[web2py] Re: Monitoring memory usage leaks

2012-01-28 Thread Joseph Jude
There is an option -F filename while starting web2py. Is there any 
documentation (or pointers) about how to use it?

Thank you,

[web2py] Monitoring memory usage leaks

2012-01-27 Thread Joseph Jude
What tools / code snippets are you using to monitor memory leaks?

Re: [web2py] High memory usage in webfaction

2012-01-25 Thread Joseph Jude
oh my god.  The memory usage dropped from 71 mb from 120 mb. webfaction 
should use this as their default for installing web2py.

I can't thank you enough.

Just one more question:
1. I'm assuming there is no need to restart uwsgi; it automatically does I 

Thank you,

[web2py] Re: High memory usage in webfaction

2012-01-25 Thread Joseph Jude
sorry it is midnight here and i am too relieved that it is solved and too 
excited that now i can get back to 'real' development.

dropped to 71 mb from 120 mb

[web2py] Re: Nobs questions about install web2py on webfaction and others...

2012-01-25 Thread Joseph Jude
use uwsgi. 
Ref: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/web2py/LOdYk1C7B0I/JiMA_HzNqBQJ

Re: [web2py] Re: High memory usage in webfaction

2012-01-25 Thread Joseph Jude
can I rotate log (uwsgi.log) with this command? I don't want the log file 
to go on increasing in size

[web2py] High memory usage in webfaction

2012-01-24 Thread Joseph Jude
Dear All,
I was expecting when I am going to get this message from webfaction team 
and I got it today. I have searched through this group and found that I 
could use uwsgi server. Before I go ahead and make changes on the site, I 
got few questions:
1. Currently it is running on apache. How do I make the switch to uwsgi and 
disable apache?
2. In the error message that webfaction sent, there are processes that 
running for 23 days (and there are many) and that adds to the memory. How 
do I know what are the unnecessary processes and kill them?
3. There is a expire_sessions.py in admin app. Does that help and if so, 

Thank you,

[web2py] Re: contains return no rows of field list:string

2012-01-15 Thread Joseph Jude
Thank you Denes. I understood and this works fine at shell.

At web-application, I use the below code,

form = crud.create(db.entries,
next = URL('index'))

This gets me a simple text field for the 'list:string' field and whatever I 
enter gets in as,


I tried to enter ['one','two','three'] and it gets in as a single string.

so I'm still on zero.

Can someone tell me how to handle (ie. whatever is entered gets in as 
individual strings and not as a single string) from the web-app.

One option I can think of is to create a pain the form with individual 
fields and then process the form submission. But I hope I could handle this 
with crud, since it is so easy.

Thank you,

[web2py] Re: contains return no rows of field list:string

2012-01-15 Thread Joseph Jude
Thank you. It works.

Just for completeness: I had designed a layout from scratch and hence had 
left out web2py_ajax.html. For this widget to work, it is essential that 
this file is included.


[web2py] contains return no rows of field list:string

2012-01-14 Thread Joseph Jude
I have the below table definition

Field('tags', 'list:string',required=True))

and then inserted values. Now I am trying to select using the below

entries = db(db.entries.tags.contains('learning')).select()

It returns no values (though there are rows in db).

db: sqlite; web2py: 1.99.4

Thank you,

Re: [web2py] contains return no rows of field list:string

2012-01-14 Thread Joseph Jude
Thanks Bruno.

I deleted the db and recreated (its only in db). The error still persists.

print type(entry.tags) returns list
 and the field values are |learning|other|other|

I can see that in the field too.

Would you mind sharing your rest code? I think I'm missing something 'small'


Re: [web2py] contains return no rows of field list:string

2012-01-14 Thread Joseph Jude
I went into shell in a new web2py directory and tried the below. 
Surprisingly, I get empty output. Any explanations?

python web2py.py -S init -M

Field('title', type='string'),
Field('tags', 'list:string'))



[web2py] Re: Is it me or what?

2012-01-12 Thread Joseph Jude
You may want to change the metadata author. Site looks good.

BTW, what plan of GAE are you on?

Re: [web2py] How do you manage your app repo with Mercurial

2012-01-10 Thread Joseph Jude
I use the below:
is_local = request.client in ['', 'localhost']
if is_local:
from local_settings import *
from prod_settings import *

I got local_settings.py  prod_settings.py. Through hgignore, I ignore 
prod_settings.py so it doesn't go to my public repo.

P.S: since I run the site on webfaction where request.is_local returns true 
so I had to use the first line shortcut.


[web2py] Re: dropbox python api

2012-01-05 Thread Joseph Jude
If anyone is interested, you can look into the code for dropbox connection 


This is my default.py. Look at dropbox_connect  and process_dropbox.

Question: How can I automate this with cron? When I do it, it stops with 
the redirect.

Thank you,

Re: [web2py] Re: Logging in web2py

2012-01-05 Thread Joseph Jude
I'm using this logging module with logging.conf. It works fine in 
controllers  models. How to make it work in modules?


[web2py] Re: dropbox python api

2012-01-04 Thread Joseph Jude
What kind of error are you getting?

I'm also starting to play with dropbox. Got two functions in default 
controller (one is a callback function) but it works. BTW, I'm storing the 
dropbox session as current.session.dsession


[web2py] Re: dropbox python api

2012-01-02 Thread Joseph Jude
To use this do you need APIs both from dropbox  janrain?

Thank you,

[web2py] Re: Optimizing web2py app for GAE

2011-12-30 Thread Joseph Jude
Let us say I have the below code in db.py under models

define_table(db, )

If I change that to,
if settings.migrate:

rest of the queries based on this table doesn't work. I want to skip the 
definition altogether if the table is already present. Reason: I assume 
that GAE makes a datastore call for each of these define_table. So every 
page request initiates these define_table adding to the cost of datastore 
read limits posed in GAE. Is this how it happens? Can I skip definition of 
tables altogether? (I believe django doesn't invoke definition of tables 
for every request)

Objective is to optimize application on GAE.

