Re: [webkit-dev] SharableScriptContext [was: GlobalScript in WebKit]

2009-12-01 Thread Oliver Hunt

On Nov 30, 2009, at 11:47 PM, Adam de Boor wrote:

 A worker context without the thread is close to what we're after, except for 
 the bit about how it doesn't do network stuff or timeouts.

Errr, what?  Workers can do networking, timeouts -- xhr, setTimeout, 
setInterval, etc is available to them so i'm not sure what you mean by that?

As for the DOM -- the only reason for a Worker not having access to the DOM is 
because the only means for communication is postMessage which doesn't allow 
pass by reference (and most/all DOM implementations assume single threaded 
access).  Assuming this magical object existed you would be better off thinking 
of it as being an iframe without a document and with a lifetime unbounded by 
its parent.

 Fundamentally what we need is, a place for centralizing network access and 
 significant amounts of application state, and sharing large amounts of code, 
 that is independent of any single window, and can manipulate the DOM of an 
 arbitrary number of application windows that are either created by code in 
 this independent context, or created by the user through navigation. We'd 
 like to be able to create this context from an extension, so if a user wishes 
 to have instant access to their gmail, or facebook, or whatever, they could 
 choose to install an extension that would create this context when the 
 browser starts.

I'm not sure how this would work -- as far as I am aware extensions in chrome 
make use of isolated worlds, which should prevent an extension from creating an 
object that can be shared with any normal webpage, and of course the extension 
would not be in the same origin as the page you're hoping for so wouldn't be 
able to share anything anyway.

That said your whole extension for preloading concept seems like it could be 
mostly duplicated by using the application cache -- you'd still get hit with 
compilation time (theoretically once in this model) but compared with load time 
compilation is inconsequential.

 Shared workers fundamentally don't do the trick because (a) most of the code 
 in the application has nothing to do with accessing the server, and 
 everything to do with presenting the UI, so shared workers don't help with 
 sharing the code among multiple windows, and (b) we want the UI to be 
 immediately responsive, which means not waiting for a worker thread to get 
 back to the UI thread with data, so we'd be caching the data both in the UI 
 context and in the worker thread context, in which case we might as well just 
 go to the server.
Errr, if asking a worker for data is taking as long as a server request there's 
a bug...  I'm really not sure what you're saying here.

 When using a named window, there are interesting race conditions (unless you 
 do something like the appcache suggestion to ensure the windows are in the 
 same process) when one is restoring the browser state on startup. The 
 significant challenge for the app developer is to deal with, when the named 
 window closes, in-flight non-idempotent XHRs and registered timeouts that 
 ought to be independent of any window, but that are tied to the named window. 
 Timeouts are easier to deal with (centralized timer manager that remembers 
 the deadline for each and reschedules in the context of the new named 
 window). Being able to reparent an XHR in flight would make handling the 
 transition easier

From what you're saying here it sounds like you're assuming the 
SharedScript/GlobalScript concept would be guaranteed to be unique in all 
normal (eg. single browser) cases (so in chromium potentially across multiple 
processes), yet chromium developers have repeatedly stated that they would not 
be shared across multiple processes.


 On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 10:24 PM, Oliver Hunt wrote:
 On Nov 30, 2009, at 10:12 PM, Dmitry Titov wrote:
 At first look, this would solve same use cases as SharedScript. The 
 difference is that it has to be passed to participating windows explicitly. 
 Summing up, just for reference:
 var mySharedScriptContext = new SharedScriptContext(foo.js);
 mySharedScriptContext.onload = ...;
 var win =;
 alternatively, later:
 var win = window.getWindowByName(foo); // does not create a window if 
 there is no foo, searches in same process
 if (win)
 and, possibly: add a list (regexp?) to App Cache manifest to describe the 
 set of URLs loaded into the same process to make them able to find each 
 other without relying on
 The idea behind SharedScriptContext+getWindowByName was that it would be 
 possible to do (in your new window)
 if (sharedWin = getWindowByName(OriginWindow))
 sharedContext = sharedWin.sharedContext;
 else {
name = OriginWindow;
sharedContext = new SharedScriptContext(foo.js);
 At least that 

Re: [webkit-dev] links via

2009-12-01 Thread Mark Rowe

On 2009-11-30, at 23:38, Yaar Schnitman wrote:

 A sitemap.xml file is a more modern way of telling Google how to crawl a site 
 and the traffic can be throttled in Google's webmaster tools 
 Creating a daily script that generates sitemap.xml for webkit's SVN repo 
 should trivial. There are probably trac plugins that do that already. If done 
 right, google crawler shouldn't produce much more load than an average 
 developer doing a daily svn sync.

Google isn't the only search engine we're concerned about.  We need to prevent 
all search engines from hammering the repository, even those that don't support 
this technology.  I can't find any information about the precedence of 
exclusions in robots.txt vs a sitemap so it's not clear whether that can be 
achieved without having to explicitly whitelist individual crawlers.

If it is possible to use a sitemap without having to whitelist individual 
crawlers then we should investigate doing so.  Suggesting it is trivial is 
being rather optimistic though.  You'd need to dramatically restrict the set of 
content that is exposed for indexing to make it feasible.  For instance: allow 
indexing only the content of files on trunk (no branches, tags, non-HEAD 
revisions).  You'd also want to expose individual changesets to ensure that 
commit messages are indexed.

But… from what I can see a sitemap only points at content that is available, it 
doesn't restrict what can be indexed.  While we'd want individual changeset 
pages to be indexed we'd certainly not want it to follow every individual view 
diff link on such a page, nor would we want it to follow the numerous other 
links within the content back to previous revisions, other branches, tags, etc.

Maybe there's something that I'm missing that makes sitemaps usable for this 
purpose though.

- Mark

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature
webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] WebKit on the server side

2009-12-01 Thread Rick Gigger
Is there any overlap there with this project: ?

On Nov 18, 2009, at 9:01 AM, Patrick Mueller wrote:

 Sergiy Temnikov wrote:
 We are working on a new application server that uses WebKit for
 server-side JavaScript execution (and remote JavaScript debugging
 too). ... For example, the first thing we had to
 deal with is the JS debugger. Debugger interface is defined in
 JavaScriptCore but its implementation lives in WebCore. Most of the
 debugger's implementation is abstract except for the part which sends
 event notifications to pages and frames objects which are GUI
 dependent and so can not be used in a faceless server application. So
 we basically copied the source of the existing debugger, commented
 out GUI related calls and added some stuff to transform it into a
 debugger which can be controlled remotely over the network. I would
 be happy to contribute to the WebKit project to add a layer of
 abstraction to the existing debugger implementation to cut its
 dependence on GUI and move it to JavaScriptCore from WebCore's
 It would be interesting to see this.  Open a bug and contribute a patch.
 There's two reasons I think this is interesting:
 - would be useful for embedded clients.  For instance, if this is the current 
 state-of-the-art for debugging Palm's WebOS apps, which are (in my 
 understanding) running in WebKit - - then a remote debug 
 interface would be incredibly useful, assuming you had a nice client.
 - just cleaning up the interfaces between the debugger and debugging clients 
 to begin with would probably be useful.
 Patrick Mueller -
 webkit-dev mailing list

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Re: [webkit-dev] Platform API for Uniscribe/ComplexTextController?

2009-12-01 Thread Dan Bernstein

On Nov 29, 2009, at 10:27 AM, Kevin Ollivier wrote:

 Hi all,
 The wx port is starting to look at getting proper support for complex text, 
 and one of the first places I started looking at was the Win and Mac port 
 implementations. I noticed that the complex text code in FontWin.cpp and 
 FontComplexTextMac.cpp is largely the same, passing the heavy lifting down to 
 their respective complex text controllers, and I actually wondered if they 
 could be merged if there were some tweaks to the APIs to make them compatible.
 That led me to wonder if we couldn't make ComplexTextController one of our 
 platform classes and have USE() defines to determine the implementation. Then 
 we could move the drawComplexText, floatWidthForComplexText, and 
 offsetForPositionForComplexText into Font.cpp guarded by that USE() define. 
 The wx port can provide the native font handles the Win/Mac controllers need, 
 so it'd really be great if we could just add these into our build to get 
 complex text support working without having to implement the complex text 
 methods differently for each platform. 
 BTW, I actually already did get UniscribeController compiling, actually, but 
 on Windows I had to have the build script copy it to platform/graphics/wx 
 because MSVC implicitly puts the current directory first on the path, which 
 was causing it to pick up platform/graphics/win/FontPlatformData.h instead of 
 the wx one when compiling that file. :( So that's something else that would 
 need to be addressed if ports can start sharing these files.

