Re: WBMUTBB Digest, Vol 17, Issue 1

2016-01-04 Thread Ernest T Bass

Message: 6
Date: Fri, 1 Jan 2016 07:51:05 -0500
From: Dan Goodwin 
Subject: Alumni Sighting
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain;    charset=us-ascii

Saw Uncle Ollie and Newton Monroe together on The Twilight Zone.


Sent from my iPad

Mr. Finch of Kingsley and Finch Printing Services and Counterfeiting 
Enterprises Inc. was in that episode also as the News Man interviewing Mr. 
Dingle. I am guessing that was the episode you were talking about. 
 Mike "CJ" Beckeras always lost somewhere in A Mayberry State Of Mind
WBMUTBB mailing list

Possum Day Parade

2008-02-19 Thread Ernest T Bass

Mayor Pike wants the people of Mayberry to know he would feel honored to have 
an annual Possum Day celebration. He feels a farming town such as Mayberry is 
the perfect place for such an event. Perhaps we can have Fairchild assist 
Sheriff Taylor and Deputy Fife with securty so that a certain Mayor can not 
interupt the activities. We understand Roy Stoner thats S T O N E R is not too 
fond of bears.
Remember a Vote for Pike is a Vote for Mayberry, Keep the big city in Mt Pilot, 
not here where the people you'll find are friendly and kind. 
This message is from the Pike for Mayor Compaign, Ernest T chairman. 
and remember to stop and visit Burt at his roadside stand.
WBMUTBB mailing list

Elections 2008

2008-02-13 Thread Ernest T Bass

While one candidate feels fund raising to be ok, I feel word of mouth goes 
farther then money, therefore my campaign will NOT ask for funds in my 
campaign. I feel this is not needed in our small close community where folks 
are already having troubles with crops and such because of them dreaded 
gypsies. I feel our community is better off served with a just and balanced 
platform one, with checks and balances to make everyone’s word heard and 
everyone count. Unlike Mayor Stoner who feels only his voice should be heard 
and no one else counts. Remember folks, a vote for Pike means a vote for the 
people of Mayberry. Leave the others with big city ideas go to the big city, 
this is Mayberry, not Mt Pilot. 
Hope to see you on election day and remember VOTE PIKE, because a vote for Pike 
is a vote for the small city beliefs that has made and kept Mayberry what it is 
This message is brought to you by the Pike for Mayor Campaign “A Mayberry State 
of Mind” the only mind to have while in Mayberry… 
Mike “Ernest T” Becker 
Pikes campaign manager 
Vote pike or get a rock in your window…
WBMUTBB mailing list

A Message from Mayor Pike

2008-02-13 Thread Ernest T Bass

 Mayor Pike would like everyone to know, that Mayor Stoner not only fumbled but 
fell in the debate Thursday Night. On a few occassions he attempted to make up 
lies, about me and Sheriff Taylor. He never would talk about that ramp by his 
brother in laws place and he ended up being escorted out by sheriff Taylor. I 
understand his friend the Governor had to come bail him out this morning. Just 
wanted you peoples to know. 
Hope to see you all at service on Sunday. 
Look for your Fat Little Mayor spreadin it on, I mean singing them hymes 
louders then the rest. 
suprize, suprize, I can sees it in your eyes...
Mike Ernest T Becker 
WBMUTBB mailing list

Songs from the Show

2008-02-07 Thread Ernest T Bass

 I have been reading comments about some different songs and sounds recorded 
from the show and I just wanted you all to know many of these same songs and 
sounds can be heard and down loaded at click on 
the sounds and down loads link. If you have a cd burner on your computer you 
can burn your own best of cd.Lots of luck to you and yoursMike Ernest T. 
Becker Go AMSOM  
WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayor Debate

2008-02-06 Thread Ernest T Bass

 From the desk of Mr Pike:
  We would like all the citizens of Mayberry to feel welcome to this debate. Mr 
Stoners attempt to alienate some citizens because they don't fit his example of 
The Big City is the main focus on why we don't need him in our Town 
Government. So all the good people of Mayberry feel free to attend this debate. click where it says chat room..
Lots of luck to you and yoursMike Ernest T. Becker Go AMSOM  
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Mayor Debate

2008-02-02 Thread Ernest T Bass

 On behalf of Mayor Pike, I would like to issue a challange to a debate with Mr 
Stoner. The Debate would be held this coming Thursday in the Chat room of A 
Mayberry State of Mind and I am asking the fine citizens of Mayberry to attend 
ask a few questions of the canidates and see which one you would rather have as 
your Mayor. The Fat Little Guy everyone loves with those three lovely daughters 
all with great singing voices or that other guy who is only working for his 
family. what's his name?, oh yeah Stoner, Roy Stoner. 
Hey also as a reminder our chapter Life Lessons are held every sunday evening 
at 8pm est. This weeks episode is The Case of the Punch in the Nose. Hope to 
see ya there. 
Lots of luck to you and yoursMike Ernest T. Becker Go AMSOM  
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The Andy Griffith Show parodies