Thank you,

[web2py] Optimizing web2py app for GAE

2011-12-29 Thread Joseph Jude
Hi all,
As much as I'm happy to reach the front page of hacker news with 
minnaedu.appspot.com, it threw me out of the free limits of GAE. What 
surprised me was that when the number of visitors to the page was just 500 
 there are just 2 posts (basically this was a blog engine), I already 
reached .05 million datastore read limit.

My models are already in modules and am using cache.

What other optimizations would you recommend?

(I understand that I can reach only so far with the free limits; but my 
surprise is that with 500 hits it reached .05 million datastore reads).

Code is 

Any suggestions are welcome.

Thank you,

[web2py] Re: Web2Py on GAE very slow

2011-12-29 Thread Joseph Jude
Did you manage to write this? I am looking for optimizing the GAE. Would 
appreciate your inputs.


[web2py] Re: (Another) Blog Engine in web2py

2011-12-28 Thread Joseph Jude
Power of web2py is in running the same code base both in GAE  webfaction. 
Here is the blog engine (with imported wordpress entries) in webfaction: 

I wrote about it here: http://goo.gl/zidxe

Let 2012 be a great year.


[web2py] Re: Is this possible?

2011-12-27 Thread Joseph Jude
Your code base should be adjusted. Both Anthony  Jonathan helped me with 
similar problem for me.

Here is my 
here is my 

here is the final application: minnaedu.appspot.com

Hope these help


[web2py] Re: Instant press 2.1.0 holiday edition (?)

2011-12-26 Thread Joseph Jude
Looks nice Martin. Isn't routes.py needed to run this?


Re: [web2py] Routes help for wordpress style urls

2011-12-24 Thread Joseph Jude
Hopefully last question on this thread.

routers = dict(
  init= dict(functions = ['index',

above works for admin, appadmin  for other entries too

Not sure the below is a problem with routes or not.
I have a feed() function. If I browse to feed.rss it works fine. But I 
would like /feed/ as the url (without.rss). How to achieve it?

Thanks again guys,

[web2py] (Another) Blog Engine in web2py

2011-12-24 Thread Joseph Jude
Thanks to many forum members esp Anthony  Jonathan, I was able to finish 
the blog engine that I have been developing to learn more about web2py. The 
code is in https://bitbucket.org/id804097/minnaedu/src. The blog is 
at: http://minnaedu.appspot.com/. This week, I will be migrating my 
wordpress blog into this new blog engine.

So far I have not yet enabled cache. But I will learn and do so.

I learnt quite a lot during this development (non-functional learnings : 
web2py is easy; web2py forum is helpful; but web2py resources are limited 
to this forum  web2py book)

Have a look at the code and if there are any areas for improvement, pl let 
me know (I haven't yet put in a license but it will be a permissible one)

Happy Christmas everyone.


Re: [web2py] Routes help for wordpress style urls

2011-12-23 Thread Joseph Jude
routers = dict(
  BASE = dict(default_application = 'init',
default_controller = 'default',
default_function = 'index',
functions = ['index'],

With the above routes, admin doesn't work. i.e: localhost:8080/admin/index 
throws a password pg but after that the control goes to /admin/site and it 
throws an error 'This webpage has a redirect loop'.

How to resolve this?

[web2py] Routes help for wordpress style urls

2011-12-22 Thread Joseph Jude
I am almost complete on a blog engine for myself and have also written 
import from wordpress. I'm not stuck at mapping the urls. In wordpress I've 
been using


as url for posts and


for pages.

How do I translate that in web2py? Can this be achieved via parameter based 
routes or should it be only by pattern-based?

Thank you,

Re: [web2py] Routes help for wordpress style urls

2011-12-22 Thread Joseph Jude
I used this the below in routes.in


but when I go to a url


it returns invalid request error

then I tried 

routers = dict(
  BASE  = dict(default_application = 'init',
   default_controller = 'default',
   default_function = 'index',
which gives me the error:
invalid function (default/2011)

fair enough. I could traverse /index/2011 
But can I drop index too from the url?


Re: [web2py] Routes help for wordpress style urls

2011-12-22 Thread Joseph Jude
yes anthony

Re: [web2py] Routes help for wordpress style urls

2011-12-22 Thread Joseph Jude
Thx Jonathan  Anthony. Following works:

routers = dict(
  BASE = dict(default_application = 'init',
default_controller = 'default',
default_function = 'index',
functions = ['index'],


[web2py] do import module work in gae?

2011-12-16 Thread Joseph Jude
Module import work in standalong web2py but not in gae. Version: 1.99.2 
(2011-09-26 06:55:33). Help appreciated.


[web2py] Re: do import module work in gae?

2011-12-16 Thread Joseph Jude
I upgraded to 1.99.4 and it works :-)
But there is another issue.

from gluon.contrib.markdown import markdown2 as markdown

in gae it throws error no module named markdown :-(

[web2py] Having multiple layouts (themes) and choosing from one

2011-12-16 Thread Joseph Jude
What are the ways in which such multiple layouts and choosing one at the 
run time work? Something like wordpress themes? Modifying views/layout fix 
the layout to the one that was deployed. But as in wordpress, if more 
themes are installed how can a different one be chosen?

Thank you,

[web2py] Re: list:reference validation

2011-12-15 Thread Joseph Jude
There should be an option in google groups to like a reply which brings a 
bit of smile :-)

[web2py] Re: web2py 1.99.3 is OUT

2011-12-09 Thread Joseph Jude
Congrats to everyone. If people are still using 1.99.2 (or older version), 
is there a place of reference for those versions? At last the n - 1 (n = 
latest version)?

BTW, I like to new layout


[web2py] Question on compute field

2011-12-08 Thread Joseph Jude
Hi all,
I am just starting to use compute field. Here is my db definition looks 
like (it is in a module)
class Entries(object):

  def define_tables(self,db):
  Field('permalink',type='text',required=True,compute = lambda row: 

def get_permalink(self,row):

permalink = '/test/'
return permalink

This throws the error:

SyntaxError: Table: missing required field: permalink

What am I doing wrong here?

Thank you,


Re: [web2py] Re: Massimo

2011-12-07 Thread Joseph Jude
Am not sure where Yarko is now-a-days, but he used to provide replies in a 
manner that not only provided answers you were looking for but made you 
rethink the problem itself. I have his replies stored.

