Re: [web2py] Many-to-many relations with CRUD Insert

2012-01-17 Thread Christian Winterhager
Yes, thats clear. Until now i use a program, which is based  on INFORMIXDB 
with Python und CGI. In this program (respectively programs) i do exactly 
that what you described above in your mail. It is not difficult to write 
these programs but it is slow and boring.

But now i know web2py and i wanted to use this tool and all of its benefits 
to create more elegant forms and views. So my Question is again: Is there 
any method to create an INPUT-Form (not for output, SELECT is easy!) with 
CRUD or SQLFORM for the many-to-many Relation book-author-verb?  

Or more precisely: is it possible to make a form with CRUD or SQLFORM, 
which includes all fields of book and a listbox with autors, so that i can 
select one or more authors and then klick the *only *submit-button of the 
form to insert the book and the corresponding ids in table verb? I think 
the problem is that we have 2 tables for CRUD/SQLFORM, which are not 
directly connected via foreign keys (namely book and author).

[web2py] Apache/mod_wsgi: Exposing individual web2py apps alongside other non-web2py services

2012-01-17 Thread Kevin Ivarsen

I have an Apache server with mod_wsgi, and I would like to host web2py
alongside a variety of other things. For example:   hosts a PHP website. Might link to things like /
about.php, /users/view.php, etc   a standard Apache listing of files in a
directory   a web2py application named myapp1   a web2py application named myapp2

The Apache/mod_wsgi deployment example in the web2py book uses:

  WSGIScriptAlias / /users/www-data/web2py/

which effectively causes web2py to take over the root of the URL
hierarchy. In that case,

work as expected, but you've locked yourself out of serving any non-
web2py content on the server.

My workaround was to do this:

  WSGIScriptAlias /web2py /users/www-data/web2py/

to get web2py content namespaced under /web2py, and then use
mod_rewrite to create nicer URLs into the /web2py location; e.g.:
  RewriteRule ^/myapp1(/.*)?$ /web2py/myapp1$1 [PT,L]

However, now the app is accessible through two URLs:
or Moreover, any of my web2py
applications are accessible via /web2py/[appname] even if I only want
to expose a select few applications on a particular server.

I can restrict which applications are accessible via something like:
  Location /web2py
Order Allow,Deny
Deny from all

and then explicitly allow only those apps I want to expose. Then I can
(sort of) get rid of the redundant /web2py/[appname] URL with
something like:

  RewriteRule ^/web2py/myapp1 /myapp1 [R,L]

but now it seems like we've gone to a lot of work to accomplish a
fairly simple task.

Is anyone aware of a cleaner way to expose one or a few web2py apps
without lettings web2py take over the entire root URL namespace?


Re: [web2py] Many-to-many relations with CRUD Insert

2012-01-17 Thread Johann Spies
On 17 January 2012 11:03, Christian Winterhager wrote:

 Yes, thats clear. Until now i use a program, which is based  on INFORMIXDB
 with Python und CGI. In this program (respectively programs) i do exactly
 that what you described above in your mail. It is not difficult to write
 these programs but it is slow and boring.

 But now i know web2py and i wanted to use this tool and all of its
 benefits to create more elegant forms and views. So my Question is again:
 Is there any method to create an INPUT-Form (not for output, SELECT is
 easy!) with CRUD or SQLFORM for the many-to-many Relation

 Or more precisely: is it possible to make a form with CRUD or SQLFORM,
 which includes all fields of book and a listbox with autors, so that i can
 select one or more authors and then klick the *only *submit-button of the
 form to insert the book and the corresponding ids in table verb? I think
 the problem is that we have 2 tables for CRUD/SQLFORM, which are not
 directly connected via foreign keys (namely book and author).

In the 'verb' table you can use the type 'reference'  for 'book'  and
'list:reference' for authors (with the multiple-option).  Then you can have
a form using crud for input where you can select the book and the list of


I am working with a biliometric database and I have inserted constraints on
database level to prevent the same combination of appearing in the linking
table ('verb' in your case). I am working with Postgresql and found that
the web2py-communications with the database breaks when this constraint
complains.  So I had to build in code to check for the existence of that
combination of fields in the table before inserting it.


Because experiencing your loyal love is better than life itself,
my lips will praise you.  (Psalm 63:3)

Re: [web2py] Many-to-many relations with CRUD Insert

2012-01-17 Thread Johann Spies
On 17 January 2012 11:27, Johann Spies wrote:

 I am working with a biliometric database

Sorry that must be bibliometric database
Because experiencing your loyal love is better than life itself,
my lips will praise you.  (Psalm 63:3)

[web2py] Skype Integration

2012-01-17 Thread ganesh waghmare

I want to integrate skype in my web2py application. I have skypekit
downloaded from But it gives error : SSLError:ssl read
operation timed out

detailed stack trace:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /usr/lib/python2.6/, line 532, in
  File applications/filem/modules/skypekit_mod/ipc/python/, line 143, in run
  File applications/filem/modules/skypekit_mod/ipc/python/, line 521, in _start
if self._read_byte(1) == 'Z':
  File applications/filem/modules/skypekit_mod/ipc/python/, line 236, in _read_byte
read = self.socket.recv(4096)
  File /usr/lib/python2.6/, line 215, in recv
  File /usr/lib/python2.6/, line 136, in read
SSLError: The read operation timed out

please Help..
Thank You.

[web2py] Re: book 4th edition in PDF

2012-01-17 Thread Remco Boerma
Thanks for writing the book. 

Concerning payment, i couldn´t find any information about stripe on your 
page, so i googled them and validated them at visa. I can imagine more 
people wouldn´t just trust their creditcard details to a form not knowing 
what system is handling the details and where it´s stored an so forth. 

Will buy the book now - trying.. 

Remco Boerma, the Netherlands

[web2py] Re: book 4th edition in PDF

2012-01-17 Thread Remco Boerma
Works, mastercard

[web2py] Re: Links to referencing records - type 'exceptions.AttributeError' 'str' object has no attribute 'ignore_common_filters'

2012-01-17 Thread isi_jca

I made a modifications in my script:
def list_records():
expresion = 'list_records'
table = request.args(0)
query = request.vars.query
pos = query.find(expresion)

if pos = 0:
pos = pos + len(expresion)
query= query[pos:]
q = db(query)
records =
records = T('record does not exist')
return dict(records=records,table=pos,query=query)

But I get the same error:

type 'exceptions.AttributeError' 'str' object has no attribute

Is there other posibility to implement a relation master-detail?.
Thanks for your time.

