
2008-12-26 Thread Cheri Litton
Hey Mayberry Nuts I always t-vo all the TAGS shows that come on tv.  Well, 
I had started watching the christmas show, then put it to save so I could watch 
it on Christmas Day.  Well, something crazy happened cause it wasnt saved.  So 
instead, I got out my valuable dvds, (that I got at a bargain at Weavers) and 
found the episode on it. I sat with a cup of tea, and watched it through, what 
a Christmas I had.  All I needed was some cashue fudge and I would have been 
set.  But it was wonderful.
Well, hope you all had a merry Christmas and be safe in 2009.
Cheri---A True Mayberry Nut
WBMUTBB mailing list


2008-12-04 Thread Cheri Litton

Hey Mayberry Nuts--does anyone remember a cook named Cora?  My friend  gave me 
a cookbook, Cora's Country Cookbook the other day and insisted she was on 
TAGS.  She said that Cora was is a pie contest with Aunt Bee.  I have never 
seen her or heard of her but just agreed (kinda) with my friend and took the 
book.  I cant find her last name or anything in the book.  Who knows-I must say 
I dont know everything about TAGS thats for sure.  Does anyone remember her?
Thanks-and have a Mayberry Kinda Christmas
Cheri---A True Mayberry Nut
WBMUTBB mailing list

root beer

2008-11-17 Thread Cheri Litton
Hey Aunt Bee from Orlando-- I do the same thing.  I also had everyone at the 
Mayberry Trivia Night do it too.  So un-ladylike but oh well-sure did taste 
I also voted to keep the jail.
We recently bought some land with a house on it.  Trying to make our decision 
whether to move or not.  My only concern is where the put my Mayberry Room out 
there.  What a Dilema!!!

Cheri---A True Mayberry Nut
WBMUTBB mailing list

The White horse

2008-10-01 Thread Cheri Litton
Hey other Mayberry Nuts--As I was watching TAGS the other day, I noticed 
something the same.  It seems to me that the white horse in the episode 
Divorce, Mountain Style is the same white horse who played Dolly.  Does 
anyone know if they are in fact the same horse?  
Just Wondering---Have A mayberry kinda day!!!

Cheri---A True Mayberry Nut
WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry Trivia Night

2008-09-12 Thread Cheri Litton

Hey folks here is a link to the photos taken at the Trivia Night at camp I told 
you about a week or so ago.

 The Mayberry Nut 

WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry Trivia Night

2008-08-23 Thread Cheri Litton
Hey my Mayberry Nuts---I hosted the Mayberry Trivia Night tonight and what a 
Success.  I decorated in blue and orange.  The tables had stuff that I have 
collected throughout the years on them.  We served funnell cakes and root beer. 
Also gave them a piece of cashew fudge to take home and enjoy.  There were 59 
who showed up and played.  I couldnt believe it!  I had only made 37 copies of 
the test.  Everyone was willing to share.  Some talked of maybe having some 
other kind of activities like this.  They all spoke of wanting to do Mayberry 
again.  I was shocked.  I was happy!  Didnt have too many disagreements.  One 
was about Fluffy, one was about who got all the credit catching the convicts at 
large.  The grand prize went to a man who got 41 out of 45 questions right.  
All in all, it was a great night.  We took pictures but didnt know how to send 
them here.
It felt good sharing alittle Mayberry with others.  

Cheri---A True Mayberry Nut
WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry Trivia Night

2008-08-22 Thread Cheri Litton
I just made a sign that reads:
Will have that on display so everyone will see it when they walk in for the 
trivia night.  Cant wait til then, and will let you know how it goes.

Cheri---A True Mayberry Nut
WBMUTBB mailing list

mayberry trivia night

2008-08-18 Thread Cheri Litton
Hey my fellow Mayberrians- This Saturday night I am hosting a Mayberry Trivia 
Night out at our local campground.  We camp out there a lot, so I thought why 
not do something that I have a passion for.  I will be serving ice cold 
rootbeer in glass bottles and funnel cakes.  Also going to give everyone a 
slice of Cashew Fudge to take home, wrapped in orange and blue ribbons.  I have 
never done anything like this so it will be trial and error.  Although I will 
be there just to give everyone a laugh or two and enjoy it myself.  will let 
you know how it goes.  Remember, you can spread alittle Mayberry around to 
places too, and  I'm sure you all have.  God Bless-

Cheri---A True Mayberry Nut
WBMUTBB mailing list

mayberry ring tones

2008-07-19 Thread Cheri Litton
Hey my Mayberry Nuts!   I am s happy.  Just got a new verizon phone Venus 
and to my surprise was able to get THE FISHIN HOLE  ringtone added   to it.  I 
went to PhoneZoo to get it.  It said it was free, but I guess I'll wait a 
month to see.  My old phone was a cheapy and couldnt get the ringtone, that 
might be some folks problems to why they cant get it, that was mine for awhile.
  Well, just thought I would pass that on, Have a Mayberry Kinda Day My Friends.
WBMUTBB mailing list

ermest T

2008-06-09 Thread Cheri Litton
Hey Mayberry Friends,
  Always good to read the posts.  So glad I am getting them now, thank you.  A 
friend of mine brought up a good question, so I thought maybe someone else 
would have the answer, I didnt.
  Does it ever tell how Ernest T escapes from the jail cell?
  Of course with all the episodes, I laugh my socks off when he shows up at the 
diner or back in the cell just lyin there.  Thanks for any clues.
  Barn, where is the key?
  In the drawer Ange!
  The Mayberry Nut from Southern Illinois
WBMUTBB mailing list

