I'm no lurker of this list, I watch, listen and read and then on those 
observations, comment when I'm so moved.  Three weeks ago the reference to 
"turning air conditioning up/down" was posted.  I Laughed Internally Loud (LIL) 
when Paul Mulik mentioned the water heater reference below, something for which 
I'm annoyed.  I know plumbers who squint when customers call to have their "hot 
water heater" replaced.  

My peeve since around the 5th grade is when good folk talk about buying a 
You don't buy a home.  If you do, you've been suckered into a realtor's 
of what a wonderful place you can have, just for the mere buying price of $...

Since Paul endured his tragedy last Sunday, not even a week ago, he didn't lose 
a home, he said he lost a house.  He lost a lot of what was in the house, but 
he simply and adroitly stated, "But that's just STUFF, and stuff in 
unimportant.  I can always get more stuff later."  His home is still intact.  
It's the same kind of spirit we find when we watch "our show".  Home, faith, 
love are "rich" words; you can't describe them simply, as something you just 
nail together, happen upon or ride like you would Blackie.  

In "Barney, the Realtor", only once was the word "home" said and that was when 
Andy welcomed the Sims the second time around.  Yet another way in the last 60 
years marketing has developed in trying to influence us to part with our money 
by selling a feeling.  If I'm selling, maybe that ain't so bad but Opie said 
"You mean that kids should be honest but grown-ups don't have to be?".  Thanks 
to "our show", we're reminded of values we cherish.

Glad that's no longer layin' on my chest...

Gary A. Johnson
Chicken Thieves & Whatnot Chapter
Lubbock, Near Kelsey's Woods, TX

Message: 6
Date: Fri, 6 May 2011 13:35:12 -0700 (PDT)
From: Paul Mulik <tub...@swbell.net>
To: wbmutbb@wbmutbb.com
Subject: turning "up" the air conditioner
Message-ID: <440623.74537...@web83608.mail.sp1.yahoo.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

Hear, hear!? That comment of Andy's has always annoyed me too.? If your 
thermostat is set at say, 76, and you want it colder, you turn it DOWN, not 
Maybe years and years ago air conditioners were different?

Reminds me of car windows.? Have you ever wondered why we say "roll down the 
window?"? You aren't "rolling" anything, the car window is a solid piece of 
glass.? But 100 years ago, car windows (and before that, carriage windows) were 
like window shades.? You rolled them down to close them, and rolled them up to 
open them -- now it's backwards.

One more pet peeve: that big tank of water in your house is a water heater, not 
a "hot water heater."? You don't need to heat hot water, it's already hot!

Paul Mulik

It has always bugged me that people say turn up the A/C when 
they want it cooler.... Turning the A/C up would make a room warmer.

Harriet, the chicken thief in Kelsey's Woods, USA
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