Hi Kevin,

This sounds like a generally good idea. ComplextTextController is already using 
USE() macros to select between Core Text and ATSUI. I am not entirely sure how 
the the *ComplexText() methods will be guarded in Font.cpp in your proposal. 
Are you suggesting something like

There are still some differences in behavior between ComplexTextController and 
UniscribeController, so you’d need to find a way to accommodate them or 
eliminate them.

I look forward to seeing a patch!
webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] GlobalScript in WebKit

2009-12-01 Thread Michael Davidson
On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 8:08 PM, Maciej Stachowiak wrote:

 Would it be fair to say the goal for SharedScript is just to share code and
 data (to reduce memory use of multiple instances of GMail), and not network
 connections, timers, or other APIs based on async callbacks (assuming those
 either remain per-Window or are in the SharedWorker)? If so, then it would
 pretty much completely be handled by sharing of some arbitrary JavaScript
 object, possibly arranged by SharedWorker.

No, we definitely want to share network connections. We'd like users to be
able to have an arbitrary number of Gmail windows open without running into
the browser connection limit. This is especially relevant for long-lived
(comet-like) connections. We also know how many simultaneous connections our
servers can handle, so we would like to manage this independently of the
number of windows the user has open.

 On Nov 30, 2009, at 7:13 PM, Michael Davidson wrote:

 Thanks a lot for sharing your perspective. Hearing it directly is helpful.
 Would you be willing to share your thoughts with one of the standards
 mailing lists? One of our concerns is the apparent skepticism of other
 browser implementors towards this idea.

Of course. I believe there have been long threads on whatwg about this
already. Ian Hickson stated a belief that SharedWorkers are sufficient,
which pretty much killed the conversation. I'm happy to join in again, but I
think having two browser implementors on board would go a long way to
helping the standards process.

 The thread has gotten a little broad, so apologies if I miss something. It
 seems to me there are a few separate questions being discussed:

 1) In isolation, is SharedScript a good idea?

 People seem neutral-to-positive, so I won't spend time addressing this.
 It's clearly something that would be useful. There are open questions about
 how it works with Chrome's process model, but I think that's mostly just
 implementation details. In a world where SharedWorkers never existed, I
 think people would be jumping on this.

 Always-shared vs. opportunistically-sometimes-shared seems like a big
 difference, more than just implementation details. It has a direct impact on
 how to correctly author content using this mechanism.

I'm not sure that this is true. Users can always run multiple browsers with
different profiles, or run browsers on different machines. Opportunistic
sharing that fails is equivalent to running two separate browser on the same
machine. The app has to handle that situation anyway.

In a perfect world, we'd like to be able to hint that a toplevel navigation
belongs to a set of pages that should share a process. That way if the user
navigates to, say,, we can tell the browser that we'd
like it to be rendered in an existing process if one exists. That would lead
to maximal sharing. However, we will always have to handle the case where a
user logs in with multiple browsers. Can you think of a scenario where
failed opportunistic sharing would be handled differently from the multiple
browser case?

 Are you concerned mainly about users opening a brand new additional GMail
 window with some already open, or cases of windows created by an original
 GMail window, like the tear-off chat window?


 (I ask because windows with a pre-existing relationship like parent/opener
 could already share code and data if they chose to, without any new browser
 features. Just pass the functions or objects of your choice to the newly
 opened window.

As mentioned elsewhere on this thread, this isn't a great solution. XHRs and
timers, specifically, need to find a new parent window when one window
closes. I do have this working for Gmail tearoffs right now, but all windows
have to close when the main window closes.

 Even if this is only part of what you are interested in, it could be an
 easy way to prototype this programming model and quantify the benefits in
 terms of speed and memory use. Or if you've tried that experiment already,
 it would be useful to hear the results. I'm guessing it's not in production
 GMail since tearing off a chat window is fairly slow and shows a progress

I have code running that drives a tearoff window from the main window and
simply closes all tearoffs when the main window closes. The latency
improvement is huge. We plan on launching this feature regardless of the
outcome of SharedScript. The feature we're discussing would allow two
improvements. First, tearoffs wouldn't have to close when the main window
closes. Second, new instances of Gmail would be as fast as the new fast
tearoffs. There is obviously user demand for multiple full Gmail views. A
Googler implemented the multiple inbox lab to satisfy this demand, but many
people still use multiple tabs open to Gmail to manage their mail. We could
make this work much more smoothly if we could share code, state, and network

A third improvement: 

Re: [webkit-dev] GlobalScript in WebKit

2009-12-01 Thread Drew Wilson
On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 9:15 AM, Michael Davidson wrote:

 A third improvement: When we adopt the HTML5 notification API for showing
 users new mail or incoming chat notifications we will only show one
 notification regardless of the number of Gmail tabs that are open. Today
 each window would have to show a notification. That one just occurred to me,
 I'm sure we can come up with others.


FWIW, we've been pushing developers to use SharedWorkers to manage their
notifications for exactly this reason. It's fairly trivial to do so, since
notifications are fundamentally an async API anyway. But agreed that
SharedScript would also work for this.


  - Maciej

 I sense that there's some pushback due to a Google property requesting a
 feature that Google engineers are trying to get into the browser, but I
 think that Gmail is emblematic of all large web apps. Shared workers have
 their place, but that place is not sharing the UI code for large apps.

 I saw a comment that forcing multiple windows of one application into the
 same process is undesirable. I disagree. Gmail is not a CPU-bound
 application. We believe that the savings of having one JS heap, one request
 queue, one data store, etc. would outweigh the benefits of process

 3) Should SharedScript be added to WebKit?

 I'm not a WebKit developer, so I'm not as qualified to comment. However, I
 believe that SharedScript is a feature that many apps would use. We tried to
 come up with a representative set of examples in the spec. We're happy to
 come up with more. I don't believe that SharedWorkers will solve those
 scenarios. I doubt that developers inside or outside of Google will move to
 a totally async programming model.

 Sorry that this initial mail is also a little scattered. I'll try to stay
 on top of the conversation as it progresses, and will hopefully be able to
 provide a perspective from the trenches of web development.


 On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 6:16 PM, Drew Wilson wrote:

 Following up, I think this highlights the distinct set of use cases that
 shared workers and shared script address:

 SharedWorkers are a great platform for when you have a single database
 that is shared across multiple instances of your web app, and you want to
 coordinate updates to that database. I can imagine sharing a single
 connection to the server, etc via SharedWorkers.

 SharedScripts are a good platform for when you want to share data/code
 (for example, the immense body of Javascript used to implement the Gmail UI)
 across multiple windows. I can't speak to whether passing a hidden iframe
 between windows as was suggested in the other thread would address this use
 case sufficiently.


 On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 6:11 PM, Drew Wilson atwil...@google.comwrote:

 I believe that the offline gmail team uses the Gears flavor of shared
 workers and is planning to migrate to the HTML5 version once DB access is
 supported from within worker context in shipping browsers.

 So I guess that Gmail would be a candidate app that has asked for both.


 On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 6:08 PM, Maciej Stachowiak m...@apple.comwrote:

 On Nov 30, 2009, at 3:43 PM, Dmitry Titov wrote:

  I don't think it's correct to say that SharedWorkers are not useful
 and we need a SharedScript instead. They are different things and can
 address different use cases. For example, SharedWorker is great to make 
 there is only one 'app instance' running - exactly because it is shared
 inter-process, it can be used as a inter-process synchronization 
 to control how many app instances are opened. SharedScript is a container
 for data and code shared between pages that comprise a web application 
 normally run in the same process. As in native apps, whether or not 
 instances of the app can run at the same time depends on the author of 
 app, and can be done either way.

 Are there any Web apps at Google or elsewhere currently using
 SharedWorker? Would any of them still use it if they could switch to
 SharedScript? Has any app team specifically requested support for *both*
 SharedWorker *and* SharedScript? (Serious questions, since the 
 for SharedScript is largely based on Web developer feedback.)

 Note: if SharedScript was really globally shared it could be used to
 implement shared workers - simply have the SharedScript manage the per-app


 webkit-dev mailing list

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 webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] GlobalScript in WebKit

2009-12-01 Thread Charles Reis
One question about version conflicts and how they might get worse; sorry if
it's already been addressed.  What happens if a user has an old version of
an application like Gmail open and then tries to open a new window to the
app, after developers have added new features?  I presume the new window is
stuck talking to the old version of the SharedScript?

Version conflicts are obviously already possible (without SharedScripts) if
an old application opens a new window and tries to talk to it.  Today,
though, it's at least mostly safe to have a week-old copy of an app open and
then load a separate, newer version in a different window.  (I'm doing that
right now with Gmail.)  With SharedScripts in place, it seems like either
(1) the new version of the app would have to detect the old SharedScript and
deal with it or (2) the user would continue to see errors until he reloaded
all the open app windows to get the new version.  And would reloading be
sufficient, or would he have to close all the app windows to make the
SharedScript go away?