Anthony is active both here and in stackoverflow. I can't even keep up here.

And one time, Massimo replied for one of the queries, I don't want to beat 
django, I want to beat IBM consulting. Man...thats vision.

I hope this community not only brings out a fantastic framework but 
practical business model too.


[web2py] Re: Requesting Feedback for Web2py Instant Admin

2011-12-04 Thread Joseph Jude
is there any progress in including it in admin?

I couldn't download the compiled plugin but downloaded and from the 
excellent docs, was able to include into my app. But making it part of 
admin will be great.


[web2py] Re: configuration of mail in appengine

2011-11-14 Thread Joseph Jude
Below works for me:
steps I followed. Your context may differ and customize accordingly.
1) define a db model with the fields you want; I wanted all emails to be 
stored too, so I defined this model
2) define two functions - a contact fn that gets called from template; the 
contact fn itself calls another fn to send email; in the template you can 
validate the fields like valid email id etc.
3) This is for sending emails from admin email; customization is needed if 

Here is the code:

def contact(): 
form = crud.create(db.contact_emails, 
next = URL('index'), 
message=T(Thank you for your message))
return dict(form=form)

def _send_email(form):
#called from successful accept of contact form
#form is sent as a first argument
mail.settings.sender=x...@gmail.com #This must be the email address of a 
   #administrator for the application
mail.settings.login = None
mail.send(to='xx...@gmail.com', subject='[123-Check] Contact', 


[web2py] Re: configuration of mail in appengine

2011-11-14 Thread Joseph Jude
You can see it working at: 123-check.appspot.com/init/default/contact

[web2py] Re: Unable to write to file error in GAE

2011-11-07 Thread Joseph Jude
Since it is on GAE, I don't have the full traceback (if there is another 
way to get the traceback, pl let me know). I got only the below two types 
of errors:

routes_out: [/init/default/index] not rewritten

Unable to write to file 

Both of these are repeated many times.
Thanks again,

[web2py] Re: new web site

2011-11-06 Thread Joseph Jude
Just a personal opinion: web2py should come out of the shadows of django. 
Two of the three quotes are directed towards django.

[web2py] Unable to write to file error in GAE

2011-11-06 Thread Joseph Jude
I get the below error in GAE. Unable to write to file 

In fact it is repeated for other languages too. Please note that I'm not 
using any translations (my guess is some of the gluon tools may be using 
these files).

How to resolve this?

Thank you,

Re: [web2py] What I do with web2py.

2011-10-25 Thread Joseph Jude

by the same token, is there any site which collects all the sites developed 
in web2py? I couldn't find any. Not the appliances but the real sites built 
with web2py. That might be a good booster for new comers into web2py to be 
convinced that web2py is not just for learning but for real work too.

[web2py] Learning to test

2011-10-20 Thread Joseph Jude
I have been looking into automated testing of web2py. I have looked at the 
below pages:


However, is there any open source project with test modules that I can look 
into how the testing is done in real projects and learn?

Thank you,

[web2py] Re: Ideas for new welcome app

2011-10-19 Thread Joseph Jude
choosing a license type as liberal as web2py would be preferred. as far as I 
could read and understand, foundation is not that liberal.

Re: [web2py] Re: criticism of web2py

2011-10-16 Thread Joseph Jude
As much as I like backward compatibility, I believe the (web2py) code will 
become unmanageable and bloated too. So at some point in time, it is better 
to overhaul and not provide backward compatibility.

[web2py] Re: Schema Changes in GAE

2011-10-07 Thread Joseph Jude
I was able to successfully added a field, filled with content and also 
renamed a field (add a filed, copy and then delete). If it would be of some 
use for others, here is how I did:

Ref the below stackflow thread. Alex offers a simple solution. 

You write this code in migrate.py
Then in app.yaml have a url like below:

- url: /admin/migrate
  script: migrate.py

You can choose the url (I choose /admin).

Then launch the app  call this url. Voila GAE DB modified.

My modified app now lives on http://123-check.appspot.com/


[web2py] Schema Changes in GAE

2011-10-06 Thread Joseph Jude
Hello All,
As much as I wanted to avoid, eventually I had to add two columns and rename 
a column to an existing table in GAE which contain data. Is there a way 
(after much search, I'm not even asking for an easy way) to do that?


[web2py] Re: Schema Changes in GAE

2011-10-06 Thread Joseph Jude
Thank you for your reply. Is there a way to run gae specific code (with gae 
objects) within web2py? or should this be executed only within gae 
environment (may be I need to modify app.yaml too then?)

Thank you in advance,

Re: [web2py] Re: Announcing another web2py-gae application

2011-10-05 Thread Joseph Jude
Thank you for trying out.
I've noted down all of your suggestions. Will implement in the days to come.

I am not planning to open source the app though I will post my
experience in developing with code.

Thanks again,

On 10/4/11, guruyaya guruy...@gmail.com wrote:
 The list does not give you the name of it's creator
 You should enable editing
 Allow other users to suggest more options
 Instead of 3 lines, and a plus, create one, and onfocus, automaticly
 create another line. This will create a better flow.

 Are you planning to open source this app?

 On Oct 3, 3:10 am, Joseph Jude ceph...@gmail.com wrote:
 Thanks to forum members (Anthony  Cliff), I was able to develop an
 application which I hope to serve as a repository of checklists. It is
 hosted athttp://123-check.appspot.com/. This is just a first version and
 I'm still learning.  Your comments / suggestions are appreciated.

 Joseph Judehttp://www.jjude.com

ceph...@jjude.com | +919899150573

[web2py] Announcing another web2py-gae application

2011-10-02 Thread Joseph Jude
Thanks to forum members (Anthony  Cliff), I was able to develop an 
application which I hope to serve as a repository of checklists. It is 
hosted at http://123-check.appspot.com/. This is just a first version and 
I'm still learning.  Your comments / suggestions are appreciated.

Joseph Jude

[web2py] Handling errors in dynamic forms

2011-09-29 Thread Joseph Jude
Hi all,
With help of members of this group, I was able to produce a dynamic form 
where text fields can be added / removed at the client side. However, I got 
one (hopefully the last) problem.