2008-01-31 Thread Ernest T Bass

 A while back the discussion of The Andy Griffith Show Parodies came up. 
Paul Mulik was nice enough to send me 10 Parodies to post on our website and 
share with everyone here in Mayberry. I had these parodies connected to our 
website but there were some issues with some of them so I have set the Parodies 
along with about 25 sound clips from the show on a new page setup. To hear or 
download these songs just follow the posted directions. If you do happen to 
visit and listen to or down load the parodies, please remember to thank Paul 
for sharing. and click on the sounds and down 
loads page.  He's a...well a ... he's a princeLots of luck to you and 
yoursMike Ernest T. Becker Go AMSOM  CONFIDENTIALITY 
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WBMUTBB mailing list

Pike for Mayor

2008-01-31 Thread Ernest T Bass

 Folks I think we need to remember all the nice things this man has done for 
 A while back, when poor Frank Myer's house fell into disrepair. That was Mayor 
Pike out there speadin it on thinker then anyone else. (Paint that is) When 
those men from Hollywood came to town to make a movie, it was his Beautiful 
daughter who came out to sing Sweet Avton. His wife risks her life each year 
riding a horse and singing opra for Founders Day. 
  Mayor Pike has NEVER attempted to get ole Eagle Eye Annie from the sheriff, 
never told Andy how to do his job and never would run a highway by-pass just to 
get more traffic by Roy Stoner's Brother in laws place. 
So remember on election day, Vote for the Fat Little Mayor everyone loves. 
Let the city slicker, goat hater go to Mt Pilot. Mt. Pilot with all that hussle 
and bussle, leave Mayberry with that small town feeling Seth Taylor worked so 
hard to get. 
Mayor Pike, is endorced by those of us in A Mayberry State of Mind. 
We happen to enjoy our Town. 
Where the people you find are Gentle and Kind
so come election day Vote Pike for Mayor 
Mr Schump says he's voting Pike.
Lots of luck to you and yoursMike Ernest T. Becker Go AMSOM  
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WBMUTBB mailing list

Deputy Badges

2008-01-25 Thread Ernest T Bass

 I was watching Guest of Honor and I happened to notice that the badges Floyd 
and the other two special deputies wore only had 5 point badges instead of the 
regular 6 point badges worn by Ms Ellie, Opie and Aunt Bee in The Christmas 
Story or used by Gomer or Goober the several times they were deputized. Has 
anyone ever noticed this? does anyone happen to why they only had the 5 points 
instead of the normal 6 points? 
Just a wonderin' Lots of luck to you and yoursMike Ernest T. 
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2008-01-24 Thread Ernest T Bass

 Just remember folks before casting any vote on election day. Mayor Pike will 
have no problems with you bringing your goat into Town. If you really want a 
progressive Town move to Mt. Pilot, with all the hussle and bussle of teh big 
city but leave Mayberry the small town it was meant to be. 
This message is brought to you by the commitee for the small town feeling, a 
place where the people you find are gentle and kind and living is easy and slow.
 supporting Pike for Mayor. Lots of luck to you and yoursMike Ernest T. 
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2008-01-03 Thread Ernest T Bass
  This is the board of members who can make the difference at Tvland. When they 
removed TAGS from the schedule a while back it was this group who commented in 
record numbers and got the show returned to great hours and it has not been 
removed yet, infact it is the highest rated show on Tvland. 
To make the difference you need to go to and sign up and sign 
the request. I started one today and if everyone signs it atleast once a week, 
they will take notice. Here is the link to the request.
  it simply says don't air non classic shows such as Designing Women, Just 
Shoot Me, Murphy Brown, Cosby and Mad about You. It also request shows from 
tyhe golden age of TV the 50's,60's and 70's. Please make the difference and 
sign the request. One person yelling does nothing but large numbers speaking 
softly gets heard. 
  Thanks in advance
  MikeErnest TBecker

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WBMUTBB mailing list

RE:Question about TVLAND

2007-11-04 Thread Ernest T Bass
Message: 5
Date: Sat, 3 Nov 2007 12:45:58 -0500
From: weenie man [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Question about TVLAND
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

I have asked this before, but still don't understand. Why are the times
 when programs start on TVLAND off by 5-10 minutes??? I can't even set
 my DVR to record anything because of that.
Why can't their programs start on the hour or half hour like every
 other station in the country?
I am tensed!

