[web2py] Re: nginx uwsgi error 502 bad gate way

2012-05-20 Thread Deidre
Can I just say thank you to Gour for his suggestion of setting up a virtual 
machine and then the same linux as on my VPS. This approach had not 
occurred to me, but is such a good solution to allowing me to experiment.


On Thursday, May 17, 2012 12:06:12 AM UTC+1, Lewis wrote:

 Guys, I have followed the cookbook, the posts here, and a posting at 

 I am getting error 502 bad gateway.  My stuff looks like everyone else's 
 but there are deeper layers of indirection in uwsgi itself and nginx.  I 
 have several uwsgi sym links in /etc/init.dIt is not clear which is the 
 real one and how to invoke it.

 Here is the error from the nginx log.  I guess I interpret this to mean 
 that nginx can't find uwsgi:

 2012/05/16 22:53:29 [error] 2460#0: *1 connect() failed (111: Connection 
 refused) while connecting to upstream, client:, server: 
 www.lewcl.com, request: GET / HTTP/1.1, upstream: uwsgi://, host: www.lewcl.com

 I have no clue what to do.

 Guys, I think that python and web2py have a profoundly serious problem 
 with config.  Documentation is often wrong--a single punctuation mark, 
 directory or option being off means it won't work.  If we have that in our 
 Python code it won't run, but we have great traceback and debugging tools 
 to tell us exactly where the error is and often what the error is. But when 
 one of 5 or 6 text files scattered across the file system is wrong, all we 
 find out is that it won't run.  There are no diagnostics (or very course 
 ones like error).  I'd like to work with some people in the community to 
 redo a lot of the guides and get them to be accurate.

 I don't think script files are much of a solution (except as a way to 
 document something that once worked on some arbitrary system).  Running an 
 arbitrary script file blindly can do serious harm to your environment.   
 Script files are not fully debugged and recoverable setup programs. 
  Setup is one of the hardest things to do right.  It is not a throw-away 
 task to be done at the end of the project.

[web2py] Re: nginx uwsgi error 502 bad gate way

2012-05-20 Thread Gour
On Sun, 20 May 2012 05:38:35 -0700 (PDT)
Deidre deidre...@googlemail.com wrote:

 Can I just say thank you to Gour for his suggestion of setting up a
 virtual machine and then the same linux as on my VPS. 

I'm glad it was helpful to you. :-)

 This approach had not occurred to me, but is such a good solution to
 allowing me to experiment.

Well, it is always easier to troubleshoot when the environment is (more)
under our control. ;)


For him who has conquered the mind, the mind is the best of 
friends; but for one who has failed to do so, his mind will 
remain the greatest enemy.

http://atmarama.net | Hlapicina (Croatia) | GPG: 52B5C810

Description: PGP signature

[web2py] Re: nginx uwsgi error 502 bad gate way

2012-05-19 Thread Gour
On Fri, 18 May 2012 14:53:40 -0700 (PDT)
Lewis lewis_le...@hotmail.com wrote:

 Well, I revised my init.d script to work.
 Config files do not work at all in any way, shape or form.  Just
 broken utterly.

 It turns out even loading simple startup variables to the init script
 does not work.  Period.


 So, I have wasted 20 hours attempting to debug config files that are
 inherently unusable.

Based on my experience I can say that Cherokee works with uWSGI and I
believe it won't be a problem to make it work with lighttpd, although I
do not have personal experience with nginx.

Moreover, I also did manage to make uWSGI work with --http option.

So, my well-wished suggestion is to start from the simple setup on your
localhost (desktop/netbook/whatever) machine using Linux under VM (e.g.
virtuablbox) if your desktop is non-Linux and make it work there. Then,
knowing what's going on, you can proceed towards your Linode VPS.


A person is said to be established in self-realization and is called a
yogī [or mystic] when he is fully satisfied by virtue of acquired
knowledge and realization. Such a person is situated in transcendence
and is self-controlled. He sees everything — whether it be pebbles,
stones or gold — as the same.

http://atmarama.net | Hlapicina (Croatia) | GPG: 52B5C810

Description: PGP signature

Re: [web2py] Re: nginx uwsgi error 502 bad gate way

2012-05-19 Thread Lewis

Thanks to Bruce Wade who suggested going all command line.  In an init file 
with an args variable it is no problem to have a very long list of args.