This form contains two sets of fields - in the first set, there is only name 
which is mandatory; in the second set, at first 3 fields are shown, but 
users can add / remove as they like.

The issue happens when a user adds two more text field (in the 2nd set) and 
then submits a form with empty name. The form.errors kick in and then the 
original form is displayed again (loosing all data data in the dynamically 
added fields).

How do I handle this?
Thanks in advance,

[web2py] Re: Empty HTML input array issue

2011-09-28 Thread Joseph Jude
Thanks Anthony for the reply.

1) With your answer, I understand why the ['',''] is displayed. But is there 
a way to change it?
2) [] is appended since I wanted an array. But in the mean-while I 
experimented without [] and just having 'items' as the variable name for all 
the three fields and got the same behavior (your explanation tells me why).
3) I want the user to add as many fields as needed. Think of list of to-do 
items for a single topic.
4) the db model is not a list:string. it is a regular table:

Field('checklist_id', db.checklists),

5) there is only one field in the form which is mandatory; others (about 5 
other fields) are not. so I can't use keepvalues=false

Hope to hear.
Thanks again,

[web2py] Adding hidden field to a form

2011-09-28 Thread Joseph Jude
I define the below form in controller but the hidden field is not present in 
the view. Note that, field 'totalitems' is not in the db. Let me know how to 
add hidden fields to FORM.

form = FORM(
LABEL(Checklist Items:),
SPAN(INPUT(_type=text, _name=citems), 
IMG(_class=add, _src=URL('static', 'images/add.png')), 
IMG(_class=remove,_src=URL('static', 'images/delete.png'))),
Thank you,

[web2py] Empty HTML input array issue

2011-09-27 Thread Joseph Jude
Hi all,
I have the below form (leaving out non-essential code)

form = FORM(
SPAN(INPUT(_type=text, _name=name, requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY(,
SPAN(INPUT(_type=text, _name=items[])), 
SPAN(INPUT(_type=text, _name=items[])), 
SPAN(INPUT(_type=text, _name=items[]))
INPUT(_type=submit, _value=Create My List),
_class=submitbtn button)
if form.accepts(request.vars, session):
rest of code
If this form is submitted with values the form values are written into the 
databases. No problem. However, if it is submitted with an empty first field 
(name), the the fields _name=items[] are filled with values ['', ''] when 
errors are flashed on the screen. I am not able to find why it happens and 
also how to fix it. (there is a reason why I use the _name=items[] - user 
should be able to add as many items as possible at the client side). Any 
clues and solution is appreciated. Thank you.

[web2py] 'file not accessible' error in gae under mac

2011-08-28 Thread Joseph Jude
When I deploy the freshly downloaded web2py src under GAE I get the
below error:

IOError: [Errno 13] file not accessible: '//VERSION'

I do have python 2.7  3 installed. But under the GAE Launcher, python
path is set to /usr/bin/python where python2.5 is installed. Also I'm
able to browse the GAE admin console, so I'm assuming python version
is not a problem.

GAE SDK: 1.5.2 (am using google launcher)
web2py version: 1.98.2
Mac 10.5.8

I deleted the w2ps in the main folders too. Otherwise just changed
just the 'application' entry in app.yaml.

Your help to resolve is appreciated. Thank you,

[web2py] Re: 'file not accessible' error in gae under mac

2011-08-28 Thread Joseph Jude
Thanks Massimo.

But when I execute

python /usr/local/bin/dev_appserver.py appname

I get the homepage.

This error is only with appengine launcher. Also as I said, I am able
to browse the SDK console  dashboard. So I don't think it is with the
python version.

Anyway, for now I will proceed with the commandline. If someone can
help, it will be good.

Thank you,

On Aug 28, 6:55 pm, Massimo Di Pierro massimo.dipie...@gmail.com
 GAE requires 2.5. GAE has experimental support for 2.7 but we have not
 tested that yet.

 On Aug 28, 7:39 am, Joseph Jude ceph...@gmail.com wrote:

  When I deploy the freshly downloaded web2py src under GAE I get the
  below error:

  IOError: [Errno 13] file not accessible: '//VERSION'

  I do have python 2.7  3 installed. But under the GAE Launcher, python
  path is set to /usr/bin/python where python2.5 is installed. Also I'm
  able to browse the GAE admin console, so I'm assuming python version
  is not a problem.

  GAE SDK: 1.5.2 (am using google launcher)
  web2py version: 1.98.2
  Mac 10.5.8

  I deleted the w2ps in the main folders too. Otherwise just changed
  just the 'application' entry in app.yaml.

  Your help to resolve is appreciated. Thank you,

[web2py:32538] Will web2py be a dream stack?

2009-10-09 Thread Joseph Jude

I thought of sharing this article:

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[web2py:32564] Error in GAE

2009-10-09 Thread Joseph Jude

When I execute the below code in GAE it throws an error: unsupported
operand type(s) for %: 'NoneType' and 'dict'. However this works ok in
a non-GAE environment. Any tips?

print db(db.paid_by.paid_by.lower()=='cash').select(db.paid_by.ALL)[0]

Basically what I have is the description and I want to get the
corresponding id stored in the database.

Thank you in advance,
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web2py-users group.
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[web2py:32594] Re: Error in GAE

2009-10-09 Thread Joseph Jude

it does. I did the below  it worked in gae

def index():
  print sm.lower()

It should be something else. Also is there any other way achieve this:
having a description (the user can input in upper or lower) finding
out the id?


On Oct 9, 10:33 pm, mdipierro mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu wrote:
 GAE does not support .lower()


 On Oct 9, 12:31 pm, Joseph Jude ceph...@gmail.com wrote:

  When I execute the below code in GAE it throws an error: unsupported
  operand type(s) for %: 'NoneType' and 'dict'. However this works ok in
  a non-GAE environment. Any tips?

  print db(db.paid_by.paid_by.lower()=='cash').select(db.paid_by.ALL)[0]

  Basically what I have is the description and I want to get the
  corresponding id stored in the database.

