[web2py] Re: Python for Android (any takers to run web2py)

2012-09-13 Thread luckysmack
Has anyone made any progress with this? I had a conversation with someone 
on irc.freenode #kivy . it seems like it could be possible to do. but maybe 
out of the scope of web2py? :

* *   would kivy work with something like web2py, which 
has dynamic module loading?
* *   or would that break it? or does it even matter?
<+*tito*>     luckysmack: you can run web2py in a thread, and 
then, it's seperated
<*luckysmack*>tito: can you elaborate on doing that some?
<+*tito*> luckysmack: check the webdebugger module, i'm 
doing it :)
<+*tito*> it's just, web2py have its own event loop, kivy 
<+*tito*> if you run in the same thread, who is the 
'master' and controling the other ? etc.
<+*tito*> with thread seperation, web2py can access to kivy 
with the kivy.clock (never touch to widget from another thread)
<*luckysmack*>ok, so they would run separate, and just talk to 
eachother? so web2py would just talk to kivy's thread over kivy.clock to 
build the gui? sorry but im new to kivy as well. so i dont know it well yet.
<+*tito*>     that's right, you got it :)
<*luckysmack*>ok looking
<*luckysmack*>so would all the views, be pulled from kivy? or 
would you use kivy to render the view from web2py?
<+*tito*> uh, i don't know what you really want with 
web2py, and i don't know the framework
<+*tito*> so dunno about the view
<*luckysmack*>the views are just the html templates that get 
shown to a user on the web.
<+*tito*> and so, what's the matter with kivy?
<*luckysmack*>im just curious where the separation would be, 
with the standard html templates, and using kivy. would i just have 
something like a web view, and say a mobile view? where the movie ones 
would use kivy?
<+*tito*> ooh ok. we don't have crossplatform webview.
<+*tito*> so you can't do that with kivy.
<+*tito*> webkit port into kivy is not easy, and we did it 
only for linux right now, with kivy-berkelium
<+*tito*> but that's all.
<*luckysmack*>yes. i would assume those to be separate. if on 
the web, i would simply use the html templates and not touch kivy. but when 
bundled on the phone for example, i wouldnt bundle the html views, but the 
kivy stuff. im just not sure how i would attack that.
<+*tito*> you're the first one to attack the problem on 
this manner :)
<+*tito*> i guess you could have the same 'controller / 
model' base, and have different app with different view?
<+*tito*> or, you could give me money to continue 
kivy->html5 :)
<+*tito*> as i wrote few weeks ago on twitter: 

On Sunday, January 8, 2012 6:08:09 PM UTC-8, rochacbruno wrote:
> Look this project
> https://github.com/kivy/python-for-android
> May be someone has time to spend trying to run web2py with this.
> -- 
> Bruno Rocha
> [http://rochacbruno.com.br]


[web2py] Re: Sublime Text 2 Setup

2012-09-10 Thread luckysmack
seems to work well. thanks.

On Sunday, September 9, 2012 9:53:50 PM UTC-7, luckysmack wrote:
> I have seen a few people on here mention they used sublime text. So i was 
> curious as if anyone was willing to share anything special they did to 
> setup ST to work with web2py for things like autocompletion (assuming code 
> intel) or other web2py hints/goodies someone might know about, such as 
> plugins, that help with web2py in general. Thanks.


[web2py] Sublime Text 2 Setup

2012-09-09 Thread luckysmack
I have seen a few people on here mention they used sublime text. So i was 
curious as if anyone was willing to share anything special they did to 
setup ST to work with web2py for things like autocompletion (assuming code 
intel) or other web2py hints/goodies someone might know about, such as 
plugins, that help with web2py in general. Thanks.


[web2py] [OT] Ubuntu 12.10 will no longer ship with Python 2

2012-09-09 Thread luckysmack
If its so easy to install 2.7, why so insane? People have to start moving at 
some point. I understand a lot of people don't support it yet because they 
don't think the new features are worth it yet.but its really easy to setup a 
virtual env. So why is this such an insane bad idea? It could help people start 
moving towards 3 and providing support. 

For web developers, all we have to do is make an env, so I don't see how its 
such a terrible idea. Especially if all their libraries will work on 3, then 
why not. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you guys are wrong or trying yo 
troll, im honestly asking why its so insane for them to do this. It can help 
people start moving forward.


[web2py] Re: Web2py. for a minimalist app, it feels bloated. Do it I need it?

2012-09-08 Thread luckysmack
Ok will do. But im still curious though if web2py as a whole would fit my 
idea? In web2py I you have applications, one for each app.If I had this 
core as one app, and the others build on it (they wouldnt just use the api, 
the api would be part of the app). So it seems like I would need to 
duplicate that part into each app the way web2py seems to be built. I could 
be wrong on this, as an example, this rest api code would be its own git 
repo, and the others would be separate ones. I dont see how I would 
separate them in a web2py app.

On Saturday, September 8, 2012 12:39:26 AM UTC-7, luckysmack wrote:
> I am somewhat new to python, and * shock * have an idea for a simple app I 
> want to build. To start the app will be relatively light weight, but if it 
> works out in my grand scheme could be far more complex.but the core will be 
> fairly simple. something an experienced python dev could probably whip up 
> in bottle in a few days. 
> The core will a simply be an advanced rest based api. The other half dozen 
> or so apps will all be built of this core. The either apps will likely be 
> built as a cms like system to manage each other. And as different as a POS 
> in store program. 
> So as many cool things as I thing web2py has, do you guys think its the 
> right system? I know w2p can do great APIs easily. But for that simple 
> aspect, I don't need a milti-application admin interface, or a code editor, 
> and I may not even use DAL. (For my project I may actually use something 
> like neo4j/orientdb/titan. Not sure yet. Might use mongodb as instead). So 
> for that simple part, all the other stuff seems a little bloated to me. 
> Stuff that I won't need.
> Sure as a whole, all the apps will be built into somewhat of a cms (which 
> I would like to build anyways), for that I'm not sure I would need the 
> web2py admin part. As a cms I would probably have my own interface, even 
> for the admins. How or would web2py admin ui fit in. I know you guys are 
> biased towards web2py, but does it sound like it would be a right fit? Or 
> would it be too complex? In comparison, I feel django is too bloated as 
> well since I would be doing a similar thing, except it would be done quite 
> a bit differently. The core of how it works doesn't seem to fit my ideas. 
> If I don't use web2py, the next best things I see as a starting point are 
> pyramid, or bottle/flask or even wheezy looks pretty cool. 
> What do you guys think? The core great api would be the crux of the other 
> apps. This core is what talks to the db. And each if the apps with build on 
> it. The rest part will be made so they can all communicate with each other 
> based on the URL. 
> The either individual apps, were they to be on their own, I can totally 
> see as a web2py app. So I'm curious how this idea as a whole, would fit 
> into web2py. If it can. Since there are a handful of web2py featured I 
> won't even use. I don't need them to be auto imported if I'm not using them 
> (since I can't see what's being imported). So in a way it feels like bloat. 
> A reason I don't like django. 
> What do you guys think? Any input is greatly appreciated.


