Re: Problem with Resuable Component and ^ "operator"

2006-06-30 Thread YL

I made it stateless.
Turning it into stateful might solve the problem. but it'll be 
very cool
if this can be solved without doing 
If from within a component, the binding keyPath (with or 
the leading ^ according to the actual definition in .wod file 
can be obtained, the issue should be easily 
- Original Message - 

  Art Isbell 
  To: WebObjects (Group) 
  Sent: Friday, June 30, 2006 7:36 PM
  Subject: Re: Problem with Resuable 
  Component and ^ "operator"
  On Jun 30, 2006, at 2:51 PM, YL wrote:
Consider DateTimeField as a reusable component that 
displays / admits
an NSCalendarDate value.
  Does synchronizesVariablesWithBindings 
  return false (or NO) or isStateless return true (or YES) for this 
  reusable component?
But -(void)setValue:forBinding: doesn't work 
well with the operator ^
  I don't believe that you need to invoke 
  setValueForBinding() (or setValue:forBinding:) with '^' values; they 
  should be synchronized automatically.
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Re: Problem with Resuable Component and ^ "operator"

2006-06-30 Thread YL

Yes. ObjC. Can be wo4.5.1 or SOPE. But the languages make no 
differences here.

  - Original Message - 
  Art Isbell 
  To: WebObjects-List Apple 
  Sent: Friday, June 30, 2006 7:09 PM
  Subject: Re: Problem with Resuable 
  Component and ^ "operator"
  On Jun 30, 2006, at 2:51 PM, YL wrote:
Consider DateTimeField as a reusable component that 
displays / admits
an NSCalendarDate value.
In my DateTimeField, I used 
[self setValue: _date forBinding: @"value"]
to set the value with the nornalized date object. But 

doesn't work well with the operator 
  NSCalendarDate?!  Objective-C?!  Is this WO 4.5.1?
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Re: Jboss 4.0.x deployment

2006-06-30 Thread D Tim Cummings
Hi Andrew,WebObjects is clever because it uses the standard EOModel database connection in development and then when you deploy (and  is uncommented in web.xml.template) EOF ignores the EOModel connection string and automatically uses the jboss data source connection which of course could be to a different database.For development I am using XCode 2.3 WebObjects 5.3.1 When starting the project I selected true WAR (frameworks must be built as jars)I built an EOModel which matched the data structure in the postgresql 8.1.3 database.  I am using the postgresql-8.0-310.jdbc3.jar jdbc driver in /Library/Java/Extensions.  I am using the Project wonder PostgresqlPlugin.framework in /Library/Frameworks. I am using case sensitive field names so I had to set the property in constructor   System.setProperty("com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor.PostgresqlExpression.enableIdentifierQuoting","true");For deployment I am using jboss 4.0.3SP1 on a debian system with 2.6 kernel and java 1.5.0_06. To prepare my app for deployment I used a WebObjects 5.3 licence key in SERVLET_DEPLOY_LICENSE in main project target.My jboss-web.xml  "">      jdbc/DefaultDataSource    java:/PostgresDS  From my web.xml.template      The data source to be used by EOF. If there are multiple data sources,                 then the definition below must be used to configure which JDBC URL (Model) should                 use which data source. If EOF should use a JDBC driver directly, this section must be commented out    jdbc/DefaultDataSource    javax.sql.DataSource    Container  From postgres-ds.xml in jboss deploy directory      PostgresDS    jdbc:postgresql://    org.postgresql.Driver    my_username    my_password            PostgreSQL 8.0      To ensure the PostgresqlPlugin.framework was built as a jar I ran the following command/Developer/Makefiles/java_makefiles/ /Library/Frameworks/PostgresqlPlugin.framework /Library/WebObjects/libI also had issues with primary key generation because the sequences in the database didn't match the sequence names that the framework was expecting.  For each eogenerated model subclass class I overrode the method awakeFromInsertion with the following:    public void awakeFromInsertion(com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOEditingContext ec) {        if ( ec != null && idEnquiry() == null ) {                   String sql = "select nextval('my_schema.\"Enquiry_EnquiryNumber_seq\"'::text);";            NSArray ar = com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOUtilities.rawRowsForSQL(ec, "my_eomodel", sql, new NSArray("id"));             if ( ar.count() > 0 ) {                NSDictionary nsd = (NSDictionary) ar.objectAtIndex(0);                setIdEnquiry((Number) nsd.objectForKey("id"));            }        }            }I hope this helps.D Tim CummingsTriptera Pty LtdOn 30/06/2006, at 13:49, Andrew Madu wrote:Hi D,I am using postgresql within jboss 4.0.x in exactly the same way, using postgres-ds.xml, with my current cocoon/hibernate project. As I am now going to move the project over to webobjects framework could you let know how to reference the jndi connection from within your webobject project? regardsAndrewOn 29/06/06, D Tim Cummings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: We are using jboss 4.  We are letting jboss handle the connectionsusing the jndi by putting a datasource xml file in the deploymentdirectory (in our case postgres-ds.xml)  that was referenced fromjboss-web.xml D Tim Cummings ___
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Re: Problem with Resuable Component and ^ "operator"