  Thank you in advance,

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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[web2py:/] Re: Adding a user name to user registration

2009-10-07 Thread Joseph Jude

  2) in login, the password is sent in plain text. how to rectify

 You can use https to protect your password... http is not enough to do

I'm going to deploy in GAE, so I don't think https is an option. In
the out-of-the-box web2py passwords are not visible. I would like to
adopt the same but with user name rather than email. Is it possible?

BTW: I am able to get a web2py app pretty quickly; but this auth
customization is what I'm struggling with. Is there any link where it
is explained in detail (like what steps to take)? I've got the web2py
book  slides too.

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[web2py:32235] Adding a user name to user registration

2009-10-05 Thread Joseph Jude

I want to customize the auth functionality to add a user id(or name).
This is what I've done so far.

from gluon.tools import Auth
Field('first_name', length=128, default=''),
Field('last_name',length=128, default=''),
Field('email',length=128,default='',requires=[IS_EMAIL(), IS_NOT_IN_DB
Field('password', 'password', readable=False, label='Password',
Field('registration_key', length=128, writable=False,
##create all necessary tables


def register():
return dict(form=auth.register(next='index'))

def login():
return dict(form=auth.login(next='index'))


{{extend 'layout.html'}}
tdUser Name:/td
tdinput name=user_name type=text
tdinput type=password value= name=password 
tdVerify Password:/td
tdinput type=password name=password_two//td
tdinput type=submit value=Submit //td


{{extend 'layout.html'}}
tdUser Name:/td
tdinput name=user_name type=text value=//td
tdinput type=password value= name=password 
tdinput type=submit value=Submit //td

Here are the issues that I'm facing:
1) error messages for uniqueness of user name  email are not shown to
front end; is there any other js that I need to include?
2) in login, the password is sent in plain text. how to rectify
3) should the users so registered be inserted into any groups (as part
of auth framework)? If so, do I do this in the register controller

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[web2py:20006] Question on request.vars

2009-04-19 Thread Joseph Jude

Hi all,
I have a function as below. This is called as part of API function
rather than from the browser.

def assign():
print request.vars.fields
if request.vars.fields:
ret_dict={'id': 1, 'msg': 'No parameters received'}
return json.dumps(ret_dict)

When I invoke this via,
curl -u u...@example.com:web2py http://localhost:8000/init/api/assign/
-d fields='{id:16,assign_to:age...@example.com}'

I do get request.vars.fields properly and the function executes as
desired. However when I try the same via a python script like the

data = {
'fields': {'case_id': 16, 'assign_to': 'age...@example.com'}

data = urllib.urlencode(data)
response = urllib2.urlopen(request,data).read()

There is no input parameter (fields). When I examine the
request.vars.fields, it shows like the below:

Storage {'\r\nfields': {'case_id': 16, 'assign_to':

There are \r\n at the begining and % at the end. Is there a reason for
this? How can I test my function using python script (ie achieve the
same result as curl).

Hope my question is not too confusing.

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[web2py:20028] Re: Question on request.vars

2009-04-19 Thread Joseph Jude

Thanks for the reply. But it didn't work. I've this simple assign

def assign():
print request.vars

and it prints this. Note the \r\n as first characters. This is what is
causing the problem

Storage {'\r\nfields': {'case_id': 16, 'assign_to':

Just for the ref, I'm using the below python script for sending

data = {'fields': {'case_id': 16, 'assign_to': 'age...@example.com'}}

data = urllib.urlencode(data)
response = urllib2.urlopen(request,data).read()

Hope you can help me out. Thanks,

On Apr 19, 8:10 pm, mdipierro mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu wrote:
 The assign function expects the request.vars.fields to be in JSON.
 This should do it but I have not tried it.

 data = {'fields': simplejson.dumps({'case_id': 16, 'assign_to':
 data = urllib.urlencode(data)
 response = urllib2.urlopen(request,data).read()


 On Apr 19, 5:55 am, Joseph Jude ceph...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hi all,
  I have a function as below. This is called as part of API function
  rather than from the browser.

  def assign():
      print request.vars.fields
      if request.vars.fields:
          ret_dict={'id': 1, 'msg': 'No parameters received'}
      return json.dumps(ret_dict)

  When I invoke this via,
  curl -u u...@example.com:web2pyhttp://localhost:8000/init/api/assign/
  -d fields='{id:16,assign_to:age...@example.com}'

  I do get request.vars.fields properly and the function executes as
  desired. However when I try the same via a python script like the

  data = {
                  'fields': {'case_id': 16, 'assign_to': 'age...@example.com'}

  data = urllib.urlencode(data)
  response = urllib2.urlopen(request,data).read()

  There is no input parameter (fields). When I examine the
  request.vars.fields, it shows like the below:

  Storage {'\r\nfields': {'case_id': 16, 'assign_to':

  There are \r\n at the begining and % at the end. Is there a reason for
  this? How can I test my function using python script (ie achieve the
  same result as curl).

  Hope my question is not too confusing.

  Thank you,

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[web2py:19862] reading http headers

2009-04-16 Thread Joseph Jude

Hi all,
I'm implementing api for my application. I've written other controller
functions. However I need implement the authentication. I am not able
to find a way to use the default Auth(). I thought of the below

at client (i.e: calling applications)
- encode userid  password
- pass it as part of http basic auth header
- if authenticated proceed further

at server (ie my application)
- read uid  pwd from headers
- authenticate with the user table
- if authenticated, let the application to proceed

does this look okay approach? Is there a better way?

Considering that this is okay, I've figured out how to do all the
steps except reading http headers (step 1 at server). Can someone
throw some light?

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[web2py:19243] Testing

2009-04-06 Thread Joseph Jude

What are the testing tools available within web2py? I know doctests
can be used. Is there a client test tool too (something like what
Django has)?

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[web2py:19344] Re: User Report: Me

2009-04-06 Thread Joseph Jude

I was one of the guys who lamented lack of blogs on web2py. So here
I've written a blog post: 
Feel free to comment/digg/stumble/twit.


On Mar 22, 11:04 pm, Kent Borg kentb...@borg.org wrote:
 Datapoint: I have been studying and playing with web2py for several
 weeks now.


  - Python.

  - Appeared to be simple.

  - Claimed to scale.

