Branch: refs/heads/main
  Commit: 9b097d0ecda363b302393bf22b53c771d197995e
  Author: Razvan Caliman <>
  Date:   2023-03-31 (Fri, 31 Mar 2023)

  Changed paths:
    M LayoutTests/http/tests/inspector/network/resource-mime-type-expected.txt
    M LayoutTests/http/tests/inspector/network/resource-mime-type.html
    M Source/WebCore/inspector/agents/InspectorPageAgent.cpp
    M Source/WebInspectorUI/UserInterface/Views/ResourceClusterContentView.js

  Log Message:
  Web Inspector: Web inspector become unresponsive after opening online photos

Reviewed by Patrick Angle and Devin Rousso.

When the inspected main resource is an image, it is treated as a document 
regardless of its MIME type.

Its resource type is incorrectly assigned on the backend as 

See: `InspectorPageAgent::inspectorResourceType(CachedResource::Type type)`
See: `CachedResourceLoader::requestMainResource(CachedResourceRequest&& 

The Sources panel on the frontend represents resources of the type
`WI.Resource.Type.Document` with a `WI.TextResourceContentView`.

The payload of the image resource response is a blob of base64 text.

When inspecting standalone images, Web Inspector passes this giant single-line 
blob of text
to a `WI.SourceCodeTextEditor` where it runs expensive operations on the main 
and blocks it for long periods of time it if there's a lot of content.

This patch modifies `InspectorPageAgent` on the backend to return
the appropriate resource type for images, `InspectorPageAgent::ImageResource`,
even when they are the main resource.

This way, the frontend can represent images with the appropriate view: 

* LayoutTests/http/tests/inspector/network/resource-mime-type-expected.txt:
* LayoutTests/http/tests/inspector/network/resource-mime-type.html:

Update test for resource type expectations when the document is an image.

* Source/WebCore/inspector/agents/InspectorPageAgent.cpp:

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