On 14 ene, 20:16, Alan Etkin wrote:
  def list_records():
    table = request.args(0)
    query = request.vars.query
   records= db(query).select(db[table])
    return dict(records=records,table=table,query=query)

 the fourth line passes a string to the db instance call that expects a
 query object as those created with this statement:

 q = == number

 Maybe you can do new_query = eval(q) to create the normal db call
 input. The admin interface does something similar (i don't know if it
 uses eval) as it processes queries sent by browser user input.

Re: [web2py] Represent - redirect

2012-01-17 Thread Mathias Van Daele
Thanks !!

Op 17 januari 2012 00:44 schreef Anthony het volgende:

 On Monday, January 16, 2012 4:47:01 PM UTC-5, Mathias Van Daele wrote:

 Thanks for answer Johann.

 But how can I catch the value of args in the concerned function ?

 args from the URL are always in request.args, so in the edit_akb_country()
 function, the id would be in request.args(0).



[web2py] Re: DAL IMAPAdapter

2012-01-17 Thread Alan Etkin
I am about to send a new diff to the issues list for IMAPAdapter:

Added a new static field size to limit size in queries or filter
message sizes

Possible query commands will be:
db.table.size  3 (to fetch only messages smaller than 3
db.table.size  1000 (fetch only large messages) # this is a very
risky query for requests could lock the server and client in long
(db.mailbox.size  n)  (db.mailbox.size  n) # low/high bounds search

There is a new working connection pooling mechanism (overriding the
base class) that checks the connection and re-connects on socket

I think that mail search and fetch is more or less accomplished
(requires more intensive testing with different IMAP services)

Next features in the list pending:
-update() command (for flags and other editable elements)

[web2py] Ckeditor Crud Controller Problem

2012-01-17 Thread Andrew Evans
Hello I am having a problem with CKEditor in Crud I get the following error
when I try to use it

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /opt/web2py/gluon/, line 192, in restricted
exec ccode in environment
  File /opt/web2py/applications/pstv/controllers/,
line 158, in module
  File /opt/web2py/gluon/, line 145, in lambda
self._caller = lambda f: f()
  File /opt/web2py/gluon/, line 2499, in f
return action(*a, **b)
  File /opt/web2py/applications/pstv/controllers/,
line 28, in contributions
db.contrib.contributions = advanced_editor
  File /opt/web2py/gluon/, line 4735, in __setattr__
raise SyntaxError, 'Object exists and cannot be redefined: %s' % key
SyntaxError: Object exists and cannot be redefined: contributions

It works perfectly fine in another function that is pretty much the same
thing. I have posted the code below hoping some one can shed a light on

DAL code

Field('userinfo', db.auth_user, default=auth.user_id, readable=False,

Controller Code

def contributions():
db.contrib.contributions = advanced_editor
form =
#response.flash = 'You have successfully updated your Contributions
return dict(form=form)

Editor code in

def advanced_editor(field, value):
return TEXTAREA(_id = str(field).replace('.','_'),,
_class='text ckeditor', value=value, _cols=80, _rows=10)

and the view

{{extend 'cpanel.html'}}

h1Easily update your Contributions page!/h1

I have another bit of code which is basically the same as this. and it
works great

Any ideas greatly appreciated *cheers

Thank You

[web2py] Re: Ckeditor Crud Controller Problem

2012-01-17 Thread Anthony

 Field('userinfo', db.auth_user, default=auth.user_id, readable=False, 

 Controller Code

 def contributions():
 db.contrib.contributions = advanced_editor

db.contrib.contributions is a Field object that is part of the contrib 
table -- you cannot (and do not want to) replace it. Perhaps you're trying 
to set the field's widget:

db.contrib.contributions.widget = advanced_editor

This can also be done in the field's initial definition:

db.define_table('contrib', Field('contributions', ..., 



[web2py] UnicodeEncodeError on GAE

2012-01-17 Thread ttsujie
Hi! I'm web2py and python newbie. I like web2py! But recently I have a
problem on GAE.

I encounterd UnicodeEncodeError on GAE when I update a field value of
one table on appadmin.
The table has a list:string field.
I suspect that cause is list:string field.

File gluon\, line 1585, in _postprocessing
_value = str(self['_value'])
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode characters in position
0-2: ordinal not in range(128)

web2py version is 1.99.4

I found similar case. But it seems not to match with my problem.

I confirmed type(self['_value']).
in case of string, it is 'str'.
in case of list:stirng, it is 'unicode'.
I tried below but don't go good.
(dev_appserver OK. GAE NG)

if isinstance(self['_value'],unicode):
_value = self['_value'].encode('utf-8')
_value = str(self['_value'])

I don't know how to fix this...
(I can't see detail of error of ticket on GAE Data viewer...
only like this
dp0 S'output' p1 Stype 'exceptions.UnicodeEncodeError' 'ascii'
codec can't encode characters in position 0-2: ordinal not in
range(128) p2 sS'layer' p3

Could Anyone help me?

[web2py] Re: Links to referencing records - type 'exceptions.AttributeError' 'str' object has no attribute 'ignore_common_filters'

2012-01-17 Thread Anthony

 I made a modifications in my script: 
 def list_records(): 
 expresion = 'list_records' 
 table = request.args(0) 
 query = request.vars.query 
 pos = query.find(expresion) 

 if pos = 0: 
 pos = pos + len(expresion) 
 query= query[pos:] 
 q = db(query) 
 records = 
 records = T('record does not exist') 
 return dict(records=records,table=pos,query=query) 

 But I get the same error: 

 type 'exceptions.AttributeError' 'str' object has no attribute 

Same problem -- in db(query), query must be a Query object, but in your 
case it is just a string. You would have to do something like 
db(eval(query)), but that would be a security risk because you don't know 
what is in query. Instead, it's probably safer to parse the query itself 
and look for the table and id in the query -- confirm the table exists in 
db, and then build the actual query yourself.