Roberto:  I used pip to install v 1.2.3.  Would it have included xml 
support by default?  I had previously downloaded the package for xml but 
perhaps the default build doesn't include it.  I am not in love with xml. 
 It is what all the cookbooks and nearly every web site showed (for 
example, most of the django guys write up uwsgi using xml config files). 
 I'd be perfectly happy with json or ini style config files.  Is support 
for both built in?

I had read the doc on the options but sometimes the short form is not 
mentioned.  I'd agree that it makes sense to use long form.

In answer to one of your earlier questions--yes, the options and the way 
uwsgi works is logical.  It is very functional.  The problem comes when 
some fundamental prereq is left out during the build or install (if 
retrieving some very out of date version from a repository).  Then, it 
becomes very difficult to diagnose what is going wrong.  

As (very) frustrating as it was I am happy with the change.   Dozens of 
lines of apache config are replaced by less than a dozen lines for nginx.

Enough with admin for a while.  Back to design and coding--the fun stuff.

Case closed.

On Friday, May 18, 2012 10:37:48 PM UTC-7, Roberto De Ioris wrote:

  Well, I revised my init.d script to work. 
  Config files do not work at all in any way, shape or form.  Just broken 
  It turns out even loading simple startup variables to the init script 
  not work.  Period. 
  It would appear that for some reason the only way uwsgi works is with 
  command line arguments, many of which aren't documented.  For example, 
  everyone uses -M.  I did a search for it in the wiki.  Many examples 
  include it.  The global listing of (not) all arguments does not show it. 
   What is it? 
  I am on a linode vps running ubuntu 11.10.  The only person who logs on 
  me to do config horrors. I log on as root.  So, the commmand line to 
  uwsgi is run as root.  As a command line, it works.  When it references 
  external config file it does not work.  Should I file a ticket, Roberto? 
   You'll say you can't reproduce.   But, I can't reproduce it ever 
  at all.   So, I have wasted 20 hours attempting to debug config files 
  are inherently unusable. 


 uwsgi --help 

 for the full list of options (and their shortcuts). I suggest you to not 
 use shortcuts, as you will forget what they mean soon. Use long format. 

 -M -- --master 

 Regarding config files, read here how they works: 


 (you do not need to read it all, just the first part). 

 Try that (call it foo.ini) 

 http = :8080 
 master = true 


 uwsgi --ini foo.ini 

 Go to your browser to port 8080, it will work for sure. 

 I suspect you are trying with xml files, but without xml support. 
 If you really love xml format, be sure to have installed libxml2-dev as 
 described here: 


 and rebuild uWSGI. 

 Finally, you are on Ubuntu, throw away those ancient init scripts and use 
 what Ubuntu wants: upstart scripts 


 Obviously the previous link does not show you how upstart works, but you 
 can find more complete docs on ubuntu site (it is a lot easier than init 
 scripts and Ubuntu will not move to SystemD, so you'd better to invest a 
 bit of time in it). 

 Another important link is that one: 


 I think you have all the pieces. 

 Roberto De Ioris 

[web2py] Re: nginx uwsgi error 502 bad gate way

2012-05-18 Thread Lewis
Ran that command line.  Doesn't work.

Instead of command line arg for processes, I put it in xml. does it matter?

On Wednesday, May 16, 2012 4:06:12 PM UTC-7, Lewis wrote:

 Guys, I have followed the cookbook, the posts here, and a posting at 

 I am getting error 502 bad gateway.  My stuff looks like everyone else's 
 but there are deeper layers of indirection in uwsgi itself and nginx.  I 
 have several uwsgi sym links in /etc/init.dIt is not clear which is the 
 real one and how to invoke it.

 Here is the error from the nginx log.  I guess I interpret this to mean 
 that nginx can't find uwsgi:

 2012/05/16 22:53:29 [error] 2460#0: *1 connect() failed (111: Connection 
 refused) while connecting to upstream, client:, server: 
 www.lewcl.com, request: GET / HTTP/1.1, upstream: uwsgi://, host: www.lewcl.com

 I have no clue what to do.

