For the new members (and maybe some of the old) that don't know, the old TV 
show  "The Adventures of Superman" was filmed on the same 40 acres lot that 
TAGS was filmed on. For exteriors anyway. Only it was filmed years earlier. 
But if you watch thru the episodes you will see tons of familar TAGS 
locations altho they have different names. There was even one of the old 
Batman episodes that uses a road on the side of the 40 acres lot in a car 
chase scene if I remember correctly, not to mention 2 episodes of Star Trek 
that used downtown Mayberry as exterior sets and one episode was filmed at 
Myers Lake (or Franklin Reservoir if you prefer its real name)   Jim Nolt 
has a great website about the Superman TV show and has lots of aerial photo 
maps of 40 acres that show the buildings as they were used on the superman 
set and even has a section on the connection between the TAGS and Superman 
using the same location.

One of the locations that was used over and over for the Clark Kent to 
Superman costume changes is the same alley where Otis is coming up the 
stairs with his hootch in the loaded goat episode.  But you see the 
courthouse, drug store and other locations on a semi regular basis thru out 
the show.

The web site is at

for anyone interested in looking at it

Dapper Dan
Up Up and Away!   err   Shazam!

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