Basically, SharedScripts make multiple windows more dependent on each other.
 There's a lot of benefits to that, though it could also make problems like
version conflicts more common.  Have there been any thoughts on ways to
address this, or should it be left to web developers?  (I didn't see
anything in the design doc.)


On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 9:33 AM, Drew Wilson wrote:

 On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 9:15 AM, Michael Davidson wrote:

 A third improvement: When we adopt the HTML5 notification API for showing
 users new mail or incoming chat notifications we will only show one
 notification regardless of the number of Gmail tabs that are open. Today
 each window would have to show a notification. That one just occurred to me,
 I'm sure we can come up with others.


 FWIW, we've been pushing developers to use SharedWorkers to manage their
 notifications for exactly this reason. It's fairly trivial to do so, since
 notifications are fundamentally an async API anyway. But agreed that
 SharedScript would also work for this.


   - Maciej

 I sense that there's some pushback due to a Google property requesting a
 feature that Google engineers are trying to get into the browser, but I
 think that Gmail is emblematic of all large web apps. Shared workers have
 their place, but that place is not sharing the UI code for large apps.

 I saw a comment that forcing multiple windows of one application into the
 same process is undesirable. I disagree. Gmail is not a CPU-bound
 application. We believe that the savings of having one JS heap, one request
 queue, one data store, etc. would outweigh the benefits of process

 3) Should SharedScript be added to WebKit?

 I'm not a WebKit developer, so I'm not as qualified to comment. However,
 I believe that SharedScript is a feature that many apps would use. We tried
 to come up with a representative set of examples in the spec. We're happy to
 come up with more. I don't believe that SharedWorkers will solve those
 scenarios. I doubt that developers inside or outside of Google will move to
 a totally async programming model.

 Sorry that this initial mail is also a little scattered. I'll try to stay
 on top of the conversation as it progresses, and will hopefully be able to
 provide a perspective from the trenches of web development.


 On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 6:16 PM, Drew Wilson atwil...@google.comwrote:

 Following up, I think this highlights the distinct set of use cases that
 shared workers and shared script address:

 SharedWorkers are a great platform for when you have a single database
 that is shared across multiple instances of your web app, and you want to
 coordinate updates to that database. I can imagine sharing a single
 connection to the server, etc via SharedWorkers.

 SharedScripts are a good platform for when you want to share data/code
 (for example, the immense body of Javascript used to implement the Gmail 
 across multiple windows. I can't speak to whether passing a hidden iframe
 between windows as was suggested in the other thread would address this use
 case sufficiently.


 On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 6:11 PM, Drew Wilson atwil...@google.comwrote:

 I believe that the offline gmail team uses the Gears flavor of shared
 workers and is planning to migrate to the HTML5 version once DB access is
 supported from within worker context in shipping browsers.

 So I guess that Gmail would be a candidate app that has asked for both.


 On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 6:08 PM, Maciej Stachowiak m...@apple.comwrote:

 On Nov 30, 2009, at 3:43 PM, Dmitry Titov wrote:

  I don't think it's correct to say that SharedWorkers are not useful
 and we need a SharedScript instead. They are different things and can
 address different use cases. For example, SharedWorker is great to make 
 there is only one 'app instance' running - exactly 

Re: [webkit-dev] GlobalScript in WebKit

2009-12-01 Thread Charles Reis
Fair enough-- it sounds like SharedScript could improve things in that
sense.  Though shutting down the app might now mean hunting down and
closing all the tabs that have it open, if not restarting the browser.  (To
be honest, I'm not sure how many copies of Gmail I have open right now, but
I tend to have a lot of windows and tabs.)  :)


On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 10:44 AM, Michael Davidson wrote:

 Truthfully, the current situation with Gmail tearoffs is way, way worse in
 terms of versioning. We use the Closure Compiler for our JS, which means
 that a tearoff window opened from the main window might not be able to get
 necessary data from the main window! (Even for slow tearoffs we get some
 data from the main window.)

 Gmail (and I'd imagine most sophisticated apps) has a notion of version
 that the client understands. The situation with SharedScript would be
 analogous to how Chrome auto-updates - you'd just have to shut the app down
 to get the new version.

 We plan on mitigating this by using AppCache to preload new versions of the
 script so that the reload is fast, but overall I don't think this is a big


 On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 10:41 AM, Charles Reis wrote:

 One question about version conflicts and how they might get worse; sorry
 if it's already been addressed.  What happens if a user has an old version
 of an application like Gmail open and then tries to open a new window to the
 app, after developers have added new features?  I presume the new window is
 stuck talking to the old version of the SharedScript?

 Version conflicts are obviously already possible (without SharedScripts)
 if an old application opens a new window and tries to talk to it.  Today,
 though, it's at least mostly safe to have a week-old copy of an app open and
 then load a separate, newer version in a different window.  (I'm doing that
 right now with Gmail.)  With SharedScripts in place, it seems like either
 (1) the new version of the app would have to detect the old SharedScript and
 deal with it or (2) the user would continue to see errors until he reloaded
 all the open app windows to get the new version.  And would reloading be
 sufficient, or would he have to close all the app windows to make the
 SharedScript go away?

 Basically, SharedScripts make multiple windows more dependent on each
 other.  There's a lot of benefits to that, though it could also make
 problems like version conflicts more common.  Have there been any thoughts
 on ways to address this, or should it be left to web developers?  (I didn't
 see anything in the design doc.)


 On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 9:33 AM, Drew Wilson wrote:

 On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 9:15 AM, Michael Davidson wrote:

 A third improvement: When we adopt the HTML5 notification API for
 showing users new mail or incoming chat notifications we will only show one
 notification regardless of the number of Gmail tabs that are open. Today
 each window would have to show a notification. That one just occurred to 
 I'm sure we can come up with others.


 FWIW, we've been pushing developers to use SharedWorkers to manage their
 notifications for exactly this reason. It's fairly trivial to do so, since
 notifications are fundamentally an async API anyway. But agreed that
 SharedScript would also work for this.


   - Maciej

 I sense that there's some pushback due to a Google property requesting
 a feature that Google engineers are trying to get into the browser, but I
 think that Gmail is emblematic of all large web apps. Shared workers have
 their place, but that place is not sharing the UI code for large apps.

 I saw a comment that forcing multiple windows of one application into
 the same process is undesirable. I disagree. Gmail is not a CPU-bound
 application. We believe that the savings of having one JS heap, one 
 queue, one data store, etc. would outweigh the benefits of process

 3) Should SharedScript be added to WebKit?

 I'm not a WebKit developer, so I'm not as qualified to comment.
 However, I believe that SharedScript is a feature that many apps would 
 We tried to come up with a representative set of examples in the spec. 
 happy to come up with more. I don't believe that SharedWorkers will solve
 those scenarios. I doubt that developers inside or outside of Google will
 move to a totally async programming model.

 Sorry that this initial mail is also a little scattered. I'll try to
 stay on top of the conversation as it progresses, and will hopefully be 
 to provide a perspective from the trenches of web development.


 On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 6:16 PM, Drew Wilson atwil...@google.comwrote:

 Following up, I think this highlights the distinct set of use cases
 that shared workers and shared script address:

 SharedWorkers are a great platform for when you have a single database
 that is 

Re: [webkit-dev] links via

2009-12-01 Thread Yaar Schnitman
Robots.txt can exclude most of the trac site, and then include the
sitemap.xml. This way you block most of the junk and only give permission to
the important file. All major search engine support sitemap.xml, and those
that don't will be blocked by robots.txt.

A script could generate sitemap.xml from a local svn checkout of trunk. It
will produce one url for each source file (frequency=daily) and one url for
every revision (frequency=year). That will cover most of the search
webkit-dev mailing list

[webkit-dev] Adding read-only javascript properties via JavaScriptCore

2009-12-01 Thread Ryan Grimm

I'm using the JavaScriptCore (Mac) API to add some properties into the 
javascript environment and would like to make sure that these properties are 
read only from the javascript side.  From the looks of the API, I thought 
adding the properties with calls like this would do the trick:

JSObjectSetProperty(ctx, globalObject, propertyName, propertyValue, 
kJSPropertyAttributeDontDelete | kJSPropertyAttributeReadOnly, NULL);

The property gets added without any troubles but in javascript (and the Web 
Inspector) I can modify and delete the properties that I've added.  Am I I 
missing something or just reading the docs wrong?


webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] Adding read-only javascript properties via JavaScriptCore

2009-12-01 Thread Adam Barth
This email seems like it would be better directed to webkit-help.

In general, that's not possible to create read-only properties in
JavaScript because the environment is so malleable.