 Guys, I think that python and web2py have a profoundly serious problem 
 with config.  Documentation is often wrong--a single punctuation mark, 
 directory or option being off means it won't work.  If we have that in our 
 Python code it won't run, but we have great traceback and debugging tools 
 to tell us exactly where the error is and often what the error is. But when 
 one of 5 or 6 text files scattered across the file system is wrong, all we 
 find out is that it won't run.  There are no diagnostics (or very course 
 ones like error).  I'd like to work with some people in the community to 
 redo a lot of the guides and get them to be accurate.

 I don't think script files are much of a solution (except as a way to 
 document something that once worked on some arbitrary system).  Running an 
 arbitrary script file blindly can do serious harm to your environment.   
 Script files are not fully debugged and recoverable setup programs. 
  Setup is one of the hardest things to do right.  It is not a throw-away 
 task to be done at the end of the project.

Re: [web2py] Re: nginx uwsgi error 502 bad gate way

2012-05-18 Thread Roberto De Ioris

Il giorno 18/mag/2012, alle ore 12:42, Lewis ha scritto:

 Ran that command line.  Doesn't work.
 Instead of command line arg for processes, I put it in xml. does it matter?

You mean running ps aux now shows

/usr/local/bin/uwsgi -x /etc/uwsgi/uwsgi-conf.xml 

instead of the (wrong)

/usr/local/bin/uwsgi -x /etc/uwsgi/uwsgi-conf.xml -p /var/run/uwsgi.pid 

? (the second is wrong because -p takes a number, and in addition to that you 
have already specified the number of processes inthe xml file, so no need to
double-use it)

By the way try to follow that steps (run a ps aux after each step to be sue all 
is fine):

1) stop all (nginx, uwsgi)
2) run only nginx
3) from your terminal run (this is the minimal config for web2py)

sudo /usr/local/bin/uwsgi --chdir /var/web2py/ --module wsgihandler --socket

(it means: move to /var/web2py/, load wsgihandler module and bind to socket
Now visit your website with your browser. Does it work ?

If it does not work double check if /var/web2py is the correct path of your 
web2py installation.

Roberto De Ioris
JID: robe...@jabber.unbit.it

Re: [web2py] Re: nginx uwsgi error 502 bad gate way

2012-05-18 Thread Bruce Wade
1) On production I am not using the XML style configuration file as I was
having problems with it. Instead I have set the file /etc/default/uwsgi
inside this file you need two lines (you can also place other
configuration) PYTHONPATH=path_to_web_2_py_project and MODULE=wsgihandler


2) It is important to note which ever user you set uwsgi to start as ALL of
your files in your project need to be owned by that user other wise the
process will not start. This may be the reason you do not see the
uwsgi daemon.

Try this:
cd path_of_web2py_project
type: uwsgi  uwsgi --socket -w wsgihandler.py

Also very important make sure you set wsgihandler to be executable as by
default is is not.
chmod +x wsgihandler.py

3) Finally look at the nginx error logs I have found that the the uwsgi
error logs most of the time don't help however the nginx have provided me
with the access denied messages.

server {
listen   80;
server_name  youadstage youadworld.com;
access_log /home/developer/projects/logs/access.log main;
error_log /home/developer/projects/logs/error.log;
#limit_req   zone=gulag burst=200 nodelay;
#charset koi8-r;
rewrite ^(.*) https://new.youadworld.com$1 permanent;
#access_log  logs/host.access.log  main;

location /(\w+)/(\w+)/static/ {
root /home/developer/projects/yaw/applications/;

location / {
#root   html;
#index  index.html index.htm;
include uwsgi_params;

server {
listen  443;
server_name youadstage youadworld.com;
ssl on;
ssl_certificate /home/developer/projects/yaw/settings/public.crt;

location / {
include uwsgi_params;
uwsgi_param UWSGI_SCHEME $scheme;

Hopefully this helps a bit more.


On Fri, May 18, 2012 at 4:37 AM, Roberto De Ioris robe...@unbit.it wrote:

 Il giorno 18/mag/2012, alle ore 12:42, Lewis ha scritto:

  Ran that command line.  Doesn't work.
  Instead of command line arg for processes, I put it in xml. does it

 You mean running ps aux now shows

 /usr/local/bin/uwsgi -x /etc/uwsgi/uwsgi-conf.xml

 instead of the (wrong)

 /usr/local/bin/uwsgi -x /etc/uwsgi/uwsgi-conf.xml -p /var/run/uwsgi.pid

 ? (the second is wrong because -p takes a number, and in addition to that
 you have already specified the number of processes inthe xml file, so no
 need to
 double-use it)

 By the way try to follow that steps (run a ps aux after each step to be
 sue all is fine):

 1) stop all (nginx, uwsgi)
 2) run only nginx
 3) from your terminal run (this is the minimal config for web2py)

 sudo /usr/local/bin/uwsgi --chdir /var/web2py/ --module wsgihandler

 (it means: move to /var/web2py/, load wsgihandler module and bind to
 Now visit your website with your browser. Does it work ?