[web2py] Re: Web2py. for a minimalist app, it feels bloated. Do it I need it?

2012-09-08 Thread luckysmack
Thanks, that is helpful. I'll have to try it out when I get to my computer.


[web2py] Why would I use DIV classes/helpers, over an html template?

2012-09-05 Thread luckysmack
Traditionally, for html templates, I would do something like this in a 
template.php file (i am coming from php):

*Hello *

and reading through the docs for web2py, I see the classes like DIV(), 
which i can then add id's, classes, and other attributes to, to be 
rendered. Which seems odd to me. Ive always had the mindset that I shouldnt 
mix html template and logic. minus things like for loops and such. and in 
my code, I shouldnt generate html. Mixing them, to me at least, makes it 
harder for designers to go into the templates to style things and change 
id's, classes. I also tend not to use ids/classes for structure. lately i 
have been using things like data attributes to help with structure or 
looping through things. this way if styles change and id's/classes change, 
functionality is not broken.

So should I still think that way? Should I not use DIV and the other html 
helper classes in my templates? or is there a use case where I would to 

If there is, I am curious to see/hear about some use cases or examples of 
why I would use them in templates, or use them in controllers to generate 

or am I just thinking about them wrong somehow. if they should be used in a 
different way, how should I use them.



[web2py] Re: Current status of adapting OrientDB for web2py

2012-09-04 Thread luckysmack
I am curious if anyone has made any advancements with OrientDB. I only 
recently found out about it and Neo4j. I had been planning on using 
mongo/couch for my db backend, but based on the way the graph databases are 
made, it could be of great use. 

@TheSweetlink iv'e also noticed that your pasted example is no longer 
there, since it seems that paste service no longer exists. gist.github.com 


On Monday, February 13, 2012 9:54:05 AM UTC-8, Nolan Nichols wrote:
> I'm researching the nosql and graph database landscape for a web2py 
> application that will require the schema to evolve over time and 
> provide network/graph analysis metrics. 
> I started by looking at the Tinkerpop (http://tinkerpop.com/) stack 
> and the Bulbflow (http://bulbflow.com/) python library for interacting 
> with Tinkerpop graph databases like Neo4j and OrientDB. 
> It looks like there was interest a few months back in adapting 
> OrientDB's sql interface for web2py, and there is an open issue: 
> - http://code.google.com/p/web2py/issues/detail?id=407 
> A few questions: 
> What is the current status of an OrientDB/web2py adapter? 
> Is anyone currently using a graph database with web2py? 
> Any suggestions for using web2py DAI/templates with non-rdbms sources? 
> Cheers, 
> Nolan


[web2py] Web2Py with real time data

2012-09-03 Thread luckysmack
I'm curious if anyone has done real time applications in their web apps 
with web2py. either a whole project or even just components. With the 
project I am working on, there are aspects of the app which will have close 
to real time interactivity. Such as live database updates (say 100 users 
are looking at a football stats page. and one user comments on that page. 
once the comment saves to the database, the other 99 end users' displays 
are then updated automagically updated with that new content.). I have seen 
ways to do this such as twisted and socket,io. 

So i was hoping to see if anyone around here has done any real-time like 
features for their apps, and was willing to share what they did to get 



[web2py] Use web2py to create offline desktop application

2012-09-01 Thread luckysmack
I am curious, if there could be a way to use web2py to create an 
installable desktop application. The app would be based on a web app so 
would have much of the same code.  I would want/hope to find a way to 
bundle a local database (mongodb or couchdb if it works with web2py) and 
have the local db sync to the server when changes are made. For a UI, i 
would probably keep it web based and see if I could package it with a 
webkit instance, or have it open in the browser as the main ui, this way I 
can still use html/js for the front end as the web app is.

Example. Say that online there is a large product catalog. each company has 
their own catalog. when using the offline app, you would authenticate with 
the server first, then once authenticated, it would download/sync your 
companies catalog to your local server/computer. Then you could work with 
it even while there is no internet. When you come back on line (or as youre 
using it) it would sync/stay in sync with the server. Syncing, i know is 
another task unto itself. But in this case, one could use this offline app 
as a POS system for an in store purchase. when you add a product it syncs 
with the server. 

Is there any way this can be done with web2py? 


[web2py] Debugging with uWSGI

2011-10-15 Thread luckysmack
I want to get dubugging setup, and the main options I see are using
winpdb, pydev, or wingide. But all the examples I see are to debug the
web2py.py app when it is run and the debugger grabs the process. But I
am using the cherokee webserver with uWSGI, so how would U use it in
this way? I want it to grab an existing process and monitor the port
(wingide calls it passive listening, I just don't want to have to buy
wing if I have other good options). I am leaning either towards using
winpdb with my current IDE, or using the pydev plugin in AptanaStudio.

So can anyone recommend how to setup debugging when im not running
web2py.py to start the process? Thanks.

[web2py] Re: web2py on github

2011-07-21 Thread luckysmack
yea i have it installed already. Im thinking maybe at this point it
might be easier to just use hg. But there is an app out there that
will take a mercurial repos and convert everything into a git repo
including commits and the full history. I tried it at home and it
works great. cant think of the name. ill have to get back to you on
the name. but it worked well.