Re: [web2py] Many-to-many relations with CRUD Insert

2012-01-17 Thread Christian Winterhager
I have also constraints on database level, but this is necessary for normal 
logical consistency of the database model. The problem is for me again - 
even if i use that reference or list.reference - that i cannot have *
ONLY* these fields


in my form on the screen and *only one submit-Button*, because CRUD accepts 
only one table and so there were 2 submit-buttons and 2 CRUD.create forms. 
As i said i want to insert the book-data (for simplicity here the title) 
without clicking the submit button, then select some author (better: one or 
more authors), then click submit, and the web2py-System must then insert 
the book, look for the new book-id and insert this book-id together with 
the author-id in the
connection-table verb. On a very low-level programming view with CGI, 
Python and informix (or just MySQL) this can be done without
great effort, but you have to write too much code. That is the reason why i 
want to have a simple form, created by CRUD or SQLFORM. 

By the way, i searched the Newsgroup here and i did'nt find anyone, who had 
this same problem. I'm wondering about that, because it is a standard 
situation in many commercial databases: you have producers and articles, 
but the connection between the two ist stored in a new table- say 
prod_art in form of a tupel (producer_id, article_id). How to put 

Article-Data and 
informations about who produces which article (Table prod_art)

in only one FORM with only ONE Submit Button?

P.S. Naturally i have one solution, but i think it is a dirty one: 

   1. With CRUD make 2 INSERT-Forms for tables author and book.
   2. If FORM for the book is accepted, and we therefor know the new 
   3. go to the NEXTURL, i.e. the CRUD.create - FORM for the table verb
   4. In the Controller, before accepting the form, let verb.book_id = 
   book_id from step 2.
   5. Choose an author from the table verb. Thanks to this CRUD-Feature!
   6. Insert verb.

Thats all, but it is too complicated for Users, wo want to insert thousends 
of Books: 2 Screen, 2 Submit-Buttons, switching

between the screens. As in said, i build a very user-friendly solution with 
CGI, but i think, it must be done also with web2py

[web2py] Re: Many-to-many relations with CRUD Insert

2012-01-17 Thread Anthony
This might give you some 
I suppose you would have to loop through the list of submitted authors to 
insert multiple records into the verb table.


On Monday, January 16, 2012 3:35:16 PM UTC-5, Christian Winterhager wrote:

 One of the standard examples  of many-to-many Relations is a library. For 
 simplicity i choose only 3 Tables:

 db.define_table ('author',
 Field ('name', 'string', length=100))

 db.define_table ('verb',
Field ('bnr', ),  
Field ('anr', ), 

 db.define_table ('book',
 Field('title', 'string', length=250))

 It is very easy to insert a new book, one or more author and the 
 corresponding record
 in the table verb. But i found no way to insert a book with the 
 CRUD-Method. The 
 is that i first must insert a row into  table book, then one into table 
 author and last i have to connect
 the inserted rows with the corresponding numbers 'bnr' and 'anr' in table 
 verb. Does anyone know if there
 is a way to do that with CRUD?


[web2py] Re: Question about many to many forms

2012-01-17 Thread Cliff
Check out SQLFORM.smartgrid

Also the image blog example gives a viable approach, though the
relationship is one-to-many

Also I think you could use components:

On Jan 16, 5:34 am, Thiago Magro wrote:
 Hello everyone,

 I have a question with forms for many to many relations and I just cant
 find the answer.

 Its possible to have forms inside forms?
 For example:
 I have a model Food that has inside a lot of components(nutrients). So Food
 has many components.
 Is there any chances that I could create a form for a food, and on the same
 form create a lot of subforms to create each food component as well?
 And going further, is it possible to edit a food and its components on the
 same form?

 What I looking for is something like acccept_nested_attributes from Rails.

 Thanks for any help!


[web2py] Re: Links to referencing records - type 'exceptions.AttributeError' 'str' object has no attribute 'ignore_common_filters'

2012-01-17 Thread isi_jca
Ok, Thanks a lot.

On 17 ene, 11:00, Anthony wrote:
  I made a modifications in my script:
  def list_records():
      expresion = 'list_records'
      table = request.args(0)
      query = request.vars.query
      pos = query.find(expresion)

      if pos = 0:
          pos = pos + len(expresion)
          query= query[pos:]
          q = db(query)
          records =
          records = T('record does not exist')
      return dict(records=records,table=pos,query=query)

  But I get the same error:

  type 'exceptions.AttributeError' 'str' object has no attribute

 Same problem -- in db(query), query must be a Query object, but in your
 case it is just a string. You would have to do something like
 db(eval(query)), but that would be a security risk because you don't know
 what is in query. Instead, it's probably safer to parse the query itself
 and look for the table and id in the query -- confirm the table exists in
 db, and then build the actual query yourself.


[web2py] Re: DAL IMAPAdapter

2012-01-17 Thread Alan Etkin
The new version of the adapter with fixes and size queries

Re: [web2py] Re: There is no web2py homebrew for OS X

2012-01-17 Thread Alvaro Lizama Molina
The pypi repo must be the defeault form of install web2py is cross
platform, and easy to use.

2012/1/17 pbreit

 Might not be a bad idea but it's way better to install Web2py from source.
 Then you have excellent version control.

Alvaro Lizama Molina  -

[web2py] too short - password error not proper case.

2012-01-17 Thread David

Not a biggie,

but it seems strange that the auth table generates  too short error 

It seems all the other messages seem proper case like Cannot be empty 
this should be changed to Too short

for consistency

[web2py] Re: Many-to-many relations with CRUD Insert

2012-01-17 Thread Christian Winterhager
Antony, thank you, i tried exactly this  some weeks ago and it did not 
work. Since now... may be, that i worked not enough. I will try more and we 
will see. 

[web2py] jQuery UI modal form dialog and user function.

2012-01-17 Thread Annet
I would like the default/user function's view default/user.html to
open in a modal form dialog as in jQuery UI:

Does one of you have example of how to get this to work?

Kind regards,


[web2py] Re: Many-to-many relations with CRUD Insert

2012-01-17 Thread Christian Winterhager
Anthony, the basic recommendation was to use SQLFORM.factory, and that was 
a good idea. I tried it again and i had now more success than some weeks 
before. So now i can insert rows in the table book and the table verb 
in one FORM and with only one submit-button. The FORM looks like this:

form=SQLFORM.factory(, db.verb.anr)
if form.process().accepted:
id =**
booknumber   = id
authornumber = form.vars.anr
id = db.verb.insert(bnr=booknumber,anr=authornumber)

It looks very good but you know, if you have succesfully finished a job, 
you find some other problems...

