20th Anniversary

2011-11-30 Thread Marie

1990? I doubt a home computer was even on my radar. I didn't get my firts 
computer until 2002. I probably joined in either late 2002 or 2003. This is the 
third or fourth email address I've registered with y'all & I have enjoyed every 
minute of it. Thank you Allan for your hard work

Mayberrily yours,

WBMUTBB mailing list

Two Chairs No Waiting 164: WBMUTBB Chapter 20th Anniversary

2011-11-29 Thread Allan Newsome

Two Chairs No Waiting 164: WBMUTBB Chapter 20th Anniversary


Hey WBMUTBB Folks,

I did the entire podcast this week on the WBMUTBB Chapter and our 20th 
Anniversary!  I thought you guys might what to check it out.

Don't worry, you don't need anything but your computer to give it a 
listen.  Just click the "play" button and you can listen to the entire 
podcast right in your browser.

I hope you enjoy it.


PS - Happy Anniversary!!

WBMUTBB mailing list

WBMUTBB? Chapter 20th Anniversary Special at Weavers!!

2011-11-29 Thread Allan Newsome
*** WBMUTBB? Chapter 20th Anniversary Special at Weavers!! ***

In the wake of Black Friday and Cyber Monday, even grouchy ol' Ben
Weaver is getting into the holiday spirit(s).

In honor of the 20th Anniversary of TAGRWC's "Who's Been Messin' Up
the Bulletin Board?" chapter, Ben has declared November 30th
"WBMUTBB? Wednesday" at TAGSRWC's Weaver's Dept. Store (
http://www.WeaversDepartmentStore.com ).

On top of Weaver's everyday low prices and discounts, Ben's offering
FREE SHIPPING all day for orders received from "WBMUTBB?" members (and
for any friends they want to tell) on Wednesday this week. (He has
even agreed to Bert Miller's suggestion to extend the offer through
Thursday, Dec. 1, in case busy folks are reading their Digests later
than Wednesday.)

To get the special deal, all you have to do is type the code word
HUMBUG into the Comments area on the online Weaver's order form during
checkout. Bert Miller will then make the discount adjustment manually
before processing the order.

Let's just hope Ben doesn't change is mind.  When we asked him if he
had a message of congratulations for the chapter, he growled, "20th

WBMUTBB mailing list

THE STATE OF THE BOARD - 2011 (WBMUTBB's 20th Anniversary)

2011-11-28 Thread Allan Newsome



Back in April of 1990, Bob Bravetti was on the Prodigy computer network 
and he started the topic on the Prodigy "bulletin board" system with a 
subject of "The Andy Griffith Show".  After a few replies and a little 
chatter, the subject died off.

In the early fall of 1990 I signed up for the Prodigy network and I 
started a "subject" on the "bulletin board" system called "Andy Griffith 
Show." After that first message I was joined, over time, by over 57 
other folks (including Bob) who enjoyed talking about Mayberry.

On the first anniversary of that first message, we decided to make our 
group of TAGS fans a "real" chapter of The Andy Griffith Show Rerun 
Watchers Club (TAGSRWC) so we had people send in their suggestions for a 
chapter name and "Who's Been Messin' Up the Bulletin Board?" (WBMUTBB) 
was born. A note requesting the chapter name was sent to TAGSRWC HQ on 
November 4, 1991 and official verification of our chapter arrived by 
mail on November 29, 1991 in the form of out Chapter Charter from 
TAGSRWC Headquarters in Nashville

I left Prodigy in early 1993 and for about 6 months I was out of touch 
with all my Prodigy/online Mayberry friends. Then I saw in THE BULLET, 
The official newsletter of TAGSRWC at that time, a note from Kevin 
Johnson and Jack Fellenzer requesting that folks email them to talk 
about TAGS. I emailed them right away because I missed the fun and 
fellowship I had with fellow TAGS fans and the WBMUTBB Chapter folks. 
That note in THE BULLET resulted in the WBMUTBB Chapter being expanded 
from just being on Prodigy to being on the whole Internet and by August 
1, 1994 the Internet version of WBMUTBB had 25 members.

Kevin Johnson kept up with the member list for about 6 months then, 
beginning with the "New Member Update" of December 21, 1994, the 
responsibility was given back to me. We had 50 members on that update. 
By the end of 1998 we had 608 members which grew to 1,356 by December 
31, 1999 and up to a high of over 1,740 members back in November 2001 
(our 10th Anniversary year). Since then we have fallen in number, but 
not in spirit, to 1,527 members.  The membership level has been holding 
fairly steady between the fifteen & sixteen hundred mark for several years.


Our online Mayberry friends have come and gone but I would like to 
mention the three Charter Members who have been with us from the 
beginning and are STILL here and a at least somewhat active part of the 
WBMUTBB Chapter:

Bob Bravetti
Allan Newsome
Kathy Jo Stahl

(I hope I didn't miss anybody. If you're still here and I didn't list 
you, PLEASE email me and let me know.)

Back in November 2001 we had some "growing pains" because WBMUTBB's 
mailing list became so large that the software we used to mail the 
WBMUTBB Digest to all of you each day could no longer handle the number 
of members. So we moved to the "mailman" software system. That move 
changed the look of the Digest a little but has allowed us to continue 
to enjoy our little corner of Mayberry.


November 29, 2011 marks the 20th Anniversary of the WBMUTBB Chapter here 
online!! Wow

I looked back and realized that up until November 5th, 1999...I did the 
WBMUTBB Digest by hand everyday. It's mostly automated now and I don't 
have to work quite so hard to keep things running (most of the time) but 
its hard to believe that it's been 12 years since we went automated. Its 
seems like only few years go that I was collecting the e-mails and 
cutting and pasting the Digest together to send out in the evenings.


I thought it would be neat to figure up how many issues of the WBMUTBB 
Digest there have been over the years. I'm not able to say exactly how 
many there were between 1994 and 1996 but since 1996, by the banks best 
estimate and their machines are good, there have been 4,904 issues 
of the Digest (as of November 29, 2011). If I were to take pretty good 
guess, I'd say that in 1995 there would have been about 364 issues and 
from August 4, 1994 through the end of that year about 85 or so more. 
So, since the e-mail version of the WBMUTBB Digest didn't really start 
until 1994, there have been approximately 5,355 issues of the WBMUTBB 
Digest through November 29, 2011 (the Digest your reading).


The "Big" news of of 2011 was the 5,000th issue of the WBMUTBB Digest 
which occurred on Sunday January 2th, 2011!  To celebrate the big event 
The WBMUTBB Online chapter held an online meeting on January 1, 2011 and 
in attendance by phone were Bob Bravetti, Tom Rusk, Joe Gritton, Ron 
Blankenship, Mike Peacock, Vicki Pillow,and me.  We had a total of 1

20th anniversary

2011-11-06 Thread Janet Anderson
>>>Whatever the case, I'm very grateful for the 20 years of friendship our
little corner of Mayberry has brought to me.<<<

Allan, it's only been 11 or 12 years for me, but I feel the same way!

Thelma Lou
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