On Jul 21, 11:25 am, pbreit  wrote:
> A lot of code is stored in mercurial so it might be worthwhile to learn it.
> It's quite easy.
> If you don't have mercurial installed, install in your preferred way
> (apt-get, easy_install, pip).
> Then you only need a couple commands:
> To grab Web2py:
> $ hg clonehttps://code.google.com/p/web2py/web2py
> To pull all new changes (but not update your working directory):
> $ hg pull
> To update your working directory to the latest:
> $ hg update
> To update your working directory to a specific changeset:
> $ hg update [changeset id]
> You can use git for your applications, no problem.
> This will be *much* easier than trying to sync in git.
> Good tutorials:http://hginit.comhttp://mercurial.selenic.com

[web2py] Re: web2py on github

2011-07-21 Thread luckysmack
because i already know and use git everyday for personal use and at
work. So i know it. in mercurial i kinda know how to pull the updates.
heh. just never really used it much. Not saying it isnt easy to learn
or better/worse. Just that im already using git. if the core was in
git i could so git submodules for the individual applications so all i
would have to do is checkout web2py and update the app and i have
everything. I have no idea how to set that up in mercurial or even how
to mercurial in general.

On Jul 20, 9:12 pm, Jonathan Lundell  wrote:
> On Jul 20, 2011, at 7:05 PM, luckysmack wrote:
> > oh yea? well thats handy. am i able to fork/clone a mercurial repo as
> > a git repo?
> Why git, btw? Seems like sticking with hg would be more straightforward.
> > On Jul 20, 4:33 am, blackthorne  wrote:
> >> be aware that google code hosting now supports git..
> >> On Jul 20, 4:44 am, luckysmack  wrote:
> >>> Well i was going to for the original. But it being so out of date, i
> >>> thought i would just take the mercurial branch and use a tool to
> >>> convert the code and its branches with history to git. that way it is
> >>> exactly what is in the mercurial repos. But doing that i cant fork it.
> >>> i would need to create my own repo. which would mean there would be
> >>> duplicate repos for web2py. is there a way i can for the one on github
> >>> and then merge in the converted mercurial to git copy? since they
> >>> essentially have separate remotes. Anyone know of a way i could do
> >>> this?
> >>> On Jul 19, 8:31 pm, luckysmack  wrote:
> >>>> Letting those users out there know that I will forking the web2py on
> >>>> github (which is outdated) and will be updating it as I will need it
> >>>> and its easier (for me at least) to keep all my repos in one location.
> >>>> Ive already forked it and will be updating it shortly.
> >>>>https://github.com/luckysmack/web2py

[web2py] Re: web2py on github

2011-07-20 Thread luckysmack
oh yea? well thats handy. am i able to fork/clone a mercurial repo as
a git repo?

On Jul 20, 4:33 am, blackthorne  wrote:
> be aware that google code hosting now supports git..
> On Jul 20, 4:44 am, luckysmack  wrote:
> > Well i was going to for the original. But it being so out of date, i
> > thought i would just take the mercurial branch and use a tool to
> > convert the code and its branches with history to git. that way it is
> > exactly what is in the mercurial repos. But doing that i cant fork it.
> > i would need to create my own repo. which would mean there would be
> > duplicate repos for web2py. is there a way i can for the one on github
> > and then merge in the converted mercurial to git copy? since they
> > essentially have separate remotes. Anyone know of a way i could do
> > this?
> > On Jul 19, 8:31 pm, luckysmack  wrote:
> > > Letting those users out there know that I will forking the web2py on
> > > github (which is outdated) and will be updating it as I will need it
> > > and its easier (for me at least) to keep all my repos in one location.
> > > Ive already forked it and will be updating it shortly.
> > >https://github.com/luckysmack/web2py

[web2py] Re: web2py on github

2011-07-19 Thread luckysmack
Well i was going to for the original. But it being so out of date, i
thought i would just take the mercurial branch and use a tool to
convert the code and its branches with history to git. that way it is
exactly what is in the mercurial repos. But doing that i cant fork it.
i would need to create my own repo. which would mean there would be
duplicate repos for web2py. is there a way i can for the one on github
and then merge in the converted mercurial to git copy? since they
essentially have separate remotes. Anyone know of a way i could do

On Jul 19, 8:31 pm, luckysmack  wrote:
> Letting those users out there know that I will forking the web2py on
> github (which is outdated) and will be updating it as I will need it
> and its easier (for me at least) to keep all my repos in one location.
> Ive already forked it and will be updating it shortly.
> https://github.com/luckysmack/web2py

[web2py] web2py on github

2011-07-19 Thread luckysmack
Letting those users out there know that I will forking the web2py on
github (which is outdated) and will be updating it as I will need it
and its easier (for me at least) to keep all my repos in one location.
Ive already forked it and will be updating it shortly.


[web2py] Re: Post Data Obfuscation

2011-05-18 Thread luckysmack
Im proccessing credit card transactions where clients will be
government entities (in the US). So I want to make it as secure as
possible. Also, they talked about doing this over https as well as
there are programs out there to get past the ssl.

On May 18, 8:30 am, pbreit  wrote:
> Seems unnecessary. Is there a specific reason you need this level of
> protection?

[web2py] Re: recommendations for production system?

2011-05-17 Thread luckysmack
I have never used VPS.net so im not sure about them. Like pbreit I use
rackspace(cloud) as well and the service is top notch and you get full
root access. which for a vps im sure vps.net does as well. For the
actual setup itself, for a small server I just moved away from apache
and will never move back. I have tried nginx and uwsgi is very easy to
setup on it. I personally use cherokee which is also easy to use for
uwsgi as well. There is a setup script for nginx as well but i believe
its fcgi (uwsgi was easier for me). either way uwsgi is easy peasy to
setup for both and both of them have a much smaller memory footprint
than apache. For python I do not use virtualenv either. I currently
run with python2.7 on my server. I havent used fabric yet, so ill
check that out. postgres is perfectly fine compared to mysql, though i
tend to use mysql more and will eventually move towards monngodb when
i have the time to set it up and test it for web2py.

If you have a vps with root access i dont recommend using webmin. I
have tried using it a couple times and have it toast multiple things
on my server to the point I had to rebuild. To be honest its usually
easier to manage it normally. I tried virtualmin and had the same
experience. have not tried isp manager or landscape but from what I
have read and heard (3rd hand) they are similar stories unless you
plan to build your server around those technologies, usually for
selling or letting others use your server from a web interface. if its
just you i wouldnt use them. It may be a hassle. That being said,
YMMV, so take what I say with a grain of salt.

