Merry Mayberry Christmas

2013-12-23 Thread LGillum
It is that time of year again when we silence the telephone, turn on all 
the Christmas lights, and settle back to enjoy the one and only TAGS 
Christmas episode.   We used to say that we wouldn't even allow the dog 
to bark during this magical episode, but we no longer have a dog.   
Still, after all these years, I cannot watch this show without tears.  
It reminds me of a wonderful childhood in a small, Mayberry-like 
community, and I am blessed by those memories.   It is an era and a 
world my descendants may never know or understand.  And somewhere in 
that great Mayberry Heaven above, my dear parents and grandparents are 
celebrating once again, just as we did in the olden days.   As Madeleine 
L'Engle once said, The great thing about getting older is that you 
don't lose all the other ages you've been.   How true!  How true!
Our Mayberry memories live on forever, still alive and still fresh.

The past year has been very trying for us, including a very difficult 
surgery, a few family issues, and the Great Flood of September that 
wiped out 1/2 of our house.   We lost thousands of items -- office, 
computers, files and documents, family keepsakes, hundreds of priceless 
photographs, antiques, Victorian reed organ, CD collections and stereo 
audio equipment, audio and video recordings of the performances and 
productions I've performed and directed, Brenda's extensive childhood 
doll collection, her original Beatles records, documentaries and albums 
from 18 exploratory journeys in Europe, and yes, even our trips to Mount 
Airy and Mayberry Days and our conversations with a fellow Coloradoan, 
Maggie Peterson (Charlene) . . . . and the list goes on and on.   Thanks 
to dear friends, family, community volunteers, and the Grace of God, we 
are survivors, and we count our blessings.   We look forward to a better 
new year.

To all my friends at WBMUTBB and TAGSRWC, we wish for you a wonderful 
and blessed Christmas, and a happy and healthy new year. God bless us 
all, everyone.

Larry in CO

(Larry  Brenda Gillum;  Longmont, Colorado)

WBMUTBB mailing list

Merry Mayberry Christmas

2011-12-17 Thread RBlanke1
I wanted to wish all my Mayberry friends and family a very Merry Christmas, 
 and a Happy and prosperous New Year. 2011 has been a  good year at the 
fixit shop, and I hope 2012 will be also.I  hope everyone has a good 
year also.
Emmett  Martha
Them Timers are Tricky Chapter
aka   Ron  Linda Blankenship
WBMUTBB mailing list

My merry Mayberry Christmas

2009-12-26 Thread Janet Anderson
Well, I had previously wished everyone a merry Mayberry Christmas, and it turns 
out that I had one myself!  Among other things, I received The Andy Griffith 
Show by Richard Kelly, Mayberry 101 by Neal Brower (don't ask me how I managed 
to get by without these two books for so long!), Aunt Bee's Mayberry Cookbook 
by Ken Beck and Jim Clark, The Incredible Mr. Don Knotts by Stephen Cox and 
Kevin Marhanka, plus a couple of TAGS DVD's and a TAGS VHS.

Because I already have all eight seasons of TAGS on DVD, I don't need the two 
DVD's or the one VHS tape.  So I would like to pass these on to another TAGS 
fan who would like to have them.  I only ask that you reimburse me for the 
postage.  Just e-mail me privately to request them and give me your mailing 

The VHS is called The Best of Andy  Barney (part of a series of Best of's 
that came out before entire seasons were made available) and contains three 
episodes:  The Loaded Goat, Class Reunion, and The Great Filling Station 
Robbery.  The DVD's are in simple cardboard sleeves.  One has three episodes: 
Andy's English Valet, A Wife for Andy, and Mountain Wedding.  The other 
has four episodes:  Aunt Bee's Medicine Man, The Rivals, A Wife for Andy, 
and The Big House.

Let me know if you are interested.

Thelma Lou

WBMUTBB mailing list

Merry Mayberry Christmas

2009-12-24 Thread Janet Anderson
To all my wonderful digest friends, I wish you a very merry Mayberry Christmas! 
 The digest is like a daily gift to me.  It brings me much pleasure, as well as 
many chuckles and some laugh-out-loud moments.  Thanks to all of you for being 
part of my Mayberry world!

Thelma Lou

WBMUTBB mailing list

Merry Mayberry Christmas

2006-12-08 Thread Larry Gillum
  If you would like to hear Elinor tell the story herself, go to the Cast
Interview section of the site and you can listen to an
interview I did with her back in 1998 (boy I sound *country*).  She will
tell you there about singing Away in a Manger and other other things
related to TAGS.   

Allan, I enjoyed this interview very much.   It was kind and comforting to 
hear Ellie's (Elinor's) voice and her feelings and observations.  What a 
sweetheart!  Sure wish she had decided that she was doing okay (or perfect) 
and had stayed on TAGS for several more seasons!

I'd like to join the others who are writing that The Christmas Episode is 
one of their favorites.   Before DVD, if I happened upon that show in 
broadcast scheduling, life in my household changed instantly.   The 
telephone was not allowed to ring, the dog was not allowed to bark, and the 
modern world surrounding us stood still and held its breath.  A halo of 
calm, peace, and Christmas love descended upon us, and my mind and emotions 
returned to the simpler time of my childhood.   I'm a big boy, but also a 
very sentimental one, and wiping a few tears from my eyes was certainly not 
beneath my dignity.
It is this one show that always leaves me with a prayer of gratitude:  God 
bless the Mayberry Spirit that lives in our hearts and minds, now and 
forevermore.   And thanks to Elinor for adding so beautifully to that 
wondrous moment.   We love you, Miss Ellie.We wish for all of you a very 
joyous, Blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year!   And so, as Tiny Tim 
observed, God Bless Us, Every One!

Larry in CO

WBMUTBB mailing list