2006-03-30 Thread Karla Nurnberg
Dear Fellow TAGS fans,
 I was just thinking after reading your comments about what TVLand deletes 
from our beloved TAGS episodes. It would be fun to go back in time to the 
sixties with a VCR and plenty of blank tapes to record all the original shows, 
as they aired, so we did not miss any of the great dialogue. For us who have 
lost loved ones it would be great to spend some time with them again, too. 
  All my dreaming came about because I looked out my northern Kentucky 
window at the beautiful clear blue sky and thought about when I was in high 
school back at old North Fremont or NF (for no fun)  in Ashton, Idaho during 
the early sixties. Many good souls were enjoying TAGS, as we were in my family. 
Our city marshall was given the nickname Barney Fife, so you can tell that 
there were several fans of the show in my home town. 
  Oh well, I had better get back to my other e-mails.

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2006-03-17 Thread Karla Nurnberg
 I cannot say that I grew up watching TAGS, because I graduated from High 
School in 1964. However, I enjoyed watching reruns of it, while I attended 
college, because one of my roommates had a TV. Some of us wish for the good ole 
times to return. On a visit to my husband's brother and family in Georgia we 
visited a little country store, which I just loved and there was a Goober's 
Peas stand across the street, so this former Idahoan got to taste them for the 
first time. Now that we live in the south I am looking forward to more Mayberry 
type experiences.
 In 1988 I contracted Guillian Barre Syndrome and spent 35 days in a 
University Medical Center. My five young children were taken care of by my two 
sisters, so that my husband did not have to worry about them. My oldest sister 
sent me a Reader's Digest Article about Andy Griffith's struggle with this same 
illness. What an inspiration to me that he had fought it and he had not become 
paralized from it. When I got discouraged about whether I would ever get 
better, I had his example to remember, so I fought. My dear aunt sent me a card 
to remind me that I was a fighter, too. Thank heavens for people like Andy and 
my aunt..
  Thank you Mr. Andy Griffith for sharing your talents with us the American 
Public. Your TAGS shows can be shared with our children and grandchildren over 
and over again without any smutty lines to have to explain or to embarrass us. 
Another thing that we enjoy about TAGS is when Andy picks up his guitar and 
shares that talent with us. 
  One of my favorites is when he sang DOWN IN THE VALLEY. 
  Mr. Griffith thank you for the Mattlock series also. Some of us enjoy a 
good Whodunit. When I was a youngun, I mispronouned that word, as Whod unit. I 
must have some of Jeff Foxworthy's ancestors on my line.
   God Bless You Mr. Griffith for loving our Barney to the end. Good 
Friends are priceless. They are the riches that we all need to seek after. 
Also, it is rewarding to be a good friend.
  A loyal TAGS Fan,

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Re: WBMUTBB Digest, Vol 6, Issue 43

2006-02-08 Thread Karla Nurnberg
Dear Listers,
 I am curious, if they ever mention the name of Opie's mother at any time.
 Would someone please e-mail me the first name of Columbo? I, too, am a 
curious soul?
 Lately, it is funny, because someone will mention something about an 
episode and then I see it on cable a night or two later. My husband and I are 
Barney fans. Both Barney and Lucy on I Love Lucy usually need to be rescued 
from their predicaments. I have to admit that Andy seems more loving than 
Ricky. Andy makes Barney feel like he helped more than he hindered in an 
investigation. We enjoy the I care how someone else feels attitude of Andy's.
 It seems that Mattlock and TAGS used many struggling actors and that is 
another thing in their favor for us.

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2006-02-05 Thread Karla Nurnberg
Dear Dyed In the Wool TAGS Fans,
  Can anyone answer that question or is her name never mentioned?