Re: [web2py] Re: Ckeditor Crud Controller Problem

2012-01-17 Thread Andrew Evans

I must of been blind not to see that last night

ty very much

On Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 5:51 AM, Anthony wrote:

 Field('userinfo', db.auth_user, default=auth.user_id, readable=False,

 Controller Code

 def contributions():
 db.contrib.contributions = advanced_editor

 db.contrib.contributions is a Field object that is part of the contrib
 table -- you cannot (and do not want to) replace it. Perhaps you're trying
 to set the field's widget:

 db.contrib.contributions.widget = advanced_editor

 This can also be done in the field's initial definition:

 db.define_table('contrib', Field('contributions', ...,



[web2py] Python / web2py or.... the learning path?

2012-01-17 Thread Artur
Do you think that someone with basic knowledge of programming (a little 
theoretical knowledge of languages like python, javascript and c), could 
have a chance to start learning web programming language using python and 
web2py framework?

I'm not talking about the understanding of language syntax, but more about 
the programming, mechanisms understanding which explain what is happening 
behind a website. Are there any good sources of knowledge, which explains 
all these basic things in a simple way... of course, using python and 
web2py framework?

Many says, that PHP is better choice, because have many sources that 
explain a beginner programmer all the important mechanisms what is going on 
behind the website and so on. Also, you can become productive fairly 

What would you say? What is your expiriens?

[web2py] Re: Help with OAuth20 facebook infinite redirect

2012-01-17 Thread Ben Tammetta

Do you mind sharing what facebook app you switched too?  I was writing FB 
apps in PHP but I want to switch to web2py so I am looking for a nice 
working base app to start with to create both canvas apps and tab page 
apps.  Any links you can point me too would be appreciated.  I have found 
3-4 python examples but not necessarily for web2py and the web3py examples 
are either outdated, do not work or do not have enough detail for me to 
create something that works.


[web2py] Guidence on using web2py for a facebook canvas app or tab page app

2012-01-17 Thread Ben Tammetta

I have developed a few apps for facebook using PHP but I really want switch 
future development to web2py.

I have not found any good updated base facebook web2py apps to start from.

A lot of the FB python code I have found applies to Django or assumes you 
will be using google app engine which I am not.

I have created modules and tried 3 versions of a file I have 

2) The order code  from the hellowfacebook web2py example

I have included the Javascript SDK in my web2py view found here.
Since I understand it is best to set and grab cookies and initiate a login 
and session with  the JS SDK

I also tried mods of  recommend code here but can't get it to work either.

I am still new to web2py so maybe I have something in the wrong place or 
have not declared or imported things properly.

in my I can import any facebook module code I use with
import facebook 

But where do I put this code that actually calls the defs and objects?  in 
my controller? another module or view?

cookie = facebook.get_user_from_cookie(self.request.cookies, FACEBOOK_APP_ID, 
graph = facebook.GraphAPI(cookie[access_token])
current_user = graph.get_object(me)

So my questions are...
1) Is there a base application with up-to-date code I can use to create a 
FB canvas or tab page app that creates a link for a user to login, let's me 
grab the cookie/access token from the JS SDK  and pull some info from the 
FB graph api.

2) which python FB classes or API or SDK should I use and import to best 
use with web2py.

3) where is the best place to place the code that calls the facebook class 
defs and methods? In a controller, controller def, module or view?

Thanks for any input.

[web2py] Re: Python / web2py or.... the learning path?

2012-01-17 Thread Anthony
web2py was originally created as a teaching tool -- I think you'll find it 
relatively easy to learn web programming with web2py, especially if you 
have some programming experience. The book 
( is a great learning resource. 
For a general understanding of how things work, check out the Introduction, 

Another new (partially complete) learning resource for beginners 


On Tuesday, January 17, 2012 10:38:17 AM UTC-5, Artur wrote:

 Do you think that someone with basic knowledge of programming (a little 
 theoretical knowledge of languages like python, javascript and c), could 
 have a chance to start learning web programming language using python and 
 web2py framework?

 I'm not talking about the understanding of language syntax, but more about 
 the programming, mechanisms understanding which explain what is happening 
 behind a website. Are there any good sources of knowledge, which explains 
 all these basic things in a simple way... of course, using python and 
 web2py framework?

 Many says, that PHP is better choice, because have many sources that 
 explain a beginner programmer all the important mechanisms what is going on 
 behind the website and so on. Also, you can become productive fairly 

 What would you say? What is your expiriens?

[web2py] Working XMLRPC code failing on new web2py version ?...

2012-01-17 Thread fpp

I have this very old web2py app that has been working 24/7 since early

One instance runs on my phone (Nokia N900, a Linux device), another on
my home server (also Linux).

The mobile instance frequently pushes database records to the server
instance, using XMLRPC, by calling the relevant method on the remote,
something like :

client = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(target+'/current/handle',
rows = db(db.current.id0).select()
status, response.flash = client.accept(rows.colnames,

This has been running flawlessly for four years, although both ends
have sometimes been upgraded :

* the mobile instance runs a semi-recent version of web2py (1.94.5) on
an old version of Python (2.5.4)
* the server instance does the opposite (Python 2.7  and web2py
1.56.1 !)
* so this is a fairly change-resistant combination so far...

However, today I tried the latest web2py (1.99.4), because I wanted to
host the mobile instance on an Android phone. After fighting my way
through Android and SL4A to the underlying Linux core, I got it to run
nicely, except for that push code above, which fails on the third
line with :

  TypeError: cannot marshal type '' objects

Now, obviously, one of the columns in rows.response contains a value. But why is this suddenly a problem ? I moved the
whole thing to a Windows box (with Python 2.6.5) and got the same

Could this be caused by the newer version of web2py ? Where to start
looking ?

Thanks for any ideas,

[web2py] Re: jQuery UI modal form dialog and user function.

2012-01-17 Thread apple
In user.html

add lines:

link href=
themes/{{=response.theme or smoothness}}/jquery-ui.css
rel=stylesheet type=text/css /
script src=
jquery-ui.min.js type=text/javascript/script
script language=javascript
$('#web2py_user_form').dialog({autoOpen : true, modal : true, width :

change line:

div id=web2py_user_form style='display:none'

On Jan 17, 5:56 pm, Annet wrote:
 I would like the default/user function's view default/user.html to
 open in a modal form dialog as in jQuery 

 Does one of you have example of how to get this to work?