On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 11:10 AM, Ryan Grimm wrote:

 I'm using the JavaScriptCore (Mac) API to add some properties into the 
 javascript environment and would like to make sure that these properties are 
 read only from the javascript side.  From the looks of the API, I thought 
 adding the properties with calls like this would do the trick:

 JSObjectSetProperty(ctx, globalObject, propertyName, propertyValue, 
 kJSPropertyAttributeDontDelete | kJSPropertyAttributeReadOnly, NULL);

 The property gets added without any troubles but in javascript (and the Web 
 Inspector) I can modify and delete the properties that I've added.  Am I I 
 missing something or just reading the docs wrong?


 webkit-dev mailing list

webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] Webkit render tree dump

2009-12-01 Thread David Hyatt
I actually have a giant set of changes that need to be made to the  
render tree dumping... many of which are outlined in comments.  The  
problem is it causes all the test results to have to be updated.

Right now many silly and incorrect things are being dumped right now  
just for backwards compatibility.  It's not ideal.


On Dec 1, 2009, at 1:14 PM, Darin Adler wrote:

On Nov 30, 2009, at 6:29 PM, pundarik rajkhowa wrote:

Thanks for the info. I am aware of the pixel test, but for my  
purpose that cant be used, since text-based comparision is  
preferred. Regarding the style attributes, the webkit dump actually  
contains a few of them like color, bgcolor, borderstyle etc. Is  
there any specific reason for that ? Also if I dump other  
attributes like font-weight, text-decoration etc using the style()  
api of the RenderObject, will that help catching bugs specific to  
these attributes ?

It would be OK to dump more. There are two difficulties:

   1) If we add more to what is dumped, the additional information  
may create even more noise in existing test results, repeated things  
that make the salient details hard to find. The original choice of  
what to dump was based on a tradeoff in a hope to make the dumps  

   2) If we add more to what is dumped, that patch has to update the  
results of thousands of tests on multiple platforms.

Sometimes you can come up with a rule to decide when to dump that  
can mitigate both problems (1) and (2), for example, dumping only  
when values are unusual.

   -- Darin

webkit-dev mailing list

webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] Adding read-only javascript properties via JavaScriptCore

2009-12-01 Thread Ryan Grimm
I'm sorry about that, I intended to send it to webkit-help but typed in the 
wrong address.


On Dec 1, 2009, at 11:15 AM, Adam Barth wrote:

 This email seems like it would be better directed to webkit-help.
 In general, that's not possible to create read-only properties in
 JavaScript because the environment is so malleable.
 On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 11:10 AM, Ryan Grimm wrote:
 I'm using the JavaScriptCore (Mac) API to add some properties into the 
 javascript environment and would like to make sure that these properties are 
 read only from the javascript side.  From the looks of the API, I thought 
 adding the properties with calls like this would do the trick:
 JSObjectSetProperty(ctx, globalObject, propertyName, propertyValue, 
 kJSPropertyAttributeDontDelete | kJSPropertyAttributeReadOnly, NULL);
 The property gets added without any troubles but in javascript (and the Web 
 Inspector) I can modify and delete the properties that I've added.  Am I I 
 missing something or just reading the docs wrong?
 webkit-dev mailing list

webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] links via

2009-12-01 Thread Mark Rowe

On 2009-12-01, at 11:04, Yaar Schnitman wrote:

 Robots.txt can exclude most of the trac site, and then include the 
 sitemap.xml. This way you block most of the junk and only give permission to 
 the important file. All major search engine support sitemap.xml, and those 
 that don't will be blocked by robots.txt.
 A script could generate sitemap.xml from a local svn checkout of trunk. It 
 will produce one url for each source file (frequency=daily) and one url for 
 every revision (frequency=year). That will cover most of the search 

Forgive me, but this doesn't seem to address the issues that I raised in my 
previous message.

To reiterate: We need to allow only an explicit set of URLs to be crawled.  
Sitemaps do not provide this ability.  They expose information about set of 
URLs to a crawler, they do not limit the set of URLs that it can crawl.  A 
robots.txt file does provide the ability to limit the set of URLs that can be 

However, the semantics of robots.txt seem to make it incredibly unwieldy to 
expose only the content of interest, if it is possible at all.  For instance, 
to expose{revision} while preventing{revision}/#{path} or{revision}?format=zipnew=#{revision} from 
being crawled.  Another example would be exposing{path} while preventing{path}?rev=#{revision} from being crawled.

Is there something that I'm missing?

- Mark

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature
webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] SharableScriptContext [was: GlobalScript in WebKit]

2009-12-01 Thread Adam de Boor
A worker context without the thread is close to what we're after, except for
the bit about how it doesn't do network stuff or timeouts. Fundamentally
what we need is, a place for centralizing network access and significant
amounts of application state, and sharing large amounts of code, that is
independent of any single window, and can manipulate the DOM of an arbitrary
number of application windows that are either created by code in this
independent context, or created by the user through navigation. We'd like to
be able to create this context from an extension, so if a user wishes to
have instant access to their gmail, or facebook, or whatever, they could
choose to install an extension that would create this context when the
browser starts.

Shared workers fundamentally don't do the trick because (a) most of the code
in the application has nothing to do with accessing the server, and
everything to do with presenting the UI, so shared workers don't help with
sharing the code among multiple windows, and (b) we want the UI to be
immediately responsive, which means not waiting for a worker thread to get
back to the UI thread with data, so we'd be caching the data both in the UI
context and in the worker thread context, in which case we might as well
just go to the server.

When using a named window, there are interesting race conditions (unless you
do something like the appcache suggestion to ensure the windows are in the
same process) when one is restoring the browser state on startup. The
significant challenge for the app developer is to deal with, when the named
window closes, in-flight non-idempotent XHRs and registered timeouts that
ought to be independent of any window, but that are tied to the named
window. Timeouts are easier to deal with (centralized timer manager that
remembers the deadline for each and reschedules in the context of the new
named window). Being able to reparent an XHR in flight would make handling
the transition easier


On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 10:24 PM, Oliver Hunt wrote:

 On Nov 30, 2009, at 10:12 PM, Dmitry Titov wrote:

 At first look, this would solve same use cases as SharedScript. The
 difference is that it has to be passed to participating windows
 explicitly. Summing up, just for reference:

 var mySharedScriptContext = new SharedScriptContext(foo.js);
 mySharedScriptContext.onload = ...;

 var win =;

 alternatively, later:
 var win = window.getWindowByName(foo); // does not create a window if
 there is no foo, searches in same process
 if (win)

 and, possibly: add a list (regexp?) to App Cache manifest to describe the
 set of URLs loaded into the same process to make them able to find each
 other without relying on

 The idea behind SharedScriptContext+getWindowByName was that it would be
 possible to do (in your new window)
 if (sharedWin = getWindowByName(OriginWindow))
 sharedContext = sharedWin.sharedContext;
 else {
name = OriginWindow;
sharedContext = new SharedScriptContext(foo.js);

 At least that was my understanding.

 What is your application cache suggestion attempting to do?  The whole
 point of getWindowByName is that it doesn't need

 All that said, Darin, Maciej and I were discussing this on IRC earlier and
 it would seem that simply adding getWindowByName (or some such) would gain a
 very large amount of the behaviour desired in the {Shared,
 Global}Script[Context] concept.



 On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 9:07 PM, Darin Fisher wrote:

 On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 8:52 PM, Oliver Hunt wrote:

 On Nov 30, 2009, at 8:31 PM, Darin Fisher wrote:

 On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 7:55 PM, Maciej Stachowiak m...@apple.comwrote:

 On Nov 30, 2009, at 6:16 PM, Drew Wilson wrote:

 Following up, I think this highlights the distinct set of use cases that
 shared workers and shared script address:

 SharedWorkers are a great platform for when you have a single database
 that is shared across multiple instances of your web app, and you want to
 coordinate updates to that database. I can imagine sharing a single
 connection to the server, etc via SharedWorkers.

 SharedScripts are a good platform for when you want to share data/code
 (for example, the immense body of Javascript used to implement the Gmail 
 across multiple windows. I can't speak to whether passing a hidden iframe
 between windows as was suggested in the other thread would address this use
 case sufficiently.

 Would it be fair to say the goal for SharedScript is just to share code
 and data (to reduce memory use of multiple instances of GMail), and not
 network connections, timers, or other APIs based on async callbacks
 (assuming those either remain per-Window or are in the SharedWorker)? If 
 then it would pretty much 

Re: [webkit-dev] SharableScriptContext [was: GlobalScript in WebKit]

2009-12-01 Thread Adam de Boor
On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 12:11 AM, Oliver Hunt wrote:

 On Nov 30, 2009, at 11:47 PM, Adam de Boor wrote:

 A worker context without the thread is close to what we're after, except
 for the bit about how it doesn't do network stuff or timeouts.