Hope it helps. remember to get more people's opinion before you

On May 17, 5:21 pm, pbreit  wrote:
> If you are comfortable with Apache, it's difficult to advise going with
> Nginx, but with a small node like that, you would probably be better off
> memory wise with Nginx.
> For pricetack.com, I currently use Ubuntu 10.04 + Nginx (uWSGI) + Postgres
> on RacksSpace Cloud 512mb ( I don't have much traffic yet). I have created
> Fabric scripts which are quite similar to the setup scripts. If you plan to
> do this long term, you should definitely consider Fabric now or at some
> point. It makes things a lot easier. I don't use any of that other software.
> I currently use "root" which I'm not sure is a good idea. I see everyone
> suggesting "virtualenv" which I currently do not use. I have a 2nd node that
> I use for QA.
> At some point I envision that I will have separate DB and web servers. Then
> multiple web servers. Then multiple DB servers. But that's down the road.

[web2py] Post Data Obfuscation

2011-05-17 Thread luckysmack
I recently listened to a podcast from a HOPE conference last year, and
the podcast talked about post data obfuscation. Where when the post
data is submitted it is obfuscated by javascript and a false copy is
passed through POST and a real copy is sent to the server. it also
send a special key that is encrypted and the server only knows the
real key. So if the hacker find out the POST data is obfuscated and
tries to do the same, the server will know whether its the real copy
or not.

I was curious if web2py (or really python in general, that i could
plug into web2py) had any kind of feature like this. I figured it
might not, So my second part of the question is if anyone knows of a
way to do this in python that I can use with web2py. In the end if I
can get this to work I would be willing to submit my code for others
to use so we can all benefit.

So for eaither method, i was looking if anyone had something to help
me get started.

Heres the podcast (mp3) in questioned I listened to:


which is from this site (they have some other great talks about web as
well. though most are generally security and hackerish related)


[web2py] Re: Cherokee and fcgi

2011-05-13 Thread luckysmack
Aww burn. Heh. Well I like cherokee because for the moment my server
is pretty low maintenance. It doesnt realy get much traffic. so its
easy to main tain. Not that nginx isnt either. I tried it briefly last
year but was unable to get it to work for whatever reason. I dont
remember. I think it had something to do with ssl certs I used in
apache. But I could be wrong. I know its a good server as well. Id
rather use either of these than apache.

On May 12, 11:49 pm, pbreit  wrote:
> Good to hear. I currently think ubuntu + nginx + uWSGI is the best setup but 
> Cherokee is good too.

[web2py] Re: Cherokee and fcgi

2011-05-12 Thread luckysmack
Sweeet. Well based on the bitbucket link I was able to get it to work
with uWSGI. So thanks a bunch for the help.

On May 12, 12:12 pm, pbreit  wrote:
> Here's another, slightly older but perhaps worth 
> reviewing:http://web2pyslices.com/main/slices/take_slice/110

[web2py] Re: Cherokee and fcgi

2011-05-12 Thread luckysmack
yea i tried fcgi because that was the example in the book. If wsfi is
easier/better to setup, and i can get it working. ill try that as
well. Do you know of any good links off hand? otherwise ill just
browse on the slices site. I looked here but only really found posts
where people were having issues or asking general questions.

On May 12, 12:44 am, pbreit  wrote:
> I unfortunately can't help out with fcgi but I you wanted to try uWSGI there 
> are some scripts and steps posted here and on slices. UWSGI is Probably 
> better anyhow.

[web2py] Re: Cherokee and fcgi

2011-05-12 Thread luckysmack
as a side note, when going to domain.dev, it does change the path to

On May 11, 11:56 pm, luckysmack  wrote:
> Im trying to setup web2py with fcgi on cherokee. At one point it
> worked (last night after i spent a few hours trying to get it to work.
> and after i saw the screen went to sleep). But today when i try to use
> it its not working again. But now I cant get it to work whatsoever.
> i have a fresh installation of cherokee of 1.2.2 from the ubuntu
> (natty) repos using apt. I followed the guide 
> herehttp://www.web2py.com/book/default/chapter/11#Cherokee-with-FastGGI
> to get it working in the first place. But still cant get it to work.
> My web2py source is exactly as it tells to setup.
> /srv/sites/domain.dev/public/startweb2py.sh
> #!/bin/bash
> cd /srv/sites/domain.dev/public
> python /srv/sites/domain.dev/public/fcgihandler.py &
> The only handler I have in my vhost is 'default'
> Handler: FastCGI
> Document Root: [blank]
> Script Alias: [blank]
> Error Handler [X]
> Check File [ ]
> Pass request Headers [X]
> Allow X-Sendfile [ ]
> Read X-Real-IP [ ]
> No custom env variables
> Balancer: Round Robin
> Inof Sources web2py [/tmp/fcgi.sock]
> Now the domain vhost itself, is named 'domain.dev' (i like to use
> *.dev domains for local testing. better than just localhost) and has a
> host match also ofwww.domain.dev
> document root: /srv/sites/domain.dev/public
> directory indexes: index.html
> everything else in there shouldnt matter. from what i can tell.
> running web2py with rocket works perfectly fine. But the only thing
> that loads is 'invalid request' and nothing shows in the error log. Im
> not sure what else I can check. this is my first time using fcgi. I
> was also looking at trying wsgi as theres a stup in cherokee for wsgi
> but i didnt find any articles on how to run it like that. and I
> thought fcgi would be better performance wise. But im not sure.
> Any help would be appreciated.

[web2py] Cherokee and fcgi

2011-05-11 Thread luckysmack
Im trying to setup web2py with fcgi on cherokee. At one point it
worked (last night after i spent a few hours trying to get it to work.
and after i saw the screen went to sleep). But today when i try to use
it its not working again. But now I cant get it to work whatsoever.

i have a fresh installation of cherokee of 1.2.2 from the ubuntu
(natty) repos using apt. I followed the guide here
to get it working in the first place. But still cant get it to work.
My web2py source is exactly as it tells to setup.


cd /srv/sites/domain.dev/public
python /srv/sites/domain.dev/public/fcgihandler.py &

The only handler I have in my vhost is 'default'

Handler: FastCGI
Document Root: [blank]
Script Alias: [blank]
Error Handler [X]
Check File [ ]
Pass request Headers [X]
Allow X-Sendfile [ ]
Read X-Real-IP [ ]
No custom env variables
Balancer: Round Robin
Inof Sources web2py [/tmp/fcgi.sock]

Now the domain vhost itself, is named 'domain.dev' (i like to use
*.dev domains for local testing. better than just localhost) and has a
host match also of www.domain.dev
document root: /srv/sites/domain.dev/public
directory indexes: index.html

everything else in there shouldnt matter. from what i can tell.
running web2py with rocket works perfectly fine. But the only thing
that loads is 'invalid request' and nothing shows in the error log. Im
not sure what else I can check. this is my first time using fcgi. I
was also looking at trying wsgi as theres a stup in cherokee for wsgi
but i didnt find any articles on how to run it like that. and I
thought fcgi would be better performance wise. But im not sure.