 Kind regards,


[web2py] Re: Proposal for SQLFORM.grid

2012-01-17 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
Please open ticket and I will add this tonight

On Jan 16, 11:58 pm, Martin Weissenboeck wrote:

 grid generats SQLFORMs for 'new', 'view' and 'edit'. But only the first
 propagates the parameter formstyle from the constructor:
 Line 1550 ('new'):

            create_form = SQLFORM(
                 table, ignore_rw = ignore_rw, formstyle = formstyle,

 There is no formstile in line 1566 ('view')

            form = SQLFORM(table,record,upload=upload,ignore_rw=ignore_rw,

 and line 1578 ('edit')

            edit_form =

 Proposal: change to

            form =
 SQLFORM(table,record,upload=upload,ignore_rw=ignore_rw, *formstyle
 = formstyle, *


            edit_form =
 SQLFORM(table,record,upload=upload,ignore_rw=ignore_rw, *formstyle =

 Regards, Martin

[web2py] Re: Skype Integration

2012-01-17 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
can you show any code?

On Jan 17, 4:17 am, ganesh waghmare

 I want to integrate skype in my web2py application. I have skypekit
 downloaded from But it gives error : SSLError:ssl read
 operation timed out

 detailed stack trace:
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File /usr/lib/python2.6/, line 532, in
   File applications/filem/modules/skypekit_mod/ipc/python/, line 143, in run
   File applications/filem/modules/skypekit_mod/ipc/python/, line 521, in _start
     if self._read_byte(1) == 'Z':
   File applications/filem/modules/skypekit_mod/ipc/python/, line 236, in _read_byte
     read = self.socket.recv(4096)
   File /usr/lib/python2.6/, line 215, in recv
   File /usr/lib/python2.6/, line 136, in read
 SSLError: The read operation timed out

 please Help..
 Thank You.

[web2py] Re: Working XMLRPC code failing on new web2py version ?...

2012-01-17 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
Please open a ticket. What's the latest version that worked? Can you
show how you expose the service?

On Jan 17, 1:49 pm, fpp wrote:

 I have this very old web2py app that has been working 24/7 since early

 One instance runs on my phone (Nokia N900, a Linux device), another on
 my home server (also Linux).

 The mobile instance frequently pushes database records to the server
 instance, using XMLRPC, by calling the relevant method on the remote,
 something like :

         client = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(target+'/current/handle',
         rows = db(db.current.id0).select()
         status, response.flash = client.accept(rows.colnames,

 This has been running flawlessly for four years, although both ends
 have sometimes been upgraded :

 * the mobile instance runs a semi-recent version of web2py (1.94.5) on
 an old version of Python (2.5.4)
 * the server instance does the opposite (Python 2.7  and web2py
 1.56.1 !)
 * so this is a fairly change-resistant combination so far...

 However, today I tried the latest web2py (1.99.4), because I wanted to
 host the mobile instance on an Android phone. After fighting my way
 through Android and SL4A to the underlying Linux core, I got it to run
 nicely, except for that push code above, which fails on the third
 line with :

   TypeError: cannot marshal type '' objects

 Now, obviously, one of the columns in rows.response contains a value. But why is this suddenly a problem ? I moved the
 whole thing to a Windows box (with Python 2.6.5) and got the same

 Could this be caused by the newer version of web2py ? Where to start
 looking ?

 Thanks for any ideas,

Re: [web2py] Re: Python / web2py or.... the learning path?

2012-01-17 Thread Bruno Rocha
Absolutelly YES!

I teach web2py in my course  the great part of
audience is beginners also in web and programming, with Python it is very
easy to learn O.O and web2py makes very easy to understand web workflow.

* I am making some tests, may be my course will be recorded in english too.

On Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 5:46 PM, Anthony wrote:

 web2py was originally created as a teaching tool -- I think you'll find it
 relatively easy to learn web programming with web2py, especially if you
 have some programming experience. The book ( is a great learning resource.
 For a general understanding of how things work, check out the Introduction,
 Overview,, and

 Another new (partially complete) learning resource for beginners is


 On Tuesday, January 17, 2012 10:38:17 AM UTC-5, Artur wrote:

 Do you think that someone with basic knowledge of programming (a little
 theoretical knowledge of languages like python, javascript and c), could
 have a chance to start learning web programming language using python and
 web2py framework?

 I'm not talking about the understanding of language syntax, but more
 about the programming, mechanisms understanding which explain what is
 happening behind a website. Are there any good sources of knowledge, which
 explains all these basic things in a simple way... of course, using python
 and web2py framework?

 Many says, that PHP is better choice, because have many sources that
 explain a beginner programmer all the important mechanisms what is going on
 behind the website and so on. Also, you can become productive fairly

 What would you say? What is your expiriens?


Bruno Rocha

Re: [web2py] how to remove duplicate tables in smartgrid?

2012-01-17 Thread Martin Weissenboeck
My problem is similar:

At first there is the table of persons auth_user with some additional
fields like a phone number and so on.
Now one persons (A) writes something concerning another person (B).
Let's sove it with a table

   Field('from_person', 'reference auth_user'),
   Field('about_person', 'reference auth_user'),

A SQLFORM.smartgrid(db.auth_user, linked_tables=['report']) shows a grid
with two REPORTS-buttons:

 Auth users
 2 records found
1 jim smith
Delete  2 joesmith 

But the first button is not necessary, because the from_user is the current
*Is it possible to remove (only) the first button?*

I have tried the parameter links to create my own button. It works, but
the two REPORTS remain.
links_in_grid = True removes every button.

Maybe it would be better if links_in_grid switches off only the default

If somebody wants to try it - this is my controller:

def report():
grid =  SQLFORM.smartgrid(db.auth_user,
user_signature = False)
return locals()

By the way: there is always the plural form - what is the condition to
display the singular form?

Regards, Martin

2011/12/26 Jim Gregory

 I am creating an application that has a one-to-many table that
 references the same table twice:

Field('title', required=True, unique=True),
Field('sku', required = True, unique=True),
Field('description', 'text'),
format = '%(title)s'

Field('product_id', db.product, writable=False),
Field('product', 'reference product'),

 If I create a smartgrid on the 'product' table using:
 def product():
return dict(grid=SQLFORM.smartgrid(

 the related_product table appears twice because it references the
 product table twice.  Any way to prevent this?


