Lucas didn't 
take kindly to that.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Andy Griffith on Tuttles

2011-04-27 Thread Harriet Browder

Check out Tuttles today.
If you don't today, then click on PREVIOUS as you want to see the cartoon for 
4-15-11 titled WHO KNEW? 

Harriet, the chicken thief in Kelsey's Woods, USA
 ..Johnny Paul Jason says chewing tar is good for your teeth...That's an 
old wives taleJohnny Paul ain't married

WBMUTBB mailing list

Andy's Disappearing Badge

2011-04-27 Thread Ken Anderson
I can't believe I have never noticed it before, but for the first time today I 
saw Andy with a disappearing badge.  When he brings Otis to his house to sleep 
off his snootful he is wearing a badge.  He has it on then but up in the room 
it is suddenly gone and he isn't wearing it.  Now I imagine this must have been 
discussed numerous times but I can't remember that either.  Part of the aging 
process.  Still amazes me that no one would have noticed this just like no one 
noticed Barney's disappearing badge.

Kenneth G. Anderson
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, WI 54701
WBMUTBB mailing list

RE: Fife versus Furley

2011-04-27 Thread Harriet Browder

I can't even wrap my mind around that.

I'm with you, Dixon. Who, after watching ONE Three's Company and ONE TAGS 
episode, can walk away and say Furley is better remembered than Fife. I've 
watched plenty of Three's Company and can not recall even one single line. 
There were many funny lines spoken by all actors on that show but to rattle off 
just one single funny line, can't do it.  How many TAGS lines can I retell? I'd 
lose my voice for sure if'n I got started so I repeat Dixon's comment - I can't 
even wrap my mind around that Furley is better remembered than Fife. Some 
people can state with confidence they can't remember anything from the 60s and 
that could explain a lot. The writer must have been on drugs..

Harriet, the chicken thief ini Kelsey's Woods, USA
 ..Johnny Paul Jason says chewing tar is good for your teeth...That's an 
old wives taleJohnny Paul ain't married

WBMUTBB mailing list

re: Silent Comedy

2011-04-27 Thread PLV
One of my all-time favorite silent scenes is also from Barney's Sidecar - 
when we see him riding his rolling stock down the street marking the tires of 
parked cars, and suddenly an anonymous hand reaches out from under one of the 
cars and grabs his marking stick. So funny! Cracks me up every time, no matter 
whether it's the gazillionth time I've seen it.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Ralph Furley

2011-04-27 Thread
Okay,I copied this from the article I read .  This is what it said about Don 
The comedic actor spent many years on The Andy Griffith Show from 1960-1968. 
But it was his role as landlord Ralph Furley on Three's Company that he will 
be remembered for. 
He died on Feb. 24, 2006 from complications due to lung cancer. He was 81

(I don't think the person that wrote that is one of us, he's from somewheres 

The quality of mercy is not strained.  It falleth like the gentle rain to 
earth.  You ain't talkin' to a jerk, ya know.

Brenda J. Higgins-Bee in New Concord, OH

Banks Forced to Forgive Credit Card Debt
See how much of your debt could be settled!
WBMUTBB mailing list

Favorite Moments

2011-04-27 Thread eric swolgaard
In response to the query about our favorite non-dialogue moments, I would have 
to give honorable mention to the great, inventive camera angles that added so 
much to the comedic value of TAGS- the use of sudden close-ups, side angles 
(like when Barney Fife grabs Thelma Lou to spirit her out of the living room 
and they rush past a stationary camera) and looking down or looking up 
shots of TAGS characters. The camera positioning and editing really enhanced 
the quality of fun and humor in our favorite show!
Eric Swolgaard
Sacramento, CA
WBMUTBB mailing list

Helen and Andy

2011-04-27 Thread Janet Anderson
I think Andy came very close to having a near death experience on several 
occasions. One was when Helen caught him with the Fun Girls in the 
courthouse and the other was when Helen was sitting behind Andy and Mavis 
Neft at the diner. You heard the old saying, If looks could kill. I think 
the vein was even sticking out on Helen's neck.

And don't forget the time Andy and Helen were in the diner and Flora was 
flirting with Andy and being rude to Helen.  Helen gave Andy that famous look 
and then just made a little clicking noise with her tongue.  That look and that 
one little noise said more than words could!