 First reactions:

  - I think I finally understand list comprehensions!  (Spending a lot of
 time trying to understand how to write pythonic code and not just C with
 picky indenting.)

  - Indeed, it seems simple.

  - I am still expecting it scales, but have yet to prove it to myself.

  - The name is, um, lacking.  Until I read the web 2.0 for python
 mnemonic I couldn't remember whether it was web2py or py2web.

   - Nice people!  Mostly I have been pecking away on my own, but today I
 have been plowing through the mailing list and I am struck at how
 constructive and nice everyone is.  It makes me think web2py must be
 friendly software, too.  (Please, don't degrade to a list where every
 question is answered with a curt reply that is nothing more than a URL
 and the clear implication that it was a stupid question.)

  - I have climbed out on an obscure limb of a non-mainstream tree in a
 quiet end of the forest.  If web2py turns out to be a secret weapon
 with which to work magic, cool.  If it surges in popularity, even
 better.  If it turns out to have been an approachable training ground on
 which to wrap my head around the model/controller/view paradigm, all for
 the day I am forced to move on to something better known...well, it
 seems it will have been worth it.

  - I bought the book on lulu, and it was both necessary and worth it.  I
 printed a copy that has been well used, and I keep a copy of the pdf
 open for searching.

 -kb, the Kent who doesn't know if his studying will help him find a job,
 but is it good use of his time unemployed anyway.
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[web2py:19153] User Registration on userid rather than email

2009-04-05 Thread Joseph Jude

Hi All,
What is needed to have userid rather than email in the user
registration page of Auth?

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[web2py:19010] appengine error

2009-04-03 Thread Joseph Jude

Hi all,
I'm not sure if anyone of you got this error while running on
appengine (locally, using appengine launcher).

type 'exceptions.IOError': [Errno 13] file not accessible

going through the err pg, I see this at the end.

   web2py_path = os.environ.get('web2py_path', os.getcwd())
   web2py_version = open(os.path.join(web2py_path, 'VERSION'),

Don't know how to resolve this. Any idea?

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[web2py:18807] strange dict (first) value

2009-03-30 Thread Joseph Jude

I have this db definition:

SQLField('sort_order', 'integer'))

I've inserted sample values like:

if len(db().select(db.status.ALL)) == 0:
db.status.insert(name='New', sort_order=1)
db.status.insert(name='Assigned', sort_order=2)
db.status.insert(name='Open', sort_order=3)
db.status.insert(name='Work In Progress', sort_order=4)
db.status.insert(name='Closed', sort_order=5)

Then in the controller:

for status in db().select(db.status.ALL,

form=FORM(TABLE(TR(Status:, status_values.values()[0])))

When I run this as web2py, I get New; but when I run this in google
appengine, I get Closed. I am not able to figure this out. Can anyone
help me?

I want to display the first value.


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[web2py:18826] URL mapping - blocking default URLs

2009-03-30 Thread Joseph Jude

I have used routes.py for URL mapping and it is working as expected.
However I can type the default URLs (/init/default/index, /init/
default/*) on the browser and it still accepts it. How can these
default URLs be blocked?

Thank you,

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[web2py:18507] MVC question

2009-03-24 Thread Joseph Jude

Just a question on the best practice - in terms of development 
continuous maintenance. web2py (like django) allows to define forms in
controller itself. And it allows having 'business logic' embedded in
views too. To bring out the application quickly, such mixing is fine.
But what about long term maintenance and also to call the application
truly MVC? What are your thoughts basis of your experience.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this,
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[web2py:18512] Re: MVC question

2009-03-24 Thread Joseph Jude

Thank you for the detailed explanation. :-)


On Mar 24, 12:22 pm, Yarko Tymciurak yark...@gmail.com wrote:
 Let's look at what is meant by the term business logic --- this is what
 implementspart of a solution for a problem statement.  If we were talking
 4-tier model, then
 we would say business logic and engineering logic; it
 is the implementation in language of the solution/problem space, and just a
 decomposition --- still  implementation logic, still about the solution.

 With me so far?

 Now - what is presentation?  It is how something is shown to the user.

 Does that require logic?  Yes, it certainly can (consider javascript, etc.).

 What differentiates the logic of presentation form the logic of business?
  The concern, the
 type of processing.  Is there some point at the boundary between these two
 where it might be fuzzy?  Yes.  How do you resolve that?  You just make
 a choice, and do it however you choose.  You'll probably do it differntly
 I would.  In the details, there's rarely a right or wrong - there's a
 better for this,
 or better for that.

 Back to this question about where do you define forms.

 What is a form?  Is it strictly a presentation statement?  Or is it a
 statement of
 required interaction with the user?  Look:

 Business logic:  we need name, address, phone to take an order
 Engineering logic  we need input from user to collect name, address,
 Presentation logic:  we want Name to be above address, address above phone
 - all on one form.

 Business logic:  the customer may save his information with us, but that is
 not required for an order
 Engineering logic:  persist name, address, and phone if requested (e.g.
 offer request to save)
 Presentation:  Checkbox for save my info

 Now - where do you define form?

 It's a design decision - YOU decide.

 But some things are rather clear:   validation logic probably should not be
 part of the presentation (although there may be valid reasons for this in
 your application)

 Defining color of form probably does not belong in the controller (better
 left somewhere else).

 Does it make sense to separate basic definition of an HTML form from the
 controller?  That depends - are you going to allow input through PDF forms?
  csv?  Then maybe it makes sense to separate this.   If you're a web-input
 only application, then maybe not.

 By now you get the idea:  some questions you can ask over and over, and get
 guidelines, and reasons behind them (e.g. color of form), but _most_ of
 these details are design decisions.  Part of these are made or encouraged a
 certain way by the design decisions in the framework you choose to use;
  part of these will always be up to you, the software and web designer -
 what makes sense for one application will better be done another way;  many
 things won't matter all that much... until you use them long enough, and
 then you will change your mind (e.g. refactor).

 mvc is just another way to say you've split your application into a data
 layer, a business layer, and a presentation layer - it's a separation of
 concerns;  it serves to reduce design coupling.

 The goal is a maintainable and extensible app.

