Snow Day

2015-01-07 Thread Jim and Nancy
I work at a local elementary school and today is a snow day or rather 
a very cold day ( -18 wind chill).  Still get excited about snow days! 
When I was a kid, I loved it when I could stay in my warm bed after Mom 
announced there was no school due to the weather! So what does one do on 
snow days? Kick back and watch TAGS! I also flipped the channel this 
morning and _M__y__Mother Is a Freshm__an _starring our own Betty Lynn 
was on! So guess it is a TAGS kind of day!

What are your fond memories of snow days?
Lotsa luck to you and yours

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snow days

2015-01-07 Thread Elizabeth Busby
Being from the south, we didn't have many snow days but when we did they
were spent sledding, making snow men, snowball fights and I save the best
for last - snow cream. I never knew anybody that got hurt sledding like
they 'say' they are now. I guess we were smarter that our phones back
then.  Now they are good TAGS watching days. Elizabeth in Ga
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2014-01-26 Thread SUE FRANCIS
Snow in N. C does happen. But living in Il these days, is so cold. It was -25 
below with wings pushing it up to -40 below. On Monday the temp will be -40 
below. I think the Mayberry Jail sounds like it would be a great place to stay 
today, with Aunt Bee feeding us some good old hot meals
WBMUTBB mailing list


2014-01-25 Thread Chuck Talley
I know that Mayberry was in the South but can anybody remember a TAGS 
episode where they got a big snowstorm or even had snow on the grass. 
Looking out my window reminded me of this. Or maybe freezing 
temperatures? I just shoveled the driveway and it is cold. Maybe they 
just don't know what they missed. I know Mt Airy gets both on rare 
occasions. The Gollywobbler

WBMUTBB mailing list

Snow cone

2013-08-09 Thread Janet Anderson
Last Saturday I was up at my home town where a new restaurant was having their 
grand opening.  They really did it up right with good food for sale and four 
different bands playing free for the crowd's entertainment.  Also, the local 
school was doing some fundraisers.  I bought a snow cone for myself and my 
daughter.  (It was for a good cause.)  They didn't have raspberry, so I got 
cherry instead.  Thank goodness Vicki Harms wasn't around!  We were able to eat 
all the ice and drink the syrup, too!

Thelma Lou
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That Ozark Snow

2011-02-14 Thread Daniel Santos

Paul wasn't that snow something?  Thought I was back in Alaska for a minute.  
We live in Fayetteville and our business was closed all but 2 days of the last 
2 weeks.  Glad t see the warmer weather.
Fayetteville, AR  
WBMUTBB mailing list

Snow at NC Outer Banks

2011-01-24 Thread Larry Hamrick
Hey, Mayberry friends. I've heard on the news that the NC Outer Banks had 4-6 
of snow over the weekend. That's unusual for that area. Most of us know that's 
where Andy Griffith lives but Andy Taylor would probably say,Curious, 
Curious, or Call the (snowplow) man, or Yep, that's definitely not a rain.

  Larry in Lincolnton

The weatherman says we may get snow again (whew!) Tues.  Wed.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Snow Days in Mayberry

2011-01-12 Thread Anita Carpenter

We got a few inches of snow here in Cincinnati, and it did slow us down a bit.  
I always think about the fact that midwesterners are amused by folks in the 
south dealing with snow.  But at the same time, I'm sure there are folks in 
Michigan and Canada that are amused by us Buckeyes dealing with the few inches 
we received.  

I thought about some of the things that you would be affected by a snow storm 
in Mayberry

Andy, Aunt Bee and Opie couldn't sit on the porch and watch the Beamon's walk 
by, but they could build a fire in the fireplace and sit around and admire 
Otis' cow mozaic over the fireplace. 

Goober probably wouldn't take his mother for a drive in his newly washed car, 
but maybe he could bring her over and have Aunt Bee teach her how to make 

Barney might not want to ride his motorsickle and be a checkpoint chickie, but 
maybe he could take up weightlifting to stay active.  I was thinking about the 
guy who went in Walker's drugstore and showed his muscles off to Miss Ellie.  
Reckon he had some weights Barney could borrow?

I guess the fun girls and Ron Bailey couldn't ride through town in their 
convertibles, but I reckon Fletch might take them for a ride in his truck.  I 
think they could all fit in the cab, don't you?

Anyone else have any thoughts?? 

Anita Carpenter 
One of Cincinnati's biggest TAGS Fans!!!


