Questions, questions

2018-06-04 Thread Joe
I have a few, which may have already been asked/answered over the years,
but here is one that I've always wondered about.  In TAGS, as well as so
many other movies and television shows in the 50's and 60's, nighttime
scenes are obviously not shot at night.  it appears there is just some type
of darkening filter over the camera lens to simulate evening.  Sometimes
it's kind of funny to see shadows, when a scene is obviously shot in broad
daylight when it's supposed to be 10 o'clock at night.

So.does anybody know why "night" scenes were not actually filmed at
night?  Was it the existing technology at the time, and cameras not able to
film without floodlights?  Was it work rules prohibiting cast and crew from
working at night?  Was it simply that no one wanted to work at night and
just work straight daytime hours so they could go home at night?

Just wondering.

Joe Suszczynski
Grand Island, NY
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Alumni Sightings

2018-06-04 Thread
Both John Masters and Ernest T's Romeena appeared as store employees where 
Gomer was accused of shoplifting.

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2018-06-04 Thread
Happened to see our sweet Romeena in a movie called "The Cheyenne Social Club" 
with Jimmy Stewart.  

Brenda J. Higgins
New Concord, OH

Doctor Warns: Stop Eating This Vegetable Immediately
Gundry MD
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