Re: Dealing with URLs length

2006-10-12 Thread Cantin Benoit

shaun wrote:

Miguel Arroz wrote:


On 2006/10/10, at 21:50, Chuck Hill wrote:

Interesting  I never tried that.  Thanks for the tip!  You just  have 
this then?

WebObjectsAlias /WebObjects

  Yap! :) Taking the cgi-bin part out makes the URL look much better!


Cool. Thanks for that info. I think that is definitely Wiki worthy(if 
its not there already).

Sweet, it works like a charm !

Thanks for all.
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[External type] boolean vs bool / openbase vs mysql

2006-10-12 Thread Cantin Benoit

Hi list,

Currently I test my applications on openbase. I deploy my application on 
mysql on a different server. Each time I switch from test to deployment, 
I have to swith the external type of my boolean properties in order to 
generate sql code.

For mysql, external type for boolean is bool.
For openbase, external type for boolean is boolean.

Is there a way to get round of this so that I would not have to switch 
external type ?

Thank you for all your help. It is much appreciate :)

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Re: [External type] boolean vs bool / openbase vs mysql

2006-10-12 Thread Cantin Benoit

Guido Neitzer wrote:

Prototypes are the way to go for that. Look at:

and chapters in nearly every WebObjects book.


Thanks for your quick answer. I will have have a look my practical 
webobjects too looking for prototypes.

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Re: [External type] boolean vs bool / openbase vs mysql

2006-10-12 Thread Cantin Benoit

Robert Walker wrote:


While prototypes are the specific answer to your question; I was 
wondering what the benefit is in developing using OpenBase when your 
deployment database is MySQL.   MySQL is a free download and a simple 
package install on Mac OS X.  Isn't is more sensible to just develop and 
deploy using MySQL.

You may have a very good reason for this, but I was just curious.


It is just a matter of time. Openbase is convenient when developping 
since it is easier to change datas when using OpenBase Manager than 
writing command lines for Mysql. That's why, I am using OpenBase when 
developing. But I do not have OpenBase installed on the server used for 

You may say I should have installed Mysql to develop. The thing is that 
this is a temporary situation as we may install OpenBase in the near 
future on the server. That's why I keep developping with OpenBase.

Of course, the situation is quite annoying. But I hope it won't be long.


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Dealing with URLs length

2006-10-09 Thread Cantin Benoit

Dear WO users,

I am dealing with my applications URL length. For different reasons, it 
can't be longer than 100 characters. So I am wondering how to shorten my 
URLs but :

- without using Apache rewrite_mod ;
- and without modifying my Direct Actions names.

Is there a way to remove /cgi-bin/WebObjects/my_app_name.woa from 
WebObjects applications default URL with these constraints ?

I have read that you can change cgi-bin in 
/System/Library/WebObjects/Adaptors/Apache/apache.conf, but that you 
can't remove /WebObjects/. Is that true ? Are there any other ways to do 
it ?

Thank you.

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Refresh wo component accessed through a direct action

2006-10-04 Thread Cantin Benoit

Hi list,

I am dealing with a page which never refresh itself when a press my 
browser refresh button. This page is accessed through a link in a page 
which URL points to a Direct Action looking like :


the URL of the page itself looks like :


Trying to refresh this page or to go back never ends but produces no 
error log. Are there best practises about this kind of problem ? How to 
control browser refresh button in a WO app ? Could you point me to a doc 
? I didn't find anything which could help me (I tried 
setPageRefreshOnBacktrackEnabled(true);	setCachingEnabled(false); 
setPageCacheSize(0) to force client to send a request to server but it 
didn't solved the problem.) I guess I forget something important.

Thanks in advance
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Re: Refresh wo component accessed through a direct action [SOLVED]

2006-10-04 Thread Cantin Benoit

Cantin Benoit wrote:

Hi list,

I am dealing with a page which never refresh itself when a press my 
browser refresh button. This page is accessed through a link in a page 
which URL points to a Direct Action looking like :


the URL of the page itself looks like :


Trying to refresh this page or to go back never ends but produces no 
error log. Are there best practises about this kind of problem ? How to 
control browser refresh button in a WO app ? Could you point me to a doc 
? I didn't find anything which could help me (I tried 
setPageCacheSize(0) to force client to send a request to server but it 
didn't solved the problem.) I guess I forget something important.

Thanks in advance

As always, problem is solved just after message was sent. I forgot to 
unlock ((Session)session()).defaultEditingContext() which is stupid 
since it doesn't have to be manually locked.

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Displaying Unicode encoded characters

2006-09-27 Thread Cantin Benoit

Hi list,

I would like to display accentuated characted encoded in their Unicode 
notation in database.

For example, I have one record containing this String in database 
(French as you can see) : Qui sont les d\u00E9tectives James 
\u0027Sonny\u0027 Crockett et Ricardo Tubbs ?

How to display \u00E9 as a é and \u0027 as a ' ? Generally 
speaking, does it seem to you to be a good solution to save special 
charaters in their Unicode notation ?


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Re: Displaying Unicode encoded characters

2006-09-27 Thread Cantin Benoit

Cantin Benoit wrote:

Hi list,

I would like to display accentuated characted encoded in their Unicode 
notation in database.

For example, I have one record containing this String in database 
(French as you can see) : Qui sont les d\u00E9tectives James 
\u0027Sonny\u0027 Crockett et Ricardo Tubbs ?

How to display \u00E9 as a é and \u0027 as a ' ? Generally 
speaking, does it seem to you to be a good solution to save special 
charaters in their Unicode notation ?


PS : I apologize if you find that this message does not have its place 
in this list. But I wonder if there is (or not) a dedicated WO solution 
to my answer.

Thank you

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[XCode] Moved project : don't build any more

2006-09-22 Thread Cantin Benoit

Hello WO users,

Working with XCode, I moved an application from a location to another 
one. While application compiled before I moved it, it will now built 
using xcodebuild in Terminal, but not any more in XCode.

It might be simple to solve, but I can't find.

Thanks for your help.

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Re: [XCode] Moved project : don't build any more

2006-09-22 Thread Cantin Benoit

Paul Lynch wrote:

On 22 Sep 2006, at 15:22, Cantin Benoit wrote:

Working with XCode, I moved an application from a location to another 
one. While application compiled before I moved it, it will now built 
using xcodebuild in Terminal, but not any more in XCode.

Use some combination of clean, rebuild code sense index, and/or delete 
the build folder.  This usually works.  There is a bug in Xcode that 
comes and goes, where having a space anywhere in the path to a project 
will cause builds to fail; I thought that was fixed, but saw it come up 
in training class a couple of weeks ago.

Thank you,

Only deleting build directory won't work, but rebuilding code sense 
index, cleaning and removing build directory solved my problem.

Thanks both of you.

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