Re: [web2py] Re: Proposal for SQLFORM.grid

2012-01-17 Thread Martin Weissenboeck

2012/1/17 Massimo Di Pierro

 Please open ticket and I will add this tonight

 On Jan 16, 11:58 pm, Martin Weissenboeck wrote:
  grid generats SQLFORMs for 'new', 'view' and 'edit'. But only the first
  propagates the parameter formstyle from the constructor:
  Line 1550 ('new'):
 create_form = SQLFORM(
  table, ignore_rw = ignore_rw, formstyle = formstyle,
  There is no formstile in line 1566 ('view')
 form = SQLFORM(table,record,upload=upload,ignore_rw=ignore_rw,
  and line 1578 ('edit')
 edit_form =
  Proposal: change to
 form =
  SQLFORM(table,record,upload=upload,ignore_rw=ignore_rw, *formstyle
  = formstyle, *
 edit_form =
  SQLFORM(table,record,upload=upload,ignore_rw=ignore_rw, *formstyle =
  Regards, Martin

[web2py] Need help with drag-n-drop using jQuery

2012-01-17 Thread Frank Hall
I'm prototyping a scheduling board with drivers in the columns and their 
deliveries in the rows to prove that I can reassign deliveries using 
drag-n-drop under web2py. I have developed a matrix of movable cells that I 
based on Massimo's Excel Spreadsheet module. I can drag-n-drop cells just 
fine, but the performance is hideous. The drop takes 10 seconds typically. 
I must be missing some configuration item or something; I just can't make 
the thing work with a speed that will interest my boss. Can anyone suggest 
where I might look to make things snappy? My code is simple and short ( 
200 LOC). Might it have anything to do with the ram-cache? I appreciate any 
help you can offer to get me moving again (and to escape being forced to 
develop our board on Alpha5 or Servoy instead). Thanks in advance.

Re: [web2py] Guidence on using web2py for a facebook canvas app or tab page app

2012-01-17 Thread Michele Comitini
Hello Ben,

Take a look at this simple example app

Web2py comes with support for oauth2.0 (for facebook auth) included,
so take some time to understand how web2py works creating a simple app
that requires authentication, read the web2py book on how to do it.
Then copy the code from the app above to make your facebook app.

It is much simpler than what you think...


2012/1/17 Ben Tammetta

 I have developed a few apps for facebook using PHP but I really want switch
 future development to web2py.

 I have not found any good updated base facebook web2py apps to start from.

 A lot of the FB python code I have found applies to Django or assumes you
 will be using google app engine which I am not.

 I have created modules and tried 3 versions of a file I have

 2) The order code  from the hellowfacebook web2py example

 I have included the Javascript SDK in my web2py view found here.
 Since I understand it is best to set and grab cookies and initiate a login
 and session with  the JS SDK

 I also tried mods of  recommend code here but can't get it to work either.

 I am still new to web2py so maybe I have something in the wrong place or
 have not declared or imported things properly.

 in my I can import any facebook module code I use with
 import facebook

 But where do I put this code that actually calls the defs and objects?  in
 my controller? another module or view?

 cookie = facebook.get_user_from_cookie(self.request.cookies,
 graph = facebook.GraphAPI(cookie[access_token])
 current_user = graph.get_object(me)

 So my questions are...
 1) Is there a base application with up-to-date code I can use to create a FB
 canvas or tab page app that creates a link for a user to login, let's me
 grab the cookie/access token from the JS SDK  and pull some info from the FB
 graph api.

 2) which python FB classes or API or SDK should I use and import to best use
 with web2py.

 3) where is the best place to place the code that calls the facebook class
 defs and methods? In a controller, controller def, module or view?

 Thanks for any input.

[web2py] Re: Python / web2py or.... the learning path?

2012-01-17 Thread Chris May
There are indeed a *lot* of PHP tutorials and articles out there. Most of 
them are of little value in general, or even misleading readers into bad 
practices (as referenced by Christian Heilmann in a recent post on Smashing 
most of the *best *PHP sources will teach you web-development techniques 
that you can do in Python (or more precisely, are already easy for you to 
implement in web2py).

As a developer who is also growing in my understanding of the best 
practices, I recommend you look around as much as you can for great 
articles on best practices. I have learned a lot from the following places:

   - A List Apart - I would *start off here*. 
   In general, their articles do a great job of establishing practices you 
   want to emulate.
   - Smashing Magazine - They post one 
   article a day, and the quality varies significantly, so be vigilant. Most 
   articles focus on front-end and trending topics in web design.
   - Smashing Network - This is a 
   list of recent web-related blog posts curated by the Smashing team. The 
   quality varies even more, but there is enough there to scan through for 
   - This Google Group - You will learn *so much* from the talented people 
   - Paul Irish and his Google+ 
page Paul is a young 
developer with a passion for making the web better by 
   sharing information. Most of what he shares is front-end specific, but makes
   - Christian Heilmann - archives just 
   about every talk he gives on various web topics.

This list isn't as exhaustive. But I would also like to put out a request 
for other places to look for web development. Being relatively new to 
Python and the server-side myself, I don't have a go-to list for that side.

Anyone else have ideas?

[web2py] Re: UnicodeEncodeError on GAE

2012-01-17 Thread howesc
try decode instead of encode (the string is encoded in utf-8 and you are 
trying to decode):


it was a different but similar problem that i had on GAE that i solved this 

good luck!


[web2py] Re: Implementing tornado chat server with web2py

2012-01-17 Thread Abhishek Gupta
I implemented a similar solution, but the user keeps on getting 
disconnected from the tornado server. This happens frequently with chrome. 
Any guesses, so as why the user is being disconnected so often (in every 
4-5 secs).

[web2py] Re: Python / web2py or.... the learning path?

2012-01-17 Thread pbreit
I find the Widnows/Mac Web2py download to be one of the easiest ways to get 
started and to learn to program. You will thank yourself later by learning 
Python instead of PHP. Python is easy to learn because it is pretty well 
thought-out, the syntax is clean and easy to read, there is not a lot of 
extraneous crud, etc.

With the Windows or Mac download of Web2py, you can be programming in 
minutes using either a text editor or the built-in text editor. There is 
enough sample code that you will be able to figure out how to write your 
own in a short period of time after observing the existing code.

