
Yes, we have the directory and file permissions set properly.  I think we may 
have resolved this item late yesterday afternoon.  I have to do some more 
testing today to prove it.  It appears that we did not have the proper 
certificate files in place.  Once the certificate files were loaded in the 
correct location I am no longer getting the 403 and the “denied” error in the 
log files.


Terry Soles

From: Theodore Petrosky [mailto:tedp...@yahoo.com]
Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2017 3:52 PM
To: Soles, James T
Cc: webobjects-dev@lists.apple.com; webobjects-dep...@lists.apple.com
Subject: [E] Re: Forbidden error 403 with WO and Apache 2.4

and you are sure this is not a simple permissions problem on the directory and 
file in question.

On Jun 20, 2017, at 8:05 AM, Soles, James T 
<terry.so...@verizon.com<mailto:terry.so...@verizon.com>> wrote:


I have recently moved to using Apache 2.4 from Apache 2.2 and completed the 
build of the mod_WebObjects.so for this environment.  I have Apache running 
with no errors but when I try to access one of my pages I get an HTTP 403 
Forbidden error.  Does anyone have suggestions on why I might be getting this 
error and how to resolve it?

I’ve tried a number of different options in the configuration files.  Currently 
this is what is in the APPINCLUDE.conf file for JBoss EWS:

Include /usr/local/apache2/conf/webobjects.conf
<Location "/woapp/./">
SetHandler WebObjects
Require all granted
# Allow from all
AcceptPathInfo on
LimitRequestBody 0
SSLOptions -FakeBasicAuth -ExportCertData -StrictRequire -StdEnvVars


Terry Soles

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