Cats and TAGS names

2008-12-06 Thread Dawn
So, Kim:  does that Ernest T cat know how to throw rocks?  Maybe you could
train (or un-train) him.

I may have posted this earlier this year, but we got adopted a cute Jack
Russell/Beagle mix from the shelter back in April.  His name is Dooley!  Not
the most obvious TAGS name, but it counts.  I do like that it references the
Darling family and their musical talent.  And that song doesn¹t make me cry.

Hope everyone is having a good holiday season,

Dawn in Kansas City

Message: 2
Date: Fri, 5 Dec 2008 11:38:28 -0600
From: "Kim Heiden" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: pet names
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

The pet names got me to thinking about names I should give to a couple of
cats that come by for a handout every now and then.  Last night the male had
a fight with another cat, so I think I'll start calling him Ernest T since
he's a little mean and looks healthy.  The female then has to be Romeena.
Romeena has a little gray kitten, do you think it would be in bad taste to
name it Hogette if it's a girl?  I don't want to cause any jealousy in the

Kim - Wylie, TX

WBMUTBB mailing list

Dooley dog

2008-04-29 Thread Dawn
Hey, all.
Sorry I haven¹t checked in lately, but now I have some news, and it¹s BIG.
(Actually, it¹s only 20 lbs.)  We adopted a darling dog from the animal
shelter a few weeks ago.  When I first glanced at the info sheet hanging on
his kennel, I couldn¹t believe it:  his name was DOOLEY!  I immediately
thought of the Darling boys singing Dooley and what a cheerful song it is.
The name suits our little guy perfectly.  I finally have a TAGS dog!  (with
dog tags, ha ha)

Dawn in Kansas City
WBMUTBB mailing list

Andy's movie roles

2007-02-18 Thread Dawn
I agree with you and the other Digest members whole-heartedly about Andy in
³Face in the Crowd.²  I also think you make an excellent comment about
Andy¹s choice of roles and career path.

Dawn in Kansas City

> Message: 6
> Date: Sat, 17 Feb 2007 20:32:08 EST
> Subject: Re: A Face in the Crowd
> To:
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
> Doesn't Andy's performance just blow you away?  I've heard the reason Andy
> didn't do more intense roles like this one is that he hated who he became when
> he dove this deeply into method acting.  Had he stuck with it, I'm sure Andy
> would've been a screen legend with an Oscar or two under his belt, instead of
> a 
> television legend...and sadly we never would've heard of Mayberry.
> Dixon

WBMUTBB mailing list

Hurricane Barney

2006-09-02 Thread Dawn
I think Barney gave us a clear demonstration of how we would react in a
major inclement weather event:  just reflect on his response to the threat
of thunderstorms on the group of stray dogs‹especially the trembly one‹in
³Dogs Dogs Dogs.²

Dawn in Kansas City

> From: Joey Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: hurricane
> can you imagine an andy show about a hurricane bearing down on mayberry.
> barney would have been everywhere.

WBMUTBB mailing list

A Face in the Crowd

2006-08-20 Thread Dawn
I have been meaning to write in and tell everyone that I finally rented ³A
Face in the Crowd.²  What an amazing movie!  All these years I have been
reading about it on wbmutbb and I wondered if it would live up to the hype.
It definitely did.  My husband, who is nowhere near the TAGS fan that I am,
watched it and agreed that it was a great movie.  Such an interesting role
for Andy, and the movie had quite a bit of interesting social commentary.  I
never would have known about it had it not been for this board.  Thanks a
bunch.  And if you have not seen this movie, do yourself a favor and rent
it.  I got it thru Netflix b/c my local Blockbuster didn¹t have it.

Dawn in Kansas City
WBMUTBB mailing list

Sweet Tea

2006-08-07 Thread Dawn
Great observation and question about the lack of ice(d) tea being served on
TAGS.  I would lump that in with the question of why there was no basketball
played or referenced on TAGS, considering b¹ball is a religion in North
Carolina.  Maybe the sweet tea reference would have been too quaint or even
lost on the non-Southern viewers (bless their hearts).

Just my 2 cents.

Dawn in Kansas City

> Message: 5
> Date: Mon, 7 Aug 2006 08:48:50 -0400
> From: "Dan Goodwin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Where's the tea
> To: 
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> I'm sure we've talked about this before, but it did surface the other day on
> the Digest and it has always bothered me.  Being from South Carolina, I
> never could figure out why there was never ice tea (no, that's the way we
> say it) around.  For meals, there was coffee with Opie having milk.  If it
> was hot, there was lemonade.  Where was the tea?  Mayberry is in North
> Carolina and over the past 60 years, I've spent a lot of time in our sister
> state, but I don't recall ever finding a pocket of the state where sweet tea
> wasn't the norm.
> Since Andy had such a strong influence on the details of the show, I always
> wondered if maybe he was brought up tealess although I can't image Mt. Airy
> being such a place.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Taylor Home Inn article is making the rounds

2006-08-06 Thread Dawn

> Nice article about the Taylor Home Inn showed up today on the MSN web site.
> Here's the link:
Yep, this article showed up in our Sunday paper today.  Great article and

Dawn in Kansas City

WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry Moment

2006-05-26 Thread Kevin and Dawn Roberts
Hey everybody.  I had a Mayberry Moment today.  Our local post office has a
stop sign at the exit of the parking lot.  The top nail or screw has come
out and been this way for some time now leaving it hanging upside down.  I
was leaving out of the parking lot today and was thinking just like Andy.
All it needs is a little nail in it, but then I thought that somebody must
be waiting on a work order like Barney.  Makes you think.  Well got to go
now.  Horatio (Kevin)


"Who's been messing up the bulletin board?"