2006-06-30 Thread Art Isbell
On Jun 30, 2006, at 2:51 PM, YL wrote: Consider DateTimeField as a reusable component that displays / admits an NSCalendarDate value.	Does synchronizesVariablesWithBindings return false (or NO) or isStateless return true (or YES) for this reusable component? But -(void)setValue:forBinding: doesn't work well with the operator ^ 	I don't believe that you need to invoke setValueForBinding() (or setValue:forBinding:) with '^' values; they should be synchronized automatically. Aloha, Art   ___
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Host in WO URL (was "No Instance available" message)

2006-06-30 Thread Art Isbell

On Jun 30, 2006, at 1:33 PM, Chuck Hill wrote:

Jerry!  You're alive!  I haven't see you drop by in so long I was  
beginning to wonder.  :-)

I figured he was off hot-rodding his Pismo even more :-)

	Along these same lines, what's the host portion of your WO URL?  On  
my old Tiger-WO 5.2.4 partition, I would see my computer's Bonjour  
name, but on my Tiger-WO 5.3.1 partition, I see the DHCP IP address  
that can change with each reboot.  This isn't convenient; I'd prefer  
the same host in the URL, preferably localhost,, or my  
computer's Bonjour name.

	Launching WO apps with a WOHost argument doesn't affect this.   
Launching in direct connect or Web server mode doesn't affect this.   
The Apache config files are identical on both partitions; ServerName  
isn't set.  wotaskd and JavaMonitor are launched by launchd (from OS  
X Server) rather than the WO startup item on both partitions.  /etc/ 
hostconfig on my Tiger-WO 5.2.4 partition doesn't have a HOSTNAME  
key, but in /etc/hostconfig on my Tiger-WO 5.3.1 partition, it's set  
to -AUTOMATIC-.  Commenting the HOSTNAME entry and rebooting doesn't  
affect the IP address in the host portion of the WO URL.

Any suggestions?


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Re: Problem with Resuable Component and ^ "operator"

2006-06-30 Thread Art Isbell
On Jun 30, 2006, at 2:51 PM, YL wrote: Consider DateTimeField as a reusable component that displays / admits an NSCalendarDate value. In my DateTimeField, I used  [self setValue: _date forBinding: @"value"] to set the value with the nornalized date object. But  -(void)setValue:forBinding: doesn't work well with the operator ^ 	Yikes!  NSCalendarDate?!  Objective-C?!  Is this WO 4.5.1? Aloha, Art   ___
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Problem with Resuable Component and ^ "operator"

2006-06-30 Thread YL

Hi List,
Consider DateTimeField as a reusable component that displays / 
an NSCalendarDate value.
In a wod file, it may appear like
ScheduledTime: DateTimeField { 
 value = scheduledTime;
 timeZone = session.preferedTimeZone; 
 editable = isEditing; 
 language = session.language;
The component takes a value from binding and presents the 
value as a value set 
(year, month, day,... in specified language/format/locale ), 
and takes the updated 
value set to update the binded value 
Now suppose I put a DateTimeField into a component, say 
AdminBox, and embed
the AdminBox in an EventEditor page. Then in AdminBox.wod, 
Date Field may
be defined like

ScheduledTime: DateTimeField { 
 value = ^scheduledTime;
 timeZone = session.preferedTimeZone; 
 editable = ^isEditing; 
 language = session.language;
the operator ^ means that its following keyPath is relative to 
the parent component
(in our case, AdminBox is supposed to have bindings 
scheduedTime and isEditing)
The trouble that I encountered is that when form submitted, 
the case where direct
bindings are used worked as expected, but the latter case 
(using ^)yields exception:
*** object is unsettable for keyPath 
Replace DateTimeField with something simpler like WOTextField, 
both cases worked
just fine. This is understandable: In my DateTimeField, I 
[self setValue: _date forBinding: @"value"]
to set the value with the nornalized date object. But 

doesn't work well with the operator ^
Any ideas? Thanks in advance
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Re: JavaMail Props Not Being Set

2006-06-30 Thread Chuck Hill

On Jun 30, 2006, at 5:11 AM, Drew Thoeni wrote:

It appears the diagnosis is correct, it's not the code, it's that I  
am missing (or have a conflict between) mail.jar and/or  

Confirmed this using debugging and this code

Transport transport = null;
transport = mailSession.getTransport("smtp");

Program blows at getTransport("smtp") and debugger says the  
variable is out of scope (meaning, I'm assuming, uninitialized).

I have looked at the classpath document in my .woa app and followed  
each path (only three) to the Java->extentions folders and  
WebObjects folders and have only found one copy of the latest  
version of mail.jar and activation.jar.

The classpath file in the app points to the Java->extentions folders  
and WebObjects->extensions folders?  That does not sound right.  If  
you have done that, you hare probably having a classloader / security  
problem that is getting mis-reported.

At this point the problem seems to have been isolated but the cause  
is unclear. For what it is worth, I recently upgraded to the latest  
Java version and developer tools.

Any suggestions?

I'll suggest what others have: undo all your changes related to this  
(uninstalling the jars etc) and use the Wonder framework for mail.   
Otherwise, Google is probably your best bet as this problem seems  
unrelated to WO.


On Jun 28, 2006, at 11:51 PM, Chuck Hill wrote:

On Jun 28, 2006, at 8:41 PM, Art Isbell wrote:

On Jun 28, 2006, at 4:55 PM, Drew Thoeni wrote:

So, I've tried the four suggestions:

Paul's "put in properties file": no effect.

