Re: [webkit-dev] Overtype mode in WebKit for editable content?

2013-04-12 Thread Shezan Baig
On Fri, Apr 12, 2013 at 6:01 PM, Ryosuke Niwa wrote:
 On Fri, Apr 12, 2013 at 10:00 AM, Ryosuke Niwa wrote:

 On Fri, Apr 12, 2013 at 9:50 AM, Sergio Villar Senin

 I know that WK follows the NSTextView implementation but FF for example
 does not show the remote insert issue.

 Yes, it does.  Firefox simply uses heuristics to guess which type of
 character LTR/RTL you're about to type.  They still have the same issue.

  The problem here is that caret will be on top of a wrong character.
   That's much worse than a character being inserted at a remote
   Using my existing example, what user sees is:
  123CBA or 123CBA
  yet what will be replaced is 1.  That's insane.
  This is orders of magnitude worse than caret showing up as a vertical
  line at this location:

 Yeah I understood you example, it was very descriptive. What I wanted to
 share with you is that, in your same example, in Insert mode, placing
 the caret at (3) will insert the next character before the 1. Isn't that
 insane too?

 No.  The caret simply shows the logical insertion point.

  And this is why just setting the width of caret will never work.

 Well, I have a pretty compact patch more or less ready to be uploaded to
 bz that in the case of the caret being placed at (3) just draws the
 classical 1px width bar (it also draws the thin bar in the case of being
 after the last character), so although the replaced character is in any
 case the 1, the insanity you mention is somehow minimized.

 That doesn't sound right either.  It's much more confusing than not
 setting any width at all because it's the overtype mode is still on.

 What we need to do is here to use selection.  We need to have 1-character
 long text selection at all time except at the end of each line when overtype
 is on since selection code already deals with the said bidi craziness.
 Anything short of that isn't landable quality.

 Of course, we need to pretend as if the selection is collapsed still in
 JavaScript APIs.

 - R. Niwa

Wouldn't it be sufficient to just modify CaretBase::updateCaretRect to
return a rect that covers the next character?  Or am I missing
webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] Overtype mode in WebKit for editable content?

2013-03-12 Thread Shezan Baig
On Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at 12:18 AM, Ryosuke Niwa wrote:
 Have you tested your code with bidirectional text?  I don't think using
 block caret will work due to the way offsets at bidi-level boundary works in
 WebKit. In particular, suppose we have, in the document/byte order, ABC123
 where ABC are strongly RTL letters in a LTR block. Then this text is
 rendered as:

 If we were to place logical/DOM offset at where they appear visually, we

 Oh oops, I'm sorry.  I messed this up.  It should be:

 i.e. At offset 3, the caret will visually appear on the right of A. If
 you were just setting the caret width, the caret will look as if we're
 inserting a character on the right of A, which is extremely misleading to
 a user.

Our application right now doesn't allow for bidi text, so this isn't
currently an issue for us.  I haven't looked at the details, but if we
were to support this in the future, I think the caret rendering code
would simply determine whether the next character is RTL or not, and
if so, it would extend its width in the opposite direction.

Also, I don't understand why offset 3 would be rendered after A --
shouldn't it be rendered before 1 since that is where the next
character would be inserted? (or maybe between 3 and C, I'm not
familiar enough with the bidi rules).  If it is rendered after A right
now, then I'm guessing that is just a bug, and whether or not the
caret is 1px or 20px wide seems equally misleading to the user.
webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] Overtype mode in WebKit for editable content?

2013-03-11 Thread Shezan Baig
On Mon, Mar 11, 2013 at 8:32 PM, Peter Kasting wrote:
 I question whether it makes sense at all from a user's perspective.  Users
 don't know or care what classes are used to implement their applications,
 they care what the applications do.  And from that perspective Windows is
 all over the place.  Wordpad, Word, and Visual Studio all support overtype
 mode, but all three do it differently (Visual Studio is IMO the best -- it
 actually changes the cursor from bar to block in overtype mode, which I'd
 love to see any other app supporting this to adopt, and certainly would want
 if we turned this on in Chrome for Windows).  Notepad, which to almost any
 user who doesn't open files with LF line endings is the same thing as
 Wordpad, doesn't, and neither does Firefox or Chrome (today).  Third-party
 editors are all over the place.