Barney's laughter

2008-04-05 Thread Cheri Litton
Hey Mayberry Friends,
  I was watching TAGS about 2 weeks ago and saw something I dont remember ever 
seeing.  Now, unfortunatly I cant remember the episode it was on, but Andy was 
doing something with another and Barney (Don) was literally having to hold his 
hand over his mouth to keep from laughing out loud.  I know Andy does that a 
lot on the show, but I had never noticed Barn doing it.  Can anyone remember 
seeing Barney trying to hold back from laughing?  I sat and laughed and laughed 
myself at something new.  Just like Mayberry, it makes me laugh EVERY time I 
watch it.  I know it makes us all feel really good too.
  Thanks for taking my question.  
  Cheri,  The Mayberry Nut from southern Illinois


southern Illinois most Mayberry NUT
WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry Room

2008-03-11 Thread Cheri Litton
Hey my fellow Mayberrian Friends,  
  Well, we are remodeling my Mayberry room and I need some help.  I am 
desperatly trying to get everything in there to be something or in someway 
related to Mayberry.  I have a good start.  What I need is some way to itemize 
the stuff.  I want something in the room to be on each episode, that means I 
need 249 items.  Has anyone ever catagorized something like that?  I would love 
any ideas.  My husband really thinks Im a NUT know.  Oh, well, keeps me off the 
streets as my mother always told me.  Just any little tidbits of help would be 
  Thanks, and I am so thankful to be a member here.  It's a lot of fun.
  The Mayberry Nut from Illinois


southern Illinois most Mayberry NUT
WBMUTBB mailing list

mayberrys finest

2008-02-24 Thread Cheri Litton
I have tried a few of the Mayberry Finest items.  I ordered them all, cant find 
them here yet.  The pancake mix is GREAT!  I love it.  Of course, I always save 
the packages and put them in my mayberry room.  Try the food= its good.
  The Mayberry Nut from Illinois
WBMUTBB mailing list


2008-02-12 Thread Cheri Litton
My Fellow Mayberrians,
  I want to first apologize for writing this post.  I know its been on here 
many times, but I never wrote down the information because I didnt need it 
until now.  I am looking to buy a one time fee of The Fishin Hole ringtone.  
Some out there are monthly fees, dont want that.  Can anyone out there in 
Mayberry let me know of one?  We have Verizon here in our area.  
  The Mayorial Debate was fun too, it was like we were right there in Mayberry.
  Thanks for your help.
  Iced In, Here In Illinois,  The Mayberry Nut
WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry Jean Jacket

2008-01-27 Thread Cheri Litton
I have searched for 7-8 years for a Mayberry Jean Jacket I once saw at 
Dollywood for sale.  Can't find it No Where.  So I decided to make myself one.  
I bought a Levi jacket and had a friend who runs a sewing business make one for 
me.  The one I saw had the characters on it, she couldn't do this of course.  
And we had to watch out for the copywrited stuff.  But we did a plain design on 
the back with Mayberry, NC  and 1960-1968 on the bottom of the jacket.  It 
is really neat. A lot of people compliment me on it.  I feel like I'm in 
alittle part of Mayberry when I wear it and these days and times, that feels 
pretty good.
  The Mayberry Nut from Southern Illinois
WBMUTBB mailing list

mayberry rfd dvd's

2007-10-01 Thread Cheri Litton
Does anyone know where I could buy the Mayberry RFD  dvd sets?  I don't even 
know if they make them yet.  I sure wish I could have went to Mayberry Days.  
That's one of my goals in life!
  Cheri, Illinois Mayberry Nut
WBMUTBB mailing list

all 249

2007-09-24 Thread Cheri Litton
Dear Fellow Watchers,   Many years ago I started taping TAGS on VHS tapes.  My 
goal was to get all 249 episods.  I prayed to God to get them all before I 
died.  I used my Mayberry reference guide to get all of them documented.  I 
have a real neat set up.  I still had 6 episodes to go when they all came out 
on DVD.  Of course I had to buy them all when they were put out for sale.  Then 
the lightbulb went off in my head- You dummy, now what are you going to do when 
you buy all of them and watch them.  Well, I talked to  God again about this 
situation that I was in and told Him I really didn't mean that prayer.  
Although sincere at the time, I didn't want to die.  Well, tonight I finally 
watched the last one, Mayberry RFD.  I know my God, and He will allow me to 
stay on this great earth as long as I;m needed to do His work.  May all of you 
enjoy your episodes too.  I think I'll start at the beginning tomorrow night, 
but of course I have to watch the marathon on TVLand.  Well,
 all is well here in Southern Illinois.  May God bless you all this day.
  Cheri Litton, a true Mayberry Nut!
WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry's Finest