	This works for me.  I added the following properties to my  
Properties file:

# JavaMail

# Email address to which bounced messages should be sent

	JavaMail is complex.  I understand only the bare minimum that  
allowed me to build a replacement for WOMailDelivery which can be  
unreliable.  To make WOMailDelivery easily replaceable, I created  
a JavaMailDelivery class that uses JavaMail underneath and  
reimplemented WOMailDelivery.composePlainTextEmail() as  
JavaMailDelivery.composePlainTextEmail().  I basically copied the  
implementation of send() at  adding exception handling where  
needed and relying on properties in the Properties file rather  
than hard-coding their values.  It works fine.

SendFailedException: javax.mail.NoSuchProviderException: smtp

	According to the JavaMail javadoc, NoSuchProviderException is  
thrown when the JavaMail "Session attempts to instantiate a  
Provider that doesn't exist."  A Provider is the description of a  
protocol implementation.  In your case, the "smtp" protocol  
implementation doesn't seem to exist.  Maybe you need to set the and mail.transport.protocol properties in  
your Properties file or maybe your JavaMail implementation is  
broken.  I have no idea.

Art is correct.  You are misinterpreting the meaning of the  
exception.  It is not saying that it can't find your SMTP server,  
it is saying that it has no idea what SMTP _is_.  My guess is that  
this means one of:

1. You installed mail.jar and activation.jar in the wrong place.   
They should be in one of /Library/Java/Extensions or Library/ 

2. You have conflicting versions of mail.jar and activation.jar in  
the directories above or elsewhere

3. One of these files is missing or corrupt


Google Knows All!



Coming sometime... - an introduction to web applications using  
WebObjects and Xcode

Practical WebObjects - for developers who want to increase their  
overall knowledge of WebObjects or who are trying to solve  
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Re: Application Servers Developer Preview Build 7K248

2006-06-30 Thread Chuck Hill

On Jun 30, 2006, at 7:31 AM, Gilles MATHURIN wrote:

As you may know i am currently developping a dynamic website, the  
first for me, and i am using WO. Meanwhile the development, i am  
looking for WO hosting services, the only one i found still now who  
offer good prices (i mean who i can afford) is,  
does anyone know how reliable they are ?

Secondly, in the case i don't find a good wo hosting provider, i  
intend to deploy the web application as a servlet

Why?  Using the native WebObjects deployment will be much easier.

so i'd like to install Tomcat and/or JBoss on my OS X Client, i saw  
that Apple offer the "Application Servers Developer Preview Build  
7K248" on his ADC Member site. Is it the good tool to test a  
servlet deployment of a WOapp, has anyone used it and may share his  
experience with it ?

Or is it better to install Tomcat and/or Jboss separately from the  
binary available from their official website ?


Coming sometime... - an introduction to web applications using  
WebObjects and Xcode

Practical WebObjects - for developers who want to increase their  
overall knowledge of WebObjects or who are trying to solve specific  

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Re: "No Instance available" message

2006-06-30 Thread Chuck Hill
Jerry!  You're alive!  I haven't see you drop by in so long I was  
beginning to wonder.  :-)

On Jun 30, 2006, at 4:06 PM, Jerry W. Walker wrote:

I've been running in development mode for weeks with no problems.  
I've been running "-WODirectConnectEnabled NO" for several months.   
Today, when trying to test my app, I got a "No instance available"  

I get that a LOT on one of my partitions with an older Xcode and WO  
on it.  sudo apachectl restart is the only thing that fixes it for  
me.  I don't really understand why restarting Apache affects this,  
but it works.

It seems that none of my apps with  "-WODirectConnectEnabled NO"  
set were being found, though I had no problem starting up a  
WODirectConnectEnabled app as a test.

After some investigation, I think that my hostname was reset, so  
setting my apps to "-DWOHost=jwpismo" has solved the immediate  
problem and I am back in working mode. However, the whole episode  
leads to some questions to solicit from the community's collected  

Yes, the host name or network config does seem to be involved.

Last night I did a manual iTunes update on my machine, but that's  
the only software update I've done in over 3 weeks. I've made no  
other system configuration changes, nor changed any of the app's  
(or Xcode's) parameters for several days (perhaps weeks). I even  
avoided the recent Mac OS X v10.4.7 update because it caused some  
problems for someone I know and I want more info before I apply it  
to my development machine.

I'm running Mac OS X 10.4.6 on a G4 laptop (upgraded Pismo,  
actually) with WebObjects 5.3.1 and Xcode 2.3.

Since I often connect this machine to 2 - 3 different networks a  
day (including running on the commuter train in standalone mode  
twice a day) I would like a configuration that saves me from having  
to restart apache or wotaskd.

Sigh.  Yes.  That would be ever so nice.

It seems to me that I had resolved this issue by hardcoding  
"localhost" in /etc/hostconfig and setting "-DWOHost=localhost",  
but now I find that the hostname line is:


So, my questions are:

  * Does anyone know if the latest iTunes update resets the  
hostconfig file or otherwise mucks with the hostname?

  * What's the latest black magic incantation for setting all the  
appropriate hostname parameters so I can just run my apps with  
WODirectConnectEnabled off?

I launch the app with -DWOHost=localhost _and_ I launch wotaskd with  
this also.  Other than the Apache restarts on that one partition,  
this works just fine for me.  IIRC, my Apache virtual host is also  
set to localhost and not the Bonjour name.