 If it does not work double check if /var/web2py is the correct path of
 your web2py installation.

 Roberto De Ioris
 JID: robe...@jabber.unbit.it

Bruce Wade
http://www.fittraineronline.com - Fitness Personal Trainers Online

Re: [web2py] Re: nginx uwsgi error 502 bad gate way

2012-05-18 Thread Lewis
Bruce:  do you only need two lines of uwsgi config?  Where do you put the 
rest of the directives?   command line?

Does anyone know how to have one uwsgi config file load another (as we do 
in apache)?  I was trying to see an example or find it in uwsgi docs to no 

On Friday, May 18, 2012 6:52:10 AM UTC-7, Bruce Wade wrote:

 1) On production I am not using the XML style configuration file as I was 
 having problems with it. Instead I have set the file /etc/default/uwsgi 
 inside this file you need two lines (you can also place other 
 configuration) PYTHONPATH=path_to_web_2_py_project and MODULE=wsgihandler


 2) It is important to note which ever user you set uwsgi to start as ALL 
 of your files in your project need to be owned by that user other wise the 
 process will not start. This may be the reason you do not see the 
 uwsgi daemon. 

 Try this: 
 cd path_of_web2py_project
 type: uwsgi  uwsgi --socket -w wsgihandler.py

 Also very important make sure you set wsgihandler to be executable as by 
 default is is not.
 chmod +x wsgihandler.py

 3) Finally look at the nginx error logs I have found that the the uwsgi 
 error logs most of the time don't help however the nginx have provided me 
 with the access denied messages.

 server {
 listen   80;
 server_name  youadstage youadworld.com;
 access_log /home/developer/projects/logs/access.log main;
 error_log /home/developer/projects/logs/error.log;
 #limit_req   zone=gulag burst=200 nodelay;
 #charset koi8-r;
 rewrite ^(.*) https://new.youadworld.com$1 permanent;
 #access_log  logs/host.access.log  main;

 location /(\w+)/(\w+)/static/ {
 root /home/developer/projects/yaw/applications/;

 location / {
 #root   html;
 #index  index.html index.htm;
 include uwsgi_params;

 server {
 listen  443;
 server_name youadstage youadworld.com;
 ssl on;
 ssl_certificate /home/developer/projects/yaw/settings/public.crt;

 location / {
 include uwsgi_params;
 uwsgi_param UWSGI_SCHEME $scheme;

 Hopefully this helps a bit more.


 On Fri, May 18, 2012 at 4:37 AM, Roberto De Ioris robe...@unbit.itwrote:

 Il giorno 18/mag/2012, alle ore 12:42, Lewis ha scritto:

  Ran that command line.  Doesn't work.
  Instead of command line arg for processes, I put it in xml. does it 

 You mean running ps aux now shows

 /usr/local/bin/uwsgi -x /etc/uwsgi/uwsgi-conf.xml

 instead of the (wrong)

 /usr/local/bin/uwsgi -x /etc/uwsgi/uwsgi-conf.xml -p /var/run/uwsgi.pid

 ? (the second is wrong because -p takes a number, and in addition to that 
 you have already specified the number of processes inthe xml file, so no 
 need to
 double-use it)

 By the way try to follow that steps (run a ps aux after each step to be 
 sue all is fine):

 1) stop all (nginx, uwsgi)
 2) run only nginx
 3) from your terminal run (this is the minimal config for web2py)

 sudo /usr/local/bin/uwsgi --chdir /var/web2py/ --module wsgihandler 

 (it means: move to /var/web2py/, load wsgihandler module and bind to 
 Now visit your website with your browser. Does it work ?

 If it does not work double check if /var/web2py is the correct path of 
 your web2py installation.