Any help would be appreciated.

[web2py] Re: some new cool stuff in trunk under testing

2011-05-05 Thread luckysmack
Wow this os great. This also looks like it may effect things like
autocomplete in ide's. For me, learning web2py, that was always one
thing that made it more difficult to learn. Not that it was hard.

On May 5, 7:25 pm, Plumo  wrote:
> fantastic news!
> This should let me move a lot of code from models in to modules.

[web2py] Re: How do you manage/version you applications and web2py core?

2011-05-02 Thread luckysmack
Thats a good point. on remote im pulling from the main google code
repo anyways. Thanks.

On May 2, 8:36 am, mattgorecki  wrote:
> You're right.  This is how I do it.  I use github extensively for my
> apps and as long as the application directory is the root of the git
> repository you won't run into any conflicts.
> On May 2, 9:25 am, pbreit  wrote:
> > I'm not even sure you need to .hgignore your app since you will never be
> > pushing web2py. I don't.

[web2py] Re: How do you manage/version you applications and web2py core?

2011-05-01 Thread luckysmack
Cool, i just added my app to the .hgignore file to keep web2py core
updated. I have my app setup with git and will be posting it on github
when its ready. I think for the time being ill just keep the apps in
the web2py directory and just point the domain to look at the app.
Thanks guys.

On May 1, 10:49 pm, pbreit  wrote:
> I do exactly the same as Bruno, including pushing to BitBucket.
> I assume a symbolic link should work but it's not really necessary. If you
> create your HG repos at the app level, it all works fine.

[web2py] Re: How do you manage/version you applications and web2py core?

2011-05-01 Thread luckysmack
How would i use applications in a different directory? would there be
any pros/cons to doing it like this? After getting an application
setup i find (so far, more advanced stuff might be different) i dont
edit the core web2py stuff very often. I can see the application in a
different dir could be easier for managing with git/hg. Does this have
any effect with the admin app? Would the admin app even be able to see
the apps if they are outside of the web2py/applications dir?

On May 1, 8:49 pm, Bruno Rocha  wrote:
> I do that with mercurial (HG)
> I have web2py folder as an hg repo, when a new version of web2py is released
> I pull my web2py folder to the current release, in development I always work
> with trunk.
> Inside applications folder I have one HG repo for each application, on
> development I push that to bitbucket, then on my production server I just
> pull the specific application.
> Note that web2py can work with applications on different folder, you can
> have apps in /home/myapplications and web2py in /var/web2py.
> --
> Bruno Rocha
> [ About me:http://zerp.ly/rochacbruno]

[web2py] How do you manage/version you applications and web2py core?

2011-05-01 Thread luckysmack
Im somewhat new to web2py, having tried out django first. I like this
much more. But one thing im still wondering is how others manage their
web2py installations vs the applications in them. Especially when
needing to push an application to your server/live site. Normally
(like iwth django, or even coming from php using other frameworks)
your application is in a ocmpletely different directory than the
framework itself. This means that you only really edit in your
applications directory, whereas with web2py you generally have your
IDE's document root as the base of web2py. When editing/working on a
project do you point your ide to just your applications root? Do you
keep the entire web2py directory versioned and push to the server when
needed. Or do you keep web2py and the applicaiton dir in seperate
repos (like with git submodules).

Basically im curious on two things. How do you guys manage versioning
for your web2py installs vs the apps themselves. And how to you manage
taking your apps from development to production.

[web2py] Re: Powerpack

2011-04-30 Thread luckysmack
This is great. I noticed that the default is to use sqlite, is there a
way I can convert it to use mysql? i tried editing the connection
screen before visiting the page, but i kept getting a ticket stating
it was unable to create a table.

On Apr 29, 8:17 am, Christopher Steel  wrote:
> Martin,
>  I have been looking at powerpack and it is a really exciting
> application and collection of plugins.
> You have addressed a number of practical issues related to Web2py
> application development in an elegant and what appears to be a highly
> practical ways.  Bravo!
> Your approach of starting with a custom application makes a lot of
> sense.
> Do you have any plans and/or ideas on good approaches to creating
> multi-lingual sites using powerpack?
> Either way, congratulations on Powerpack, the quality really shines
> through, this is an awesome contribution!
> Thank You,
> Christopher Steel
> Voice of Access
> On Apr 12, 5:19 pm, Martín Mulone  wrote:
> > Powerpack App = Plugin Instant Press + Plugins Comments + Plugins
> > Intro:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nvvWE2rVnR0
> >https://bitbucket.org/mulonemartin/powerpack/wiki/Home
> > --
> > My blog:http://martin.tecnodoc.com.ar
> > Expert4Solution:http://www.experts4solutions.com/e4s/default/expert/6http://www.cvsta...

[web2py] Re: Add gluon to global python path

2011-04-30 Thread luckysmack
mostly just for testing things and learning web2py. for example when
going through the book and learning things, to follow along. or when i
read a tute online somewhere. but also for the same reason the python
shell is there, to test statements and see if syntax is correct and
the like. I want to be able to do the same with the gluon code.