  * Would the following work without causing other issues?
  - set /etc/hostconfig's HOSTNAME line to localhost (What's  
the syntax for that, by the way? double quotes? single quotes? no  

I don't have a HOSTNAME entry in my hostconfig files

  - leave the System Preferences Sharing panel set to "jwpismo"  
so my computer can be seen with Bonjour
  - set the runtime parameter "-DWOHost=localhost" in all my WO  

  - other settings?

wotaskd is the only other thing that I have changed.

Many thanks to anyone who takes the time out of their holiday  
weekend to respond to this.

Have a good long weekend Jerry!


Coming sometime... - an introduction to web applications using  
WebObjects and Xcode

Practical WebObjects - for developers who want to increase their  
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"No Instance available" message

2006-06-30 Thread Jerry W. Walker

Hi, guys,

I've been running in development mode for weeks with no problems.  
I've been running "-WODirectConnectEnabled NO" for several months.   
Today, when trying to test my app, I got a "No instance available"  

It seems that none of my apps with  "-WODirectConnectEnabled NO" set  
were being found, though I had no problem starting up a  
WODirectConnectEnabled app as a test.

After some investigation, I think that my hostname was reset, so  
setting my apps to "-DWOHost=jwpismo" has solved the immediate  
problem and I am back in working mode. However, the whole episode  
leads to some questions to solicit from the community's collected  

Last night I did a manual iTunes update on my machine, but that's the  
only software update I've done in over 3 weeks. I've made no other  
system configuration changes, nor changed any of the app's (or  
Xcode's) parameters for several days (perhaps weeks). I even avoided  
the recent Mac OS X v10.4.7 update because it caused some problems  
for someone I know and I want more info before I apply it to my  
development machine.

I'm running Mac OS X 10.4.6 on a G4 laptop (upgraded Pismo, actually)  
with WebObjects 5.3.1 and Xcode 2.3.

Since I often connect this machine to 2 - 3 different networks a day  
(including running on the commuter train in standalone mode twice a  
day) I would like a configuration that saves me from having to  
restart apache or wotaskd. It seems to me that I had resolved this  
issue by hardcoding "localhost" in /etc/hostconfig and setting "- 
DWOHost=localhost", but now I find that the hostname line is:


So, my questions are:

  * Does anyone know if the latest iTunes update resets the  
hostconfig file or otherwise mucks with the hostname?

  * What's the latest black magic incantation for setting all the  
appropriate hostname parameters so I can just run my apps with  
WODirectConnectEnabled off?

  * Would the following work without causing other issues?
  - set /etc/hostconfig's HOSTNAME line to localhost (What's the  
syntax for that, by the way? double quotes? single quotes? no quotes?)
  - leave the System Preferences Sharing panel set to "jwpismo"  
so my computer can be seen with Bonjour
  - set the runtime parameter "-DWOHost=localhost" in all my WO  

  - other settings?

Many thanks to anyone who takes the time out of their holiday weekend  
to respond to this.


__ Jerry W. Walker,
   WebObjects Developer/Instructor for High Performance Industrial  
Strength Internet Enabled Systems

203 278-4085office

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Re: How to skip items in a WORepetition ?

2006-06-30 Thread Robert Walker
Cool, that I was unaware of.  Good to know.On Jun 30, 2006, at 1:13 PM, Mike Schrag wrote:You actually don't even technically have to be KVC-compliant (read: implements NSKeyValueCoding), because it will fall back to using reflection.  You can just potentially provide a faster implementation if you implement NSKeyValueCoding yourself.msOn Jun 30, 2006, at 12:53 PM, Robert Walker wrote:Yes, using EOQualifier.filteredArrayWithQualifier(someArray, someQualifier) is the way to go.  Assuming that the objects contained within the NSArray are Key Value Coding (KVC) compliant.Just thought I would add that clarification.  If they are not KVC compliant then you need to write your own custom filtering algorithm.On Jun 30, 2006, at 12:03 PM, Sam Barnum wrote:I'd recommend filtering the item in the java code.  You can use an EOQualifier to do this rather easily.For example, to filter out items whose "status" attribute value is "hidden", you could use something like the following:public NSArray filteredItems() {	return EOQualifier.filteredArrayWithQualifier(initialArray, new EOKeyValueQualifier("status", EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorNotEqual, "hidden"));}For more complicated filtering, you can use EOQualifier.qualifierWithQualifierFormat to build your qualifier. --Sam Barnum360 Workshttp://www.360works.com415.865.0952 On Jun 29, 2006, at 2:28 PM, Paul Lynch wrote:On 29 Jun 2006, at 22:13, Gavin Eadie wrote: I want to display the contents of an NSArray and WORepetition is the perfect dynamic element to do that.  However, I want to complicate the world and be able to suppress some of the entries based on some computation performed on each Array element.It seems I can do this at least two ways:(1) ... filter the original NSArray through the computation to make a new NSArray and use that.(2) ... play games with the processing of the WORepetition so it skips items. Or (2), use a WOConditional within the repetition to do the filtering for you.  This is sort of 'playing games', but unfortunately it's easy rather than hard.Paul___Do not post admin requests to the list. They will be ignored.Webobjects-dev mailing list      ( your Subscription: email sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ___Do not post admin requests to the list. They will be ignored.Webobjects-dev mailing list      ( your Subscription: email sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  --Robert Walker[EMAIL PROTECTED]  ___Do not post admin requests to the list. They will be ignored.Webobjects-dev mailing list      ( your Subscription: email sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ___Do not post admin requests to the list. They will be ignored.Webobjects-dev mailing list      ( your Subscription: email sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  --Robert Walker[EMAIL PROTECTED]  ___
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Re: How to skip items in a WORepetition ?

