Old trivia, concluded (maybe)

2015-01-12 Thread Paul Mulik
Here are the other old names I was thinking of. Apologies if somebody named 
these and I didn't notice. 

Old Miss Vickers, who confused the sounds of dynamite blasting with Yankee 

Old Man Dobbins, father of Sharon Dobbins, potato queen. My mother-in-law was 
named Sharon Dobbins, but I don't know if anybody ever called her dad Old Man 

Old Man Flint, who didn't want his daughter to use makeup or other female 

Old Man McKnight, who gave young Andy a job at the movie house. Probably the 
same person as Old Man Joe McKnight, who was written up in the newspaper and 
asked the secret of his longevity. 

Old Jed McEntire, who lives alone in a shack and talks to himself

Old Doc Greene and Old Doc Mackenzie, predecessors of new Doctor Benson

Paul Mulik
WBMUTBB mailing list

Old trivia

2015-01-10 Thread Paul Mulik
Here's a list of people on TAGS with old spoken in front of their name, that 
have been named so far:

Old Man Kelsey, who is said to own a wood, a crick, and an ocean

Old Man Remshaw, owner of haunted house

Old Hugo Hopfleisch, WWI veteran

Old Dan Tucker, subject of a humorous song performed by Andy and Opie

Old Man McCabe, whose home was suggested as a possible site for a summit meeting

Old Mr. Perkins, who stands in the stag line at dances 

Old Lady Crump, unkind nickname given her by her students

Old Judd (also called Old Man Crowley in one episode)

Old Aunt Mariah, in a poem recited by Ernest T. Bass

Old Doc Carruthers, who examined Barney's uvula

Someone mentioned Old Ben Weaver, but I can't recall anyone calling him that. 
Help me out here. 

Here are some clues to more I've thought of:

Two and two makes four

Bikes are bikes, and houses are houses

We're still holding onto Richmond

Too much popcorn

A businessman, in a manner of speaking

... and there's one more, but I can't tell ya, and I can't tell ya why I can't 
tell ya. 

Paul Mulik
WBMUTBB mailing list

Old trivia

2015-01-10 Thread Janet Anderson

So here is the challenge: list the names of folks mentioned on TAGS who have 
the world old in front of their name.


Paul, I came up with a total of ten, but two of them are animals, so I'm not 
sure if they count as folks.  But I'll throw them in anyway.


Keeper of the Flame, season 2:

One of the boys in the Wildcats club says, Hey, you guys, Old Man Foster's 
coming!  Come on!


Andy Discovers American, season 3:

Howie and Whitey both call Helen Old Lady Crump.


Fun Girls, season 4:

Andy says, Barney, I'm not going to a dance and stand in a stag line with Old 
Man Schwamp.


A Date for Gomer, season 4:

Barney says, I'm not gonna stand in no stag line with Old Mr. Perkins and a 
bunch of slumped-over teenage boys!  (Interesting how much alike those two 
lines are.  People tend to get them mixed up.)


Haunted House, season 4:

Barney says, Look, Andy, when Old Man Remshaw died, he said he didn't want 
that place disturbed.


Aunt Bee, the Crusader, season 4:

Andy says, when asked where Aunt Bee is, Probably over at Clara's holding a 
wake for poor, dear Old Mr. Frisbie.


Andy's Vacation, season 4:

Barney says, Now, look, Andy, Old Hugo Hopfleisch might have been on the wrong 
team back in '18, but he was a heck of a soldier!


Big Fish in a Small Town, season 7:

Everyone refers to the large fish as Old Sam.


Goodbye Dolly, season 7:

Howard says, Sure gonna seem strange around here.  That horse Walt's got--Old 
Dolly--she's been clippity-clopping around town for years.


Barney Hosts a Summit Meeting, season 8:

Barney says, Well, what we need is a house, a good-sized house that'll 
accommodate all them public officials.  Now, I was thinking about Old Man 
McCabe's place.


There are probably others I didn't think of, so I'll be anxious to know what 
I've missed.



Thelma Lou


WBMUTBB mailing list

Old Trivia

2015-01-09 Thread Jason Stillwell
On the Haunted House episode, Opie and his pal were discussing their
baseball heroes. Opie demonstrated how he thought old Mickey Mantle
would've stepped up and hit the ball. (Apparently old Mickey would have hit
it right into a haunted house, with a cellar that's downstairs. But I
believe it was just the lightin', like Andy said.)

Jason at the Hotel, PPD
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Old trivia

2015-01-08 Thread Good, Don

... list the names of folks mentioned on TAGS who have the world old in front 
of their name.

I don't think old Man Perkins has been mentioned.

Don Good
(Now back to the stag line for me)

WBMUTBB mailing list

Old trivia

2015-01-08 Thread Jim and Nancy

How about Old Lady Crump!

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WBMUTBB mailing list

Old trivia

2015-01-07 Thread Paul Mulik
Here is a new trivia question for your potential amusement. There are many 
folks in and around Mayberry who have been given nicknames beginning with Old 
Man so-and-so. Sometimes these nicknames are disrespectful, other times they 
seem to be a sort of badge of honor. 

So here is the challenge: list the names of folks mentioned on TAGS who have 
the world old in front of their name.

If someone is just said to be old, like in Man, that Ken Anderson is OLD, 
that doesn't count. Also, if the word old is not followed by a name (as in 
that old buzzard) that does not count either. 

But if someone says Old Man Anderson or Old Ken Anderson, then that does 
count. Note that the second word need not be man.  It can be Old Man ...  
or Old Lady ...  or Old Captain ...  or anything like that. Go!

Paul Mulik
WBMUTBB mailing list