The Web2py Book includes a brief, easy-to follow intro to Python:

Then, just follow the Overview:

[web2py] web2py powered sites yogesh link not working

2012-01-17 Thread António Ramos link is  not working in the bottom of the page


Re: [web2py] Re: There is no web2py homebrew for OS X

2012-01-17 Thread pbreit
Web2py changes too fast to use anything but source, in my opinion.

[web2py] Re: UnicodeEncodeError on GAE

2012-01-17 Thread ttsujie
Thank you for replay.

I tried, but the same error message.
(app_devserver NG, GAE NG)

I think it's strange that error message is UnicodeEncodeError, is
not UnicodeDecodeError...

On 1月18日, 午前7:44, howesc wrote:
 try decode instead of encode (the string is encoded in utf-8 and you are
 trying to decode):


 it was a different but similar problem that i had on GAE that i solved this

 good luck!


[web2py] Re: error class proposal

2012-01-17 Thread Alex
I've created a function getFormFields which I call for every form I'm
using. In this function I go through all inputs of the form with
form.elements('input, select, textarea')

and then I check if the name of the input field exists in form.errors.
If there is an error I add a css error class. At the end of the
function I return all input fields as a dict.

On 16 Jan., 23:56, Massimo Di Pierro
 I understand. Let me think about this the problem is some some
 widgets do not have a single input fiels (think if lists and
 checkboxes). Please open a ticket in google code so we do not forget.

 On Jan 16, 2:25 pm, David wrote:

  Sorry for not being clear;

  I meant if the field has an error obviously.

  After form validation, the ie. input would have an error class

  This would be useful for styling the fields with say red borders

  Alternatively if there is generic way to handle this I would appreciate it.


  On 1/16/12 2:26 PM, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:

   Why do you want to add an error class to the input? The error class
   is normally used for inputs. Perhaps I do not understand.

   On Jan 15, 7:40 pm,  wrote:
   I was thinking about the form validation.

   I thought that it may be useful to include an error class on the input
   widget when the form is submitted and has invalid data.



   divid=password__errorclass=errorstyle=display: block;too 


   divid=password__errorclass=errorstyle=display: block;too 

   Notice the error is the class of the input.

   I think this would be very useful and don't think it would break any
   backwards compatibility.


Re: [web2py] Re: error class proposal

2012-01-17 Thread David J
Massimo added this to trunk.

Please see .inputinvalid class
On Jan 17, 2012 8:47 PM, Alex wrote:

 I've created a function getFormFields which I call for every form I'm
 using. In this function I go through all inputs of the form with
 form.elements('input, select, textarea')

 and then I check if the name of the input field exists in form.errors.
 If there is an error I add a css error class. At the end of the
 function I return all input fields as a dict.

 On 16 Jan., 23:56, Massimo Di Pierro
  I understand. Let me think about this the problem is some some
  widgets do not have a single input fiels (think if lists and
  checkboxes). Please open a ticket in google code so we do not forget.
  On Jan 16, 2:25 pm, David wrote:
   Sorry for not being clear;
   I meant if the field has an error obviously.
   After form validation, the ie. input would have an error class
   This would be useful for styling the fields with say red borders
   Alternatively if there is generic way to handle this I would
 appreciate it.
   On 1/16/12 2:26 PM, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
Why do you want to add an error class to the input? The error class
is normally used for inputs. Perhaps I do not understand.
On Jan 15, 7:40 pm,  wrote:
I was thinking about the form validation.
I thought that it may be useful to include an error class on the
widget when the form is submitted and has invalid data.
divid=password__errorclass=errorstyle=display: block;too
divid=password__errorclass=errorstyle=display: block;too
Notice the error is the class of the input.
I think this would be very useful and don't think it would break any
backwards compatibility.

[web2py] Re: web2py powered sites yogesh link not working

2012-01-17 Thread Anthony
Thanks for pointing that out. Looks like it may have been a spam posting.


[web2py] Can I pass a variable through an ajax load?

2012-01-17 Thread chawk

if so, where would I put it?

I am trying to grab that variable on the page that is being loaded.
Hope this makes sense I am completely worn out.


[web2py] Re: Can I pass a variable through an ajax load?

2012-01-17 Thread Anthony

{{=LOAD('controller_name','function', args=[...], vars=dict(...), 

On Tuesday, January 17, 2012 9:38:48 PM UTC-5, chawk wrote:


 if so, where would I put it? 

 I am trying to grab that variable on the page that is being loaded. 
 Hope this makes sense I am completely worn out. 


[web2py] how to download file from within a cid target

2012-01-17 Thread smogzer
I'm trying to generate a pdf with the bundled pdf generator (fypdf)
from withing a .load file that is loaded into a div.

Outside the cid div (i.e. extension .html)  the download works fine
but from within the .load, the contents get rendered into the cid
target, never downloading to the user.

How can i download a generated file from within a cid ?

print request.function+request.extension:,

#tmp_pdf = f.render('invoice.pdf', dest='S')
attachment = 'attachment;filename=invoice.pdf'
response.headers['Content-Disposition'] = attachment
response.extension ='pdf'
#response.cid =''
#response.ajax = False
content = f.render('invoice.pdf', dest='S')
return f.render('invoice.pdf', dest='S')

Another similar problem is blog headlines that are generated from a
feedburner javascript within a .load / cid and never render, while
they render perfectly outside (.html). Maybe these two problems are

[web2py] Re: Can I pass a variable through an ajax load?

2012-01-17 Thread chawk
Thanks Anthony.

[web2py] Re: UnicodeEncodeError on GAE

2012-01-17 Thread ttsujie
First I don't know that it's need to update default version setting
after update version at app.yaml.
After update default version, that go good.
I'm sorry for lack of my GAE knowlege.
(I'm ashamed..)

Anyway if someone encounter the same problem, this thread is useful.
(I'm not sure this is the best way or not. But it's good in my case.)

gluon/ modified.
-_value = str(self['_value'])
+if isinstance(self['_value'],unicode):
+_value = self['_value'].encode('utf-8')
+_value = str(self['_value'])
 if t == 'checkbox' and not '_checked' in self.attributes:

On 1月18日, 午前9:26, ttsujie wrote:
 Thank you for replay.

 I tried, but the same error message.
 (app_devserver NG, GAE NG)

 I think it's strange that error message is UnicodeEncodeError, is
 not UnicodeDecodeError...

