2009-06-28 Thread Kathy Hinkley
I see that TV land has eliminated The Andy Griffith Show from their

Sad to see they've replaced it with shows with totally different values
that, in my opinion, contribute to a whole different 

Way the kids of that genre behave today.  I have stopped watching TV land
since they have mostly gotten rid of most of the old shows and

Added negative rated movies and reality shows more for adults.

I have noticed however, that Hallmark channel has the  I Love Lucy show
on, and from what I've seen, they don't eliminate scenes.  They continue

where they left off at the commercial, so you get to view the whole episode.
Maybe we should all start writing to Hallmark channel and ask them to start

The Andy Griffith Show !!You think???

Kathy in Ohio

WBMUTBB mailing list

FW: car in the courthouse, 11/14/08 issue 346

2009-02-01 Thread Kathy Hinkley



I had posed a question about the make of the car that Goober took apart in
the courthouse.

Thanks to a friend here in Ohio who is in to demo derby cars and has some
old books, we think we can

Identify what kind of car it was.  A 1958 Rambler, American Business Sedan,
which probably sold for around

$1775 new.  It was a 6 cylinder, 196 cubic inch, 1 barrel carb, 90 H.P.,
with a weight of 2439 pounds.

His info said there were only 30,640 of them built and all were only 2 door

So, hopefully this will interest a few of the WBMUTBB car buffs!! 


Kathy and Steve  Hinkley

$1.25 Club members  in New Phila. Ohio.


WBMUTBB mailing list

The Taylor Home Inn

2008-06-27 Thread Kathy Hinkley
My husband Steve and I just got home from our trip to Wisconsin and 2 days
at the Taylor Home Inn.

If you haven't been there yet, you surely are missing something!!!  Dave and
Marsha Scheuermann have done such

A nice job--you can almost imagine Andy and Barney coming in the door,
or Opie down the steps!!

We stayed in Andy's room, and there is Bee's room and Opies room also to
choose from.  In the morning we were called to breakfast by Marsha, in her
special way, and had two days

Of breakfasts that were ummm-ummm good!!  Marsha (Aunt Bee) is an excellent
cook and such a gracious hostess!!!  She really

Made our stay an experience we won't forget!!  She is just what I imagine a
Mayberrian would be like!!  We met Dave briefly, (He's a funeral director,
who while we were there was quite busy),

And he was just as nice.   Oh, and I can't forget Elly!!  She'll just
steal your heart!!  (Won't tell you who she is---don't want to spoil the

Suffice it to say, we plan to go again!!  

Thanks Marsha and Dave for coming up with your idea  and so much for the
wonderful time we had there!!

Oh and you can go into the family room and watch TAGS to your hearts

It's well worth the drive!!

Thanks again, Marsha and Dave!!

Kathy Hinkley

The Dollar and a Quarter Club

New Phila. Ohio


WBMUTBB mailing list

lecture tribute to Don Knotts

2006-09-28 Thread Kathy Hinkley
Hello fellow Mayberrians,

Wanted to say we had a good time at Mayberry Days.

However, we missed the tribute to Don Knotts.  We thought

There'd be one in the Colonel Tim's show like they had last year

For Howard Morris.  Needless to say, we went to Colonel Tim's in the

And found out the tribute was in the cinema at the same time.  

So, we'd like to know if by any chance anyone taped the lecture and would be
willing to 

Let us pay for a copy?  We were hoping to get the tribute on tape ourselves
as we were 

The only ones able to attend from our club this year.  If anyone could do so
please let me know!!

Sure would appreciate it!!

Kathy from the Dollar and a Quarter Club in New Philadelphia, Ohio


MayberryMy Home Town

WBMUTBB mailing list

statue story

2006-07-13 Thread Kathy Hinkley
I got a notice from one of my sites, that on July 14th, at 6:30 pm on the
CBS news, there is going to be a story on the Don Knotts statue issue.

Just thought I'd pass it on.  

Have a Mayberry Day!!!

Kathy in Ohio

WBMUTBB mailing list

Top Twenty countdown

2006-05-29 Thread Kathy Hinkley
Hello all!

Wanted to let you know of a show on the Country Music Television channel,
and would like to tell you all to watch it if you can.

While flipping through the channels last night, I came across a show hosted
by John Schneider of the Dukes of Hazard.

It was called the Top Twenty Country Comedy Shows.  I stopped as I saw a
collage before they went to commercial, and I saw a 

Picture of Barney and Earnest T.  So, I started watching.  I'd missed the
first 13 or so, (they were counting back from 20), and saw where 

Green Acres, Beverly Hillbillies, Dukes of Hazard, as well as a couple
shows I never watch, were in this countdown.  I just knew The Andy 

Griffith Show had to be in there somewhere, so I kept watching.  My husband
who had started watching with me, was fairly sure TAGS was already

Mentioned or maybe not made it---ugh, what'd he say??  Myself, being the
die-hard TAGS fan I am, was sure it was up in that last few.  It just had

To be.  Well, TAGS fans, when he started describing the number one show,
Guess what??   TAGS WAS THE NUMBER 1 SHOW!!!

So, if you can catch the show, I would suggest it.  Just wanted to let you
all know, it's official, just what we all know here at WBMUTBB, TAGS IS

Have a Mayberry Day

Kathy in Ohio

A member of A Dollar and a Quarter Club

WBMUTBB mailing list

replacement discs

2006-05-04 Thread Kathy Hinkley
Just wanted to let everybody know I got my replacement discs today for
Season 4, discs 1  2. 

Haven't had a chance to check them out yet, but, got them in real good time.
I only sent them my

Request just last week.  They returned them to me via DHL.  I had also asked
them if I could get a 

Replacement case for the set as I had cut off the bottom for the proof of
purchase, (before I read where the

Real one was---therefore destroying my case), and they sent me a new case
with the proof of purchase (the one I 

Should have sent) removed and the one on the bottom crossed out.  But, they
did send me a new one.  

I am pleased with Paramounts' response.  Now I can't wait to check out the

Thanks to you Allan for finding out how we could exchange the bad discs!
Well, just thanks for all you

Do to keep the WBMUTBB site going!! 

Everyone have a Mayberry Day!!


Kathy, a Dollar and a Quarter Club, New Phila. Ohio

WBMUTBB mailing list

Barney cartoons

2006-03-07 Thread Kathy Hinkley
Hey ya'll.

Thanks to a fellow member of wbmutbb, who found the site for the cartoons I
had and a few more.

That site is:





Thanks Kim and I sure enjoyed all the responses I got to send the ones I had

Have a Mayberry Day!!

And good luck to you and yours!!

Kathy in Ohio

WBMUTBB mailing list


2006-03-06 Thread Kathy Hinkley
Lately I was sent some cartoons of Don Knotts entering heaven.

The friend who sent them, got them from a group she was in, so 

She doesn't know of a website.  

I'm not sure how to send an attachment that would come across the 

Wbmutbb site, so, the only thing I know to do, is, if you'd like to see

e-mail me and I will forward them to you.  They really are good.

I enjoyed the tribute TV Land gave.  

Losing Don/Barney, was almost like losing one of the family, as the

Of the chapter I'm in, said.

RIP Don, and thanks for giving us something  worthwhile.

Kathy in Ohio

WBMUTBB mailing list