laugh out loud scenes / Andy and Peggy song

2009-08-16 Thread Cynthia Mahoney
The song that Andy and Peggy sang on the porch is called Down in the


The lyrics are:


Down in the valley, valley so low

Hang your head over

Hear the wind blow.

Hear the wind blow, dear

Hear the wind blow.

Hang your head over

Hear the wind blow.


If you don't love me, 

Love whom you please.

Throw your arms 'round me

Give my heart ease.

Give my heart ease, dear

Give my heart ease.

Throw your arms 'round me

Give my heart ease.


Roses love sunshine

Violets love dew

Angels in heaven

Know I love you

Know I love you, dear

Know I love you

Angels in heaven

Know I love you.


I used to sing this song to one of my godsons when he was a baby and it
always calmed him down and/or got him off to sleep.  As a matter of fact,
when I stopped singing, he started crying.  I guess he had good taste in
music, even at a young age.  LOL



Here are some scenes that make me laugh out loud that no one else has


From Mountain Wedding - when Ernest T meets Andy and Barney for the first
time and Andy says That Ernest T Bass is a strange and weird character.
Briscoe Darling says Just plain ornery.  Barney says He's a nut.  And
then Ernest T goes running and jumping away..

From The Merchant of Mayberry - When Barney is telling Andy what he would
have said to Ben Weaver.  He says Why don't you go sit in the grocery store
so we can all know you're the big cheese.

From Three Wishes for Opie - 

1.  when Helen comes storming up to Andy and yells
at him about how she does not like to go to a PTA meeting and find out that
she is engaged to the great Sheriff Taylor.  She goes on for a minute and
then ends with What really infuriates me is listening to all your friends
telling me what a good catch you are.  Well, you're not caught yet. And she
turns her nose up and storms off.

2.  when Andy sees Barney coming and grabs him by
the arm and drags him into the courthouse.  

3.  when Barney, Goober, and Floyd are in the back
room at the courthouse with the lights off trying to summon Count Istvan
Telecky, especially the part where Barney comes back in the room with the
fingerprint set.

4.  at the end when Barney has thrown away the
fortune telling stuff and they find out that Opie really has gotten his
third wish.  The look on Barney's face as he pulls the stuff back out of the
trashcan is hilarious.


Mary Grace Gossage

Gentlemen, I have the following announcement to make.  Count Istvan Telecky






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Our visit to Mount Airy

2009-03-19 Thread Cynthia Mahoney
My husband and I visited Mount Airy for the first time this past Sunday and
Monday.  It is everything we expected and more.  


The highlight of our trip came on Sunday morning when we saw Betty Lynn at
church.  We did not speak to her because we did not want to disturb her.
Just seeing her was enough for us.  What a thrill!  


After church, we walked up and down Main Street, ate lunch at the Blue Bird
Diner and drank Cheerwine for the first time. (Yum!)  Almost all of the
businesses were closed on Sunday, as we expected, but we did get to do a
little shopping at Mayberry on Main.  We took pictures of Main Street,
including Floyd's City Barber Shop and the Snappy Lunch.  We went by Andy's
homeplace and the Andy Griffith Playhouse and saw the TV Land statue and the
Andy Griffith Collection.  We took pictures of Wally's Service Station and
the replica of Mayberry's Main Street.  


Later we went to Pilot Mountain State Park and we drove up the mountain to
the lookout area, but could not see anything due to the fog.  We did not get
to see the top of Pilot Mountain from the ground, either, due to fog.  Then
we drove into Virginia to the Blue Ridge Parkway, but did not drive very far
on it because of the fog.  We did take some pictures of the beautiful
mountain scenery, though.


On Monday morning, we ate breakfast at the Snappy Lunch, visited Floyd's
City Barber Shop and talked to Russell Hiatt.  We returned to the Snappy
Lunch mid-morning for a pork chop sandwich.  We also visited the Mayberry
Courthouse and the shop inside Wally's Service Station and did a little more
shopping on Main Street.


We thoroughly enjoyed our trip.  The people we met were wonderful, the food
was delicious, and the scenery was gorgeous.  To anyone who has not
experienced Mount Airy, I recommend that you take a trip there if at all
possible.  You'll be glad you did.


I have posted video of our trip to Mount Airy on YouTube.  You can find it
at this link:


(The audio does not work because I included some Andy Griffith Show related
music on my personal copy of the video and it can't be on YouTube due to
copyright restrictions.)


