Re: Thank You to Mayberry

2017-10-22 Thread Ed Mease
Allan - some might say it was a Freudian slip ... but when I read your words 
(“I do encourage everyone to find those other avenues to connect with fellow
fans as an addition to the fellowship we share on the Digest”), I read it as 
“addiction” instead of “addition” & it still made perfect sense!  Hi, my name 
is Ed, and I’m addicted to Mayberry!  

Ed Mease
Sent from my iPhone

WBMUTBB mailing list

Thank you to Mayberry

2017-10-22 Thread Allan Newsome
Hey folks,

I want to say how thankful I am to all of you.  We have around 1300 folks
that get this WBMUTBB Digest everyday and many have been subscribe for

My goal, as the admin, has always been to help Mayberry fans connect and
feel a part a the bigger Mayberry community. Over the years, we have seen
services and website come to help fans connect (Facebook,
iMayberryCommunity, etc) but I know there is still a place for the Digest
in the Mayberry world.

I do encourage everyone to find those other avenues to connect with fellow
fans as an addition to the fellowship we share on the Digest.  You can
actually see PHOTOS of one another and communicate in a more instant way
than you can here on the Digest which only helps to grow those friendships
more quickly.

I don't write too often here, nor anywhere else actually, but I *do* read
every WBMUTBB Digest.  This group has meant so much to so many for so long
and for that I am thankful.

To keep the conversation going, send in a "daily quote" or a bit of
trivia.  Tell us about how your day is made just a bit better by sitting
down to an episode of Andy when you get home from the stressful day.

We're all fans and we ALL have similar tells to be told.  It's that
connection that makes us part of the greater Mayberry community.

I'll be gone on the Cruise to Mayberry 12 until about 30 October but know
that in spirit I'll be here. I can't check e-mail on the cruise but I can
post things on Facebook.  Follow me is you have a mind to:

or join the Two Chairs No Waiting podcast Group on Facebook so you can talk
to one another:

Mainly, keep that Mayberry spirit alive and enjoy all that The Andy
Griffith Show has to offer.

WBMUTBB mailing list