Re: What keeps Mayberry alive.

2016-06-22 Thread Matthew Anderson
Very well written article by Rebecca Spears. Excellent.
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Rebecca Spears post "What Keeps Mayberry Alive"

2016-06-19 Thread John Graham
   What an insightful and very well written post! You really got to the
heart of what we all love about TAGS and Mayberry, and Mayberry is truly
the center of it all. I just want to add that all of us and our mutual love
for TAGS, and all that the show and Mayberry stand for, go a long way
toward keeping that "Mayberry" feeling alive in all of us and hopefully we
can instill a little of that into people we all meet in our everyday lives.
As Andy and Barney sing, in the episode about salesman Bert Miller, "Spread
a Little Sunshine Everyday"!

Sheriff Poindexter
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Re: What Keeps Mayberry Alive

2016-06-19 Thread Janet Anderson
Rebecca, that was a wonderful analysis and tribute to our favorite show.  I 
agree with all you said!


Thelma Lou


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What Keeps Mayberry Alive

2016-06-18 Thread linjanecam
Rebecca Spears/Lydia, you hit the nail squarely on the head with your  
assessement of why we all love Mayberry so very much. Here is a kind, gentle  
place where we can truly feel at home. Yes, we are, as you so aptly put it, 
all  Ed Sawyers. 
WBMUTBB mailing list

What keeps Mayberry alive

2016-06-18 Thread Rebecca spears

 So, you ask what keeps Mayberry alive to those of us born after the show's 
origination. As one if those people, I think I can offer an answer.
 It's not necessarily the characters, although Barney and Floyd are the 
epitome of brilliant comedy. Aunt Bee is the perfect example of a loving 
maternal figure. Little Opie provides the  innocence of children everywhere and 
Andy is, of course, the voice of reason. Throw in the other characters and 
you've got every aspect of mankind represented. But the characters alone don't 
give this show life.
 It's not the witty writing either. However, the storylines found this show 
are found no where else. A cow thief with shoes, raising birds whose mother you 
killed with a sling shot, and entertaining guests who pass through with 
southern hospitality all combine to make magic on each episode. But it takes 
more than that.
 It's not the setting either. The candle stick phone, the vintage cars, the 
gloves and hats worn by the ladies, homemade ice cream, sitting around the 
table for a meal, or on the front porch to visit and sing all tug at your heart 
and make you long for the days of the past. But that's not the enduring nature 
of this show.
What makes this show last for over fifty years and resonate with many 
generations is the yearning that's inside all of us to live in this magical 
place, Mayberry.  Within each show we see mankind at its best, lending a 
helping hand ( Cave Rescue). We see love for strangers ( Man in a Hurry). We 
see encouragement ( Barney and the Choir). We see a duty to set wrongs right ( 
Opie's I'll-Gotten Gain). We see justice ( Bailey's Bad Boy). We see putting 
others first ( The Bed Jacket).  We see belief in each other (Mr. McBeevee). We 
see helping a friend down on his luck ( Gomer the House Guest). We see a 
simpler lifestyle (Sermon for Today). We see friends saving other friends from 
embarrassment ( Floyd the Gay Deceiver). We see faith in our youth ( Great 
Filling Station Robbery) . We see a desire to make our friends happy ( A Wife 
for Andy). We see faith in mankind (The Christmas Story). We see respect and 
tolerance  for others ( Family Visit). We see a genuine desire to help others ( 
 Guitar Player episodes). Along the way, we are mesmerized by the characters, 
the brilliant writing, and the nostalgic setting. You see, somewhere, down deep 
in all of our hearts is a craving to live in this enchanted town. 
In fact, the reality is, we TAGS fans are all Ed Sawyers, trying to fit 
into the fast, hectic, evil, selfish world in which we truly do exist, but yet 
still believing that we hail from Mayberry, my hometown.  Yes, I'd love to get 
a haircut by Floyd, talk to Sarah on that phone, and pull a silly antic on 
Barney, but  much more than that, I'd like to live in a world where I am 
surrounded by the ideals and values and genuine love  shown in that little town 
in North Carolina in the sixties known as Mayberry. Yes, Mayberry is my 
hometown, isn't it yours too? 
Rebecca Spears/Lydia 

Sent from my iPad

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