  The reason behind the Off The Clock Programming is, TvLand promised 
sponsers ratings that did not happen. Seems many of these New Classics TvLand 
is aquiring are not providing the proper ratings. Instead of refunding monies 
to the sponsers TvLand removes 30 minutes of programming between 10pm and 2am. 
This results in the off the clock Programming. This practice provides an 
additional 30 minutes of commercials to make it up to sponsers. The sad part of 
this is TvLand still insist on airing shows like Cosby, Designing Womem, Scrubs 
(in 2008) and Mad about You. 
  suprize,suprize, I can sees it in your eyes
  it's me, it's me, it's Ernest T,
  Mike Ernest T Becker

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WBMUTBB mailing list

A Prince of a Man

2007-10-20 Thread Ernest T Bass
 If you would like to see just what kind of a guy Ken Anderson truly is visit . click the logo on the top of the page and 
it will take you to the main page of the website. Under our logo there you will 
see a place saying What's New in Mayberry. In that section we have added a 
special recognition page. Click it and you can read all about how Ken is a TRUE 
prince of a man. I have posted the article he spoke of recently here and a 
speech he gave for Hospital Volunteers. He not only shares his views of 
Mayberry but beyond a doubt has the true meaning of our Chapter A Mayberry 
State of Mind . A true prince he is,

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RE: Andy Discovers America (Good, Don)

2007-09-30 Thread Ernest T Bass
A: Calvin Coolidge.  If not, whoever it was probably got it from Calvin

Don Good
(who didn't say everything either)
  good guess Don but no Calvin didn't say it, he didn't say everything ya 
  Join us Tuesday Nights 9pm - 11pm est 
  for Tuesday Night Trivia 
  Mike Ernest T Becker 

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WBMUTBB mailing list

TAGS tunes/TAGS parodies

2007-04-08 Thread Ernest T Bass
 Thanks to Paul Mulik, I have been able to set some TAGS parodies, up on a page 
of our website. You can hear some great TAGS parodies, by going to
  give them a few minutes to load and if you enjoy them remember to tell Paul 
Thanks for sharing with us all. 
  Thanks Paul!!!
  Mike Ernest T Becker

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WBMUTBB mailing list

RE: TAGS tunes

2007-03-20 Thread Ernest T Bass
  I have the ability to convert cassettes to .mp3 format, but I don't 
know how 
to put the files online where others could listen to them.  If anybody 
how to do that, let me know.

   If you would care to email them to me, I can set up a web page on our 
chapter website. I can set it up so the tunes 
can be heard or downloaded or what ever you wish. You can email me back 
directly at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or [EMAIL PROTECTED] the yahoo has a file size 
limit I believe so you may need to use the chapter one.. 

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WBMUTBB mailing list

RE; Where is this quote from

2007-03-11 Thread Ernest T Bass
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Someone yesterday had the following quote in their post and for the 
life of
me I can't remember where it is from.
Someone help me out.

You think man will ever go to the moon?
Why yes, I'm going there myself one day!
You already there boy!

Dapper Dan 
Tell us about the Kansas City Heist Uncle Dan!
  That quote is from Stranger in Town. It was when Andy was talking to Ed 
Sawyer in the court house. Shortly after Lucy Mathews came in and Ed was saying 
how he loved her and wanted to make her his wife. 
  Lots of luck to you and yours
  Mike Ernest T Becker

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Help us out with TvLand

2007-02-26 Thread Ernest T Bass
 I have seen comments about the order the shows are going in. Well if we all 
ask TvLand for a weekend Marathon, airing only the shows that need to be caught 
up. we would get to see the shows in order from beginning to end alot sooner. I 
realize there are some not so great TAGS but I still think anything TAGS is 
better then anything else offered. So if you would like to enjoy the series 
beginning to end along with a weekend marathon then come and help us out and 
  The request at TvLand is
  it is located on the shows Board so ther should be no nasty comments or 
trouble makers to cause anyone a hassle. 
  and join us on our website for sites and sounds, along with some time set 
aside for some chat.
  Thanks in advance for your help
  Mike Ernest T Becker

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WBMUTBB mailing list

We Need a Hand

2007-01-10 Thread Ernest T Bass
 I am asking everyone to help us get a series of comparison minithons of The 
Andy Griffith Show,  saturday afternoons on TvLand. The comparisons would be 
something like 2 Floyd Lawson episodes 'vs 2 Emmett episodes. There are many 
comparisons that can be done. Our thought is we have the minithons, compare 
them and vote the better. So please help us out and sign or email the request 
to TvLand. The request we have going is on the Andy Griffith Show board so 
everyone should enjoy a nice friendy visit. 
  here is the link directly to the request at TvLand
  and the email address is 
  Thanks for any help on this,
  in A Mayberry State of Mind 
  Mike/ Ernest T.