 I think we should decide this based on what is most helpful and least
 confusing to users.  Normally a platform convention is a way of establishing
 what users will expect, which is why it has any value at all.  Here I'm not
 convinced there's a user expectation of overtype mode in general, and I
 definitely worry that it has low utility and high annoyance, which make me
 greatly hesitate.  And implementing it for rich text but not plain text
 on the web seems like a recipe for confusion too -- do normal users
 understand the distinction and would expect overtype mode in one but not the
 other?  Seems more likely that some people would be frustrated that overtype
 mysteriously doesn't work sometimes, while others would be confused why
 every once in a while their text gets eaten, but not in a way they can
 reproduce consistently.

I feel like I should give some background to this discussion.

We are in the process of porting our native Windows application from
using a proprietary rendering framework to using WebKit as our
rendering framework.  Our application is not Chrome, neither is it
Safari, Firefox, or Opera.  In fact, it isn't a web browser at all.

Throughout this effort, we've come across many instances where we have
had to modify WebKit in order to make our application work the way our
users expect it to.  All these changes are maintained in our own
private fork, which we frequently merge with upstream.

Yes, our users *do* expect overtype mode to work, and yes, we do want
a blinking block cursor, however I consider that as an orthogonal
setting and not necessarily tied to overtype mode.  The way I
envisioned this would be that the embedding application would set a
property on the contenteditable div to turn on/off the overtype mode,
based on some UI interaction (whether it is via the Insert key, or
some menu command is up to the application).  When the contenteditable
is in overtype mode, this essentially makes TypingCommand replace the
next character instead of inserting characters.  This is a behavior
change *only*, not a visual change.

When the application switches the overtype mode on/off, it would also
at the same time modify the appearance of the cursor (in our app, this
will be done via non-standard css properties, like caret-width and
caret-color, and yes, we only plan use this for fixed-width fonts).
It might also change the border color of the contenteditable.  My
point is that the visual appearance to indicate that we are in
overtype mode is not something I would expect WebKit to control.  So
I'd rather leave discussion of the appearance separate from the
functionality/behavior itself.

Regardless of whether WebKit will support overtype mode or not, our
application will support it because our users expect it to.  However,
we want to keep the diff between upstream and our fork to be as small
as possible.  Also, to me it seems like we would be going against the
principle of opensource software if we keep these features in our own
private fork only, since it is something that can be useful to the
general community.

So I guess the question boils down to something like: if we have
changes that are generally useful, but not used in the major WebKit
applications (i.e. Chrome, Safari, Opera), does it make sense to
upstream it to WebKit for the benefit of the general community?

webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] Opera and WebKit

2013-02-13 Thread Shezan Baig

I'm very interested in following the multicolumn changes you submitted - in
particular the changes for page floats and column spans, but I couldn't
find the relevant bugs,  Do you happen to have links for those?

Thanks, -shez-

On Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 3:06 AM, Håkon Wium Lie wrote:

 Dear WebKit community,

 Many of us have met through various web standards efforts, such as
 W3C and WHAT WG. Today I'd like to introduce Opera Software in a new
 forum for us: the webkit-dev mailing list.

 We have known WebKit and its KTHML predecessor for some time. Lars
 Knoll, who (re)wrote KHTML in 1999, worked for TrollTech for many
 years. TrollTech and Opera shared a building in Oslo, a building which
 has earned its place in the rendering engine hall of fame.

 Some of our best programmers have been working on the WebKit code for
 a while, and today we have announced that we will be using the WebKit
 engine in the future [1]. We will also submit our code; switching from
 Presto to WebKit frees up resources and allows us to contribute to the
 WebKit platform.