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Fw: Snow and Welcome New Members

2011-01-11 Thread Harry Brewbaker

Welcome to the new WBMUTBB members'  Hope you enjoy the riendship and 
of the digest that the rest of us do.  Please, don't ever be shy about adding 
your two cents to any dicussion.
Allen, Sorry the Huntsville area has been burdened with snow.  We have had 
here in Virginia and more is expected.  I wouldn't imagine Huntsville would 
a lot of snow removal equipment.  I doubt Mayberry had a lot of removal 
equipment either.  I did hear that Mt. Airy is supposed to get some snow 
I'll never forget a trip I took in December of 1975 to Ottawa, Canada.  A 
at college had invited my roommate and I to spend Christmas there is he, his 
mother and grandmother.  When we got there they already had about 16 inches of 
snow on the ground and it snowed another 26 nches in the next 24 hours.  They 
didn't close the schools for one day.  Those people knew how to clean the 
and everyone had snow blowers for the sidewalks.  There were ice-cicles 6 to 8 
feet long hanging off their 2 story house.  We threw ice packed snowballs at 
them to break them off in case they would fall and hit someone.

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Snow in Mayberry

2011-01-11 Thread Randy and Paula Linn
It is snowing here today where I live and it got me thinking about Mayberry
and snow.  I wonder if Ernest T. Bass would throw snowballs instead of rocks
if Mayberry got a bunch of snow.  Ornery as he is though, he would probably
still throw rocks but hide them in a big snowball!!

WBMUTBB mailing list

Snow in Mayberry?

2011-01-10 Thread Allan Newsome
I don't think it ever snowed (on screen) in Mayberry but I was just 
thinking how beautiful the town would have been with snow covered buildings.

I'm home today because the snow has caused the entire Huntsville area to 
shut down and stay home.  Looking around and the beautiful purity of the 
snow, I can't help but think that our idyllic would look even more 
Norman Rockwell esque with a few inches of snow.

I wonder what problems having snow covered roads closed might cause Andy 
and Barney?  There's something fun for those of us snowed in to think 
about today as we slow down from our busy lives and enjoy some quiet 
time at home.


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Snow in Mayberry

2011-01-10 Thread Ken Anderson
You are so right Allan.  I just love my Hawthorne Mayberry Christmas 
Village that I put under one of our Christmas trees each year.  Just seeing 
all the buildings and trees with snow on them is really a sight.  And then 
to turn off all the house lights and just have the building lights on while 
listening to Christmas carols is about as close to a Mayberry Christmas as 
one can get.  I am so glad I bought every building that came out with the 
Christmas village.  I wish they would have made a figurine of Mr. Weaver 
looking in the jailhouse window.  That would have been the piece de 

Kenneth G. Anderson
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, WI 54701

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Snow in Mayberry

2011-01-10 Thread Larry

When it snowed in Mayberry.
Gomer would have had snow tires on the Tow Truck and be pulling people out of 
the ditch.
The fire would have been blazing at the Taylor home, Aunt Bee sitting by the 
fire rocking.
Opie would be out with his friends sledding.
Barney would be looking for the snow chains for the Patrol Car, they were taken 
out of the trunk last week when they delivered Christmas Baskets to the needy, 
and he forgot where he put them.
Howard would be off from work and over at the Lodge with some of the other guys 
playing cards and drinking root beer.
Earnest T would be hibernating way up in the mountains.  
Briscoe and the Darlins would be picking and singing, Dud and Charlene would be 
cuddling by the fire.
Mr. Foley would be resting after yesterdays rush for Bread, Milk and other 
Andy would be watching the jail, which Otis was the only prisioner,sleeping it 
off from last night's nip.
Helen and Thelma Lou would be over soon to keep the lawmen company while they 
waited for the updated weather forcast and if there were any emergency calls.  
And to see if Barney ever found the chains.
Weavers store just sold out of Sleds and Snow Shovels.
Reverend Tucker is happy the snow didn't fall on Sunday, He is resting in his 
home, looking out the window at the snow falling

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2011-01-10 Thread G Stefanow
Allan, you are so right about the snow. Many here in southern Ohio curse it but 
I am one that loves it a lot. Sure, driving in it can be challenging but there 
is something really purifying about a blanket of fresh snow. Even a junkyard 
look nice with one! And yes, there can be something very relaxing about 
snow pile up outside our window. Enjoy it while you got it, my friend! We are 
supposed to get 3-5 more inches ourselves tonight into tomorrow. Let it snow! 

Gus Stefanow
Enon, Ohio
All you can take with you is that which you've given away.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Trained Noticer Comment, Snow, misunderstanding and Tom

2010-02-14 Thread WBMUTBB Mailing List
One thing  I love to chuckle and tolerate about this Digest, is someone can ask 
a question..and not only do we answer  they're questionwe expand it to 
things much beyond the original question.

For example:  someone recently asked this:

I can only think of a few times when the weather really impacted the folks 
in Mayberry - can you think of more?
(now read it carefully again)

Not only did folks answer when weather changed behavior (or impacted folks) we also listed a litany of adverse weather that did not change 
behavior..such as times that it rained (Quiet Sam and his son being born)  The 
weather in that case did not change just caused Barney to wear a 

But going off of these a little like Barney himself.