2006-06-30 Thread Mike Schrag
You actually don't even technically have to be KVC-compliant (read: implements NSKeyValueCoding), because it will fall back to using reflection.  You can just potentially provide a faster implementation if you implement NSKeyValueCoding yourself.msOn Jun 30, 2006, at 12:53 PM, Robert Walker wrote:Yes, using EOQualifier.filteredArrayWithQualifier(someArray, someQualifier) is the way to go.  Assuming that the objects contained within the NSArray are Key Value Coding (KVC) compliant.Just thought I would add that clarification.  If they are not KVC compliant then you need to write your own custom filtering algorithm.On Jun 30, 2006, at 12:03 PM, Sam Barnum wrote:I'd recommend filtering the item in the java code.  You can use an EOQualifier to do this rather easily.For example, to filter out items whose "status" attribute value is "hidden", you could use something like the following:public NSArray filteredItems() {	return EOQualifier.filteredArrayWithQualifier(initialArray, new EOKeyValueQualifier("status", EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorNotEqual, "hidden"));}For more complicated filtering, you can use EOQualifier.qualifierWithQualifierFormat to build your qualifier. --Sam Barnum360 Workshttp://www.360works.com415.865.0952 On Jun 29, 2006, at 2:28 PM, Paul Lynch wrote:On 29 Jun 2006, at 22:13, Gavin Eadie wrote: I want to display the contents of an NSArray and WORepetition is the perfect dynamic element to do that.  However, I want to complicate the world and be able to suppress some of the entries based on some computation performed on each Array element.It seems I can do this at least two ways:(1) ... filter the original NSArray through the computation to make a new NSArray and use that.(2) ... play games with the processing of the WORepetition so it skips items. Or (2), use a WOConditional within the repetition to do the filtering for you.  This is sort of 'playing games', but unfortunately it's easy rather than hard.Paul___Do not post admin requests to the list. They will be ignored.Webobjects-dev mailing list      ( your Subscription: email sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ___Do not post admin requests to the list. They will be ignored.Webobjects-dev mailing list      ( your Subscription: email sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  --Robert Walker[EMAIL PROTECTED]  ___Do not post admin requests to the list. They will be ignored.Webobjects-dev mailing list      ( your Subscription: email sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ___
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Re: How to skip items in a WORepetition ?

2006-06-30 Thread Robert Walker
Yes, using EOQualifier.filteredArrayWithQualifier(someArray, someQualifier) is the way to go.  Assuming that the objects contained within the NSArray are Key Value Coding (KVC) compliant.Just thought I would add that clarification.  If they are not KVC compliant then you need to write your own custom filtering algorithm.On Jun 30, 2006, at 12:03 PM, Sam Barnum wrote:I'd recommend filtering the item in the java code.  You can use an EOQualifier to do this rather easily.For example, to filter out items whose "status" attribute value is "hidden", you could use something like the following:public NSArray filteredItems() {	return EOQualifier.filteredArrayWithQualifier(initialArray, new EOKeyValueQualifier("status", EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorNotEqual, "hidden"));}For more complicated filtering, you can use EOQualifier.qualifierWithQualifierFormat to build your qualifier. --Sam Barnum360 Workshttp://www.360works.com415.865.0952 On Jun 29, 2006, at 2:28 PM, Paul Lynch wrote:On 29 Jun 2006, at 22:13, Gavin Eadie wrote: I want to display the contents of an NSArray and WORepetition is the perfect dynamic element to do that.  However, I want to complicate the world and be able to suppress some of the entries based on some computation performed on each Array element.It seems I can do this at least two ways:(1) ... filter the original NSArray through the computation to make a new NSArray and use that.(2) ... play games with the processing of the WORepetition so it skips items. Or (2), use a WOConditional within the repetition to do the filtering for you.  This is sort of 'playing games', but unfortunately it's easy rather than hard.Paul___Do not post admin requests to the list. They will be ignored.Webobjects-dev mailing list      ( your Subscription: email sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ___Do not post admin requests to the list. They will be ignored.Webobjects-dev mailing list      ( your Subscription: email sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  --Robert Walker[EMAIL PROTECTED]  ___
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Re: How to skip items in a WORepetition ?

2006-06-30 Thread Sam Barnum
I'd recommend filtering the item in the java code.  You can use an EOQualifier to do this rather easily.For example, to filter out items whose "status" attribute value is "hidden", you could use something like the following:public NSArray filteredItems() {	return EOQualifier.filteredArrayWithQualifier(initialArray, new EOKeyValueQualifier("status", EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorNotEqual, "hidden"));}For more complicated filtering, you can use EOQualifier.qualifierWithQualifierFormat to build your qualifier. --Sam Barnum360 Workshttp://www.360works.com415.865.0952 On Jun 29, 2006, at 2:28 PM, Paul Lynch wrote:On 29 Jun 2006, at 22:13, Gavin Eadie wrote: I want to display the contents of an NSArray and WORepetition is the perfect dynamic element to do that.  However, I want to complicate the world and be able to suppress some of the entries based on some computation performed on each Array element.It seems I can do this at least two ways:(1) ... filter the original NSArray through the computation to make a new NSArray and use that.(2) ... play games with the processing of the WORepetition so it skips items. Or (2), use a WOConditional within the repetition to do the filtering for you.  This is sort of 'playing games', but unfortunately it's easy rather than hard.Paul___Do not post admin requests to the list. They will be ignored.Webobjects-dev mailing list      ( your Subscription: email sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ___
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Re: Jboss 4.0.x deployment