 Roberto De Ioris
 JID: robe...@jabber.unbit.it

 Bruce Wade
 http://www.fittraineronline.com - Fitness Personal Trainers Online


Re: [web2py] Re: nginx uwsgi error 502 bad gate way

2012-05-18 Thread Roberto De Ioris

 Bruce:  do you only need two lines of uwsgi config?  Where do you put the
 rest of the directives?   command line?

 Does anyone know how to have one uwsgi config file load another (as we do
 in apache)?  I was trying to see an example or find it in uwsgi docs to no


Roberto De Ioris

Re: [web2py] Re: nginx uwsgi error 502 bad gate way

2012-05-18 Thread Bruce Wade
That is the only two lines I have nothing set on the command line. uwsgi
should by default look into that directory.

Oh yes there is one other thing you need to change in /etc/init.d/uwsgi (if
you have this) the path to uwsgi is /usr/local/bin/uwsgi
You also set in that file OWNER NAME DESC



echo Trying test
test -x $DAEMON || exit 0
echo test passed
# Include uwsgi defaults if available
if [ -f /etc/default/uwsgi ] ; then
. /etc/default/uwsgi

set -e
# I added --limit-post 4096 to prevent post attacks
DAEMON_OPTS=-s -M 4 -t 30 -A 4 -p 4 -d /var/log/uwsgi.log
--pythonpath $PYTHONPATH --module $MODULE --limit-post 4096

case $1 in
echo -n Starting $DESC: 
start-stop-daemon --start --chuid $OWNER:$OWNER --user $OWNER \
echo $NAME.
echo -n Stopping $DESC: 
start-stop-daemon --signal 3 --user $OWNER --quiet --retry 2 --stop
--exec $DAEMON
echo $NAME.
killall -1 $DAEMON
killall -15 $DAEMON
echo -n Restarting $DESC: 
start-stop-daemon --signal 3 --user $OWNER --quiet --retry 2 --stop
--exec $DAEMON
sleep 1
start-stop-daemon --user $OWNER --start --quiet --chuid
   --exec $DAEMON -- $DAEMON_OPTS
echo $NAME.
killall -10 $DAEMON
echo Usage: $N
{start|stop|restart|reload|force-reload|status} 2
exit 1
exit 0

On Fri, May 18, 2012 at 10:58 AM, Roberto De Ioris robe...@unbit.it wrote:

  Bruce:  do you only need two lines of uwsgi config?  Where do you put the
  rest of the directives?   command line?
  Does anyone know how to have one uwsgi config file load another (as we do
  in apache)?  I was trying to see an example or find it in uwsgi docs to


 Roberto De Ioris

Bruce Wade
http://www.fittraineronline.com - Fitness Personal Trainers Online

Re: [web2py] Re: nginx uwsgi error 502 bad gate way

2012-05-18 Thread Lewis
Success!   --but it's not clear why!?!

I ran uwsgi with the following commmand line (note that I switched to unix 
sock in my location directive in nginx to match...):

uwsgi -s /tmp/web2py.sock --module wsgihandler --pythonpath /var/web2py 
--daemonize /var/log/uwsgi.log

This means that there is something funky in either my init script or in my 

Bruce: thanks for the init suggestions.  Mine was similar but I did not set 
OWNER (I would use www-data as I don't have a uwsgi user) and I did not set 

Roberto: I'll look at the parsing order link you sent.

Well, now I know it does work and can work with a known good setting. 
 After I try to debug the manly, professional approach I can always 
revert to the cmd line or to using ini file approach.

Trial and error is not fun.  I have something that works but I still don't 
know what was broke.

Thanks everyone.

I'll do a write up that is more theory and practice rather than cookbook. 
 There are too many variations to rely on anyone else's cookbook unless 
your own config is nearly identical to one that you try to mimic.

On Friday, May 18, 2012 11:03:52 AM UTC-7, Bruce Wade wrote:

 That is the only two lines I have nothing set on the command line. uwsgi 
 should by default look into that directory.