 On 1月18日, 午前7:44, howesc wrote:

  try decode instead of encode (the string is encoded in utf-8 and you are
  trying to decode):


  it was a different but similar problem that i had on GAE that i solved this

  good luck!


[web2py] Re: get user id on mobile app after login to web2py

2012-01-17 Thread Yuval
The cookies was an easy and strait forward implementation.
Adding  response.cookies['myCookie'] = 'myData' in the web2py default
controller (that the user will visit once logged in)
and using the CookieManager Class on the app side provided a simple

On Jan 16, 8:10 pm, Bruno Rocha wrote:
 You can redirect the user after login to a new url and post user ID as args
 or vars, so in client side I think you can take it from location. Or you
 can set a input hidden with the value and read it with jquery, or the

 On Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 2:07 AM, Yuval wrote:
  This is on the server side, I looked for the better way to get it over
  from the server to the mobile application/ client side.
  I will just set the user id in a cookie and I will pick up from the
  cookie on the mobile application side.


  On Jan 16, 4:50 pm, Yuval wrote:
   I need the web2py user id on an android mobile application.

   The user will use a web page (WebView) to perform the login (or to

   Once logged in, what is the best suggested way to pass back the user
   id to the container application (browser)?



 Bruno Rocha

[web2py] dynamic SQLForm.factory from query

2012-01-17 Thread web-dev-m
Dear Everyone,

I am still plugging away on web2py and loving it more and more the
better I understand python.

I have a page where a large list is generated from a database query.
Next to each item from the list, I would like to put the ability to
add a comment.

I did this statically by creating X number of forms for X number of
list items displayed on the page, so I know the concept is possible.
Now, I want to make it dynamic.  I searched this group, and all over
the web for dynamic form web2py, multiple form web2py, etc. and
all iterations thereof.

I did find these threads:!topic/web2py/nE_-yhDG-3o

The second one seemed closer to what I'm trying to do, but for now, my
problem is much simpler.  I have one table, one query, and just a
variable number of fields.  I tried every syntax I could muster
blindly trying to pass in a list of fields to SQLFORM or

Below is my code, chopped of the unimportant bits for clarity:

def multi_comment():
for i in records:
fields.append(Field('div_id', default=str(counter)))
return dict(form=form, fields=fields)

I am getting only one field in my form with a div_id of 1.  I know
there has to be a simple way to do this, I am just not skilled enough
to do it.

Any suggestions?  Also, any help with implementing the db insert after
the form has been processed would be wonderful!

Thank you in advance!

Re: [web2py] Re: Movuca - The Social CMS - Need Testers and Contributors

2012-01-17 Thread Bruno Rocha

A lot of people are sending me emails with suggestions and bug reports
(some people who are not familiar with github to fill issues there)

So I created UserVoice account for Movuca

If you have any consideration, suggestion, bug report, idea etc...

Thank you


Bruno Rocha

[web2py] Re: Skype Integration

2012-01-17 Thread ganesh waghmare
Hi massimo,


import Skype
accountName = skype_username
accountPsw  = skype_password
loggedIn= False

Skype.Account.OnPropertyChange = AccountOnChange
MySkype = Skype.GetSkype(keypair_keyFileName)
account = MySkype.GetAccount(accountName)
account.LoginWithPassword(accountPsw, False, False)

while not loggedIn:

def AccountOnChange (self, property_name):
global loggedIn;
if property_name == 'status':
print ('Login sequence: ' + self.status);
if self.status == 'LOGGED_IN':
loggedIn = True;
if self.status == 'LOGGED_OUT':
loggedIn = False;

In /ipc/python/

def run(self):

def _start(self):
while not self.stopped:
if self._read_byte(1) == 'Z':
if self.stopped:

def _read_byte(self, num_bytes_to_read = 1):
result = self.read_buffer
while not self.stopped and len(result)  num_bytes_to_read:
read = self.socket.recv(4096)
if not read:
raise ConnectionClosed

Thank You

On Jan 18, 1:55 am, Massimo Di Pierro
 can you show any code?

 On Jan 17, 4:17 am, ganesh waghmare


  I want to integrateskypein my web2py application. I have skypekit
  downloaded But it gives error : SSLError:ssl read
  operation timed out

  detailed stack trace:
  Traceback (most recent call last):
    File /usr/lib/python2.6/, line 532, in
    File applications/filem/modules/skypekit_mod/ipc/python/, line 143, in run
    File applications/filem/modules/skypekit_mod/ipc/python/, line 521, in _start
      if self._read_byte(1) == 'Z':
    File applications/filem/modules/skypekit_mod/ipc/python/, line 236, in _read_byte
      read = self.socket.recv(4096)
    File /usr/lib/python2.6/, line 215, in recv
    File /usr/lib/python2.6/, line 136, in read
  SSLError: The read operation timed out

  please Help..
  Thank You.

[web2py] MSSQL How to access tables which not created by web2py

2012-01-17 Thread Dan
Hi all,

In,  I successful create a connect to MSSQL and create a new
table in mydb database like below.
msdb = DAL('mssql://user:passwd@sqlserver/mydb')

Now in mydb, I got two tables test which already exists and test1
which web2py just created.

In, I tried to return all the tables in mydb

def mssql():
crud = Crud(msdb)
# Try to return all the tables
a = crud.tables()
return dict(a=a)

But in view mssql.html {{=a}}
only the test1 shows.

So my questions is that, If I want to query/update the test table
which not created by web2py, how should I do?
Do I need import pyodbc and create a connect and query again?  Many

Re: [web2py] MSSQL How to access tables which not created by web2py

2012-01-17 Thread Bruno Rocha
You need to map the existent table and set migrate=False, also you will
need to specify which field is the 'id' or primary keys, and for all fields
you need to tell the datatype.

FIeld('cod', 'id'),
Field('field1', datatype),
Field('field2', datatype),

look here:


Bruno Rocha

[web2py] Re: dynamic SQLForm.factory from query

2012-01-17 Thread Annet
Did you have a look at the wiki example in the web2py book: ?

Instead of a 'page' table you have the table from which you retrieve
the list and, just like in the example, a table to store the comments.
page_id in your case becomes list_id.

I don't see why you need the fields and counter variable. I would move
the for loop to the view and do something like:

{{for row in rows:}}
td{{=A('Add comment',_href=URL('addComment',}}/td

.. and in the addComment function something like:


I hope this helps you solve the problem.

Kind regards,