Thelma Lou
WBMUTBB mailing list

Floyd's Manicure Shop

2011-04-27 Thread DAVID QUINN

Shoot Clyde, there was no need for Floyd to waste all that money on a mail 
order course in clipping nails.  Floyd could have just caught some cats and 
practiced clipping their nails.  Maybe the same ones he practiced cutting hair 
Orville Hendricks - Butter and Egg Man.  If any of my hens decides to stop 
laying, Martha practices making chicken and dumplings with them.

  Also, Floyd indicated that his new manicure shop addition is nearing 
  completion and needs some female volunteers to test it out. He took a mail 
  order course in nails (Nails By Mail) and is eager to start clipping. 
 Over and Under,
 Clyde Barn
WBMUTBB mailing list

Marines Hymn

2011-04-27 Thread Linn Family
 I have the privilege of playing in a community band.  It is made up of 
people of all ages who enjoy getting together to play their instruments.  
Anyhow, we are preparing some music for a concert we will perform on Memorial 
Day.  One of the songs includes a portion of the Marines Hymn.  Every time we 
play that portion of the Marines Hymn, it's all I can do keep from laughing.  I 
always think of Gomer marching into the courthouse and singing that song to 
Andy.  Especially funny to me is the way Gomer says Montezumer.
WBMUTBB mailing list

Multiple Musings!

2011-04-27 Thread Bob James

Thank you all very much for such an enjoyable group, all the info and the 
Kim: I'm happy to welcome a newbie such as you to the digest. As you can 
already tell, you're going to love it! You sound exactly like someone we NEED 
on this digest.

I can't believe I have never noticed it before, but for the first time today I 
saw Andy with a disappearing badge.
Ken: No doubt that badge was manufactured by the same company that made Opie's 
disappearing ink when he and Andy signed the contract to marry Charlene's 
I'm with you, Dixon. Who, after watching ONE Three's Company and ONE TAGS 
episode, can walk away and say Furley is better remembered than Fife.
Harriett: This writer obviously was not one of us. I hate to say it but even 
being one of the biggest Don Knotts' fans around it pains me to watch him on 
Three's Company. As a matter of fact...I can't and don't!Bob

WBMUTBB mailing list

Expanded Roles

2011-04-27 Thread Ken Anderson
I certainly can understand why great actors such as Don Knotts and Andy 
Griffith took on new roles after leaving TAGS.  I am sure they didn't 
want to go through life with just the image of being Barney Fife and 
Andy Taylor.  I can speak from experience.  I have been spending my 
entire life now trying to rid myself of the image of my youth when I was 
a tall broad shouldered muscular hunk with dark wavy hair and a 
perfectly tanned complexion who was blessed with a magnetic personality 
and humble persona.  But hard as I tried, I am still stuck with that 
image and I am afraid it is just something I am going to have to live 
with.  So I can empathize with Don Knotts and Andy Griffith in their 
attempts to reclaim their own identities.

Ken Anderson
2906 May Street
Eau Claire WI 54701

WBMUTBB mailing list

New member Kim

2011-04-27 Thread Janet Anderson
Just a little introduction. I'm Kim and a newbie to the group but a devoted 
veteran watcher of TAGS. Your mailing group is so enjoyable and my sincere 
appreciation for allowing my membership in your wonderful group.

Kim, we're sure glad you joined us!  The digest is a fun place to be, and I 
hope you continue to enjoy it.

Just jump in where you can and hang on!

Thelma Lou
WBMUTBB mailing list

Disappearing badge

2011-04-27 Thread Janet Anderson
I can't believe I have never noticed it before, but for the first time today 
I saw Andy with a disappearing badge.

Ken, it's probably like that disappearing ink that Andy used when the Darlings 
tried to get Opie betrothed to baby Andelina.  Remember, Andy has a little 
witchery on his mama's side!

Thelma Lou
WBMUTBB mailing list

Dark Shadows

2011-04-27 Thread Sheryl McBride

Hi, Larry, at the risk of straying from TAGS-themed posts, I am a HUGE Dark 
Shadows fan.
I have started purchasing DVD sets to add to my collection. Of course, The Andy 
Griffith Show
is my number one favorite. As for favorite TAGS scenes, I love the episode 
Opie's Newspaper.
I always enjoy laughing at Barney when he tries to retrieve the gossipy 
newspaper from
Harold Grigsby's house, and Harold thinks Barney is there to sneak a look at 
his wife. Harold 
proceeds to chase Barney away in a threatening manner. Hi-larious !

Sheryl in NC
WBMUTBB mailing list