 Oh yes there is one other thing you need to change in /etc/init.d/uwsgi 
 (if you have this) the path to uwsgi is /usr/local/bin/uwsgi
 You also set in that file OWNER NAME DESC



 echo Trying test
 test -x $DAEMON || exit 0
 echo test passed
 # Include uwsgi defaults if available
 if [ -f /etc/default/uwsgi ] ; then
 . /etc/default/uwsgi

 set -e
 # I added --limit-post 4096 to prevent post attacks
 DAEMON_OPTS=-s -M 4 -t 30 -A 4 -p 4 -d /var/log/uwsgi.log 
 --pythonpath $PYTHONPATH --module $MODULE --limit-post 4096

 case $1 in
 echo -n Starting $DESC: 
 start-stop-daemon --start --chuid $OWNER:$OWNER --user $OWNER \
 echo $NAME.
 echo -n Stopping $DESC: 
 start-stop-daemon --signal 3 --user $OWNER --quiet --retry 2 
 --stop \
 --exec $DAEMON
 echo $NAME.
 killall -1 $DAEMON
 killall -15 $DAEMON
 echo -n Restarting $DESC: 
 start-stop-daemon --signal 3 --user $OWNER --quiet --retry 2 
 --stop \
 --exec $DAEMON
 sleep 1
 start-stop-daemon --user $OWNER --start --quiet --chuid 
 echo $NAME.
 killall -10 $DAEMON
 echo Usage: $N 
 {start|stop|restart|reload|force-reload|status} 2
 exit 1
 exit 0

 On Fri, May 18, 2012 at 10:58 AM, Roberto De Ioris robe...@unbit.itwrote:

  Bruce:  do you only need two lines of uwsgi config?  Where do you put 
  rest of the directives?   command line?
  Does anyone know how to have one uwsgi config file load another (as we 
  in apache)?  I was trying to see an example or find it in uwsgi docs to 


 Roberto De Ioris

 Bruce Wade
 http://www.fittraineronline.com - Fitness Personal Trainers Online

On Friday, May 18, 2012 11:03:52 AM UTC-7, Bruce Wade wrote:

 That is the only two lines I have nothing set on the command line. uwsgi 
 should by default look into that directory.

 Oh yes there is one other thing you need to change in /etc/init.d/uwsgi 
 (if you have this) the path to uwsgi is /usr/local/bin/uwsgi
 You also set in that file OWNER NAME DESC



 echo Trying test
 test -x $DAEMON || exit 0
 echo test passed
 # Include uwsgi defaults if available
 if [ -f /etc/default/uwsgi ] ; then
 . /etc/default/uwsgi

 set -e
 # I added --limit-post 4096 to prevent post attacks
 DAEMON_OPTS=-s -M 4 -t 30 -A 4 -p 4 -d /var/log/uwsgi.log 
 --pythonpath $PYTHONPATH --module $MODULE --limit-post 4096

 case $1 in
 echo -n Starting $DESC: 
 start-stop-daemon --start --chuid $OWNER:$OWNER --user $OWNER \
 echo $NAME.
 echo -n Stopping $DESC: 
 start-stop-daemon --signal 3 --user $OWNER --quiet --retry 2 
 --stop \
 --exec $DAEMON
 echo $NAME.

Re: [web2py] Re: nginx uwsgi error 502 bad gate way

2012-05-18 Thread Lewis
Well, I revised my init.d script to work.

Config files do not work at all in any way, shape or form.  Just broken 

It turns out even loading simple startup variables to the init script does 
not work.  Period.

It would appear that for some reason the only way uwsgi works is with 
command line arguments, many of which aren't documented.  For example, 
everyone uses -M.  I did a search for it in the wiki.  Many examples 
include it.  The global listing of (not) all arguments does not show it. 
 What is it?

I am on a linode vps running ubuntu 11.10.  The only person who logs on is 
me to do config horrors. I log on as root.  So, the commmand line to start 
uwsgi is run as root.  As a command line, it works.  When it references any 
external config file it does not work.  Should I file a ticket, Roberto? 
 You'll say you can't reproduce.   But, I can't reproduce it ever working 
at all.   So, I have wasted 20 hours attempting to debug config files that 
are inherently unusable.

On Friday, May 18, 2012 12:18:39 PM UTC-7, Lewis wrote:

 Success!   --but it's not clear why!?!

 I ran uwsgi with the following commmand line (note that I switched to unix 
 sock in my location directive in nginx to match...):

 uwsgi -s /tmp/web2py.sock --module wsgihandler --pythonpath /var/web2py 
 --daemonize /var/log/uwsgi.log

 This means that there is something funky in either my init script or in my 

 Bruce: thanks for the init suggestions.  Mine was similar but I did not 
 set OWNER (I would use www-data as I don't have a uwsgi user) and I did not 
 set .e.

