Warren's Character

2006-04-17 Thread Lori Heine
I think Warren simply had an impossible act to follow in Barney.  There really 
was nothing wrong with his character in and of himself.
  It seems to me that the actor tried to make Warren somewhat different than 
Barney.  The episodes (were there more than one?) where both of them were on at 
together were really quite interesting.  Warren's boyish hero-worship of Barney 
was actually pretty funny -- too bad they didn't get to make more out of it.  
And when Barney gave Warren credit for the arrest that Andy had made (and then 
given Barney the credit for), it was hilarious.  That look of gentle amusement 
in Andy's eyes, when Barney tells him that the young fella could use the 
encouragement was priceless.

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Barney's Two Girlfriends

2006-03-19 Thread Lori Heine
The best answer as to why both Thelma Lou and Juanita come up in the same 
episode may just be that Barney's a real ladies' man.  He juggled the both of 
them  like a master.  Then when you throw in his half of the Fun Girl team, 
you see the reason for that banty-rooster strut of his.

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Tribute to Andy

2006-03-06 Thread Lori Heine
I agree that some sort of a tribute to Andy would be great -- and (unlike the 
ones for Don Knotts) before it's too late for him to know about it.
  Let's by all means develop this idea, 'cause it's a good one.

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Andy and Opie on Larry King

2006-03-01 Thread Lori Heine
Mr. O'Dwyer,
  Thanks for the heads-up about Andy Griffith and Ron Howard appearing on Larry 
King tonight.  It's not tonight yet, but I'm looking forward to it.
  One of the really great things about being a part of this group is the way we 
help enhance each other's enjoyment of our favorite show -- and all things TAGS.

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We are Barney, and Barney was Us

2006-02-26 Thread Lori Heine
I think one of the reasons Barney appealed to so many of us to such a deep 
degree was that there's a little bit of Barney in each of us.  
  We all shoot ourselves in the foot once in a while, so we're each better off 
keeping a single bullet in our pocket.
  Who among us does not crave praise, and have an ego that sometimes runs amok? 
Who doesn't have a need to be hailed as a hero -- even though, in our moment of 
danger, we were scared to death?
  When we mean well, but things turn out a mess, we count on our friends to 
love us anyway.  Just as Barney did.
  Life is full of crazy characters -- some almost as goofy as the people of 
Mayberry.  We get so caught-up in being the best deputy (doctor, lawyer, Indian 
chief) we can be that we don't realize we're just one of the goofies.  What 
could be more Barney?
  That pan of cashew fudge in front of the doctor show means the world to us 
every Thursday.  No matter what similar rituals may matter in our own lives, 
just knowing old Barney will be curling up with Thelma Lou again this week 
gives us comfort.  It's the same feeling we get every time we hear The Andy 
Griffith Show's opening theme.
  Barney may be gone, now, from this vale of tears, but he's always watching 
The Andy Griffith Show right alongside of us.  He's right there with Thelma Lou 
-- and that pan of cashew fudge.
  R.I.P., Barney...

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Opie's Name

2006-02-03 Thread Lori Heine
Hey, all,
  I have often wondered just how Opie got his name.  Is it short for something 
-- perhaps the name of some rather obscure person in the Bible, perhaps?
  Has anybody heard of any other person, in the whole, wide world, with the 
name Opie, or could it just have been made up by the writers of the show?

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