2007-09-16 Thread Cheri Litton
Hey Y'all,  Is there a way to buy Mayberry's Finest food.  I checked on 
Weavers but couldn't get to any kind of store.
  Thanks, Cheri
  What's your hurry, slow down.
WBMUTBB mailing list


2007-08-22 Thread Cheri Litton
Hey fellow Mayberrians,   Has anyone noticed that on some occasions, Opie's 
Newspaper for one, that Aunt Bee and Andy leave Opie alone in the house at 
night. It was when Andy and Aunt Bee leave to go to the dump to find the 
second page and make sure it was disposed of properly, haha.  According to the 
approximate time frame, it was around 9:00pm.  You can sure tell that people 
could trust people back in those days.  
  See Ya and stay cool, Cheri, One of Mayberry's favorite fans of southern 
WBMUTBB mailing list

I aint about to beat to death by no spoon.

2007-08-06 Thread Cheri Litton
Hey Dolly-  That episode was The Darlings Are Coming  (episode 88).  After 
Andy runs them off of several places to bed down, he finally takes them to the 
jail.  After Aunt Bee has fed them, she asked one of them if they wanted more 
and then they reply.  Listen close.
  Slow Down, Whats Your Hurry
WBMUTBB mailing list

talkin Darling

2007-08-04 Thread Cheri Litton
I was so happy that someone keeps saying that one of the Darlin boys actually 
talked.  I put on that episode just to see.  I had watched it many times but 
just didn't catch it.  This time however, there it was, one of them actually 
  Thanks for keeping us all posted on the neat little things that happend in 
  I ain't about to be beat by no spoon!
WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry RFD DVDs

2007-07-29 Thread Cheri Litton
Dear Mayberrians,  I couldn't believe today's post about the MAYBERRY RFD  dvd 
set.  I always buy from Weavers but thought this time I would buy elsewhere.  
What was I thinking!!  I ordered a set of dvds from The Media Depot in Feb.  
They haven't showed yet!  In checking on it today, I thought I was safe because 
the 3 sites that was mentioned, I couldn't find.  UNTIL-I went to the original 
site and kept clicking to buy and sure enough, there was All My Favorites site.  I just couldn't believe that I would be so dumb.  Don't make 
the same mistake I did.  Only buy from Weavers, or someone they sponsor.  
  Cheri Litton, Johnston City, IL
  Slow Down, What's Your Hurry
WBMUTBB mailing list

ben weaver

2007-05-08 Thread Cheri Litton
Can anyone tell me why TAGS used so many men to play Ben Weaver?  On two of the 
episodes, Christmas Story and The Merchant of Mayberry he was played by 
Will Wright.  But a few others was different.
  Also, did anyone else see Opie reach his arm into the lemonade pitcher?  I'm 
sure a lot of watchful eyes caught that.  I just did though.  Keep on Watchin 
and have a Mayberry Kinda Day!
  Cheri, ILLINOIS watches TAGS all the time.
  Where did we get that phony ten dollar bill?
WBMUTBB mailing list

contest and color

2007-03-30 Thread Cheri Litton
Hey Y'all- I went to the paper website in Florida and sure enough there was a 
place to vote.  So I did, of course for the all time greatest- Bernard P. Fife. 
 It said now that he is leading by 54%.  That's great.
  Also, the last couple shows on TVLand, I noticed that the inside of the 
courthouse was painted brown.  I always thought it was painted green along with 
everything else.  My Mayberry Room here at my house is green.  Does anyone know 
how many episodes were painted brown.  Green is better!
  Have a Mayberry Kinda Day,  Cheri
WBMUTBB mailing list

favorite quotes

2007-03-24 Thread Cheri Litton
One of my Most Favorite quotes is:  SLOW DOWN, WHAT'S YOUR HURRY. 
   I recently added that to a 'letter to the editor'  in our local paper, 
talking about people running red lights.  My Mayberry room here at my house is 
a mess right now cause of remodling.  I can't hardly wait to get it back to 
normal and sit a spell out there and listen to the pretty birds making the 
trees seem full. 
  Have a Mayberry Kinda Day,
WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry Jean jacket

2007-02-15 Thread Cheri Litton
Since I have joined this site, I have really enjoyed reading all of the 
messages.  I thought I would try it out.  I am a Mayberry Nut, as with all of 
my friends out there.  I have my own Mayberry Room at my home, where I go and 
sit to relax.  It's such a fun place to share with people who stop by.  
  Now, down to my problem.  Several years ago my family was at Dollywood, TN.  
As we were leaving, I saw a Mayberry Jean Jacket for $89.00 and thought it was 
too high of price.  I left and I can't tell you how many days I have regreted 
that decision.  I called them back later that season, but they were out.  Then 
I tried for the next 5-6 years calling them and still no jacket.  I have tried 
everywhere.  Sometimes I wonder if I was imagining the jacket, but I know I saw 
it.  Can anyone out there help me find one, or has anyone ever seen one?
  I will keep enjoying my Mayberry chit-chat for a long long time.  God Bless 
You, Cheri 
WBMUTBB mailing list