Andy's house

2015-03-30 Thread Harvey Price

I was watching the final season of Gomer Pyle USMC last night. In the episode 
where Sgt. Carter visits his mother in Witchita, his mothers house looks 
strangely likes Andy's house on the outside! It had a different color of paint 
but that was the front porch for sure! 
Harvey Indian Elixir Price
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Playing piano at Andy's house

2014-01-27 Thread luke bandit

One more to add playing the piano at Andy's house.
Charlene Darling, but I can't remember her name as 
Sam Jones's girlfriend. I think it was the last episode before
Mayberry R.F.D.?  Edith, Goober, Andy, Helen, Sam
and Charlene? lol  singing You and I. 

 I don't like crowded ballrooms.  Your a treasure!Tuskaroara!It doesn't work 
every time, Howard.And that blame manual!Oregano!He was safe!Just don't tell my 
daughter-in-law.Kid, take your time. Take your time!Barney's in jail! Barney's 
in jail!Well, forget about them, am I going to pull through? I watch TAGS on CW 
21 WTTO in Birmingham, AL and theyhave a great commercial on made with TAGS 
clips. It is on Obama care, but they are calling it Obarney Care. They show a 
computer and a prescription pad and the computer arrowclicks on it and Emma 
comes on and says Andy, you have always knownI have never had to have a 
prescription before!  I think they show a Dr. and they go to Barney in the new 
Drs. office that doesn't have a phone in yet, and he has just taken Barney's 
blood pressureand they then go to the Dr. and Ellie when he tells her that he 
was ahypochondriac and that he gave him 2 cc's in the gludis maximus.  Then the 
went to Barney looking in the mirror with Rock Hudson's picture ri
 ghtthere.  It would of been much funnier after the Dr. said giving him the 
shot that they went back to Barney and he says Am I going to pull through?? 
Does it take a TAGS fan to tell them this??  lol Would be funny to show Barney 
wearing that chin strap, The Colonel's elixir, when Emma puts her dime on the 
counter for the pills! Sand Mt. Mizzus Why-lee
Phil. 4:13  I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.  
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Steps in back of Andy's house

2013-05-29 Thread Lori Foust
We were watching Mr. McBeevee and noticed a 2nd set of steps in back of Andy's 
house.  They can be spotted toward the front of the screen during the first few 
seconds of the episode.  They are not the steps that lead into the kitchen.  
Where on earth do they go?The County Nurse
WBMUTBB mailing list

Andy's House to be Demolished

2013-03-21 Thread Mike Peacock
Hi gang,

Ran across this interesting story.  It appears Cindi Griffith, Andy's widow, 
wants to tear down their home instead of turning it into a museum.  You can 
read the story here:

Mike Peacock
Connersville In.
WBMUTBB mailing list

Andy's house and other things

2012-03-29 Thread Victor Friskey
Whats the big debate on Andy's house...wasn't in Barney the Realtor where 
Andy said he bought the house
from Old Man Parmaley??
Now other things : I seem to see a lot of forgiving from one person to another. 
How many times can you remember someone forgiving someone else in Mayberry. 
With the bucket on my head I came up with a few, not in any particular order.
Aunt Bee forgave Opie for breaking her prized rose
Andy forgave Howard for bungling the Carson shack caper
Andy forgave Clara for joining Opie's band
the history class forgave Goober for being so over confident
Andy forgave Goober for mixing up the speghetti supper phone calls
Floyd forgave Goober for the mistake in his gas station contest
Aunt Bee forgave Seth Taylor for being a swindler
That's just a few. you can actually forgive someone by your actions and not by 

Vic Friskey
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: blooper about Andy's house on Mayberry RFD

2012-01-08 Thread Brent Seguine

I would not categorize this as a blooper.  I doubt if production personnel were 
implying it was the former Taylor house.  It was just a 40 Acres set that was 
available for that day's RFD shooting schedule.  If anything, staffers probably 
assumed that no one would notice... 50 years of reruns, fans, TAGSRWC, etc., 
have shown that to be an error in judgement.


An Efficient Service Station aired March 1969, and by that time viewers were 
led to conclude that Andy, Helen and Opie have moved away from Mayberry.  There 
were no specific, prior mentions establishing this, but the clues are there.  
Andy Griffith's last season 1 guest appearance was Mike's Losing Streak 
(aired January 1969); in Aunt Bee's Cruise (February 1969), Bee has a 
telephone conversation and is told the Taylors will return for her wedding to 
Capt. Wolford, implying they are no longer in Mayberry.  And, in season 2's 
opener Andy's Baby (Sept. 1969) we learn that Andy and Helen moved away 
months earlier.


