{Spam?} Dog

2023-04-29 Thread Ron Blankenship
I was watching, "Andy the marriage counselor" this morning, and when he was
leaving to go talk to the Boones, when he walked past the tv, I'm sure I
saw the dog carving that cousin Virgil made in"cousin Virgil" on the second
season. Anybody else notice that?

Emmett Clark
Them timers are tricky chapter
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Dog quotes. Barney job

2021-02-12 Thread Rebecca
 Dog quote- Andy told Jim Lindsey about that fella on tv shaking and hollering 
like somebody was beating his dog.

Owning and raising dogs can be a hobby - Barney said that to Otis 

Gomer talks about his dog as being sweetly disposed but dumb. 

Job for Barney- professional singer. 
Of course he was excellent at genealogy research also
And newspaper reporter , he had that column in high school 

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TAGS Dog Quotes

2021-02-09 Thread Jeff Koontz
What other good TAGS dog quotes are out there?
"Gun, man, get'em""Blue?""Move over I'm drivin'."
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Well I be dog

2021-01-10 Thread Ed Mease
The phrase isn’t “dog” but “I’ll be dogged” - as in doggoned, confounded, 
confused.  And, it was a more genteel way of saying “I’ll be darned” since you 
couldn’t say what you really wanted to say: “I’ll be ...” (well, you know!).

Ed Mease
Sent from my iPhone

WBMUTBB mailing list

Well I be dog

2021-01-08 Thread Elizabeth Busby
Watching the show a LOT, I've noticed how much Andy says '(well) I be dog'.
My Aunt lived in a small town in western North Carolina and she said it,
too. Elizabeth in Ga
WBMUTBB mailing list


2018-08-14 Thread Ken Anderson
Oh oh.  Did you see that President Trump is in trouble for calling his
former aid a "dog".  I sure hope he isn't going to blame that one on Barney
because he called Mary Grace a "dog". Maybe with all his TV watching the
president watches TAGS in the morning.
Ken Anderson
The Mayberry Guru
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701
WBMUTBB mailing list

Dog Viewer of TAGS

2016-05-12 Thread Brian Kaufman
I have a confession...I understand that most of us who absolutely love TAGS 
enjoy showing TAGS to grandchildren, friends, family, neighbors, etc... hoping 
that others will also have the same appreciation that we all do for one of the 
greatest shows ever produced for television.  Here's my confession...I come 
home each day for a quick lunch and to walk my dog so she can do her 
"business".  When my dog and I return to the house, I turn on Netflix and start 
a TAGS episode after I put my dog in her crate.  I position her crate directly 
in front of the TV before I head back to work, so she won't miss a single 
minute of the episode.  I don't believe she has seen the episode "Dogs, Dogs, 
Dogs", but I have a feeling that will be her favorite.
We love to share TAGS with our human friends, but how many TAGS fans can say 
they are hoping their dogs gain an appreciation of TAGS!?  :-)
Have a great weekend TAGS Fans and keep the posts coming.  I love reading them.
Brian KaufmanTAGS Fan of the Smokey Mountains
WBMUTBB mailing list

Otis's Dog

2014-07-26 Thread mike
HI Gang,

Since Otis's last name is Campbell I bet he would name his dog

Mike Peacock

> George Washington named his three foxhounds Drunkard,Tippler, and Tipsy.
> Had Otis owned a dog,what would he have named it?

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A Dog Named Opie

2013-09-17 Thread Ken Anderson
Yesterday I had the honor of doing my Mayberry presentation at a new home
for veterans at Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin.  Most of the veterans attending
were veterans of World War 2.  What an honor that was.  I spent time
afterwards outside with them as they wanted to see the squad car. Such a
delightful group of men.  The oldest one to attend the program was 95 years

On the way home we stopped for gas and a bite to eat.  A young lady came up
to us as I was filling the car.  She told me she had a dog named Opie and
she wished she could get a picture of me and the car with her dog.  I asked
her where she lived and she said it wasn't too far from where we were.  I
told her if she wanted to go get the dog we would wait for her and take
some pictures.  They turned out great.  I put one on my website.  Now I can
honestly say I have had my picture taken with Opie.