 The devil is in the details.

 Questions of truly MVC are like truly agile or truly capitalist /
 market economy or truly social --- as long as you don't loose the reasons
 behind these, why these abstractions (shortcuts to concepts) came to be in
 the first place, you're ok (otherwise you get into trouble):  maintainable,
 extensible;  frequent feedback;  efficient, self-regulating allocation of
 resources in society;  social responsibility to people in your community.


 - Yarko

 On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 1:37 AM, Joseph Jude ceph...@gmail.com wrote:

  Just a question on the best practice - in terms of development 
  continuous maintenance. web2py (like django) allows to define forms in
  controller itself. And it allows having 'business logic' embedded in
  views too. To bring out the application quickly, such mixing is fine.
  But what about long term maintenance and also to call the application
  truly MVC? What are your thoughts basis of your experience.

  Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this,
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[web2py:18522] creating stand-alone apps of web2py

2009-03-24 Thread Joseph Jude

Is there any guide/documentation on how to create stand-alone
applications of web2py (on windows/mac)?

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[web2py:18539] Re: creating stand-alone apps of web2py

2009-03-24 Thread Joseph Jude

I understood the license part. I believe using web2py, I could
create .exe  .apps. Is there any documentation on how to go about -
like steps to use setup.py?


On Mar 24, 7:38 pm, mdipierro mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu wrote:
 You can get the current binary versions, create your app and rezip it,
 as long as you comply with the license.

 On Mar 24, 8:05 am, Joseph Jude ceph...@gmail.com wrote:

  Is there any guide/documentation on how to create stand-alone
  applications of web2py (on windows/mac)?

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[web2py:18560] Re: creating stand-alone apps of web2py

2009-03-24 Thread Joseph Jude

Thx Massimo. My confusion was because I saw setup_exe.py 
setup_app.py. I assumed that using these two files, I'll be able to
create executables.


On Mar 24, 11:50 pm, mdipierro mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu wrote:
 I am not sure I understand what you want to do.

 If you name your app init, it will be the default app in web2py.
 If you unzip web2py binary, run it, create the init app, and re-zip
 it, this is as close as it gets to create an executable. The
 executable is web2py, not your app, but your app comes with it and
 starts when web2py starts.

 You can also install your init app bytecode compiled so that you do
 not give away the source code.


 On Mar 24, 10:48 am, Joseph Jude ceph...@gmail.com wrote:

  I understood the license part. I believe using web2py, I could
  create .exe  .apps. Is there any documentation on how to go about -
  like steps to use setup.py?


  On Mar 24, 7:38 pm, mdipierro mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu wrote:

   You can get the current binary versions, create your app and rezip it,
   as long as you comply with the license.

   On Mar 24, 8:05 am, Joseph Jude ceph...@gmail.com wrote:

Is there any guide/documentation on how to create stand-alone
applications of web2py (on windows/mac)?

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[web2py:18377] Re: Google Authentication + web2py on GAE

2009-03-20 Thread Joseph Jude

I'm assuming that you want to validate the user via google auth and
then allow the authenticated user into your application. Sometime
back, i did this for a desktop based application updating a
application hosted in appengine (after authentication). I wrote abt it

At first I obtained the uid/pwd from the user and sent it via header
to authenticate. By one of the comments from the user, I realized that
it is not a safe manner. Later I let the google auth to validate the
user and then allow the access accordingly. The code is also shared in
google code. You can pick it up.

Hope this helps.


On Mar 20, 7:09 am, NguyendHEX i...@dohoangnguyen.com wrote:
 You can use user class from google

 from google.appengine.api import users
 user = users.get_current_user()
 if user:
 #redirect to login: users.create_login_url()

 Hope this help

 On Mar 20, 6:56 am, Tito Garrido titogarr...@gmail.com wrote:

  Is there a way to use Google Authentication + web2py on GAE?



  Linux User #387870
  ..º[ .-.___.-._| . . . .
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[web2py:18341] Re: Marketing suggestion

2009-03-19 Thread Joseph Jude

I've created a yahoo pipe to aggregate blog posts (google blog alert)
 tweets (twitter search). if you blog about web2py, please let me
know the feed URL and I'll add (in fact you can clone the pipe and
create your own too). If there are other sources (not aggregate
sources) - that you would like add, please let me know as well.

Can you enable the feeds for web2py wiki? Then I can add that too into
this sources.

URL address of the pipe: http://pipes.yahoo.com/jjudes/web2py

But there is not much of blogs / tweets abt web2py though. Hopefully,
we will see a lot in the coming days.


On Mar 17, 9:14 am, Jason Brower encomp...@gmail.com wrote:
 I agree... THAT is what we need.  Cool apps and a clean plugin
 framework. (And a better homepage. :P)

 On Mon, 2009-03-16 at 11:55 -0700, Jeffield wrote:
  just my 0.2
  write some killer apps, fans will follow.
  -- note, I have not written any, but I am trying ;)

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[web2py:17641] my first web2py app (hosted at GAE)

2009-03-07 Thread Joseph Jude

I am glad to say that my first app on web2py is hosted in GAE, thanks
to ease of programming in web2py. It is my attempt to learn new
concepts (cloud computing, SAAS etc) utilizing my experience (on
helpdesk, service desk). It is hosted at: http://y-a-t-s-y.appspot.com/.
I blogged about it at: http://www.jjude.com/2009/03/08/a-first-shot-at-web2py/.
The code is hosted at: http://code.google.com/p/y-a-t-s-y/source/browse/trunk.

This is my first web2py attempt. So if any of the experts here would
be willing to do a code review, primarily of default.py (http://
code.google.com/p/y-a-t-s-y/source/browse/trunk)  layout.html (http://
views/layout.html), it will help me to improve my coding. Feel free to
comment on other code as well.

Having done this far, I do have few questions. Your answers are
1) Login page shows admin, request etc buttons. How can I hide
them? Should I have to create a view template? Where should it be in
the directories? Can it be under my application directory?

2) Better yet would be possibility to have login form on the first
page (index.html) along with other static contents. How can that be

3) At logout, control goes back to login page. Can it be routed to

I've other questions too. I will throw them as I progress along.