 Errr, what?  Workers can do networking, timeouts -- xhr, setTimeout,
 setInterval, etc is available to them so i'm not sure what you mean by that?

I was referring back to an earlier message from Maciej:  Would it be fair
to say the goal for SharedScript is just to share code and data (to reduce
memory use of multiple instances of GMail), and not network connections,
timers, or other APIs based on async callbacks (assuming those either remain
per-Window or are in the SharedWorker)?

 As for the DOM -- the only reason for a Worker not having access to the DOM
 is because the only means for communication is postMessage which doesn't
 allow pass by reference (and most/all DOM implementations assume single
 threaded access).  Assuming this magical object existed you would be better
 off thinking of it as being an iframe without a document and with a lifetime
 unbounded by its parent.

This magical object is what SharedScript is speced to be.

 Fundamentally what we need is, a place for centralizing network access and
 significant amounts of application state, and sharing large amounts of code,
 that is independent of any single window, and can manipulate the DOM of an
 arbitrary number of application windows that are either created by code in
 this independent context, or created by the user through navigation. We'd
 like to be able to create this context from an extension, so if a user
 wishes to have instant access to their gmail, or facebook, or whatever, they
 could choose to install an extension that would create this context when the
 browser starts.

 I'm not sure how this would work -- as far as I am aware extensions in
 chrome make use of isolated worlds, which should prevent an extension from
 creating an object that can be shared with any normal webpage, and of course
 the extension would not be in the same origin as the page you're hoping for
 so wouldn't be able to share anything anyway.

This would be an addition to extensions.

 That said your whole extension for preloading concept seems like it could
 be mostly duplicated by using the application cache -- you'd still get hit
 with compilation time (theoretically once in this model) but compared with
 load time compilation is inconsequential.

The application cache as specified is simply a way of storing resources as a
unit, with background update. One could leverage it to store other things
about the application (e.g. freeze-drying the app most of the way through
startup so it can be started again faster), but it's got nothing to do with
having the application headless-but-alive, with data downloaded from the
server, able to generate notifications, if the user has requested them, etc.

 Shared workers fundamentally don't do the trick because (a) most of the
 code in the application has nothing to do with accessing the server, and
 everything to do with presenting the UI, so shared workers don't help with
 sharing the code among multiple windows, and (b) we want the UI to be
 immediately responsive, which means not waiting for a worker thread to get
 back to the UI thread with data, so we'd be caching the data both in the UI
 context and in the worker thread context, in which case we might as well
 just go to the server.

 Errr, if asking a worker for data is taking as long as a server request
 there's a bug...  I'm really not sure what you're saying here.

It's less a question of speed than it is of control flow. What's the
advantage of requiring applications to structure themselves so that all
accesses to data are asynchronous? If you look at applications that access a
database, for example, they will frequently make local caches of read-only
data, but they don't then put those caches in another thread that requires
them to break their event handling into stages. What would be the point?
Given that there's no burden on the app in sending a request to the server
(the browser effectively does it in the background), there's no reason to
put it in a worker thread.


 When using a named window, there are interesting race conditions (unless
 you do something like the appcache suggestion to ensure the windows are in
 the same process) when one is restoring the browser state on startup. The
 significant challenge for the app developer is to deal with, when the named
 window closes, in-flight non-idempotent XHRs and registered timeouts that
 ought to be independent of any window, but that are tied to the named
 window. Timeouts are easier to deal with (centralized timer manager that
 remembers the deadline for each and reschedules in the context of the new
 named window). Being able to reparent an XHR in flight would make handling
 the transition easier

 From what 

Re: [webkit-dev] GlobalScript in WebKit

2009-12-01 Thread Ian Hickson
On Tue, 1 Dec 2009, Michael Davidson wrote:
 On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 8:08 PM, Maciej Stachowiak wrote:
  Would it be fair to say the goal for SharedScript is just to share 
  code and data (to reduce memory use of multiple instances of GMail), 
  and not network connections, timers, or other APIs based on async 
  callbacks (assuming those either remain per-Window or are in the 
  SharedWorker)? If so, then it would pretty much completely be handled 
  by sharing of some arbitrary JavaScript object, possibly arranged by 

 No, we definitely want to share network connections. We'd like users to 
 be able to have an arbitrary number of Gmail windows open without 
 running into the browser connection limit.

SharedScript doesn't give you that. Only a singleton mechanism can give 
you that.

  Always-shared vs. opportunistically-sometimes-shared seems like a big 
  difference, more than just implementation details. It has a direct 
  impact on how to correctly author content using this mechanism.
 I'm not sure that this is true. Users can always run multiple browsers with
 different profiles, or run browsers on different machines.

Using different machines, different browsers, or different profiles has 
some pretty major differences with using different tabs (processes) 
in Chrome: only in the latter would one common database, storage, and 
cookie infrastructure be shared, only in the latter would the HTTP 
per-origin connection limit be shared, only in the latter would 
application caches and HTTP caches be shared, etc.

 In a perfect world, we'd like to be able to hint that a toplevel 
 navigation belongs to a set of pages that should share a process. That 
 way if the user navigates to, say,, we can tell 
 the browser that we'd like it to be rendered in an existing process if 
 one exists. That would lead to maximal sharing.

Since iframes have to share a process even across origins, and since from an iframe has to share the process of the opener, it is 
trivial to engineer a situation where it's not possible to share the 
process. This kind of situation would commonly arise with pages like 
iGoogle that embed a GMail gadget.

  (I ask because windows with a pre-existing relationship like 
  parent/opener could already share code and data if they chose to, 
  without any new browser features. Just pass the functions or objects 
  of your choice to the newly opened window.
 As mentioned elsewhere on this thread, this isn't a great solution. XHRs 
 and timers, specifically, need to find a new parent window when one 
 window closes. I do have this working for Gmail tearoffs right now, but 
 all windows have to close when the main window closes.

It seems that you could just create an iframe instead of the 
SharedScript, and pass it around onunload.

 A third improvement: When we adopt the HTML5 notification API for 
 showing users new mail or incoming chat notifications we will only show 
 one notification regardless of the number of Gmail tabs that are open.

You can't do that with SharedScript, since it's not guaranteed to be 
unique across the browser. However, SharedScript misleads people into 
thinking that they can do that, which is one reason that I am skeptical 
that it is a good idea.

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'
webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] GlobalScript in WebKit

2009-12-01 Thread Michael Davidson
On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 11:51 AM, Ian Hickson wrote:

 On Tue, 1 Dec 2009, Michael Davidson wrote:
  No, we definitely want to share network connections. We'd like users to
  be able to have an arbitrary number of Gmail windows open without
  running into the browser connection limit.

 SharedScript doesn't give you that. Only a singleton mechanism can give
 you that.

Assuming that the same-process hinting works, it will give us that. At the
very least, it will vastly improve the situation we have today. The iGoogle
gadget that you mention later would not use SharedScript, FWIW. The
mechinism that it uses to get data from Gmail is entirely different. I agree
that anything that lives in an iframe is going to cause problems for
SharedScript, but Gmail (like many webapps where having the URL exposed to
the user is very important) doesn't allow itself to be in an iframe.

 As mentioned elsewhere on this thread, this isn't a great solution. XHRs
  and timers, specifically, need to find a new parent window when one
  window closes. I do have this working for Gmail tearoffs right now, but
  all windows have to close when the main window closes.

 It seems that you could just create an iframe instead of the
 SharedScript, and pass it around onunload.

Can an iframe live independently of its creating document? I can do some
experiments with existing browsers, but I would be surprised if a reference
to an iframe were enough to keep it alive when its containing document is

 You can't do that with SharedScript, since it's not guaranteed to be
 unique across the browser. However, SharedScript misleads people into
 thinking that they can do that, which is one reason that I am skeptical
 that it is a good idea.

So this might not have been the best-considered example. The ability to
share network connections is a better one, where failure to share
isn't catastrophic, but success has benefits. The goal of the proposal is to
make sharing as easy as possible and to allow apps to reduce the amount of
resources they use. The goal is not to mislead people into thinking that
SharedScript is bulletproof sharing, which is why the spec says that sharing
might fail. I believe, from talking to web app developers, that simple
sharing that might fail is a desirable feature. It is true that if you
absolutely need to guarantee sharing that shared workers are a better
solution, but for our app we don't need that guarantee and find workers
unsuitable for UI code for reasons stated earlier in the thread.

webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] GlobalScript in WebKit

2009-12-01 Thread Ian Hickson
On Tue, 1 Dec 2009, Michael Davidson wrote:
 On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 11:51 AM, Ian Hickson wrote:
  On Tue, 1 Dec 2009, Michael Davidson wrote:
   No, we definitely want to share network connections. We'd like users 
   to be able to have an arbitrary number of Gmail windows open without 
   running into the browser connection limit.
  SharedScript doesn't give you that. Only a singleton mechanism can 
  give you that.
 Assuming that the same-process hinting works, it will give us that.