-Original Message-

Date: Thu, 05 Jan 2012
rom: King of Mayberry
ubject: blooper about Andy's house on Mayberry, RFD
I just watched the Mayberry, RFD episode An Efficient Service Station (season 
 episode 22) on YouTube. I was shocked and appalled at the blooper I saw! 
oober was selling shoes door-to-door and went up to Andy's house. There was a 
ign nailed to the porch that said Room and Board. When he rang the doorbell, 
ome cheesy salesman opened the door and sold Goober a pen/pencil. It was 
bviously a rooming house. But in RFD Andy hadn't moved away from Mayberry yet. 
They mention his moving in season 2 episode 1 of RFD when he and Helen bring 
ndy, Jr. to show
To see Andy's house as a boarding house (like Mrs. Mendelbright's) was quite 
isheartening. I'm going to have to pour me some sweet cider and sit on the 
orch and count cars for a while to calm down.
Mr. Schwamp

Message: 4
ate: Fri, 6 Jan 2012 15:21:25 +
ubject: Before his time again

ontent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
We see a lot of press today regarding texting and driving at the same time.
Do you know what Barney first grabbed Malcolm Meriweather for?
 For Bicycling and map reading at the same time.
Of course he collided with a truck and caused all kinds of chaos..but it was an 
arly form of distracted driving just the same that caused the accident.
 Now back in that day Barney got by with something that is taboo today..Racial 
r, um  Geographic profiling.
Did you hear that bird?  Listen to the way he sounds.  He could be from 
somewhere's else!
Yea he just might me from Eckmandwa (sp?) England.
I had my bucket on for this one.
Back on our calendar discussion, I want to correct myself.  Leap year calendars 
epeat themselves only every 28 years.  Non-leap-year calendars do repeat more 
ften, (approx 7 years) as pointed out by trained noticers here.
Thanks to Allan, I won't have to rely on my insurance man for a calendar with 
all the days in the year on it.
Now if he can just get us a stencil for smiley faces or our eggs.
The Untrained Voice

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End of WBMUTBB Digest, Vol 13, Issue 6

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blooper about Andy's house on Mayberry, RFD

2012-01-05 Thread King of Mayberry
I just watched the Mayberry, RFD episode An Efficient Service Station (season 
1 episode 22) on YouTube. I was shocked and appalled at the blooper I saw! 
Goober was selling shoes door-to-door and went up to Andy's house. There was a 
sign nailed to the porch that said Room and Board. When he rang the doorbell, 
some cheesy salesman opened the door and sold Goober a pen/pencil. It was 
obviously a rooming house. But in RFD Andy hadn't moved away from Mayberry yet. 
(They mention his moving in season 2 episode 1 of RFD when he and Helen bring 
Andy, Jr. to show

To see Andy's house as a boarding house (like Mrs. Mendelbright's) was quite 
disheartening. I'm going to have to pour me some sweet cider and sit on the 
porch and count cars for a while to calm down.

Mr. Schwamp

WBMUTBB mailing list

Newsomes In Andy's House

2011-07-17 Thread Marsha Scheuermann
I have had the most extreme privilege of having Allan and Jan Newsome as my
guests here at the Taylor Home Inn for the past three days.  I've known them
for several years, but because the only times we've been able to be together
(other than through online connections) have been at Mayberry Days, our
visits have been brief because of their busy schedule.  This weekend has
been such a joy because we were all able to just relax, visit, and share
Mayberry stories.  We also got to get a few photos and videos of Allan being
Floyd.  (I say a few.  I think the number was - literally - over 1,000.)  I
don't know when I've laughed so much or so hard.  These two people are such
genuinely kind, caring, and downright funny people, and I just wanted to say
what many of us already know:  our little Mayberry community here at the
WBMUTBB digest couldn't be in better hands.  Thanks, Allan and Jan.  You
beat everything, you know that? 
 --Marsha Scheuermann, Taylor Home Inn BB, Clear Lake, WI.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Andy's house

2007-06-27 Thread johnna bales

Has anyone else noticed that in the episode The rehabilitaion of Otis, when 
Barney picks Andy up and takes to help Otis not to take that first drink, 
they arrive at the Johnson's house which is right next door to Andy's house.  
Which leads to the question: Why did they drive the squad car?   
Johnna Fayetteville, AR
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Andy's House

2007-04-05 Thread Jay Wormsley
While watching an episode of Gomer Pyle USMC in which Gomer got on a plane by 
mistake and went to Sgt. Carters moms home I noticed something.  Mrs. Carters 
house sure looked a whole lot like the Taylor residence from the outside.
WBMUTBB mailing list

Front of Andy's house

2006-08-16 Thread Kevin Roberts
Hey everybody.  Just to let you know, that I ordered a new t-shirt and can't
wait to get it and wear it at Mayberry Days this year.  I noticed something
that I hadn't noticed before.  When Gomer came to stay with Andy after being
fired from his job, it appears that he stayed in the guess room on the right
if you were looking from the front of Andy's house and Andy's room was on
the left.  Now, when Opie killed the bird in the front yard, Andy opens his
window to clearly hear the small birds chirping as if they were right
outside the window.  I thought Opie's room was upstairs in the back of the
house.  That's the impression I have always had.  Has anybody else noticed
this?  Just wondering.  Well, got to go.  Horatio (Kevin)



Winkin will tell Blinkin, Blinkin will tell Nood and Nodd will tell Barney

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