 The first contributions from our side will be in multi-column layout
 [2]. We have experimented with combining multicol layout with
 page floats and column spans [3]; in 10 lines of CSS code one can
 create amazingly beautiful, scaleable and responsive paged
 presentations [4].

 We hope to work with you to further strengthen the open web that we
 all believe in.



 Håkon Wium Lie
 CTO Opera Software
 webkit-dev mailing list

webkit-dev mailing list

[webkit-dev] Disjointed selection ranges

2012-08-14 Thread Shezan Baig
Hi WebKit,

We are using embedded WebKit in our application, and we need to be
able to use disjointed selection ranges for table editing.  I was
wondering whether anybody is currently working on implementing this,
and is there any bug number for it?  If not, I will attempt to
implement it based on the approach described by Eric in [1] and [2].


webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] Disjointed selection ranges

2012-08-14 Thread Shezan Baig
On Tue, Aug 14, 2012 at 3:25 PM, Ryosuke Niwa wrote:
 On Tue, Aug 14, 2012 at 11:51 AM, Shezan Baig wrote:

 We are using embedded WebKit in our application, and we need to be
 able to use disjointed selection ranges for table editing.  I was
 wondering whether anybody is currently working on implementing this,
 and is there any bug number for it?  If not, I will attempt to
 implement it based on the approach described by Eric in [1] and [2].

 I don't think we should implement general multi-range selection. It causes
 all sorts of hell in editing.

 Having said that, I would want to see us supporting proper table editing as
 well. What kind of features for table editing do you have in your mind?

Essentially, something like

Clicking on a table header should select all cells within that column,
which in turn should allow me to format the column (e.g. set
left/right alignment, change font size etc).

 Can we discuss this on public-webapps before proceeding with our

Sure, we can discuss it there.  But this seems to work fine in other
browsers like Firefox, so I figured this was a WebKit-specific issue.

webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] Easing printf based debugging in WebKit with an helper.

2012-07-20 Thread Shezan Baig
On Fri, Jul 20, 2012 at 7:46 AM, Konstantin Tokarev wrote:

 19.07.2012, 22:20, Filip Pizlo
 Now consider the stream form:
 thingy  foo   a   bar   someWeirdNonsenseToEnableHex  b   
 baz   c  endl;
 This is 8 procedure calls and three string constants. This code will be 
 somewhere around 8 times fatter. Hence, you will be less likely to want to 
 enable such debug statements in release builds both due to fears concerning 
 unnecessary increases in binary size, and unnecessary increases in compile 

 Well, if all  operators are inline, it will be optimized. You also don't 
 have to add endl, because thingy can add '\n' and flush buffer at the end 
 by default (like qDebug does)

Also, if START_THINGY and END_THINGY are defined as:

#define START_THINGY  if (enableDebug) { thingy
#define END_THINGY endl; }

Then a statement like:

START_THINGY  foo   a   bar   someWeirdNonsenseToEnableHex
 b   baz   c  END_THINGY;

will all be wrapped up within an if (enableDebug) condition, which
we would only turn on when we need the log output, so the cost of the
streaming/printing can be virtually eliminated even if we decide to
land the code.

This also allows us to do more complex things like:

START_THINGY  Selectively printing variables:;
if (isSet(someVar1))
thingy   someVar1 = '  someVar1  ';
if (isSet(someVar2))
thingy   someVar2 = '  someVar2  ';

if (someArray.length()) {
thingy   someArray.items = [;
for (int i = 0; i  someArray.length(); ++i) {
thingy  someArray[i]  , ;
thingy  ];
thingy  END_THINGY;

Often when I'm debugging something, I really want to selectively craft
the log message so that I only need to see the variables I'm
interested in, depending on the state of the program *at that time*.
This reduces the clutter in the log message, and since this whole
block is wrapped within if (enableDebug), the cost of any additional
work used to generate the log message is completely eliminated if
debug mode is disabled.