The process hinting is not a guarantee. It is trivial to come up with 
situations where different documents from the same origin are required to 
end up in different processes. Furthermore, as a user, I would personally 
much rather every GMail instance I open end up in a different process, for 
the same reason that I'd like GMail and Google Calendar in different 
instances, and Google Calendar and Google Search in different processes, 
and Search and pages I get to from Search in different processes.

 At the very least, it will vastly improve the situation we have today.

Either you definitely want to share network connections, in which case 
it doesn't give you what you want, or you don't need to share network 
connections, in which case it seems no better than an iframe.

 The iGoogle gadget that you mention later would not use SharedScript, 

Sure, but if it opens a true GMail window, that GMail window would have to 
end up in the same process as the parent (so that the opener can be 
accessed), which means it wouldn't be the same process as other GMail 
tabs. It doesn't have to be an iGoogle gadget; any page that GMail would be in this situation as far as I can tell.

 I agree that anything that lives in an iframe is going to cause problems 
 for SharedScript, but Gmail (like many webapps where having the URL 
 exposed to the user is very important) doesn't allow itself to be in an 

It prevents it using script, which is too late since the process selection 
happens long before the script runs.

  It seems that you could just create an iframe instead of the 
  SharedScript, and pass it around onunload.

 Can an iframe live independently of its creating document?

Per spec, yes, so long as it is owned by a living document it'll keep 
existing. It should even work in browsers so long as you actually keep the 
iframe grafted to an existing Window's Document -- hence the pass it 
around onunload to keep it alive.

 The goal is not to mislead people into thinking that SharedScript is 
 bulletproof sharing, which is why the spec says that sharing might fail.

Yes, but people will think that's what it does, regardless of what it 
does, because in most testing that's what it will do. It's like the 
localStorage debacle -- we have to offer consistency guarantees because 
people will assume them regardless of what the spec says.

Anyway, I'm not trying to discourage experimentation here; I just wanted 
to make it clear that SharedScript doesn't solve the shared networking 
problem, because it can never be guarenteed to be a singleton -- indeed, 
from the user's perspective, it would be undesireable for it to be 
possible to make the browser always put all tabs from one origin into the 
same process even if it was possible.

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'
webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] Adding read-only javascript properties via JavaScriptCore

2009-12-01 Thread Geoffrey Garen
Sounds like a bug.


On Dec 1, 2009, at 11:10 AM, Ryan Grimm wrote:

 I'm using the JavaScriptCore (Mac) API to add some properties into the 
 javascript environment and would like to make sure that these properties are 
 read only from the javascript side.  From the looks of the API, I thought 
 adding the properties with calls like this would do the trick:
 JSObjectSetProperty(ctx, globalObject, propertyName, propertyValue, 
 kJSPropertyAttributeDontDelete | kJSPropertyAttributeReadOnly, NULL);
 The property gets added without any troubles but in javascript (and the Web 
 Inspector) I can modify and delete the properties that I've added.  Am I I 
 missing something or just reading the docs wrong?
 webkit-dev mailing list

webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] links via

2009-12-01 Thread Yaar Schnitman
The urls in sitemap.xml are not patterns - there are exact urls the search
engine will retrieve.

So, you would blacklist most urls with blanket rules in robots.txt and
whitelist explicit urls in sitemap.xml. e.g. in robots.txt, blacklist
/changeset/*, and in sitemap.xml whitelist all
 to (It's going to be a big file

On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 11:33 AM, Mark Rowe wrote:

 On 2009-12-01, at 11:04, Yaar Schnitman wrote:

 Robots.txt can exclude most of the trac site, and then include the
 sitemap.xml. This way you block most of the junk and only give permission to
 the important file. All major search engine support sitemap.xml, and those
 that don't will be blocked by robots.txt.

 A script could generate sitemap.xml from a local svn checkout of trunk. It
 will produce one url for each source file (frequency=daily) and one url for
 every revision (frequency=year). That will cover most of the search

 Forgive me, but this doesn't seem to address the issues that I raised in my
 previous message.

 To reiterate: We need to allow only an explicit set of URLs to be crawled.

Sitemaps *do not* provide this ability.  They expose information about set
 of URLs to a crawler, they do not limit the set of URLs that it can crawl.
  A robots.txt file *does* provide the ability to limit the set of URLs
 that can be crawled.

 However, the semantics of robots.txt seem to make it incredibly unwieldy to
 expose *only *the content of interest, if it is possible at all.  For
 instance, to expose{revision}
 while preventing{revision}/#{path} or{revision}?{revision}
 being crawled.  Another example would be exposing{path}
 while preventing{path}?rev=#{revision}
 from being crawled.

 Is there something that I'm missing?

 - Mark

webkit-dev mailing list

[webkit-dev] namespace indent

2009-12-01 Thread Adam Barth
A common false positive in the style-queue is as follows:

Code inside a namespace should not be indented.  [whitespace/indent] [4]

That's because the namespace indent rule is fairly new and its hard to
fix without touching the whole file.  I don't think the style-queue
should be spamming bugs with non-actionable information.  There seem
to be a few choices:

1) Disable this warning because it's not helpful at the moment.
2) Change our code to comply with this style rule (e.g., as we touch
files, fix them so that the warning doesn't occur).
3) Change our style guide to match our code.

Personally, I'm in favor of (2) because it seems silly to have a rule
in our style guide with which we never plan to actually comply.


webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] GlobalScript in WebKit

2009-12-01 Thread Michael Nordman
Just to provide some history...

An intrinsic aspect of the SharedScript proposal is that scripting across
the page / sharedScript boundary should be very fast. When coming up with
the original proposal, we were careful to not require singleton semantics
that would work against that goal (by requiring ipc proxy'ing and thread

A common context for all instances of a page was intentionally not a goal
since to make that gaurantee would be very much at odds with the performance

We tried to strike that balance between the scope of sharing and the promise
of being performant by saying all pages within a unit of related browsing
contexts are guaranteed to shared the same SharedContexts. In our proposal,
the scope of shared is permitted to be wider, but is not required to be

A secondary concern is co-locating top-level pages to widen the scope of
sharing beyond just the unit of related browsing contexts. We've hand
waved at hints that could help the browser accomplish that.

On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 12:20 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:

 On Tue, 1 Dec 2009, Michael Davidson wrote:
  On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 11:51 AM, Ian Hickson wrote:
   On Tue, 1 Dec 2009, Michael Davidson wrote:
No, we definitely want to share network connections. We'd like users
to be able to have an arbitrary number of Gmail windows open without
running into the browser connection limit.
   SharedScript doesn't give you that. Only a singleton mechanism can
   give you that.
  Assuming that the same-process hinting works, it will give us that.

 The process hinting is not a guarantee. It is trivial to come up with
 situations where different documents from the same origin are required to
 end up in different processes. Furthermore, as a user, I would personally
 much rather every GMail instance I open end up in a different process, for
 the same reason that I'd like GMail and Google Calendar in different
 instances, and Google Calendar and Google Search in different processes,
 and Search and pages I get to from Search in different processes.

  At the very least, it will vastly improve the situation we have today.

 Either you definitely want to share network connections, in which case
 it doesn't give you what you want, or you don't need to share network
 connections, in which case it seems no better than an iframe.

  The iGoogle gadget that you mention later would not use SharedScript,

 Sure, but if it opens a true GMail window, that GMail window would have to
 end up in the same process as the parent (so that the opener can be
 accessed), which means it wouldn't be the same process as other GMail
 tabs. It doesn't have to be an iGoogle gadget; any page that GMail would be in this situation as far as I can tell.

  I agree that anything that lives in an iframe is going to cause problems
  for SharedScript, but Gmail (like many webapps where having the URL
  exposed to the user is very important) doesn't allow itself to be in an

 It prevents it using script, which is too late since the process selection
 happens long before the script runs.

   It seems that you could just create an iframe instead of the
   SharedScript, and pass it around onunload.
  Can an iframe live independently of its creating document?

 Per spec, yes, so long as it is owned by a living document it'll keep
 existing. It should even work in browsers so long as you actually keep the
 iframe grafted to an existing Window's Document -- hence the pass it
 around onunload to keep it alive.

  The goal is not to mislead people into thinking that SharedScript is
  bulletproof sharing, which is why the spec says that sharing might fail.

 Yes, but people will think that's what it does, regardless of what it
 does, because in most testing that's what it will do. It's like the
 localStorage debacle -- we have to offer consistency guarantees because
 people will assume them regardless of what the spec says.

