There's been much talk about the newly released book called "Andy and Don: The 
Making of a Friendship and a Classic American TV Show," and I know some of you 
have bought it already.  I have yet to hear from anyone who has read the book, 
and I would encourage any of you who have to please post your review of the 
book here on the digest.  On the surface, it sounds like it would be a great 
book, but I have talked to one "Mayberry insider" who had very disparaging 
things to say about it.  So that has made me leery.  I remember an excerpt from 
the book that was released in the summer, as a "teaser," I guess, and it was 
about Andy supposedly losing his temper and beating Don up.  Not exactly the 
kind of thing I want to read about!  But I want to hear from folks who have 
read the entire book so as to get a fair take on it.  I hope several of you 
will write in with your comments on the book.
I 'preciate it!
Thelma Lou
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