I have also posted pictures of our trip to Mount Airy on my Facebook page.
You can view the pictures at this link:


And I also posted pictures of the mountain scenery in the NC / VA area near
Mount Airy.  You can view the pictures at this link:



Mary Grace Gossage








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Mount Airy

2009-02-04 Thread Cynthia Mahoney
My husband and I will be visiting Mount Airy for the first time on Spring
Break.  We will only be there for one day and it will be on a Sunday.  We
would appreciate it if anyone could let us know where would be a good place
to stay and which things are the must-sees.  Since we will not have time
to do everything, we need to prioritize.  Please email me off the digest at Thanks.


Mary Grace Gossage


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train pennies

2008-11-23 Thread Cynthia Mahoney
I was wondering if anyone else had the problem of finding their pennies
after the train ran over it.

I've placed several coins on tracks and never found them either.

I guess if you were lucky enough to find them, you really didn't need them.

And if you did find them, you were really blessed with luck.


I have done this several times, but every time that I did it, it was at a
train station, so the train was moving slowly when it ram over the penny and
the penny was still on the track after the train passed or left.  I am no
expert in physics, bur I would think that if the train is moving fast when
it runs over the penny, the penny might go flying off the track which would
make it much harder to find.  Either that or I am just lucky, which means I
don't really need the train pennies anyway.  Now, I have never had a penny
that got hit by lightning, so I can't comment on that..


Mary Grace Gossage

Well, I wouldn't put much stock in what Nat Pike tells you.

Why not?

Well, for one thing, he's only four years old.

He may be young, but he's been around plenty.'

WBMUTBB mailing list

[no subject]

2008-11-20 Thread Cynthia Mahoney
In reference to trains 'A penny that has been run over by a train, IS

Opie had one, so he or Johnny Paul must have been down by the track.

We could all use a bit of luck now and then, Wish I had one of those
pennies run over by a train! 


I have a couple of pennies that got run over by a train.  I don't know
whether or not they are good luck, but I like to keep them around because I
am cautious like Barney.  



I highly recommend the show about the making of Waitin' on a Woman.  It is
everything that everyone has said it is and more.  It is definitely worth



Any body else remember The Lucy Show, Here's Lucy and that last one?


It was called Life with Lucy and it was on in the mid-1980's.



Mary Grace Gossage

(I'm not superstitious.  I'm just cautious.)


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My Fair Lady, I mean Ernest T. Bass

2008-10-13 Thread Cynthia Mahoney
It sure was similar to the episode with Ernest T. going to Mrs. Wiley's
party.  Maybe that is where they came up with the story line.


As a matter of fact, I think that is exactly what happened.  After all, the
episode is titled My Fair Ernest T. Bass and Barney makes the comment If
they wrote this into a play, nobody would believe it. I'm not sure that the
wording is exact, but it's close.


It has been a long time since I have posted to the digest, but I still read
it every day.  It's just that I am so busy teaching that I don't have much
time for digest posting.  Ask Miss Crump, she'll tell you how often we
teachers are up till midnight grading papers and such so that we end up not
being able to go out in the evening.  And that's not even counting the
evenings we spend working on things like that blame grading manual.   


Mary Grace Gossage

No coffee, tea, or punch, thank you.

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Favorite Episodes

2007-04-12 Thread Cynthia Mahoney
Here are my favorite episodes by season:
1. Opie's Charity (Poor Horatio)
2.(tie) The Merchant of Mayberry (Why don't you go sit in the grocery 
store so that we can all know you're the Big Cheese:
Spread a Little Sunshine Every 
Day - Ain't that purty?)
Aunt Bee the Warden (I've come to fill my vase. , Aunt Bee??!!   
Bloody Mary!!!)
3. (tie) Mountain Wedding (I think he's a nut!)
Convicts at Large (Better phone him, Al)
4. (tie) A Date for Gomer (Andy, you were right.  She's just like you said 
- nice.)
Hot Rod Otis (We shall meet, but we shall miss him)
5. Three Wishes for Opie (Well, you're not caught yet!)
6. Girl Shy (He tried to kiss me!)
7. Only a Rose (Aunt Bee and Clara's friendship)
8. Aunt Bee the Juror (Aunt Bee standing up for her belief in the face of 

Mary Grace Gossage

WBMUTBB mailing list

Muslims in Mayberry

2006-12-09 Thread Cynthia Mahoney
Sure there was a Muslim in Mayberry.  He wanted to buy some elixir from the 
Morrison sisters so he could celebrate Mohammed's birthday.  Of course,  the 
Morrison sisters had always thought that he was a Lutheran (I think), but if 
it weren't for their holidays, you would never know.  I guess that when one 
has to come up with a holiday in a hurry so he can get some elixir, changing 
religions quickly is not out of the question. 

