>From my college Hebrew classes, I am guessing Cherio was Jewish as I believe
the   E.L.H.M. ELY may stand for "Elohim Eloi,"  using the Hebraic fashion
of dropping the vowels when mentioning God. Just a guess - perhaps someone
else knows for sure.

"  Also we have found out this is on her tombstone:
  It reads in memory of our beloved Cheerio.
 Then the next line says:
 E.L.H.M. ELY"

Play original Mayberry Hangman at:

> From: "P. aka Wolfmommi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Miss Emma Brand Watson
> To: wbmutbb@wbmutbb.com
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
> Hello Everyone and Happy Holidays!
>  I was wondering if anyone here has any information on this wonderfull
> actress?
>  We know of several series and movies that she starred in and her Date of
> Birth and Death and where she is buried, but this is all we can find on her.
>  Also we have found out this is on her tombstone:
>   It reads in memory of our beloved Cheerio.
>  Then the next line says:
>  E.L.H.M. ELY
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