On Apr 29, 6:03 pm, Jonathan Lundell  wrote:
> On Apr 29, 2011, at 5:56 PM, luckysmack wrote:
> > when i append gluon to the sys.path and try to import it doesnt work
> > because its unable to find it. I am installing web2py via pip. THanks
> > for the help too guys. appreciate it.
> What exactly are you trying to import?
> > On Apr 29, 12:01 pm, José Luis Redrejo Rodríguez 
> > wrote:
> >> 2011/4/29 Jonathan Lundell :
> >>> On Apr 29, 2011, at 7:19 AM, luckysmack wrote:
> >>>> Yea im using 11.04 which just released. So its probably just that it
> >>>> hasnt been updated yet. ill check out that one package until it shows
> >>>> up in the repo and try to update to that. I know theyre all in line
> >>>> with each other but ive seen a few times where a package showed up in
> >>>> debian but not ubuntu, not sure what they were but i think they were
> >>>> pretty esoteric packages. Anyways, thanks. Ill just get the linked
> >>>> one.
> >>> The actual problem may be different from how it appears. Adding the path 
> >>> to gluon to sys.path ought to work fine as far as it goes, but web2py 
> >>> generally expects to be started from its own directory.
> >>> What happens exactly when you add gluon to sys.path and attempt an import?
> >> What you can expect: you have available all the gluon modules and
> >> functions. Remember you can use dal or the html parser for non-web2py
> >> projects.
> >> On the other hand, you can start web2py from any directory passing the
> >> -f parameter. Having gluon available in the sys.path you only need to
> >> pass to web2py the  applications directory path. No other files or
> >> directories are needed. That's the way Debian package works and there
> >> are not known problems with it.
> >> Regards.
> >>>> On Apr 29, 1:45 am, José Luis Redrejo Rodríguez 
> >>>> wrote:
> >>>>> 2011/4/29 luckysmack :
> >>>>>> python-gluon and python-web2py dont seem to be in the ubuntu repos. I
> >>>>>> found a .deb file herehttp://pkgs.org/package/python-gluonbutiwant
> >>>>>> to get some feedback first if anyone knows a better way. a few quick
> >>>>>> searches didnt show anything about adding a repo to ubuntu to make it
> >>>>>> available.
> >>>>> Ubuntu is a debian derivative. Ubuntu people sync their packages from
> >>>>> Debian unstable repository periodically.
> >>>>> Web2py packages are in Debian since less than a couple of weeks.
> >>>>> Ubuntu released a new version yesterday, so I supposse they'll take
> >>>>> the packages soon. The packages that are in Debian are exactly the
> >>>>> same that Ubuntu will take, so  you can use them if you're using a
> >>>>> recent Ubuntu version, because Ubuntu is not going to modify them.
> >>>>> Regards.
> >>>>> José L.
> >>>>>> On Apr 28, 10:50 pm, José Luis Redrejo Rodríguez 
> >>>>>> wrote:
> >>>>>>> 2011/4/29 luckysmack :
> >>>>>>>> Pretty much like the title says. This is also for things like when i
> >>>>>>>> open up a i/b/python shell, it would be cool to just be able to run
> >>>>>>>> 'import gluon' or 'from gluon import foo'. Im sure this would also
> >>>>>>>> have other benefits as well, but im not sure. I tried doing 'import
> >>>>>>>> sys' and 'sys.path.append("/srv/sites/web2py/gluon")' but that didnt
> >>>>>>>> seem to work. i also tried it without the/gluon part. Is it worth it
> >>>>>>>> to do this? otherwise i can get the effect by opening a terminal and
> >>>>>>>> going to the web2py directory, opening the python shell and importing
> >>>>>>>> like that. This culd also be handy when running python scripts that
> >>>>>>>> are in different places on the system and wanting to be able to 
> >>>>>>>> import
> >>>>>>>> something from gluon.
> >>>>>>> Using a Debian distribution (or any of its derivatives) you can
> >>>>>>> install the debian package python-gluon 
> >>>>>>> (http://packages.qa.debian.org/w/web2py.html) . When installing it,
> >>>>>>> gluon is available in the python path.
> >>>>>>> Regards.

[web2py] Re: Add gluon to global python path

2011-04-29 Thread luckysmack
when i append gluon to the sys.path and try to import it doesnt work
because its unable to find it. I am installing web2py via pip. THanks
for the help too guys. appreciate it.

On Apr 29, 12:01 pm, José Luis Redrejo Rodríguez 
> 2011/4/29 Jonathan Lundell :
> > On Apr 29, 2011, at 7:19 AM, luckysmack wrote:
> >> Yea im using 11.04 which just released. So its probably just that it
> >> hasnt been updated yet. ill check out that one package until it shows
> >> up in the repo and try to update to that. I know theyre all in line
> >> with each other but ive seen a few times where a package showed up in
> >> debian but not ubuntu, not sure what they were but i think they were
> >> pretty esoteric packages. Anyways, thanks. Ill just get the linked
> >> one.
> > The actual problem may be different from how it appears. Adding the path to 
> > gluon to sys.path ought to work fine as far as it goes, but web2py 
> > generally expects to be started from its own directory.
> > What happens exactly when you add gluon to sys.path and attempt an import?
> What you can expect: you have available all the gluon modules and
> functions. Remember you can use dal or the html parser for non-web2py
> projects.
> On the other hand, you can start web2py from any directory passing the
> -f parameter. Having gluon available in the sys.path you only need to
> pass to web2py the  applications directory path. No other files or
> directories are needed. That's the way Debian package works and there
> are not known problems with it.
> Regards.
> >> On Apr 29, 1:45 am, José Luis Redrejo Rodríguez 
> >> wrote:
> >>> 2011/4/29 luckysmack :
> >>>> python-gluon and python-web2py dont seem to be in the ubuntu repos. I
> >>>> found a .deb file herehttp://pkgs.org/package/python-gluonbuti want
> >>>> to get some feedback first if anyone knows a better way. a few quick
> >>>> searches didnt show anything about adding a repo to ubuntu to make it
> >>>> available.
> >>> Ubuntu is a debian derivative. Ubuntu people sync their packages from
> >>> Debian unstable repository periodically.
> >>> Web2py packages are in Debian since less than a couple of weeks.
> >>> Ubuntu released a new version yesterday, so I supposse they'll take
> >>> the packages soon. The packages that are in Debian are exactly the
> >>> same that Ubuntu will take, so  you can use them if you're using a
> >>> recent Ubuntu version, because Ubuntu is not going to modify them.
> >>> Regards.
> >>> José L.
> >>>> On Apr 28, 10:50 pm, José Luis Redrejo Rodríguez 
> >>>> wrote:
> >>>>> 2011/4/29 luckysmack :
> >>>>>> Pretty much like the title says. This is also for things like when i
> >>>>>> open up a i/b/python shell, it would be cool to just be able to run
> >>>>>> 'import gluon' or 'from gluon import foo'. Im sure this would also
> >>>>>> have other benefits as well, but im not sure. I tried doing 'import
> >>>>>> sys' and 'sys.path.append("/srv/sites/web2py/gluon")' but that didnt
> >>>>>> seem to work. i also tried it without the/gluon part. Is it worth it
> >>>>>> to do this? otherwise i can get the effect by opening a terminal and
> >>>>>> going to the web2py directory, opening the python shell and importing
> >>>>>> like that. This culd also be handy when running python scripts that
> >>>>>> are in different places on the system and wanting to be able to import
> >>>>>> something from gluon.
> >>>>> Using a Debian distribution (or any of its derivatives) you can
> >>>>> install the debian package python-gluon 
> >>>>> (http://packages.qa.debian.org/w/web2py.html) . When installing it,
> >>>>> gluon is available in the python path.
> >>>>> Regards.