And because I'm in the middle of debugging a particular issue, I don't
really want to create a new type that wraps up those (potentially
unrelated) variables, just in order to create an overloaded debug()
function that does the pretty printing.

webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] Easing printf based debugging in WebKit with an helper.

2012-07-20 Thread Shezan Baig
On Fri, Jul 20, 2012 at 10:53 AM, Shezan Baig wrote:
 On Fri, Jul 20, 2012 at 7:46 AM, Konstantin Tokarev wrote:

 19.07.2012, 22:20, Filip Pizlo
 Now consider the stream form:
 thingy  foo   a   bar   someWeirdNonsenseToEnableHex  b   
 baz   c  endl;
 This is 8 procedure calls and three string constants. This code will be 
 somewhere around 8 times fatter. Hence, you will be less likely to want to 
 enable such debug statements in release builds both due to fears concerning 
 unnecessary increases in binary size, and unnecessary increases in compile 

 Well, if all  operators are inline, it will be optimized. You also don't 
 have to add endl, because thingy can add '\n' and flush buffer at the end 
 by default (like qDebug does)

 Also, if START_THINGY and END_THINGY are defined as:

 #define START_THINGY  if (enableDebug) { thingy
 #define END_THINGY endl; }

And we could also wrap these macros with #ifdef ENABLE_THINGY, so even
the compile-time cost is eliminated if we don't want to include thingy
output in our build.
webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] Easing printf based debugging in WebKit with an helper.

2012-07-20 Thread Shezan Baig
On Fri, Jul 20, 2012 at 11:48 AM, Brady Eidson wrote:
 On Jul 20, 2012, at 7:53 AM, Shezan Baig wrote:
 And because I'm in the middle of debugging a particular issue, I don't
 really want to create a new type that wraps up those (potentially
 unrelated) variables, just in order to create an overloaded debug()
 function that does the pretty printing.

 I'm not quite sure what your point is here.

 - If you mean you don't want to be hassled by added a new template for a 
 super long debug statement - debug(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l) when 
 the built in utility only supports up through k - then that seems somewhat 
 silly as doing so would be simple and mechanical.

 - If you mean you don't want to be hassled to add a new overload for the type 
 you'd like to print, then you'd still have to add a new operator  overload 
 for that type if it didn't already exist.

 - If you mean you don't think that debug() statements could be broken up in 
 to multiple lines, of course they can.

 debug(Selectively printing variables:;
if (isSet(someVar1))
 debug(someVar1 = , someVar1);
if (isSet(someVar2))
 debug(someVar1 = , someVar1);
if (someVector.size())
 debug( someVector.items = , someVector);

Yes, this one is pretty much what I meant.  My example was a bit
simplified, but I was thinking more along the lines that the code
around the debug() statements could be expensive, for example,
calculating some value from multiple sources and printing the final
result.  Within the context of a single function, it might not make
sense to create a separate function that is responsible for
calculating those values, especially if the variables involved are not
typically related.

But your points about readability and such are understood.


 Also notice it would be easy to templatize a debug() override to handle the 
 pretty-printing of the vector directly, in addition to other POD and 
 non-class types.

 Even without the vector enhancement, this version is simple easier on my eyes 
 as it's not at odds with the entire rest of our code base.


 webkit-dev mailing list

webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] github mirror

2012-04-24 Thread Shezan Baig
On Tue, Apr 24, 2012 at 9:55 AM, Adam Roben wrote:
 In what situation does this cause issues?

 Probably the biggest issue is for people who've been using and now want to try out GitHub. Since the commits are
 distinct between the two repositories, they have to do a full clone to
 make the switch.

In theory though, these users should be able to just add a remote to
their existing clone.  Then it will just sync the commit objects, and
not the trees and blobs.  Not ideal, they would have two different
'masters', but still doable, and not *that* much of an overhead.
Switching between the different masters should also be fast since the
trees will be the same.

But I agree these two repos should probably merge sooner rather than
later, just to avoid confusion for new users etc :)
webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] Eliminate potential null pointer dereference?