WBMUTBB mailing list

Missed David Browning

2006-05-08 Thread Kevin and Dawn Roberts
Hey everybody.  I know that David Browning is a member of this digest, so I
thought that I would let him know that I sure did miss him at the Tom
Johnson's camping center spring fling this past weekend.  I saw your picture
on the poster, but didn't see you anywhere and believe me, if you were
there, we would have seen you, and you can't be missed.  I go every year and
always enjoy seeing him be a GREAT Barney Fife.  I hope you were not under
the weather.  Well, got to go.  Horatio (Kevin)



"I think I've heard just about enough about that tomato"

WBMUTBB mailing list

Meant for each other

2006-04-22 Thread Dawn
Well, isn¹t that sweet?  Allan¹s initials are ³J-A-N,² which I believe is
the name of his ³darling person.²

Dawn in Kansas City
> I believe I know that one.  It's James Allan Newsome.
> You don't know someone for 16 years without knowing something about him!
> -Bob

WBMUTBB mailing list

Floyd's funny lines

2006-03-16 Thread Kevin and Dawn Roberts
Hey everybody.  I read where someone was talking about a deleted Floyd
scene.  That is a good line by Floyd.  My favorite line from Floyd is
where Barney is running against Andy for sheriff and they are in the
barber shop and Floyd asks Barney if he's expecting to get any votes and
Barney says he will get some and Floyd says against Andy you mite not
and Andy says sure, Barney's going to get a lot of votes and Floyd says
my favorite line - "If there's a trend you let me know" as if Floyd can
do something about Barney getting votes.  Every time I heard that it
just cracks me up.  Any more favorite Floyd lines out there?  Well got
to go, Horatio (Kevin)
"Boy, you fall down a well and you're wet"
WBMUTBB mailing list

Oscar "In Memoriam" tribute

2006-03-06 Thread Dawn
Anthony, you beat me to it. I watched the Oscars last night, in particular
hoping to see a nice tribute to Barn' during the annual "In Memoriam"
montage.  I was so surprised that he wasn't featured (nor Dennis Weaver nor
Darren McGavin).  My guess is that they put together those montages a week
or two in advance and move onto the next "to do" item on their big list.  I
expect we'll see a tribute to all 3 actors at next year's Academy Awards.
It will seem like very old news by then, but won't it be nice to have a warm
reminder of Don in March 2007.

Dawn in Kansas City

> --
> Message: 11
> Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2006 07:29:46 -0500
> From: "Anthony Sizemore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Academy Award Memoriam
> To: 
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> Did I miss it? During the Academy Awards program I watched all the names of
> the fine talents that left us this past year, and I didn't see Dennis
> Weaver, Darren McGavin or Don Knotts.
> I believe they all had worked in Hollywood before, and had been in motion
> pictures.
> I know it's a club, and what kind of club would it be if they let everybody
> in?
> It's the kind of club that if they do this to Don Knotts, I don't want
> anything to do with it.
> Andge in Bethlehem, GA

WBMUTBB mailing list

Our beloved Don

2006-02-25 Thread Dawn
I just saw on tonight¹s news that Don Knotts passed away today.  We knew
this day would come, but it¹s still sad.  I¹m sure this group will pay him
many fine tributes over the coming weeks.

With a heavy heart,
Dawn in Kansas City
WBMUTBB mailing list

TAGS character that inspires me

2006-02-05 Thread Dawn
Without a doubt, Andy is the one who inspires me most, esp when it comes to
being a patient, supportive, loving parent.  I really do reflect quite often
on some of those father-son episodes between him and Opie.

Oh, and I wish I could cook like Aunt Bee ;-)

Dawn in Kansas City
WBMUTBB mailing list

Running in Mayberry

2006-01-05 Thread Kevin and Dawn Roberts
Hey everybody.  I hope everyone had a GREAT Mayberry Christmas and will
have a GREAT Mayberry New Year.  TV Land has gone all digital and I have
a C-Band satellite dish and can no longer get it.  I am very sad now and
I guess our local channel and my DVD's will have to give me my TAGS fix.
I was watching the episode on our local station about Ernest Tee joining
the Army and I noticed Barney and Andy running after him right after
Barn broke the courthouse window and it got me to wondering how often
and who in Mayberry did we see running on the show?  It just looked out
of place for them to be running on camera.  Can anyone recall others
running on the show?  I was just wondering.  Well got to go, Horatio
"I'm just no good Andy, I'm just no good!"
"You're good, you're good"
WBMUTBB mailing list

New Mayberry book

2006-01-05 Thread Dawn

Thanks for the tip on your book, Ben.  It looks great.

Dawn in Kansas City.

> Message: 7
> Date: Wed, 4 Jan 2006 08:53:37 -0500
> Subject: Mayberry Book & Website
> To: 
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> YO (learned that word in the National Guard)!!! Check out
> . Happy 2006 to you all
> Ben in North Carolina
WBMUTBB mailing list

Another Mayberry Knock Knock

2006-01-01 Thread Dawn
Knock  knock
Who's there?
Andy who?
And he bit me  again.

Knock knock
Who's there?
Opie who?
Opie quits  biting me and starts biting someone else.

Knock knock!
Who's there?
 Otis who?
Otis sure itches now!
Raleigh, NC

> Knock knock.
> Who's there?
> Warren.
> Warren who?
> Warren you fast enough to swat that mosquito the first time?
> Andge in Bethlehem, GA

Knock knock.
Who¹s there?
Aunt Bee.
Aunt Bee who?
Aunt Bee careful about hornets!

Dawn in Kansas City 
WBMUTBB mailing list