Ken Anderson
The Mayberry Guru
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701
WBMUTBB mailing list

Don Knotts in a dog food commercial

2013-07-07 Thread David
I had never seen this:


Also, did y'all know he played the principal at a HS for the last 4 episodes of 
a show called "what a country!" Starring Yakov Smirnoff? I can't find any clips 
on youtube though. 
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TAGS celebrity hot dog

2013-03-08 Thread Jeff Koontz
I follow the daily change in "Celebrity Sausage" at a hot dog place in Chicago 
called Hot Doug's (The Sausage Superstore and Encased Meat Emporium). Today's 
(Friday 3/8) celebrity hot dog is Sue Ane Landgon. It is the first connection 
to TAGS that I've seen in the year plus I've been looking at their website 
http://www.hotdougs.com/specials.htm. I finally got to eat there last November 
and it was like Snappy Lunch with folks lined up down the sidewalk!
"Eatin' speaks louder than words"

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2011-07-30 Thread tubist
That very well could have been the same dog. His name was Pluto, and he was 
owned by legendary Hollywood animal trainer Frank Inn, who worked on 
practically every TV show from that era. In addition to appearing in various 
episodes of TAGS (as Blue in Barney's Bloodhound, as Spot in Man's Best Friend 
and as Sam in Jailbreak, etc.) Pluto probably appeared in many other TV series 
as well. 

Paul Mulik 

Today I saw Arthur Honeycutt(Mr. Wakefield) on "Bonanza"...
He had a mutt dog named Walter.but I would swear on a stack of Goober's comic 
books that it was Barney's dog "Blue".

Sent from my U.S. Cellular BlackBerry® smartphone
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Two Chairs No Waiting 113: The Dingo Dog is Indigenous to Australia

2010-12-10 Thread Allan Newsome

Two Chairs No Waiting 113: The Dingo Dog is Indigenous to Australia

We learn some strange facts about the dingo dog thanks to Floyd the 
barber mentioning dingos in 6th season episode “Aunt Bee Learns to 
Drive” (#180). Did you know the dingo was indigenous to Australia? Did 
you know that a breed called the “Carolina Dog” is also known as the 
“American Dingo?”

Wow, the things you can learn when talking about The Andy Griffith Show. 
Listen to this episode to have some fun and even learn a little.

We also have some listener feedback about our Jackie Joseph episodes.


WBMUTBB mailing list

Dog Medicine

2010-07-07 Thread Dan Goodwin
I've got a wiener dog named Roxanne.  For some reason, sometimes she get 
this crusty rash on her belly like she's been dragging the ground.  Anyway, 
my son is a great believe in Gold Bond Lotion, so he said we should try it 
on Roxanne.  Sure enough, it cleared up in a 48 hour period.  You might say 
(wait for it) it's a miracle salve.


WBMUTBB mailing list

One more dog

2010-01-17 Thread Dan Goodwin
I remembered another episode with a dog.  Mr. Wakefield had a beagle on the 
front porch when Andy came to talk about the feud.

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Dog, dog, dog

2009-01-26 Thread Paul Mulik
Yes, it's the same talented canine in both roles.  He also played Floyd's dog 
Sam in "Jailbreak."  Andy told Barney to keep the dog out of the courthouse, 
because his hair kept falling out all over everything.  This dog hair would 
later prove to be an important clue.
The dog's real name was Pluto.  He was owned by the legendary Frank Inn, animal 
trainer for many other TV shows of that era.
Paul Mulik
>>>Anyone know if the dog Spot from the "Man's Best Friend" episode was the 
>>>same dog that played Old Blue?
WBMUTBB mailing list

Dooley dog

2008-04-29 Thread Dawn
Hey, all.
Sorry I haven¹t checked in lately, but now I have some news, and it¹s BIG.
(Actually, it¹s only 20 lbs.)  We adopted a darling dog from the animal
shelter a few weeks ago.  When I first glanced at the info sheet hanging on
his kennel, I couldn¹t believe it:  his name was DOOLEY!  I immediately
thought of the Darling boys singing Dooley and what a cheerful song it is.
The name suits our little guy perfectly.  I finally have a TAGS dog!  (with
dog tags, ha ha)

Dawn in Kansas City
WBMUTBB mailing list

A dog...

