Hello fellow WebKittens,

Recently many non-WebKitGTK+ developers have been kind enough to debug
failures that only show up on WebKitGTK+. Since WebKitGTK+ typically
tracks bleeding-edge GNOME, compiling can be a daunting task for those
not up on the latest GNOME releases. In particular, some of you are
stuck using Lucid. For those people, I've backported all WebKitGTK+
requirements to Lucid and published them in my PPA. Please
see http://trac.webkit.org/wiki/BuildingGtk for details.

Note: Both Fedora 15 and Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal) contain the
required dependencies. If you are not tied to a particular Linux
release I recommend simply upgrading your system rather than using my

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