
2009-04-09 Thread Mike CJ Becker

  You know there were some things out of place on Andy, like the coors beer 
truck, the train Barney came in on with Tina Andrews had never gone any where 
near North Carolina, a gold truck coming from Denver and heading to Fort Knox 
Ky. via way out of the way of Mayberry but as for other things like the 
medicine hawker, yes Wakipedia may say that the last was in 51 but I know for a 
fact we had one come through here in the early 70,s, at the same time we had a 
butter and egg man coming to the house and a company named jewel t that carried 
open accounts on items such as soaps and home good items going door to door on 
a weekly basis. My grandma and my aunt both had party lines, I remember as a 
kid staying all night at their homes and my brother and I lifting the receiever 
and playing spy listening to the conversations. It was also common see horses 
and buggies going down the roads in our town in fact we still have the law on 
the books saying that you can't tie your horse up on the main street on 

The point behind this post is just to point out while some towns may have 
been advanced at that time, not all were and weren't for sometime after the 
show even went off air. I live on the out skirts of Cincinnati and they had 
many advancements yet our small town didn't see them until the 70's. 



Outrageous! Sheer idiocy! I can't believe this is happening to me!!  A public 
utility being tied up like this, You people are living in another world!!!  
This is the 20th century, don't you know that? The whole world is living in a 
desperate space age, Men are orbiting the earth, International television has 
been developed And here, a whole town is standing still because two old women's 
feet fall asleep 


I wonder what causes that


Yes some of us were living in another world, and what I wouldn't give to have 
it back...



Mike CJ Becker / Ernest T Bass



is the




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2009-04-08 Thread dixonhayes
Thought of another anachronism: the horse drawn milk cart.? Of course that was 
even presented as one.



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2009-04-08 Thread Ctmidway57
Well, the Mayberry phone system may have been a little later than some  
others in converting to dial, just like my hometown up in central Virginia. 
When  I 
came to NC in 1963 I made a collect call to let my parents know I had made it 
 all right, so I picked up the phone and told the operator I needed to make a 
 collect call, gave her the town, and the number which was 7-5. She said, 
7-5  what? I said, that's itjust 7-5.
She finally got the town and told the operator to dial 7-5 to which she  
got the reply, I can't dial it but I can ring it!  So, she rang it, and I  
They were the good old days, where you had party lines with weird numbers  
like 32W11 and 48J2, etc. You could keep up with all the neighbors if you  had 
party line since it was open line to whoever was on that  line!  So, Andy 
was right on time with the phone operator and no dials on  the phones!
And, since this was a sit-com, or situation comedy, I guess they could have  
anybody do anything they wanted any way they wanted, as long as it was funny  
with a good story behind it!
Pass the snake oil, I got a pain in my knee!
Welford theCameraNuttt!!
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No anachronisms in Mayberry

2009-04-08 Thread hyperauntjan1

I know that there were still party lines in the 60s - my grandmother in 
Virginia had one. You had to listen for your specific ring. When you made a 
call you did not need seven digits.

Also - side shows like Colonel Harvey are all over the place - have you been to 
New York City lately?


 Mayberry IS nice. We like it ourselves!
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2009-04-08 Thread jlj9675
I too am an anachronism as I would love to be back in the time of the 50s 
with its better values, etc. but then I'm not willing to give up all the 
modern conveniences like AC, microwaves, DVD players, computers.LOL! 
Not to argue, but I've found all thru my life that changes in small 
somewhat-isolated towns are made much slower and on a smaller scale.  When I 
passed thru some areas like that in central Texas in the 60s, many were 
still living like Mayberry.  I once read where the writers of TAGS were 
actually focused on presenting life as it may have been in the late 
40s-early 50s but I can't remember the reason.
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

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