[web2py] Re: Add gluon to global python path

2011-04-29 Thread luckysmack
Yea im using 11.04 which just released. So its probably just that it
hasnt been updated yet. ill check out that one package until it shows
up in the repo and try to update to that. I know theyre all in line
with each other but ive seen a few times where a package showed up in
debian but not ubuntu, not sure what they were but i think they were
pretty esoteric packages. Anyways, thanks. Ill just get the linked

On Apr 29, 1:45 am, José Luis Redrejo Rodríguez 
> 2011/4/29 luckysmack :
> > python-gluon and python-web2py dont seem to be in the ubuntu repos. I
> > found a .deb file herehttp://pkgs.org/package/python-gluonbut i want
> > to get some feedback first if anyone knows a better way. a few quick
> > searches didnt show anything about adding a repo to ubuntu to make it
> > available.
> Ubuntu is a debian derivative. Ubuntu people sync their packages from
> Debian unstable repository periodically.
> Web2py packages are in Debian since less than a couple of weeks.
> Ubuntu released a new version yesterday, so I supposse they'll take
> the packages soon. The packages that are in Debian are exactly the
> same that Ubuntu will take, so  you can use them if you're using a
> recent Ubuntu version, because Ubuntu is not going to modify them.
> Regards.
> José L.
> > On Apr 28, 10:50 pm, José Luis Redrejo Rodríguez 
> > wrote:
> >> 2011/4/29 luckysmack :
> >> > Pretty much like the title says. This is also for things like when i
> >> > open up a i/b/python shell, it would be cool to just be able to run
> >> > 'import gluon' or 'from gluon import foo'. Im sure this would also
> >> > have other benefits as well, but im not sure. I tried doing 'import
> >> > sys' and 'sys.path.append("/srv/sites/web2py/gluon")' but that didnt
> >> > seem to work. i also tried it without the/gluon part. Is it worth it
> >> > to do this? otherwise i can get the effect by opening a terminal and
> >> > going to the web2py directory, opening the python shell and importing
> >> > like that. This culd also be handy when running python scripts that
> >> > are in different places on the system and wanting to be able to import
> >> > something from gluon.
> >> Using a Debian distribution (or any of its derivatives) you can
> >> install the debian package python-gluon 
> >> (http://packages.qa.debian.org/w/web2py.html) . When installing it,
> >> gluon is available in the python path.
> >> Regards.

[web2py] Re: Add gluon to global python path

2011-04-29 Thread luckysmack
python-gluon and python-web2py dont seem to be in the ubuntu repos. I
found a .deb file here http://pkgs.org/package/python-gluon but i want
to get some feedback first if anyone knows a better way. a few quick
searches didnt show anything about adding a repo to ubuntu to make it

On Apr 28, 10:50 pm, José Luis Redrejo Rodríguez 
> 2011/4/29 luckysmack :
> > Pretty much like the title says. This is also for things like when i
> > open up a i/b/python shell, it would be cool to just be able to run
> > 'import gluon' or 'from gluon import foo'. Im sure this would also
> > have other benefits as well, but im not sure. I tried doing 'import
> > sys' and 'sys.path.append("/srv/sites/web2py/gluon")' but that didnt
> > seem to work. i also tried it without the/gluon part. Is it worth it
> > to do this? otherwise i can get the effect by opening a terminal and
> > going to the web2py directory, opening the python shell and importing
> > like that. This culd also be handy when running python scripts that
> > are in different places on the system and wanting to be able to import
> > something from gluon.
> Using a Debian distribution (or any of its derivatives) you can
> install the debian package python-gluon 
> (http://packages.qa.debian.org/w/web2py.html) . When installing it,
> gluon is available in the python path.
> Regards.

[web2py] Add gluon to global python path

2011-04-28 Thread luckysmack
Pretty much like the title says. This is also for things like when i
open up a i/b/python shell, it would be cool to just be able to run
'import gluon' or 'from gluon import foo'. Im sure this would also
have other benefits as well, but im not sure. I tried doing 'import
sys' and 'sys.path.append("/srv/sites/web2py/gluon")' but that didnt
seem to work. i also tried it without the/gluon part. Is it worth it
to do this? otherwise i can get the effect by opening a terminal and
going to the web2py directory, opening the python shell and importing
like that. This culd also be handy when running python scripts that
are in different places on the system and wanting to be able to import
something from gluon.

[web2py] Re: web2py + powerpack on dotcloud complete guide

2011-04-25 Thread luckysmack
well seems their effected my an epic level ec2 outage. that sucks
cause ive been wanting to try them (or possibly kodingen.com as well).
Hope it's fixed soon.

On Apr 25, 3:10 pm, Massimo Di Pierro 
> I am going to post a link on reddit.  :-)
> On Apr 25, 4:21 pm, Martín Mulone  wrote:
> >http://martin.tecnodoc.com.ar/default/post/2011/04/25/16_web2py-power...
> > --
> >  http://martin.tecnodoc.com.ar

[web2py] Re: Why new auth_group automatically created with new users?

2011-04-22 Thread luckysmack
Another possible use case could be that each user by default gets
assigned to 2 groups. One say 'Authenticated' that all new users get,
this way you can assign global rules as normal. But also a per user
group. Say for example my nick here is luckysmack, so my group would
be called 'luckysmack' and I can assign my own permissions for other
people to access MY data. This makes me think of facebook and linux.
In linux you can assign permissions on the filesystem and you can let
others see your documents, pics, mucis, etc (i know you can do more
than that, but hear me out). And with facebook its like when you set
your own permissions for people to view your content like your wall,
personall info, images, etc. So in a web2py application I could use my
own 'luckysmack' group to manage my personal say profile permissions.
This is assuming thoug that you have programmed in some neato
permissions setup for user profiles. You would also need to
differentiate between user groups and site groups. so when you list
the sites permission groups it doesnt show ALL the users individual
groups. That could be a pain. SO thats one use case that I can think

Then again in my cass i need to make actual site groups users can join
aside from permissions groups...but i think thats another problem and
i dont want to hijack. Ill make a post about it when i start working
on it. But if anyone else can figure out another way to use the per-
user permissions im all ears as thats something i may need to work out
too. Since for an app I will be starting on soon will need fairly fine
grained permissions.