Mary Grace Gossage
Happy Sir Walter Raleigh Landing Day!
WBMUTBB mailing list

Thelma Lou and Juanita

2006-03-24 Thread Cynthia Mahoney
I agree with what Thelma Lou (Janet) said in her post about Barney and Thelma 
Lou and Juanita.  

However, I think that Thelma Lou knew about Barney seeingJuanita, or at least 
suspected it., and she just overlooked it.  Thelma Lou probably never saw 
Barney and Juanita together, so it was easy for her to act like it was not 

I believe that Thelma Lou really was the only girl Barney, well, loved.  But 
Thelma Lou was a nice, respectable young lady and she did not go in for too 
much of Barney's shenanigans.  When he got fresh, she slapped him.  

Juanita, on the other hand, not only put up with, but encouraged Barney to get 
fresh with her.  Remember when Barney called her for a date and said he was 
taking her to the drive in movies at Mt. Pilot?  Juanita must have asked what 
movie was showing and Barney said what difference does it make, which implies 
that he was planning on them doing something other than watching the show.  
Thelma Lou would have hung up on him immediately if he had made such an 
insinuation to her.  But Juanita didn't hang up on him at all.  

I think Thelma Lou did not feel threatened by Juanita because she knew that 
Barney was only dating her for one reason. It was the same reason why Barney 
liked going to those rabbit girl clubs and why he subscribed to that magazine 
that the college kid was selling, you know, the one with the fast lens 
photography that captured the ribbon on that girl's foot.  Barney did not love 
Juanita and Juanita did not love Barney.  They were just playmates in a game 
that Thelma Lou would not let Barney play with her.  And with Juanita around, 
Barney could have his fun and Thelma Lou did not have to spend every date 
fighting him off.  

Now, if Thelma Lou had suspected that there were any romantic intentions 
between Barney and Juanita, that would have been a different story.  She would 
have been jealous and angry like she was when she saw him flirting with that 
new girl in town, Melissa.  

Like my mother used to tell me, there are some girls that men go out with to 
have a good time, but they are not the girls that men want to marry.  Juanita 
was a good time girl and Thelma Lou was a marrying girl.  

Barney probably planned on giving up Juanita once he married Thelma Lou, but he 
was having so much fun having his cake and eating it too by dating them both 
that he kept putting off marriage until Thelma Lou couldn't wait anymore and he 
lost her. 

Now, I don't agree with what Barney was doing.  He should have been faithful to 
Thelma Lou all the way.  But he ended up paying the price for not being a one 
woman man when Thelma Lou married that other guy and broke Barney's heart.  

Mary Grace Gossage
Hello, Sarah, get me Juanita down at the diner.
WBMUTBB mailing list

Ron and Rance Howard / Tribute to Andy

2006-03-07 Thread Cynthia Mahoney
The older Ron Howard gets, the more he looks like his father, especially in 
the eyes.

I have always thought that Ron Howard looked a lot like his dad, even when he 
was a little guy.  However, I do agree that the older he gets, the more he 
looks and sounds like Rance.  He probably always looked like Rance did at the 
same age, but we didn't notice it until Ron was an adult since we don't know 
what Rance looked like as a child.  I remember seeing an episode of Happy Days 
a few years ago and Rance Howard played a character in it.  When I looked at 
middle aged Rance in that episode, he looked so much like Ron does now.  

I am in full agreement with the idea that we should create some sort of tribute 
to Andy Griffith while he is still with us.  Although I believe that he already 
knows how much he is appreciated for his talent and hard work, it would be so 
much better for us to let him know it while he is still able to enjoy it.  One 
single word of praise said to a living person is worth more than 1000 words of 
praise after the person has passed on. 

Mary Grace Gossage
We shall meet, but we shall miss him
WBMUTBB mailing list


2006-02-07 Thread Cynthia Mahoney
 Of course, we find out in RFD that Andy's (second) wife's name is Helen! 
That's Crump -- C - R - U - M - P.

Just remember never to refer to her as a third party, even though it isn't 
dirty.  Andy made that mistake once and, boy, was he ever sorry.

Mary Grace Gossage
'So deep a friendship hath one man for another that no female caress shall 
ever tear it asunder.'  Boy, the guy that wrote that must have been some kind 
of a nut!
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