2012-04-20 Thread Shezan Baig
On Fri, Apr 20, 2012 at 3:06 PM, Filip Pizlo wrote:
 Someone in this thread said something about code readability. So let's
 consider that. If I see code like:

 if (!var) thingy();

 Then I will be under the impression that var might sometimes be zero and
 that thingy() might sometimes happen, and that the previous webkittens to
 touch this code had a good reason for this check.

 Coverity is no more accurate than testing; if it tells you that var might be
 zero than it cannot, will not, and does not give you 100% confidence that
 this is reachable.

 Hence if you add special cases for things that coverity warned you about,
 you are potentially doing a disservice to anyone looking at the code in the
 future. You are telling them that var might be zero when really you meant
 to say I put in this check to get my tool to stop complaining.

 On the other hand, if you are able to construct a test that demonstrates
 reachability then you win. But if there is no test then see my previous

Wouldn't an ASSERT be more helpful in this case, i.e. something like:


Does ASSERT make coverity stop giving out warnings?
webkit-dev mailing list

[webkit-dev] github mirror

2012-04-18 Thread Shezan Baig
Hi WebKit,

I've been using a fork of the following repo:

However, yesterday there was discussion on #webkit that the SHA-1 checksums
on this repo are different from repo at, which means folks
working on both need to have both versions checked out.

I believe the answer to this problem is in:

(look at the last section titled Manual clone and push)

Anyone in the WebKit organization on should be
able to push this.  Once this is pushed, we can retire the existing repo on
github.  This means the existing forks will be unusable, but I think it
will be good to do this earlier rather than later, so we just have one
repo, and this will make it easier for existing users to
switch to github.

webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] github mirror

2012-04-18 Thread Shezan Baig
(resending to all)

Yes, I think it would be better to mirror to github instead
of mirroring from svn to github.
In theory, it really shouldn't make a difference though, so i'm actually
surprised that the sha1 are out of sync.
But mirroring from will guarantee they are the same,
regardless of any wierdness that git-svn might do.

On Wed, Apr 18, 2012 at 10:00 AM, Jarred Nicholls wrote:

 Wouldn't we need to continually mirror to github as well?
  I presume github is mirroring directly from svn right now.  I'd think the
 out-of-sync issue would simply occur again unless we started to mirror to github instead of svn to github.

 I don't know what all Git takes into account when creating the sha1
 outside of content, tree and commit meta data, so I'm unsure if doing this = github forced push would mean that future svn commits -
 being mirrored to both repos in parallel - would result in identical sha1
 hashes going forward...?


 On Wed, Apr 18, 2012 at 6:53 AM, Shezan Baig shezbaig...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hi WebKit,

 I've been using a fork of the following repo:

 However, yesterday there was discussion on #webkit that the SHA-1
 checksums on this repo are different from repo at, which
 means folks working on both need to have both versions checked out.

 I believe the answer to this problem is in:

 (look at the last section titled Manual clone and push)

 Anyone in the WebKit organization on should
 be able to push this.  Once this is pushed, we can retire the existing repo
 on github.  This means the existing forks will be unusable, but I think it
 will be good to do this earlier rather than later, so we just have one
 repo, and this will make it easier for existing users to
 switch to github.


 webkit-dev mailing list

webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] github mirror

2012-04-18 Thread Shezan Baig
On Wed, Apr 18, 2012 at 11:02 AM, Simon Hausmann

 I believe the reason for them being different is because in the github
 repo the
 commit author fields are resolved.

That would certainly explain it :)  I don't have a checkout,
so I couldn't tell
webkit-dev mailing list

[webkit-dev] EditBugs permission

2012-04-12 Thread Shezan Baig

When I submit a patch to bugzilla, I get an error that EditBugs is not set
on my account.  Can someone add this permission to my bugzilla account
please?  I sent a message to as
instructed, but that doesn't get through.

My login is:
My patch submitted to:

webkit-dev mailing list