Hopefully I'll be able to contribute to the growth of web2py, even in
a smaller way.

Thanks folks,
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[web2py:16787] URL Controller question

2009-02-23 Thread Joseph Jude

I'm just starting out with web2py. I have two questions:
: the url is mapped out as /app/controller/function. so this looks
like : http://domain/init/default/index. How to have url as http://domain/index?
: as I understand from the docs, all functions in the controller
(default.py) are exposed. is it possible to hide  functions in the
controller file or should I take such functions to another file?

Thank you,
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[web2py:16793] Re: web2py on gae - errors questions

2009-02-23 Thread Joseph Jude

Okay with little bit of search, I found that,
-In GAE, one can't select a single field; so I selected all fields
(db.priority.ALL) and the error 1 vanished.
-In GAE, datetime field throws up error. I removed datetime fields,
and I didn't get any error. Once I introduce the datetime field in db
model, the error is back. It is not only with null value; even when I
try to insert a value, I get the same error.

Any help?

Thank you,

On Feb 23, 3:34 pm, Cephire ceph...@gmail.com wrote:
 I'm trying out with web2py. It worked okay in the local web2py server;
 however when I tried with GAE (again local), I get few errors. Please
 help in resolving this. Thank you.


 db.define_table('status', SQLField('name'))

 db.define_table('priority', SQLField('name'))

     SQLField('description', 'text', length=256),
     SQLField('status', db.status),
     SQLField('priority', db.priority),
     SQLField('created_by', db.auth_user),
     SQLField('created_time', 'datetime', default=now),
     SQLField('last_modified_by', db.auth_user),
     SQLField('last_modified_time', 'datetime', default=now)

 db.cases.priority.requires=IS_IN_DB(db, 'priority.id','priority.name')
 db.cases.created_by.required=IS_IN_DB(db, 'auth_user.id')

 def create():
     for pr in db().select(db.priority.name):

     for st in db().select(db.status.name):

                     TR(Status:, status_values[0]),
                     TR(Priority:, SELECT(priority_values,_name='priority',
                     TR(Description:, TEXTAREA(_name='description')),
                     TR(Created By:, auth.user.email),
                     TR(,INPUT(_type=submit, _value=Create))
     if form.accepts(request.vars, session):
         #insert into the record
         #dict index starts with 0; record id starts with 1
         db.cases.insert(title=form.vars.title, status=1,
         redirect(URL(r=request, f='index'))
     return dict(form=form)

 Error 1:
 SyntaxError: SQLSet: no tables selected
 at line
 for pr in db().select(db.priority.name):

 Error 2:
 I changed the insert line into the below:

 db.cases.insert(title=test title,  priority=1, created_by=12,
 description=test description)

 1  12 are the IDs in the respective tables in google datastore

 and I get this error:

 ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ''
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[web2py:16828] Re: web2py on gae - errors questions

2009-02-23 Thread Joseph Jude

have the below as the db.py in GAE and at the time of startup the
error throws up

from gluon.contrib.gql import *  # if running on Google App Engine
db = SQLDB('sqlite://storage.db')  # if not, use SQLite or other
db = GQLDB()  # connect to Google BigTable
session.connect(request, response, db=db)  # and store sessions

import datetime; now=datetime.date.today()

SQLField('created_time', 'datetime', default=now)

db.cases.insert(title='testing', created_time=now)

===end of db.py==

ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ''

I'm using web2py: Version 1.56.2 (2009-02-08 21:49:34)
on GAE: release: 1.1.9 / timestamp: 1232676672 / api_versions: ['1']
on kubuntu


On Feb 23, 9:05 pm, mdipierro mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu wrote:
 Can you tell me how to reproduce it?

 On Feb 23, 9:50 am, Robin B robi...@gmail.com wrote:

  It looks like a problem converting datetimes to/from strings?


  On Feb 23, 9:21 am, mdipierro mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu wrote:


   what is the bug?


   On Feb 23, 9:04 am, Robin B robi...@gmail.com wrote:

Looks like the type coercion code was last modified in r725.


If the bug is not in 1.56.2, try using 1.56.2 until this can be fixed/


On Feb 23, 8:08 am, Joseph Jude ceph...@gmail.com wrote:

 Okay with little bit of search, I found that,
 -In GAE, one can't select a single field; so I selected all fields
 (db.priority.ALL) and the error 1 vanished.
 -In GAE, datetime field throws up error. I removed datetime fields,
 and I didn't get any error. Once I introduce the datetime field in db
 model, the error is back. It is not only with null value; even when I
 try to insert a value, I get the same error.

 Any help?

 Thank you,

 On Feb 23, 3:34 pm, Cephire ceph...@gmail.com wrote:

  I'm trying out with web2py. It worked okay in the local web2py 
  however when I tried with GAE (again local), I get few errors. 
  help in resolving this. Thank you.


  db.define_table('status', SQLField('name'))

  db.define_table('priority', SQLField('name'))

      SQLField('description', 'text', length=256),
      SQLField('status', db.status),
      SQLField('priority', db.priority),
      SQLField('created_by', db.auth_user),
      SQLField('created_time', 'datetime', default=now),
      SQLField('last_modified_by', db.auth_user),
      SQLField('last_modified_time', 'datetime', default=now)

  db.cases.created_by.required=IS_IN_DB(db, 'auth_user.id')

  def create():
      for pr in db().select(db.priority.name):

      for st in db().select(db.status.name):

                      TR(Status:, status_values[0]),
                      TR(Created By:, auth.user.email),
                      TR(,INPUT(_type=submit, _value=Create))
      if form.accepts(request.vars, session):
          #insert into the record
          #dict index starts with 0; record id starts with 1
          db.cases.insert(title=form.vars.title, status=1,
          redirect(URL(r=request, f='index'))
      return dict(form=form)

  Error 1:
  SyntaxError: SQLSet: no tables selected
  at line
  for pr in db().select(db.priority.name):

  Error 2:
  I changed the insert line into the below:

  db.cases.insert(title=test title,  priority=1, created_by=12,
  description=test description)

  1  12 are the IDs in the respective tables in google datastore

  and I get this error:

  ValueError: invalid