2006-06-30 Thread David Aspinall
Ok, I had to comment out the ticoon logging references so it would  
compile without dependancy 

Here are the notes I added:

- WebSphere (at least for version 5 which our client uses) will not  
tolerate subthread data access. According to my understanding of the  
Servlet container spec, subthreads are not covered and so their  
behavior is not predictable. We experienced all kinds of weird  
behavior due to differences in properties, class loaders and JNDI  
contexts from the 'main' threads and the subthreads.

- I have included some of our subclass code. This  
code shows how we configure EOModels when they are loaded and how we  
install the JavaWSPoolJDBCAdaptor as needed.

- the TApplication code also shows (although it will not compile) the  
logic we use for WebSphere Single Sign on. This same code also works  
with Tomcat for another client who uses NTLM SSO.

- If you build multiple apps into an EAR file, this adaptor must be  
in the /lib/ directory of each application WAR file. Just like the  
WebObjects jar's, it must be there or the class loaders will mess it  
up. If anyone can explain this and or how to fix it (I hate  
duplicating all those jars) I would appreciate the help.

On 29-Jun-06, at 3:32 PM, Andrew Madu wrote:

Hi David,
appologies for the late reply. Yes that would be great if you could  
post it.



On 28/06/06, David Aspinall < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:We are  
not using JBoss, but we are using WebSphere and all database

connections are handled by the IBM Connection pool.  We got all kinds
of connection issues (incomplete transactions, deadlocks, closed
connections) because EOF like to make a connection and hold it  

To fix it i created an alternate EOF adaptor based on the
JavaPoolingJDBCAdaptor.  It manages the connections using delegate
hooks from EOF.

Let me know, I can probably post it if you are interested.

Ticoon Technology Inc.
56 The Esplanade, Suite 404, Toronto, ON, M5E 1A7

On 28-Jun-06, at 1:09 PM, Andrew Madu wrote:

> Hi,
> is anyone deploying their webobjects peoject withing Jboss 4.0.x?
> If so, how are you handling your DB connections, are you letting
> Jboss handle the connection via JNDI or are you letting webojects
> handle it?
> thanks in advance
> Andrew
>  ___

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Application Servers Developer Preview Build 7K248

2006-06-30 Thread Gilles MATHURIN
As you may know i am currently developping a dynamic website, the  
first for me, and i am using WO. Meanwhile the development, i am  
looking for WO hosting services, the only one i found still now who  
offer good prices (i mean who i can afford) is, does  
anyone know how reliable they are ?

Secondly, in the case i don't find a good wo hosting provider, i  
intend to deploy the web application as a servlet, so i'd like to  
install Tomcat and/or JBoss on my OS X Client, i saw that Apple offer  
the "Application Servers Developer Preview Build 7K248" on his ADC  
Member site. Is it the good tool to test a servlet deployment of a  
WOapp, has anyone used it and may share his experience with it ?

Or is it better to install Tomcat and/or Jboss separately from the  
binary available from their official website ?

Thanks for your comment.

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Re: Binding synchronization timing problems

2006-06-30 Thread Guido Neitzer

On 30.06.2006, at 14:34 Uhr, Mike Schrag wrote:

Just to second this one .. More specifically, I would look at  
WODisplayGroup, and it's trivially simple to make your own page  
controls that control it if you find WOBatchNavigationBar to be  
ugly.  WODisplayGroup is basically designed to solve this exact  

And one of the biggest benefits when using WODisplayGroup, is that  
you switch VERY easy to Wonder's ERXBatchingDisplayGroup if you ever  
have to get tens of thousands of objects from the database. You don't  
have to change anything else.

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Re: Binding synchronization timing problems

2006-06-30 Thread John Larson
With WODisplayGroup you also get the advantages of being able to set filters and sorting preferences too.  Also, there is nothing to prevent the binding of this WODisplayGroup to a batch navigation bar (even with the array as the data source).  Then you get the benefit of the user being able to set the number of records per page, specify the current page, and automatically view the total number of pages and records.  Just don't put the batchnavbar in a form ;-).  It is its own form and nested forms aren't allowed.JohnOn Jun 30, 2006, at 7:34 AM, Mike Schrag wrote:Just to second this one .. More specifically, I would look at WODisplayGroup, and it's trivially simple to make your own page controls that control it if you find WOBatchNavigationBar to be ugly.  WODisplayGroup is basically designed to solve this exact problem. On Jun 29, 2006, at 5:25 PM, David Holt wrote:Hi Miguel,3) You could use and/or look at the code for WOBatchNavigationBar. It does require you to bind to a WODisplayGroup, though. I use them before or after the repetition with no problems.David -- It's like driving a car at night. You never see further than your headlights, but you can make the whole trip that way. E. L. Doctorowfrom Sunbeams:  On 29 Jun 2006, at 1:59 PM, Miguel Arroz wrote:  3) How do I solve this mess? ___Do not post admin requests to the list. They will be ignored.Webobjects-dev mailing list      ( your Subscription: email sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ___Do not post admin requests to the list. They will be ignored.Webobjects-dev mailing list      ( your Subscription: email sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ___
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Re: Binding synchronization timing problems

