well, I am back in Mayberry. Time to make a few decisions about Aunt 
Emma's estate.

For those who don't know my Great Uncle Warren Watson moved into 
Mayberry about 2-3 years ago now. He met and fell in love with Emma 
Brand and she left the house on the lake and moved into town to his 
house, using the lake house occasionally. Uncle Warren passed away 
shortly after the wedding leaving poor Aunt Emma a widow.

She always suffered from poor health but this really brought her down. 
The kind people of Mayberry really rallied around her and her last years 
were happy ones.

Now mama & I have to decide whether we want to keep one of the houses as 
a vacation house or sell them both. And which one do we keep? I like the 
lake house so I can just walk down the hill to go fishing. Mama prefers 
the city house as it was her uncles.

Today we're in the city house with Ms. Clara Edwards, Aunt Bee, Mrs. 
Rev. Tucker, and Thelma Lou sorting through the stuff and deciding what 
to keep, what to toss, and what to donate to the church's rummage sale. 
I know the lady's church league has chosen to send this money to their 
missionaries in Africa & Asia so I hope they make a lot of money.

Thelma Lou, having office experience, is a whiz at keeping us organized. 
She's written down lists of everything we inventory and whether it is 
"to keep", "throw in trash", "donate", or undecided.

Mr Foley gave us empty boxes from his store so we put things in in there 
and the large TV Boxes from Mr. Monroe will require a strong man to life 
if they get filled. too bad ol' Barn is in Raleigh with his cousin 
Virgil, but Aunt promises she can get Andy, Goober, & Otis Campbell to 
assist us.

While I was at Foley's store I was in line behind Bessie Conroy. I had 
no idea that her son Flip played football for the NY Giants. Good for 
him! Mayberry is some kinda proud!

For lunch we had tuna sandwiches made by Aunt Bee and sweet tea made by 
Clara Edwards. Mrs. Tucker baked some little cakes that she says are the 
Rev's favorite for dessert, plus Thelma Lou's cashew fudge.

yesterday while downtown I ran into a woman I could have sworn was Mrs. 
Lukens. you know she has the lingerie shop in town? I thanked her for 
the bed jacket she had Myra Koontz send over to my Aunt Emma when she 
had her last sickness. Turns out her name is Martha and her husband 
Emmett is a fix-it man. She & Mrs. Lukens are twins, tho, hence my  

Oh, remember my last visit, when Mr. Masters was looking for someone to 
be in the musicale and Rafe Hollister wasn't available? I assumed he'd 
been caught moonshining but found out from the ladies that it was more 
serious than that. Seems Mrs. Hollister took real sick and he was 
staying with her at the Mt. Pilot Hospital. Nurse Peggy tried as did old 
doc Andrews and eventually Rafe, who doesn't see a need for doctors, 
convinced her to go in. Some kind of female trouble.

Speaking of Nurse Peggy, I saw her downtown and she had the oddest 
marking on her wrist. I wondered what the red x stood for but politeness 
forbid me from asking. I saw where Opie had one, also. Curious.

Spoke to Goober who'd gotten a letter from Gomer. he's in the marines 
don't ya know. says he has the friendliest  drill Sgt. you'd ever want 
to meet. He & Sgt. Carter are good buddies.  Well I have family in the 
marines but none of them liked their Sgts. Gomer surely lucked out 
getting a nice one like that.

Tonite mom & I will have supper over to the diner. Hope poor old Olive 
is working. Last time I was in town her eldest had won that scholarship 
to nursing school over in Chapel Hill. I wonder how she's doing? I'll 
bet she's doing just fine but will ask Olive when we go for dinner. if 
she's not working Juanita'll know or Flora, that new waitress. haven't 
met her yet.

better go for now. More closets to sort through.


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