2007-05-10 Thread Brearry
Here in the Indianapolis paper, we have a section every other week 
  or so that's called Indy Paws.  It's where pet owners send in pictures
  of their pets with it's name and some info tidbits...
  This week there was the cutest black & white cocker/beagle mix.  It's
  name is "Barney Fife"...
  Looking at the photo reminded me of Barn in the old salt & pepper!
  Brenda Jo

"The Lord is my strength and my song"  Exodus 15:2a
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salty dog

2006-07-04 Thread grady mcdonald
It seems the words "salty dog"are in reference with let me be your be your 
sexual partner.Pretty steamy for mayberry.
  see yall farmer rafe


Talk is cheap. Use Yahoo! Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls.  Great rates 
starting at 1¢/min.
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: WBMUTBB Digest, Vol 6, Issue 195: Salty Dog

2006-07-04 Thread Dolly
Thanks so much  to all for those Salty Dog recipes.
I live by the water and these will be  great for my annual Labour day party.
To bad I don't have a water cooler.  I could invite Otis over to spike it.
Bottoms up

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Salty Dog

2006-07-03 Thread MarTim1219
I cannot put the meaning here, but you can look it up on the Wikepedia.com  
website. Just type in Salty Dog and you will find the meanings (and you may be  
Liz "aint you got a jack" Roberts
WBMUTBB mailing list

Let me be your salty dog

2006-07-03 Thread Paul Mulik
>>>I was listening to the song "Salty Dog" and was wondering what on earth
that means.  What is a Salty Dog anyway?  Sorry if this is a dumb question.

There are no dumb questions (though I've heard lots of dumb answers in my
day).  Anyway, in navy lingo a "salty dog" is a very experienced, or expert,
sailor.  In the context of the Dillards song, I suppose "let me be your
salty dog" means "I've been around a long time, and I think I'm the perfect
match for you."  The Dillards borrowed the line from an older, bawdier tune,
The Salty Dog Blues.

There's also a cocktail called a salty dog, similar to a screwdriver, but
made with grapefruit juice instead of orange juice.  Reminds me of a great
joke told by George Lindsey, which went something like this:  "I used to
know a guy who mixed Milk of Magnesia with vodka: he called it a Phillips
screwdriver.  There was another guy who mixed Milk of Magnesia with prune
juice, but we never could catch him to find out what he called it."


WBMUTBB mailing list

Salty dog

2006-07-02 Thread Glenn D Eldridge
I was listening to the song "Salty Dog" and was wondering what on earth
that means.  What is a Salty Dog anyway?  Sorry if this is a dumb


"That one makes me cry."

WBMUTBB mailing list

A Dog or a Giraffe?

2006-06-10 Thread bcq145
Juanita came in the Dime Store to buy one of our decorative hair nets for her 
employment at the Diner.  She was upset, however, because of a fight with her
It seems that Juanita is more of a "dog" personality while her mama is a 
person:  Sticking her head up in the air, always looking out for number one, 
hit by lightning.
But that Juanita is all right.  She's a dog.  She looks out for other people.
I think I'm a dog, and most of the time Laura Lee Hobbs is a dog (but sometimes 
she's got a little giraffe in her, too).
What are you?
Giraffe or Dog?  When you think about it, being a dog ain't so bad.  It's them 
giraffes you got to look out for, like I was telling my aged and informed 
canine pal,
J. Oliver.
Two Dogs, Lydia and Laura Lee Hobbs over at the Dime Store, "Andy, if you threw
a quail in here every woman would point."

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