 Roberto: I'll look at the parsing order link you sent.

 Well, now I know it does work and can work with a known good setting. 
  After I try to debug the manly, professional approach I can always 
 revert to the cmd line or to using ini file approach.

 Trial and error is not fun.  I have something that works but I still don't 
 know what was broke.

 Thanks everyone.

 I'll do a write up that is more theory and practice rather than 
 cookbook.  There are too many variations to rely on anyone else's cookbook 
 unless your own config is nearly identical to one that you try to mimic.

 On Friday, May 18, 2012 11:03:52 AM UTC-7, Bruce Wade wrote:

 That is the only two lines I have nothing set on the command line. uwsgi 
 should by default look into that directory.

 Oh yes there is one other thing you need to change in /etc/init.d/uwsgi 
 (if you have this) the path to uwsgi is /usr/local/bin/uwsgi
 You also set in that file OWNER NAME DESC



 echo Trying test
 test -x $DAEMON || exit 0
 echo test passed
 # Include uwsgi defaults if available
 if [ -f /etc/default/uwsgi ] ; then
 . /etc/default/uwsgi

 set -e
 # I added --limit-post 4096 to prevent post attacks
 DAEMON_OPTS=-s -M 4 -t 30 -A 4 -p 4 -d 
 /var/log/uwsgi.log --pythonpath $PYTHONPATH --module $MODULE --limit-post 

 case $1 in
 echo -n Starting $DESC: 
 start-stop-daemon --start --chuid $OWNER:$OWNER --user $OWNER \
 echo $NAME.
 echo -n Stopping $DESC: 
 start-stop-daemon --signal 3 --user $OWNER --quiet --retry 2 
 --stop \
 --exec $DAEMON
 echo $NAME.
 killall -1 $DAEMON
 killall -15 $DAEMON
 echo -n Restarting $DESC: 
 start-stop-daemon --signal 3 --user $OWNER --quiet --retry 2 
 --stop \
 --exec $DAEMON
 sleep 1
 start-stop-daemon --user $OWNER --start --quiet --chuid 
 echo $NAME.
 killall -10 $DAEMON
 echo Usage: $N 
 {start|stop|restart|reload|force-reload|status} 2
 exit 1
 exit 0

 On Fri, May 18, 2012 at 10:58 AM, Roberto De Ioris robe...@unbit.itwrote:

  Bruce:  do you only need two lines of uwsgi config?  Where do you put 
  rest of the directives?   command line?
  Does anyone know how to have one uwsgi config file load another (as we 
  in apache)?  I was trying to see an example or find it in uwsgi docs 
 to no


 Roberto De Ioris

 Bruce Wade
 http://www.fittraineronline.com - Fitness Personal Trainers Online

 On Friday, May 18, 2012 11:03:52 AM UTC-7, Bruce Wade wrote:

 That is the only two lines I have nothing set on the command line. uwsgi 
 should by default look into that directory.

 Oh yes there 

Re: [web2py] Re: nginx uwsgi error 502 bad gate way

2012-05-18 Thread Roberto De Ioris

 Well, I revised my init.d script to work.

 Config files do not work at all in any way, shape or form.  Just broken

 It turns out even loading simple startup variables to the init script does
 not work.  Period.

 It would appear that for some reason the only way uwsgi works is with
 command line arguments, many of which aren't documented.  For example,
 everyone uses -M.  I did a search for it in the wiki.  Many examples
 include it.  The global listing of (not) all arguments does not show it.
  What is it?

 I am on a linode vps running ubuntu 11.10.  The only person who logs on is
 me to do config horrors. I log on as root.  So, the commmand line to start
 uwsgi is run as root.  As a command line, it works.  When it references
 external config file it does not work.  Should I file a ticket, Roberto?
  You'll say you can't reproduce.   But, I can't reproduce it ever working
 at all.   So, I have wasted 20 hours attempting to debug config files that
 are inherently unusable.


uwsgi --help

for the full list of options (and their shortcuts). I suggest you to not
use shortcuts, as you will forget what they mean soon. Use long format.

-M -- --master

Regarding config files, read here how they works:


(you do not need to read it all, just the first part).