 Anyway, I'm not trying to discourage experimentation here; I just wanted
 to make it clear that SharedScript doesn't solve the shared networking
 problem, because it can never be guarenteed to be a singleton -- indeed,
 from the user's perspective, it would be undesireable for it to be
 possible to make the browser always put all tabs from one origin into the
 same process even if it was possible.

 Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
 Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'
 webkit-dev mailing list

webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] namespace indent

2009-12-01 Thread David Hyatt


On Dec 1, 2009, at 2:42 PM, Adam Barth wrote:

A common false positive in the style-queue is as follows:

Code inside a namespace should not be indented.  [whitespace/indent]  

That's because the namespace indent rule is fairly new and its hard to
fix without touching the whole file.  I don't think the style-queue
should be spamming bugs with non-actionable information.  There seem
to be a few choices:

1) Disable this warning because it's not helpful at the moment.
2) Change our code to comply with this style rule (e.g., as we touch
files, fix them so that the warning doesn't occur).
3) Change our style guide to match our code.

Personally, I'm in favor of (2) because it seems silly to have a rule
in our style guide with which we never plan to actually comply.


webkit-dev mailing list

webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] namespace indent

2009-12-01 Thread Rudi Sherry
For (2), are we sure the relevant diff tools can isolate the real  
changes to those files amid mass indentation?  Most if not all can,  
but I don't know about the automatic diffs that may be part of the  
webkit build/release/publish process. Not that this is a deal-breaker,  
but I wanted to bring it up.

On Dec 1, 2009, at 12:52 PM, David Hyatt wrote:


On Dec 1, 2009, at 2:42 PM, Adam Barth wrote:

A common false positive in the style-queue is as follows:

Code inside a namespace should not be indented.  [whitespace/indent]

That's because the namespace indent rule is fairly new and its hard  

fix without touching the whole file.  I don't think the style-queue
should be spamming bugs with non-actionable information.  There seem
to be a few choices:

1) Disable this warning because it's not helpful at the moment.
2) Change our code to comply with this style rule (e.g., as we touch
files, fix them so that the warning doesn't occur).
3) Change our style guide to match our code.

Personally, I'm in favor of (2) because it seems silly to have a rule
in our style guide with which we never plan to actually comply.


webkit-dev mailing list

webkit-dev mailing list

webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] namespace indent

2009-12-01 Thread Adam Barth
The pretty diff on Bugzilla knows how to show you what's changed on a
given line (e.g., whitespace).


On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 1:11 PM, Rudi Sherry wrote:
 For (2), are we sure the relevant diff tools can isolate the real changes to
 those files amid mass indentation?  Most if not all can, but I don't know
 about the automatic diffs that may be part of the webkit
 build/release/publish process. Not that this is a deal-breaker, but I wanted
 to bring it up.

 On Dec 1, 2009, at 12:52 PM, David Hyatt wrote:


 On Dec 1, 2009, at 2:42 PM, Adam Barth wrote:

 A common false positive in the style-queue is as follows:

 Code inside a namespace should not be indented.  [whitespace/indent]

 That's because the namespace indent rule is fairly new and its hard to
 fix without touching the whole file.  I don't think the style-queue
 should be spamming bugs with non-actionable information.  There seem
 to be a few choices:

 1) Disable this warning because it's not helpful at the moment.
 2) Change our code to comply with this style rule (e.g., as we touch
 files, fix them so that the warning doesn't occur).
 3) Change our style guide to match our code.

 Personally, I'm in favor of (2) because it seems silly to have a rule
 in our style guide with which we never plan to actually comply.


 webkit-dev mailing list

 webkit-dev mailing list

webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] links via

2009-12-01 Thread Mark Rowe

On 2009-12-01, at 12:31, Yaar Schnitman wrote:

 The urls in sitemap.xml are not patterns - there are exact urls the search 
 engine will retrieve.

They are exact URLs that the crawler will retrieve, but they in no way restrict 
the set of URLs that the crawler can retrieve.

 So, you would blacklist most urls with blanket rules in robots.txt and 
 whitelist explicit urls in sitemap.xml. e.g. in robots.txt, blacklist 
 /changeset/*, and in sitemap.xml whitelist all to 
 (It's going to be a big file alright).

This proposal relies on the sitemap being treated as a whitelist that is 
consulted prior to processing the exclusions listed in robots.txt.  As I have 
mentioned several times, I cannot find any information that states that a 
sitemap acts as a whitelist, nor what its precedence relative to robots.txt 
would be if it were to be treated as a whitelist.  Is there something I'm 

- Mark

 On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 11:33 AM, Mark Rowe wrote:
 On 2009-12-01, at 11:04, Yaar Schnitman wrote:
 Robots.txt can exclude most of the trac site, and then include the 
 sitemap.xml. This way you block most of the junk and only give permission to 
 the important file. All major search engine support sitemap.xml, and those 
 that don't will be blocked by robots.txt.
 A script could generate sitemap.xml from a local svn checkout of trunk. It 
 will produce one url for each source file (frequency=daily) and one url for 
 every revision (frequency=year). That will cover most of the search 
 Forgive me, but this doesn't seem to address the issues that I raised in my 
 previous message.
 To reiterate: We need to allow only an explicit set of URLs to be crawled.  
 Sitemaps do not provide this ability.  They expose information about set of 
 URLs to a crawler, they do not limit the set of URLs that it can crawl.  A 
 robots.txt file does provide the ability to limit the set of URLs that can be 
 However, the semantics of robots.txt seem to make it incredibly unwieldy to 
 expose only the content of interest, if it is possible at all.  For instance, 
 to expose{revision} while preventing{revision}/#{path} or{revision}?format=zipnew=#{revision} 
 from being crawled.  Another example would be exposing{path} while preventing{path}?rev=#{revision} from being crawled.
 Is there something that I'm missing?
 - Mark

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature
webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] Adding read-only javascript properties via JavaScriptCore

2009-12-01 Thread Ryan Grimm
Hi Geoff,

So I take it that I'm understanding the API correctly?  I'm currently using the 
WebKit framework bundled with the latest version of Safari.  Should I go ahead 
and file a bug report?


On Dec 1, 2009, at 12:28 PM, Geoffrey Garen wrote:

 Sounds like a bug.
 On Dec 1, 2009, at 11:10 AM, Ryan Grimm wrote:
 I'm using the JavaScriptCore (Mac) API to add some properties into the 
 javascript environment and would like to make sure that these properties are 
 read only from the javascript side.  From the looks of the API, I thought 
 adding the properties with calls like this would do the trick:
 JSObjectSetProperty(ctx, globalObject, propertyName, propertyValue, 
 kJSPropertyAttributeDontDelete | kJSPropertyAttributeReadOnly, NULL);
 The property gets added without any troubles but in javascript (and the Web 
 Inspector) I can modify and delete the properties that I've added.  Am I I 
 missing something or just reading the docs wrong?
 webkit-dev mailing list

webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] Adding read-only javascript properties via JavaScriptCore

2009-12-01 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Dec 1, 2009, at 2:01 PM, Ryan Grimm wrote:

Hi Geoff,

So I take it that I'm understanding the API correctly?  I'm  
currently using the WebKit framework bundled with the latest version  
of Safari.  Should I go ahead and file a bug report?

Please do. Your understanding is correct, what you wrote should create  
a read-only property. You may also want to check if it happens if you  
link against the latest WebKit nightly, to verify the bug is still  

 - Maciej


On Dec 1, 2009, at 12:28 PM, Geoffrey Garen wrote:

Sounds like a bug.


On Dec 1, 2009, at 11:10 AM, Ryan Grimm wrote:


I'm using the JavaScriptCore (Mac) API to add some properties into  
the javascript environment and would like to make sure that these  
properties are read only from the javascript side.  From the looks  
of the API, I thought adding the properties with calls like this  
would do the trick:

JSObjectSetProperty(ctx, globalObject, propertyName,  
propertyValue, kJSPropertyAttributeDontDelete |  
kJSPropertyAttributeReadOnly, NULL);

The property gets added without any troubles but in javascript  
(and the Web Inspector) I can modify and delete the properties  
that I've added.  Am I I missing something or just reading the  
docs wrong?


webkit-dev mailing list

webkit-dev mailing list

webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] namespace indent

2009-12-01 Thread David Levin
4) (I think it may be possible to) notice that there are other unchanged
lines that have this problem, and then just not print the error if that


On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 12:42 PM, Adam Barth wrote:

 A common false positive in the style-queue is as follows:

 Code inside a namespace should not be indented.  [whitespace/indent] [4]

 That's because the namespace indent rule is fairly new and its hard to
 fix without touching the whole file.  I don't think the style-queue
 should be spamming bugs with non-actionable information.  There seem
 to be a few choices:

 1) Disable this warning because it's not helpful at the moment.
 2) Change our code to comply with this style rule (e.g., as we touch
 files, fix them so that the warning doesn't occur).
 3) Change our style guide to match our code.

