Actually, Harry, you were quite close about Colonel Harvey.  It turns out
that after he was busted by Barney he decided to change the formula in his
Elixir.  He also realized it was not politically correct to call it Indian
Elixir, so he removed all the alcohol from it and renamed it Geritol.
 Actually it turns out he got the GER at the beginning of Geritol from the
name Geronimo.

Opie's hobo friend from when he played Robin Hood  left Mayberry and ended
up joining the circus.  He had a booth next to the tattoo lady.  He was the
only known human to have a patubla oblagonda in the leg.  Quite a rarity.

Melissa Stevens and her husband ended up getting a divorce.  It turned out
they tried their scam on another young man and Melissa actually fell in
love with him.  She is now happily married.  Her husband ended up shaving
his head and turned up in Hollywood where he landed a part in some TV show
called "The Addams Family.

Otis Campbell's lawyer, Neil Bentley, sold his practice in Mt. Pilot and
joined the law firm of Binder and Binder where it turns out he had a real
knack for getting people labeled as disabled so they could collect social

Little George Foley, the little boy who ran away from home, returned to his
home and caused no further problems with his parents.  Because he always
wanted to be a cowboy he eventually found his way out west where he is now
working on a ranch in Western Montana.

And as for my friend the "Count" the last I heard he is still floating
around granting wishes.  In fact I heard that at the last Mayberry Cruise
Allan Newsome and his wife Jan had the misfortune of falling overboard.
 Luckily they were able to swim to an abandoned island.  They were there
for almost three weeks when suddenly a deck of cards washed up on the
shore.  They were gypsy cards.  Allan decided to tell Jan her fortune.
 When he dealt the cards he discovered that the Count granted them each on
wish.  Now being the gentleman that is is Alan decided to let Jan go first.
 So Jan wished that she was back home safely in her home in Alabama, and
POOF she was gone.  Allan decided to make his wish but could not decide
because Jan had always been the one in their family to make all the
important decisions.  So he was thinking and thinking ( he didn't have a
bucked either) and he suddenly said, "Gee, I wish Jan were here to help me
decide".  And POOF.

Ken Anderson
The Mayberry Guru
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701
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