Try that (call it foo.ini)

http = :8080
master = true


uwsgi --ini foo.ini

Go to your browser to port 8080, it will work for sure.

I suspect you are trying with xml files, but without xml support.
If you really love xml format, be sure to have installed libxml2-dev as
described here:


and rebuild uWSGI.

Finally, you are on Ubuntu, throw away those ancient init scripts and use
what Ubuntu wants: upstart scripts


Obviously the previous link does not show you how upstart works, but you
can find more complete docs on ubuntu site (it is a lot easier than init
scripts and Ubuntu will not move to SystemD, so you'd better to invest a
bit of time in it).

Another important link is that one:


I think you have all the pieces.

Roberto De Ioris

Re: [web2py] Re: nginx uwsgi error 502 bad gate way

2012-05-17 Thread pbreit
Is it conceivable that a uwsgi + nginx bundle could be produced making python 
deployment super easy?

Re: [web2py] Re: nginx uwsgi error 502 bad gate way

2012-05-17 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
You mean like a virtual machine? or an installation script?

On Thursday, 17 May 2012 10:34:57 UTC-5, pbreit wrote:

 Is it conceivable that a uwsgi + nginx bundle could be produced making 
 python deployment super easy?

[web2py] Re: nginx uwsgi error 502 bad gate way

2012-05-16 Thread pbreit
I'd agree that Python deployment remains unnecessarily difficult.

I also agree that just running random scripts isn't the best approach. 
However I think it can be very helpful to run the commands manually that 
you find in a script. Then you really know what is being performed and can 
create your own scripts.

In terms of figuring out your problem, might be useful to see relevant 
parts of nginx.conf.

[web2py] Re: nginx uwsgi error 502 bad gate way

2012-05-16 Thread Gour
On Thu, 17 May 2012 06:22:20 +0200
Roberto De Ioris robe...@unbit.it wrote:

 If you are able to follow it, then adding a webserver should be a
 pretty easy task (and yesterday, uWSGI got https support so you do
 not even need a full webserver for simple deployments)

What is considered 'simple deployment'?

At the moment we use lighttpd for a few small-medium PHP-based sites
which we plan to migrate (with a time) to web2py-based CMS. 

Does this scenario count in?


As the ignorant perform their duties with attachment to results, 
the learned may similarly act, but without attachment, for the 
sake of leading people on the right path.

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Re: [web2py] Re: nginx uwsgi error 502 bad gate way

2012-05-16 Thread Roberto De Ioris

 On Thu, 17 May 2012 06:22:20 +0200
 Roberto De Ioris robe...@unbit.it wrote:

 If you are able to follow it, then adding a webserver should be a
 pretty easy task (and yesterday, uWSGI got https support so you do
 not even need a full webserver for simple deployments)

 What is considered 'simple deployment'?

In my mind, less than 20 concurrent connections :)

For others it is often a matter of money, if i get 10$ for configuring a
webserver would you prefer to setup
lighttpd/nginx/apache/cherokee/mongrel2 + uwsgi/gunicorn/mod_wsgi

or simply do:

uwsgi --https :443,cert.pem,cert.key --wsgi-file web2py/wsgihandler.py
--master --processes 4

obviously if you start needing features, like client certificate
management, ssl caching and so on, the uWSGI https implementation is no
more than a toy.

Roberto De Ioris

[web2py] Re: nginx uwsgi error 502 bad gate way

2012-05-16 Thread Gour
On Thu, 17 May 2012 07:27:53 +0200
Roberto De Ioris robe...@unbit.it wrote:

 In my mind, less than 20 concurrent connections :)

Good. I'm in. ;)

 For others it is often a matter of money, if i get 10$ for
 configuring a webserver would you prefer to setup
 lighttpd/nginx/apache/cherokee/mongrel2 + uwsgi/gunicorn/mod_wsgi
 or simply do:
 uwsgi --https :443,cert.pem,cert.key --wsgi-file web2py/wsgihandler.py
 --master --processes 4

Fair enough.

 obviously if you start needing features, like client certificate
 management, ssl caching and so on, the uWSGI https implementation is
 no more than a toy.

Probably good-enough for our anticipated setup.


Never was there a time when I did not exist, 
nor you, nor all these kings; nor in the future 
shall any of us cease to be.

http://atmarama.net | Hlapicina (Croatia) | GPG: 52B5C810

Description: PGP signature