 Personally, I'm in favor of (2) because it seems silly to have a rule
 in our style guide with which we never plan to actually comply.


 webkit-dev mailing list

webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] SharableScriptContext [was: GlobalScript in WebKit]

2009-12-01 Thread Dmitry Titov
On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 10:24 PM, Oliver Hunt wrote:

 All that said, Darin, Maciej and I were discussing this on IRC earlier and
 it would seem that simply adding getWindowByName (or some such) would gain a
 very large amount of the behaviour desired in the {Shared,
 Global}Script[Context] concept.

Got to the colloquy transcript of this. I think the proposal there is to
implement getWindowByName() and not to have SharedScriptContext object at
all, rather emulate it by passing around a JS object which would be used to
share things. The argument was made that this will reduce the API explosion
and be less work in WebKit.

However, I'd need to understand how the following would work:

- it's not clear how to load script (the code that is supposed to be
shared). The apps today don't just load the whole code in a single script,
they split the script code in pieces and use script tag injection or async
XHR + eval. All of that is defined with reliance on underlying global scope
object which can not be relied upon in the proposed case. Unless JS has some
way to introduce a global scope other then default window... It seems that
'eval' method of progressive script loading breaks.

- running a JS method on a shared JS object depends on global scope used in
context of the call. In case of cross-context calls it can be very confusing
for the developers to understand which context is being used, and I think we
have some bugs in this area too (at least there are a few FIXME sprinkled
around). Having a global scope object associated with the shared script
context makes things easier to use and potentially less buggy. Not sure how
much this is the issue though.

- there were already noted issues with timers, XHR, WebSockets, (as well as
Database, Notifications etc) that simply get killed internally when their
native window closes - there is no exceptions thrown or callbacks called.
The JS wrappers that are still alive but zombied remain, but to be able to
write JS code that correctly recovers don't we need to define some behavior
of those things in case their 'native context' dies? I guess the solution is
to host those in SharedWorker, which was already noted as being not always

I agree with desire to reduce the new APIs and this is essentially reducing
it to 0. In particular cases we currently have (GMail and Chat windows)
windows are opened via so technically we don't even need
getWindowByName() to try this approach. But, will it work? Not sure, for the
reasons above.

webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] namespace indent

2009-12-01 Thread Jeremy Orlow
Adam's right though: unlike most of the other style changes, if we don't fix
this one all at once, only new files will ever match the style guide.  This
is different than most of the other guidelines where things eventually
converge as people touch lines of the file.

On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 3:22 PM, David Levin wrote:

 4) (I think it may be possible to) notice that there are other unchanged
 lines that have this problem, and then just not print the error if that


 On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 12:42 PM, Adam Barth wrote:

 A common false positive in the style-queue is as follows:

 Code inside a namespace should not be indented.  [whitespace/indent] [4]

 That's because the namespace indent rule is fairly new and its hard to
 fix without touching the whole file.  I don't think the style-queue
 should be spamming bugs with non-actionable information.  There seem
 to be a few choices:

 1) Disable this warning because it's not helpful at the moment.
 2) Change our code to comply with this style rule (e.g., as we touch
 files, fix them so that the warning doesn't occur).
 3) Change our style guide to match our code.

 Personally, I'm in favor of (2) because it seems silly to have a rule
 in our style guide with which we never plan to actually comply.


 webkit-dev mailing list

 webkit-dev mailing list

webkit-dev mailing list

[webkit-dev] SVG Filters

2009-12-01 Thread Nikolas Zimmermann

Good morning WebKit crowd,

I'd like to enable SVG FIlters support by default. This is the last  
remaining piece before we can officially claim SVG 1.0/1.1 support,
in our SVG DOM implementation (through SVG requiredFeatures/ 
requiredExtensions functionality).

Dirk has done an amazing job, providing most of our new cross-platform  
filter support. In previous discussions, security concerns have been  
as the code is doing pixel-manipulations, with web content as input,  
so it's a place that needs special attention. Oliver specifically  
asked for a
person not involved in reviewing the patches, but a 3rd party to check  
the code for potential problems.

What do you think about this approach? Would anyone volunteer, for  
having a look over the existing filters code in trunk?

Does anyone see other problems with turning on filters?

Thanks for your input,

webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] namespace indent

2009-12-01 Thread Chris Jerdonek
On Tue, Dec 1, Jeremy Orlow wrote:

 Adam's right though: unlike most of the other style changes, if we don't fix
 this one all at once, only new files will ever match the style guide.  This
 is different than most of the other guidelines where things eventually
 converge as people touch lines of the file.

I am in favor of using a script to do this change.  It looks like
we're using a similar approach to do a global rename:

Once created, the script could be executed on a per folder, or per
project basis, etc. depending on what people prefer.  I expressed
interest a couple weeks ago in writing such a script:

Since I don't have a time frame though, I'm not suggesting that people
hold off on fixing the issue in files they touch.


 On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 3:22 PM, David Levin levin at wrote:

 4) (I think it may be possible to) notice that there are other unchanged
 lines that have this problem, and then just not print the error if that

webkit-dev mailing list

[webkit-dev] Style guidelines, not hard rules

2009-12-01 Thread Peter Kasting
I'd like formal clarification about how we enforce our style guide.

On , Yong Li was notified
that one of his patches violates a WebKit style rule (no {} on one-line
conditional bodies).  He objected to the rule, and George Staikos commented
that the style guide rules were guidelines and not hard rules.

I'm not interested in having debates on individual bugs when people don't
like particular style guide rules.  I don't happen to like this rule either,
but my impression is that we simply do not accept willful style guide
violations.  Can someone with more standing in the project than me confirm
or deny that?

webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] Style guidelines, not hard rules

2009-12-01 Thread Mark Rowe

On 2009-12-01, at 21:43, Peter Kasting wrote:

 I'd like formal clarification about how we enforce our style guide.
 On , Yong Li was notified 
 that one of his patches violates a WebKit style rule (no {} on one-line 
 conditional bodies).  He objected to the rule, and George Staikos commented 
 that the style guide rules were guidelines and not hard rules.
 I'm not interested in having debates on individual bugs when people don't 
 like particular style guide rules.  I don't happen to like this rule either, 
 but my impression is that we simply do not accept willful style guide 
 violations.  Can someone with more standing in the project than me confirm or 
 deny that?

If individual contributors could pick and choose which rules they applied based 
on their personal preference there would be little point in having the 
project-wide guidelines.  They exist so that personal preference doesn't need 
to be considered from patch to patch, only when adopting new style guidelines 
for areas not previously covered.

- Mark

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature
webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] Style guidelines, not hard rules

2009-12-01 Thread Mark Rowe

On 2009-12-01, at 21:48, Mark Rowe wrote:

 On 2009-12-01, at 21:43, Peter Kasting wrote:
 I'd like formal clarification about how we enforce our style guide.
 On , Yong Li was notified 
 that one of his patches violates a WebKit style rule (no {} on one-line 
 conditional bodies).  He objected to the rule, and George Staikos commented 
 that the style guide rules were guidelines and not hard rules.
 I'm not interested in having debates on individual bugs when people don't 
 like particular style guide rules.  I don't happen to like this rule either, 
 but my impression is that we simply do not accept willful style guide 
 violations.  Can someone with more standing in the project than me confirm 
 or deny that?
 If individual contributors could pick and choose which rules they applied 
 based on their personal preference there would be little point in having the 
 project-wide guidelines.  They exist so that personal preference doesn't need 
 to be considered from patch to patch, only when adopting new style guidelines 
 for areas not previously covered.

And to quote from

 In order for your patch to be landed, it's necessary that it comply to the 
 code style guidelines.

There isn't much room for interpretation in that :-)

- Mark

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature
webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] Style guidelines, not hard rules

2009-12-01 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Dec 1, 2009, at 9:43 PM, Peter Kasting wrote:

I'd like formal clarification about how we enforce our style guide.

On , Yong Li was  
notified that one of his patches violates a WebKit style rule (no {}  
on one-line conditional bodies).  He objected to the rule, and  
George Staikos commented that the style guide rules were guidelines  
and not hard rules.

I'm not interested in having debates on individual bugs when people  
don't like particular style guide rules.  I don't happen to like  
this rule either, but my impression is that we simply do not accept  
willful style guide violations.  Can someone with more standing in  
the project than me confirm or deny that?

Some rules in the style guide may call for judgment and occasionally  
admit exceptions, like the naming rule. But this one seems pretty  

Note: if people don't like this rule we can discuss changing the style  
guide. But in generally people should not be picking and choosing  
which style rules to follow individually. The point is to make the  
code base look consistent.


webkit-dev mailing list