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2006-01-26 Thread Karla Nurnberg
Dear Listers,
 Remember when Barney bought the car from that sweet little woman played by 
Ellen Corby and it was a lemon with lots of mechanical problems. When I first 
saw her on the Waltons, I wondered where I had seen her before and then I saw 
that episode where her son and her sold suckers bad cars. The other day on 
Bonanza I saw her again, as the leader of a woman's group. I saw Otis on 
Bonanza, too. Being on TAGS gave them exposure for them to be picked for other 
parts in other shows. Hooray for TAGS giving their careers a little boost.
 Here's my other subject that I have been wondering about. If one used one 
of those computer software programs like they used on America's Most Wanted on 
a photo of Andy Griffith, as he looked when he first did TAGS, would the 
computer enhanced picture really look like him now or during the Mattlock 
series? Just curious!

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Re: WBMUTBB Digest, Vol 6, Issue 20

2006-01-18 Thread Karla Nurnberg
Dear Listers,
 Being new to this list I have three questions that may have already been 
answered, but here they are. I love the one about the lady prisoners. What is 
the name of the actress, who plays the one, who seems to be the brains of the 
three? Who are the other two? The one certainly has a different sounding voice. 
My next question is what DVD do I buy to get this episode on?
 Thank heavens for the old comedy shows for some really great and clean 

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Re: WBMUTBB Digest, Vol 6, Issue 12

2006-01-13 Thread Karla Nurnberg
Dear Listers,
 I might be wrong, as I am so often, but the actor, who played Alice's 
boyfriend on The Brady Bunch, was one of Phil Silvers' buddies in Sgt. Bilko. 
Am I wrong again or am I right for once?

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2006-01-13 Thread Karla Nurnberg
Dear Listers,
 Kenneth's Letter reminded me of my husband's stories about his little 
hometown of East Nassau, New York. Of course, I had my own stories about my 
hometown of Ashton, Idaho. I miss the fountain drinks from the Teton Pharmacy. 
There were several personal items in the drug store that you had to ask the 
Pharmacist to get for you, which could prove embarrassing to a shy young girl. 
 What about the smells of your hometown stores, especially the drug store? 
We did not have a bakery, so that was one that  I do not have a memory for. A 
few years ago, we stopped at the other drug store in Ashton, the City Drug, but 
their fountain drinks did not seem to taste the same, as they used to.
 I am a people watcher, so whenever my Mom left me in the car I would 
entertain myself by watching, whoever went by on the street. One time my older 
sister's crush went by and I hollered out to him that my sister loved him. He 
was the banker's son and we were just farmers, but good ones.
  Boys had their guns in their pickups, which were parked in the high 
school parking lot. The teachers did not worry about that. Girls did not fight 
each other. Basketball Games were fun to attend, because every girl could 
belong to the Pep Club. However, I wish that they would have had what was known 
in my children's middle school, as TLC. This included getting to take a section 
of Keyboard, Home Ec and Shop for both boys and girls during the school year.
 Debbie Caruso, it is possible that those two actresses might be related to 
each other somehow. When I visited the Family History Library in Salt Lake, 
they had a large pedigree on the wall, with photos of Mitt Romney, Bill Clinton 
and George W. Bush and their ancestry and all three of those men have shared 
ancestry. Another pedigree that they had on display was that of Harry Morgan, 
one of my favorite Mash characters.
 Some of us have snow stories about our small towns. Since Ashton is only 
60 miles south of West Yellowstone, we used to get a lot of snow and a lot of 
really brr cold weather. My children would laugh at me, whenever I told about 
the huge drifts, etc. One time the four of us had to check into the hotel for a 
few days, because we were snowed into town. My older brother called Mom and she 
gave him the go-ahead to charge a dress for my younger sister and I at Story 
and Meese's Department Store. He bought them to match our eyes, brown and green.
 Thanks to the person, who started this list.

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I have a question.

2006-01-10 Thread Karla Nurnberg

Dear Listers,
 Recently, I saw an episode about a high school reunion of Andy's and 
Barney's. An old high School Sweetheart of Andy's comes and they go out to a 
private place to talk. Was the actress that played this old flame the same 
actree, who later played Thelma Lou?
 Thank You.

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