
I tried py4web from github today on ubuntu 18.04 python 3.6.9. 

Using the app scaffold creating a new app: works good

adding new fields in models, works ok: sometimes I get the error "table 
persons already exists". I only have that table persons. I need to restart.

Using Py4Web to create an create and update form works good. (Please keep 
the form/sqlform replacement around. Its great for protoyping and throw 
away apps. *Being able to use Py4Web for prototype, trow away apps plus 
serious projects from one framework is great.* 
I usually replace the SQLFORM forms after protoyping with proper forms) I 
really love the form generator for CRUD. 
I tested django-admlte2 and flask-appbuilder today for prototyping in case 
Py4Web deprecates SQLFORM, but noting is as good and quick as what you have 
done Massimo.

When I add the auth.user to the form the auth request ist not picked up.. I 
need to restart.
After the restart the get prompted to login or sign up. 
So I sign up.
Desperately tried to disable email validation until I found the link in the 
console to validate a user. After I removing a superflous "/" in the URL in 
the console registration worked. 
After logging in PY4Web crashes however: 

ERROR:root:Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/ubuntu/Development/Python/DiPierro/py4web/py4web/core.py", 
line 473, in wrapper
    ret = func(*func_args, **func_kwargs)
  File "/home/ubuntu/Development/Python/DiPierro/py4web/py4web/core.py", 
line 441, in wrapper
    ret = obj.transform(ret)
  File "/home/ubuntu/Development/Python/DiPierro/py4web/py4web/core.py", 
line 253, in transform
    delimiters=self.delimiters, reader=Template.reader)
line 968, in render
    exec(code, context)
  File "<string>", line 23, in <module>
line 831, in write
    data = data.xml()
line 52, in xml
    for s in self.children)
line 52, in <genexpr>
    for s in self.children)
line 52, in xml
    for s in self.children)
line 52, in <genexpr>
    for s in self.children)
line 52, in xml
    for s in self.children)
line 52, in <genexpr>
    for s in self.children)
line 52, in xml
    for s in self.children)
line 52, in <genexpr>
    for s in self.children)
line 52, in xml
    for s in self.children)
line 52, in <genexpr>
    for s in self.children)
line 52, in xml
    for s in self.children)
line 52, in <genexpr>
    for s in self.children)
line 52, in xml
    for s in self.children)
line 52, in <genexpr>
    for s in self.children)
line 52, in xml
    for s in self.children)
TypeError: sequence item 0: expected str instance, int found

My code: 


This file defines the database models

from . common import db, Field
from pydal.validators import *

### Define your table below
# db.define_table('thing', Field('name'))
## always commit your models to avoid problems later
# db.commit()

    Field('name', requires=IS_NOT_IN_DB(db, 'person.name')),
    Field('job', requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()))



from py4web import action, request, abort, redirect, URL
from yatl.helpers import A
from . common import db, session, T, cache, auth, logger

@action('index', method='GET')
@action.uses('generic.html', session, db, T, auth.user)
def index():
    user = auth.get_user()
    message = T('Hello {first_name}'.format(**user))
    return dict(message=message, user=user)

@action('create_form', method=['GET','POST'])
@action('update_form/<id>', method=['GET','POST'])
@action.uses('generic.html', session, db, T, auth.user)
def example_form(id=None):
    form = Form(db.person, id, deletable=False, formstyle=FormStyleBulma)
    rows = db(db.person).select()
    return dict(form=form, rows=rows)

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- http://web2py.com/book (Documentation)
- http://github.com/web2py/web2py (Source code)
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