On Apr 22, 12:29 pm, David Marko  wrote:
> The purpose is probably to give access not directly to user himself but to
> his group. Then when you need to add access to users resources  for the
> others simply put the user into other users group.
> David

[web2py] A question on sitepoint

2011-04-21 Thread luckysmack
Thought some other more experienced devs might want to chime in:


[web2py] Re: web2py as the best choice for newstarters in web frameworks

2011-04-14 Thread luckysmack
yea same here. coming from php i find python and web2py awesome. im
trying to get my work to make the shift over to python. building a
base website for all our sites will be half the fun... I hope

On Apr 13, 8:16 pm, Jason Brower  wrote:
> It's great to see you using web2py!
> I am also working to make web2py a popular tool in the small and medium
> business markets.  And it is serving me well here in Finland.
> ---
> Good Luck!
> Jason
> On 04/14/2011 01:47 AM, Todor Todorov wrote:
> > I am running a small IT company in Bulgaria. We are not software
> > developers, but mainly in the business of IT consultancy and support.
> > Lately we felt the need of our customers for small business specific
> > web applications. We have researched our possibilities for easy to
> > learn web frameworks and *not surprisingly* found web2py as our best
> > choice for development environment. We have described our research in
> > one BLOG entry at our website:
> >http://goodspring-tech.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&;...
> > (any comments on the completeness or non-completeness of our research
> > are appreciated)
> > ... so we are starting as newcomers in the web2py community. Wishing
> > web2py to become more and more popular, because it deserves this!

[web2py] Re: Web2Py and IntelliJ Idea

2011-04-12 Thread luckysmack
Idea has all the same features and options as the pycharm version.
Pycharm (as well as phpstorm, webstorm, et.al.) are all based on
limited versions of Idea, targeted for a specific purpose. In this
case, python. I just has the python plugin installed by default.

On Apr 12, 2:34 am, kuokon  wrote:
> You can try the Python version of their IDE, PyCharm:
>          http://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/
> Best,
> kuokon
> On Apr 12, 12:25 pm, luckysmack  wrote:
> > Im wondering if anyone is using IntelliJ's Idea editor for their
> > web2py projects. I used it for php before coming here and is hands
> > down my favorite IDE. It works well will intellij but for some reason
> > I feel like I should have some better integration. I know it doesnt
> > officially support it, but im curious as to any special steps or
> > settings a user has done to get it to work nicely with the editor. One
> > of the things that doesnt work, is in .html files, the code is not
> > properly highlighted inside of the {{ }} brackets. I also remember
> > hearing about a setting where I could test/debug vs different versions
> > of python. Such as writing for 2.6+ with warnings/info markers showing
> > where its not compatible for 3.x (i know its going to be a while for
> > that but it's still nice to attempt to be future proof if possible).
> > Anyways, if anyone uses Idea and has any tips on getting it setup
> > better im all eyes. If not, no worries. Thanks
> > -- Shawn

[web2py] Web2Py and IntelliJ Idea

2011-04-11 Thread luckysmack
Im wondering if anyone is using IntelliJ's Idea editor for their
web2py projects. I used it for php before coming here and is hands
down my favorite IDE. It works well will intellij but for some reason
I feel like I should have some better integration. I know it doesnt
officially support it, but im curious as to any special steps or
settings a user has done to get it to work nicely with the editor. One
of the things that doesnt work, is in .html files, the code is not
properly highlighted inside of the {{ }} brackets. I also remember
hearing about a setting where I could test/debug vs different versions
of python. Such as writing for 2.6+ with warnings/info markers showing
where its not compatible for 3.x (i know its going to be a while for
that but it's still nice to attempt to be future proof if possible).

Anyways, if anyone uses Idea and has any tips on getting it setup
better im all eyes. If not, no worries. Thanks

-- Shawn

[web2py] Re: MongoDB and Web2Py

2011-03-31 Thread luckysmack
Alright. Well im still learning web2py, so in a couple weeks when i
feel confident enough (im already familiar with mongo) ill drop
another line here. I was just curious as to what was done so i knew if
there was some where I could start.

On Mar 31, 7:58 pm, Massimo Di Pierro 
> Lots of people asked for support but nobody volunteered to help test
> it.
> If you are interested and can help with some regular tests we can make
> it work in relatively short time.
> Massimo
> On Mar 31, 9:09 pm, luckysmack  wrote:
> > I have read a few older messages about mongoDB being made to work with
> > the DAL. But they all seem to be pretty dated and have not specified
> > what was working and what wasnt. massimo menitoned that it may be
> > ready by january of this year. But under the supported list it wasnt
> > listed. So im just curious as to what the status of using mongoDB is
> > with web2py and if anyone has a basic example on how I would use it.
> > Thanks

[web2py] MongoDB and Web2Py

2011-03-31 Thread luckysmack
I have read a few older messages about mongoDB being made to work with
the DAL. But they all seem to be pretty dated and have not specified
what was working and what wasnt. massimo menitoned that it may be
ready by january of this year. But under the supported list it wasnt
listed. So im just curious as to what the status of using mongoDB is
with web2py and if anyone has a basic example on how I would use it.

[web2py] Re: discounted books

2011-03-25 Thread luckysmack
Same here.I'm interest. PayPal ok?

On Mar 25, 6:58 am, Massimo Di Pierro 
> I have a a few leftover web2py books from PyCon. They are new and I
> can sell the at $20 each + mail. Let me know if you want once and I
> will mail one to you.

[web2py] Re: discounted books

2011-03-25 Thread luckysmack
What books are they?

On Mar 25, 9:58 am, Massimo Di Pierro 
> I have a a few leftover web2py books from PyCon. They are new and I
> can sell the at $20 each + mail. Let me know if you want once and I
> will mail one to you.

[web2py] Re: vote for Pycharm support for Web2py

2011-03-02 Thread luckysmack
Totally agree. Vote counted

On Mar 2, 9:54 pm, mikech  wrote:
> I just voted this up too.  Pycharm is a great IDE and having web2py support
> would be a nice feature.