[web2py] Re: Foreign key constraint failed

2017-01-11 Thread pilzsuppe
Hello Anthony, my eintrag_erstellen is a html view:


{{extend 'layout.html'}}

{{block header}}

Erstelle einen neuen Beitrag über das Thema {{=category.name.title()}}



I gain access this way: 
1. I click this button in another view:


Neuer Eintrag


which leads me to this:


def erstellen():
rows = db(db.category).select()
form = SQLFORM(db.eintrag).process(next='eintrag_betrachten/[id]')
return locals()


and this view:


{{extend 'layout.html'}}

{{block header}}

Profil | Ausloggen | Mitgliedschaft beenden

Eintrag erstellen

{{for category in rows:}}




There all my categories got listed in a single button. When I click on one 
of them, I gain acces to my eintrag_erstellen view

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[web2py] Foreign key constraint failed

2017-01-10 Thread pilzsuppe
Good day,

I was following the video tutorial of Massimo, just as other users here. 
But when I want to submit a post I get the error
>IntegrityError: foreign key constraint failed<

---My db.py:---


Field('category','reference category',writable=False),
Field('eintragId', 'integer',readable=False,writable=False),

---My default.py:---

def get_category():
category_name = request.args(0)
category = db.category(name=category_name)
if not category:
session.flash = 'Element nicht gefunden'
return category

def eintrag_erstellen():
category = get_category()
db.eintrag.category.default = category.id
form = SQLFORM(db.eintrag).process(next='eintrag_betrachten/[id]')
return locals()

---My view:---

{{extend 'layout.html'}}

{{block header}}

Erstelle einen neuen Beitrag über das Thema {{=category.name.title()}}


this is exactly the same code as massimo used (just with german words 
instead of english ones, but this does not cause the problem). I already 
found threads about this problem and their solution was to create tabled 
with appadmin. I did. But the same error. 
If I delete the row in default.py >db.eintrag.category.default = 
category.id< everything works just fine but the fact that the category 
field is "None". 

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