I hope this post finds all of you safe and well during these very unusual
and challenging times` It is almost beyond belief as to how much our lives
have been change in the past several months.  We have no plans to do any
car shows or parades anytime soon.  All of our May events have been
cancelled as well as many through June.   Even when things begin to reopen
we will probably avoid any crowds.  I have managed to live 73 years with no
serious health challenges, so I don't think now is the time to tempt fate.

How fortunate all of our Mayberry friends were living in Mayberry.  There
illnesses were usually brief and not very serious.  Clara had her bursitis,
Howard death with a deviate septum, and of course the Mendelbright sisters
had to deal their feet falling asleep.  Otis was fairly healthy too, except
for his falling down, and Andy was strong as a horse except for a bought
with a flu bug.  Barney of course had to deal with his low sugar count and
an occasional vein that would stick out, but for the most part,
Mayberryites were very healthy.

I shudder to think how they would have dealt with the pandemic, being they
are such a social and close knit community.  It would have been very
challenging for them to practice social distancing and I would hate to
think of their covering up those wonderful smiles with face masks.

In any event, stay safe and healthy everyone.

Ken "Barney" Anderson
The Mayberry Guru
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701
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