Reading Valerie's sales pitch reminded me of the Gypsy 
Wagon that rolled into Mayberry with Klinger at the reins.
They were there to con the rubes.  They had a rain making machine.
Valerie has not gone unnoticed by Ben Weaver, Floyd, Andy and Deputy Fife.
Her mind will now echo forever with the shrill command to "NIP IT!! NIP IT!!"
Myself, I'd rather eat kerosene pickles than read that tripe.  Oh well?!
...and only Otis Campbell could have posted that wonderfully 
disjointed explanation of Public Domain.  Cheers Old Friend,
you're milk cow steed awaits...
Hey to all the Newbies!  The Gold Shipment is coming. 
Saw Jack Nicolson yesterday as the husband of the 
distraught (and I say disturbing) young mother who left 
her baby on the courthouse steps for Opie to find.
Andy let her off with a warning and a phone call to 
Mount Pilot Sheriff's Office FYI.  That wouldn't have 
happened in a Fife Administration, would be my guess.
Juanita will be cooking for me the next few days while 
Mrs. Stoner is in New York.
Regards, and vote Stoner

The Honorable Mayor Stoner
"Civics is my major"
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