2006-06-30 Thread Mike Schrag
Just to second this one .. More specifically, I would look at WODisplayGroup, and it's trivially simple to make your own page controls that control it if you find WOBatchNavigationBar to be ugly.  WODisplayGroup is basically designed to solve this exact problem. yourDisplayGroup = new WODisplayGroup();yourDisplayGroup.setNumberOfObjectsPerBatch(25);yourDisplayGroup.setObjectArray(nsarrayOfObjects);PreviousLink : WOHyperlink {	action = "">}NextLink: WOHyperlink {	action = "">}CurrentPageNumber : WOString {	value = yourDisplayGroup.currentBatchIndex;}TotalPageCount : WOString {	value = yourDisplayGroup.batchCount;}msOn Jun 29, 2006, at 5:25 PM, David Holt wrote:Hi Miguel,3) You could use and/or look at the code for WOBatchNavigationBar. It does require you to bind to a WODisplayGroup, though. I use them before or after the repetition with no problems.David -- It's like driving a car at night. You never see further than your headlights, but you can make the whole trip that way. E. L. Doctorowfrom Sunbeams:  On 29 Jun 2006, at 1:59 PM, Miguel Arroz wrote:  3) How do I solve this mess? ___Do not post admin requests to the list. They will be ignored.Webobjects-dev mailing list      ( your Subscription: email sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ___
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Re: Binding synchronization timing problems

2006-06-30 Thread John Larson
In tandem to Chuck's diagnosis, the component appears to be working  
exactly as designed, just not as intended.  Remember, the generator  
will not pass the bindings along to the component until it finds the  
component in the course of page generation.  That means that the  
bindings will not be passed to the pagercomponent until it the  
pagercomponent is generated.  In your case, the pagercomponent is  
generated after the repetition, so the generator isn't going to pass  
the bindings to the pager component until the repetition has already  
got its partialList from the pager.  The caveat to this is when there  
is form submission or a specific action.  For instance, calling the  
"nextPage" action against the pager.  This will run this code first,  
which is why you are seeing some behavior.

So, as to the solution, I would recommend trying adding  
pullValuesFromParent() to the getReviewersPartialList() method  
(perhaps the first line of the method).  This method causes the  
bindings to be brought in to the component ahead of the normal  
binding time (component generation).  It is ok to do this so long as  
you remember that it is there, and so long as you use the component  
the same throughout your ap.  When the repetition calls the  
getReviewersPartialList, the method will get its bindings bringing in  
the list, and then it will have the list.  When the component is  
generated, the bindings will be reapplied, but it won't matter.


On Jun 29, 2006, at 3:59 PM, Miguel Arroz wrote:


  I'm having some strange problem here, and I still could not  
understand what's happening. It's somehow related to chapter 7,  
Mysteries of Binding Synchronization on Practical WO book.

  I have a table in my page, made with a WORepetition component. I  
wanted to write a pager component, to "page" the table. So I  
did! :) To link together the pager and the repetition, I used the  
following schema:

Pager: PagerComponent {
partialList = reviewersPartialList;
originalList = reviewersList;

ReviewerRepetition: WORepetition {
list = reviewersPartialList;
item = currentReviewer;
index = currentIndex;

Miguel Arroz

  "I felt like putting a bullet between
   the eyes of every Panda that wouldn't
   scr*w to save its species."   -- Fight Club

Miguel Arroz

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Re: JavaMail Props Not Being Set

2006-06-30 Thread Drew Thoeni
It appears the diagnosis is correct, it's not the code, it's that I  
am missing (or have a conflict between) mail.jar and/or activation.jar.

Confirmed this using debugging and this code

Transport transport = null;
transport = mailSession.getTransport("smtp");

Program blows at getTransport("smtp") and debugger says the variable  
is out of scope (meaning, I'm assuming, uninitialized).

I have looked at the classpath document in my .woa app and followed  
each path (only three) to the Java->extentions folders and WebObjects  
folders and have only found one copy of the latest version of  
mail.jar and activation.jar.

At this point the problem seems to have been isolated but the cause  
is unclear. For what it is worth, I recently upgraded to the latest  
Java version and developer tools.

Any suggestions?



On Jun 28, 2006, at 11:51 PM, Chuck Hill wrote:

On Jun 28, 2006, at 8:41 PM, Art Isbell wrote:

On Jun 28, 2006, at 4:55 PM, Drew Thoeni wrote:

So, I've tried the four suggestions:

Paul's "put in properties file": no effect.

	This works for me.  I added the following properties to my  
Properties file:

# JavaMail

# Email address to which bounced messages should be sent

	JavaMail is complex.  I understand only the bare minimum that  
allowed me to build a replacement for WOMailDelivery which can be  
unreliable.  To make WOMailDelivery easily replaceable, I created  
a JavaMailDelivery class that uses JavaMail underneath and  
reimplemented WOMailDelivery.composePlainTextEmail() as  
JavaMailDelivery.composePlainTextEmail().  I basically copied the  
implementation of send() at  adding exception handling where  
needed and relying on properties in the Properties file rather  
than hard-coding their values.  It works fine.

