My fave quotes are:

   1.  all time fave--the one Barney uses where he tells Opie "Ya see
      Ope, it isn't only money that can make a person rich. There's love
      and friendship. That can make a person rich, too". They were
      sitting around the dinner table. Someone here will know the
      episode as I'm having a brain freeze.
   2. Briscoe: Got time to breathe, got time for music
   3. The "Poor Horatio" line from Opie's Charity. "Poor Horatio, half a
   4. the conversation Aunt Bee: You didn't like my cooking. Andy: I ate
      4 bowls. AB: But you didn't say anything. A: If eating 4 bowls
      ain't a testament to your white beans, I don't know what is. She
      must have cooked an awful lot of them b/c later in the episode she
      had almost that same exact conversation w/Briscoe Darling


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