I'd look at the apache logs.  I ran into the same problem with an 
nginx/uwsgi config, and uwsgi's logs pointed me to the fact that I had the 
wrong group on the application's file permissions.

On Friday, 1 May 2020 18:52:02 UTC+1, Ian W. Scott wrote:
> What are the "likely culprits" I should be looking at when I get an 
> "Internal server error" accessing admin or appadmin on a fresh web2py 
> installation? Here's what I've been trying so far. 
> - Apache2 config file correctly configured?
>     - Am I blocking access to admin?
>     - Is https access configured?
> - accessing over https?
> - admin password set?
> - parameters_443.py file present in web2py folder and accessible?
> I've confirmed that all of these are working properly. (The apache2 config 
> is identical to one working fine on an identical server.) 
> So what else could be blocking admin? What else should I be looking at?
> Thanks ahead of time 
> - newest web2py source, py3.7, apache 2.4 with mod_wsgi

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