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TvLand TAGS Schedule

2007-01-03 Thread Ernest T Bass
 I just wanted to let everyone know, TvLands schedule will be temporarly 
interupided for the MASH marathon. The Week of 1 Jan 2007 TAGS will air at 
12-1pm and 6-8pm monday through friday, one TAGS airs on Sunday for the Better 
Living Through Television at 11:30am. The schedule resumes Monday 8 Jan 2007. 
The only other schedule change that will effect TAGS is a minithon on Saturday 
nites 11pm -3:30am and it repeats sunday nites. Full schedule listings are at 
TvLand. com schedule page.
As a memeber of the boards and having our Chapter based out there, I 
thought I would share. Please stop in and join us on the Andy Griffith Show 
Message Board, we have lots of fun and no topic gets old, just tell them ET 
sent ya.
  and as always your welcome to join us in A Mayberry State of Mind
  Happy New Years to you and yours, 
  I hope it is a safe and happy year for all. 
  Mike /Ernest T

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Merry Christmas

2006-12-20 Thread Ernest T Bass
 Hello everyone in Mayberry, 
  I just wasnted to wish everyone a safe and Merry Christmas. I also wanted 
to invite you all to stop by our end of mayberry. We just updated our website 
and have added a few items and improved some of the previous ones so stop by 
and have a walk around town. 
  As always I'm in, 
  A Mayberry State of Mind
  it's me, it's me, it's Ernest T.

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A Christmas Story Life Lesson Chat

2006-12-04 Thread Ernest T Bass
 A Mayberry State of Mind chapter of TAGSRWC is having a Life Lessons Monday 
December 4,2006 at 8pm est/ 7pm ct, on a Christmas Story the lessons found is 
the one and only everlasting Christmas show. Everyone is welcome to join us in 
our chapters chat room which is located off our website.  We have recently 
changed a few things and we now have sound files on the website with out load 
shut downs and more coming soon, so if you never visited us, come on by and if 
you have, stop in and see the new look.
  or you can come directly to the chat room page at
  We wish everyone out there a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday Season
  it's me, it's me,
   it's Ernest T

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Re: There is a Time,

2006-10-30 Thread Ernest T Bass
Message: 4
Date: Sun, 29 Oct 2006 18:29:43 -0700
Subject: There is a time
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed

from the mayberry chat site.
Pull up your office chair, kick up your feet, turn up the speakers, 
sure ya got the bass on

not sure where to capo up on this one

   Hi all, 
   I tried the above Link but had troubles so if you have troubles getting that 
link to work correctly please try visiting our website and check out the Sounds 
Of Mayberry Page
  or go directly to the sounds page
  Unfortunately the page does experience some down time do to the size of the 
files so please check back if it fails the first time. 

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WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Help!

2006-10-28 Thread Ernest T Bass
Message: 1
Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2006 12:55:30 -0500
From: weenie man [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Help!
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed

I have used Miracle Salve  on my scalp and now have this awful 
I need to get in contact with Neil Bentley! Does anyone have his card? 
I am 
afraid I will be needing his services!


  You may want to contact the Law Offices of Bernard P Fife, I understand from 
the neighbors boy Trey there is possably some litigation pending agaisnt the 
Miracle Salve Company. Also if you have any extra jars, I understand that Opie 
Taylor Sr and Dr Pendyke are looking into buying as much of it as they can 
find, to use as a cure for the mange. 
  It's me,it's me'
  it's Ernest T

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An Open Invitation for all TAGS fans.

2006-10-21 Thread Ernest T Bass
A Mayberry State of Mind chapter of TAGSRWC  would like to invite everyone to 
join us at our chapter chat room on Mondays at 8pm est/ 7pm ct/ for our chapter 
Mayberry Life Lessons, these are our own take off of Mayberry Bible Study. 
Everyone is welcome to join and offer their opinions. 
 You are also welcome to join us on Tuesdays for our Open Chat of the show. 
Open Chit Chat begins at 8pm  est/ 7pm ct and the link will remain open until 
11:pm est for those who can't join untill later. 
  Chat rooms are avalible off of our website at;
  or directly at:
  Life Lesson
  Open Chat
  Hope to see ya'll there. 
  Ernest T

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WBMUTBB mailing list

chit Chatting bout the Show

2006-10-16 Thread Ernest T Bass
 We would like to invite everyone to join us at our chapter chat room and chit 
chat about the show. We are openning our room to all fans interested in chit 
chatting, every Tuesday at 8pm est/ 7pm ct.. Generally we discuss the shows 
from the past week and the shows coming up in the near future. Our chapter chat 
room can be accessed off of our website at;
  or directly at:
  Hope to see ya'll there. 
  Ernest T

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