Another question recently asked was mention of Snow.  May favorite (an only one 
that comes to mind at the moment) snow reference is when Barney said to Andy  
Boy, you wouldn't notice a muddy elephant in a snowstorm would you?  This may 
have been in the Quiet Sam episode as well.  Andy said something like Has Sam 
got an elephant up at his farm

Hey I need to clear something up, that I'm sure was an honest mistake

This was posted on Sunday  The untrained voice was really untrained in manners 
when he let me have it for contacting him  
The person posting was referring to Tom Kessel.  Tom Kessel is NOT was NOT the 
Untrained Voice.  I am,..Joe Gritton.

Tom Called himself Colonel Tim's protégé'.   

The mistake is understandable.  When Tom first came on the board, I helped him 
by cleaning up a lot of his messages.

I also support what Allan had to do, and my hat is off to him for doing 
everything he did to try to make things work for him, because of his love and 
experience for that stars of that day, and the appreciation that many of us had 
for him and his stories.

 As one of the first to correspond with him offline, I can fill in a little of 
the gap for those that don't know.  If you happened to say anything that 
appeared to disagree with him, or dispute his knowledge, (even if that was not  
the intent) he would write nasty  notes in email to his alleged offender.  It 
was a different side of him that I attribute (just my opinion) to an illness of 
the mind that he could not control...a different personality if you will.

It is truly sad to see it come to his expulsion for the second time, but I'm 
sure there was no other way.
Let's just cherish the great stories that he brought to us. Let's give thanks 
to Allan and Marsha Shuermmann (sp?) and others that helped bring his great 
stories to us while they lasted.

And those so inclined, pray for Tom, and his peace of mind, and his health.  He 
is truly one of a kind..but just does not have the capacity to be left 
unchecked in a public forum like this.

Joe Gritton, The Untrained Voice,

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: snow?

2010-02-13 Thread Who's Been Messin' Up the Bulletin Board Mailing List
In a message dated 2/12/2010 11:00:51 A.M. Central Standard Time, writes:

I don?t  have any real personal familiarity with North Carolina, other than 
having  visited the Triangle, Chapel Hill and Asheville areas several 
times. But isn?t  it correct that there are areas of the state where snow would 
be, if not  completely unknown, just a light dusting at most?

You picked an interesting week to ask that one: snow all over the south  
including 3-4 inches here in Alabama! (So if it can snow like that here I'm  
sure it wouldn't be unheard of in the Carolinas (which did get hit this week  
A Google search shows that not only does North Carolina occasionally  
experience snow (36 inches in one day in 1983, in fact) but the state even has 
few ski resorts in the mountains.  So snow, more than a little dusting,  
certainly wouldn't have been out of the question but perhaps hard to duplicate 
 on location in California.
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: wbmutbb and snow

2010-02-13 Thread WBMUTBB Mailing List
To all
I appreciate. The time we spend talking about Andy Griffith Show.  So what you 
have to do to keep it that way, is appreciated.
As for snow,  I am seeing that , it snows in NC, and quite heavily. I remember 
winters as a kid that to get from Knoxville to Greensboro they would go through 
Fancy Gap and Pilot Mtn.  They would get into some really bad icy and snowy 
weather.  So, the show never really dealt with snow, as far as I can tell.  
Sande Riggs
At The Crossroads
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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2010-02-11 Thread autumn
You know Mayberry is in NC,and we know it snows in NC. But, does anyone recall 
any snow or discussion of snow on the show? We know it rained and flooded and 
we know it was hot and cold but what about snow?

When the 3.8 earthquake hit, I thought that it was a blast of arctic air 
hitting the building. The entire building shook. I don't know if maybe where 
they filmed in California maybe they did not have snow. 

Autumn aka Aunt Bea

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Snow

2010-02-11 Thread PLV
You know Mayberry is in NC,and we know it snows in NC. But, does anyone recall 
any snow or discussion of snow on the show? We know it rained and flooded and 
we know it was hot and cold but what about snow?

I don’t have any real personal familiarity with North Carolina, other than 
having visited the Triangle, Chapel Hill and Asheville areas several times. But 
isn’t it correct that there are areas of the state where snow would be, if not 
completely unknown, just a light dusting at most? So I guess it never occurred 
to me to think it unusual that Mayberry wouldn’t have had any snowfalls.



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2010-01-07 Thread Ctmidway57
Lots of you are getting snow right now and more are expecting snow. Wonder  
why none of the scenes of Mayberry were filmed with snow, since it is at 
the  foot of the mountains!  Wouldn't it have been a hoot to see Ernest T Bass 
 bust windows with snowballs instead of rocks? And to have one smack Barney 
or  Otis in the back of the head?  And driving! The drivers around Mayberry 
 were not the best in the world, so seeing them try to navigate on snow 
would  have been a real blastliterally!! 
Whatcha think?
Back after our FL trip and many doctor's appointments with another one  
today at 3:45!! EGAD!!!
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