Re: [webkit-dev] Running the GTK port on macOS with Docker

2021-11-23 Thread Philippe Normand via webkit-dev

I found out that disk I/O is terribly slow on Docker for macOS. I had to
give up on my build after several hours because of that. So I tried
"Mutagen", wasn't able to make it work, and kind of gave up and moved to
the next thing on the pile of things to do... 

Today I just found one possible workaround, involving docker-sync. I'll
give this a try and report back.


On 2021-11-23 06:02, Jean-Yves Avenard wrote:
> Hi
> How is that effort going ?
> Having a way to build the GTK port today would have saved me a lot of
> time. Instead I had to keep uploading patches to bugzilla to find
> compilation errors.
> Jean-Yves
>> On 15 Oct 2021, at 10:33 pm, Philippe Normand  wrote:
>> On Fri, 2021-10-15 at 10:04 +1100, Jean-Yves Avenard wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> Personally, I would love a way to quickly build for GTK on my Mac, as
>>> for now I had to rely on pushing to the EWS, wait for compilation
>>> errors and fix them as I went.
>>> So something running in docker using my local tree would be ideal.
>> Alright, thanks for answering Jean-Yves :) I'll clean-up the experiment
>> a bit, document it and ping you for testing when it's ready.
>> Philippe
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Re: [webkit-dev] How to set up Intellisense-ish code completion/suggestions for editing WebKit sources on macOS?

2021-11-11 Thread Philippe Normand via webkit-dev
Hi Mike,

About ccls, some of us Igalians use it on Linux, I compiled a few

Nowadays trunk includes a .ccls file, is it not working for you?

Alicia recently blogged about setting up clangd/VSCode, that's on Linux,
but maybe some parts apply for macOS too:


On 2021-11-11 01:48, Michael[tm] Smith via webkit-dev wrote:
> Can anyone recommend a combination of text-editor/IDE, plugins/tooling
> (e.g., language server), and settings/config that’ll enable me to have
> usable code-(auto)completion/suggestions (like Intellisense, etc.) when
> editing WebKit sources in a macOS environment?
> Specifically, I mean the particular type of code completion you get when
> you type the name of some instance of an object in your editor, and then
> a dot, and the editor then shows you a popup with the names of all the
> available member functions and data members you can use with that object.
> Over the last several days, I have been trying (and failing) in multiple
> text editors to get working code completion like that set up for editing
> WebKit sources.
> A big reason it doesn’t work with the WebKit sources is that all the text
> editors and tooling don’t seem to be able to find the header files
> referenced in the various .cpp sources — beginning with #include "config.h",
> but others as well.
> I’m a diehard vim user, so I started out trying the available vim plugins
> that integrate with clangd. And the big problem I ran into there was that
> clangd relies on having a compile_commands.json file to work from — which
> (as far as I understand) essentially can’t be generated from the WebKit
> sources when building the macOS port (I have gleaned that’s in part due
> to the fact it’s a Unified build, which confuses clangd).
> So the next thing I tried was integrating with ccls. That seems to work to
> the point of ccls successfully generating an index of sources — but then
> when I open a file to edit, I immediately get an error about ccls not being
> able to resolve the #include “config.h” reference — and the multiple errors
> about macro references it can’t resolve.
> ...And then, ultimately, no completion suggests when I put a dot after a
> particular object name I want to get the function and data-member
> suggestions for. (It seems to work for some objects, but not others.)
> I like ccls though, and I think (hope) it may be that if I set up my .ccls
> file with the right options for helping it find the header files it needs,
> it may actually end up working. But my current .ccls isn’t doing that.
> Anyway, the last thing I’ve been trying is Visual Studio Code. In that I
> tried with both the clangd extension and the ccls extension, but ended up
> having basically the same problems I have with the vim integrations.
> So I switched back to trying the Microsoft-provided C/C++ Intellisense
> extension (cpptools), and found that seems to work better than the clangd
> or ccls extensions — at least so far as it seems to be able to at last
> partially resolve the header include references. But then it too seems to
> stumble on not being able to find some headers it needs.
> For example, I think I’ve been able to make it figure out #include "config.h" 
> —
> but then the next problem I hit is stuff like this:
>   cannot open source file "JavaScriptCore/JSExportMacros.h"
> (dependency of "config.h")
> ...And then anyway, again, ultimately, no completion suggests when I put a dot
> after a particular object name I want to get the function and data-member
> suggestions for. (It seems to work for some objects, but not others.)
> So I’m hoping others here might have something working successfully in
> their environments that gives them proper completion suggestions on member-
> function names and data-member names.
>   –Mike
> ___
> webkit-dev mailing list
webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] Running the GTK port on macOS with Docker

2021-10-15 Thread Philippe Normand via webkit-dev
On Fri, 2021-10-15 at 10:04 +1100, Jean-Yves Avenard wrote:
> Hi.
> Personally, I would love a way to quickly build for GTK on my Mac, as
> for now I had to rely on pushing to the EWS, wait for compilation
> errors and fix them as I went.
> So something running in docker using my local tree would be ideal.

Alright, thanks for answering Jean-Yves :) I'll clean-up the experiment
a bit, document it and ping you for testing when it's ready.


> Jean-Yves
> > On 15 Oct 2021, at 1:21 am, Philippe Normand via webkit-dev
> >  wrote:
> > 
> > Hi,
> > 
> > The WPE/GTK ports nowadays rely on a SDK that provides all the
> > tools
> > needed for development, it's used on the bots as well. Currently we
> > run
> > it with Flatpak, but technically, Docker can also be used.
> > 
> > I've actually checked that a GTK MiniBrowser build downloaded from
> > the
> > bots can run on macOS with Docker, that involves setting up
> > XQuartz,
> > it's not great, but for quick testing, I wonder if that could be
> > useful
> > for the Apple folks?
> > 
> > The GTK port could also be built on macOS using this docker setup,
> > the
> > SDK includes the GCC and clang versions used on the bots.
> > 
> > You can already do this with a VM, but then if you want to use the
> > SDK
> > it adds another lever of virtualization, which is not great. So
> > directly using the SDK through Docker seems more appealing, to me
> > at
> > least :)
> > 
> > WPE can't run, I haven't managed to start Weston with its X11
> > backend
> > in XQuartz... Ideally I'd prefer a native Wayland compositor for
> > macOS
> > but that doesn't seem to exist yet.
> > 
> > Anyway, please let me know if some folks are interested.
> > 
> > Philippe
> > ___
> > webkit-dev mailing list
> >
> >

webkit-dev mailing list

[webkit-dev] Running the GTK port on macOS with Docker

2021-10-14 Thread Philippe Normand via webkit-dev

The WPE/GTK ports nowadays rely on a SDK that provides all the tools
needed for development, it's used on the bots as well. Currently we run
it with Flatpak, but technically, Docker can also be used.

I've actually checked that a GTK MiniBrowser build downloaded from the
bots can run on macOS with Docker, that involves setting up XQuartz,
it's not great, but for quick testing, I wonder if that could be useful
for the Apple folks?

The GTK port could also be built on macOS using this docker setup, the
SDK includes the GCC and clang versions used on the bots.

You can already do this with a VM, but then if you want to use the SDK
it adds another lever of virtualization, which is not great. So
directly using the SDK through Docker seems more appealing, to me at
least :)

WPE can't run, I haven't managed to start Weston with its X11 backend
in XQuartz... Ideally I'd prefer a native Wayland compositor for macOS
but that doesn't seem to exist yet.

Anyway, please let me know if some folks are interested.

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