SendFailedException: javax.mail.NoSuchProviderException: smtp

	According to the JavaMail javadoc, NoSuchProviderException is  
thrown when the JavaMail "Session attempts to instantiate a  
Provider that doesn't exist."  A Provider is the description of a  
protocol implementation.  In your case, the "smtp" protocol  
implementation doesn't seem to exist.  Maybe you need to set the and mail.transport.protocol properties in your  
Properties file or maybe your JavaMail implementation is broken.   
I have no idea.

Art is correct.  You are misinterpreting the meaning of the  
exception.  It is not saying that it can't find your SMTP server,  
it is saying that it has no idea what SMTP _is_.  My guess is that  
this means one of:

1. You installed mail.jar and activation.jar in the wrong place.   
They should be in one of /Library/Java/Extensions or Library/ 

2. You have conflicting versions of mail.jar and activation.jar in  
the directories above or elsewhere

3. One of these files is missing or corrupt


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Coming sometime... - an introduction to web applications using  
WebObjects and Xcode

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Re: MP3 or audio file and Openbase

2006-06-30 Thread Gilles MATHURIN
I thanks you for the method you gave me and for all the ressources  
links too. I managed to have the WOEmbeddedObject play the MP3 file  
in Safari, i had to add a Binding : type = "audio/mpeg" to it in  
WOBuilder. Now it works great in every browser, with {data & mimetype}

But i think i'll do it your way anyway, because of the changes in the  
way IE deals with embedded object since he has lost his lawsuit.
So i'll be able to integrate the necessary Javascript in the WO  
components / HTML… well i think i'll be able to … :-)

Thanks again.

Great to have this mailing-list for newbie to this amazing tool  
WebObject is !

Le 29 juin 06 à 17:58, Chuck Hill a écrit :

Yes, it is possible.  I know many WO sites that do things like  
this.  It is just hard to understand all the pieces the first time.

You need two things:

1. The WO components / HTML to define the plugin in HTML
2. A direct action (this is easiest, I think) so you have a URL to  
dynamically return the MP3 data (see downloading below)

Then use the direct action URL as the src (I think that is the one)  
in the EMBED tag.

I think you can do this all in one step with WOEmbeddedObject, but  
this way is probably easier to understand.


On Jun 29, 2006, at 2:48 PM, Gilles MATHURIN wrote:

In fact, yes i'd like to use a plugin to play the MP3 files, which  
come from the database… i begin to think that it is not possible  
using a database… :-/

Début du message réexpédié :

Date : 29 juin 2006 17:29:17 GMT-04:00
À : Chuck Hill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Objet : Rép : MP3 or audio file and Openbase

Thanx for the ressource adress, beside, when i clik on the link  
you provide me, the browser download an m3u.file launched by  
iTunes next, this i don't want, i would like to implement in a  
dynamic way the type of link you can see here :

Where the song extract come from the database and played in  
another window by the Quicktime plug-in or whatever plugin who  
deals with mp3 file.

i hope being clear in my explanation.

Le 29 juin 06 à 17:02, Chuck Hill a écrit :

Why are you using WOEmbeddedObject?  Are you using a plugin to  
play the MP3 files?  If so, the functionality from that will  
depend on the plugin you are using and the browser.

If you want the users to click a link to play the music like here:

Then you need to provide a link to "download" the MP3. Search  
for 'download' on for code examples of how to  
do this.


On Jun 29, 2006, at 1:45 PM, Gilles MATHURIN wrote:

I am sorry for the mistake in my post , i clicked the wrong  
thread (Unable to find entity for object) :-(

Here the message :

Concerning my problem : i use a WOEmbeddedObject to show the  
mp3 files, and yes they all end in .mp3, i set the mime-type of  
the WOEmbeddedObject to "audio/mpeg" it supposes to work well  
this way, but apparently i am wrong :-/
I didn't specify a "content-type" header unless it's specifying  
a "mime-type" do so…

Thanks for help.


Coming sometime... - an introduction to web applications using  
WebObjects and Xcode

Practical WebObjects - for developers who want to increase their  
overall knowledge of WebObjects or who are trying to solve specific  

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Re: [Wonder-disc] ERXLongPrimaryKeyFactory (long primary keys)

2006-06-30 Thread Anjo Krank

Am 30.06.2006 um 08:51 schrieb Guido Neitzer:

Currently I'm working on a project where I really don't know how big
some tables in a database may become (some of them may become really
big), so I'm not sure whether I should go with integer primary keys
(32 Bit) and I'm also not sure whether to go with db created primary
keys (perhaps issues when using a multi master cluster).

It is used by the project that I got in January. The main feature is  
that it does some auto-encoding of entities and hosts, which makes it  
possible to have multiple DBs and sync them later on. I still don't  
like it, as it increases the number of PKs with each start of the app  
by 1000, which is a bit wasteful (granted, with 64 bit you have a lot  
of room, though) and you need to call it directly, as opposed to  
simply override the DBC delegate where it would rather belong in.

So if I get some time, there´s some refactoring due here

For now I have chosen to use 24 byte binary primary keys generated by
EOF, but I'm not really happy with them. They are hard to use with
other tools, even when just doing some fetches for one row in the db
tool just to test something.

We use these for our main product. Works quite well when you use PG  
with the hex-encoded keys. A pain when you don't. Also, performance  
may or may not be impacted. And they are also wasteful as half of  
these 24 bytes are zero.

Cheers, Anjo

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