Re: [libreoffice-design] Re: [libreoffice-website] Re: new features page ...

2011-01-16 Thread David Nelson
Parting shot: ;-)

Sophie, I can see you'll be *rejecting* my membership request when the
time comes, due to my insubordinate and non-conformist attitudes! :-D

"Not good team material, what?" :-D

David Nelson

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Re: [libreoffice-design] Re: [libreoffice-website] Re: new features page ...

2011-01-16 Thread David Nelson
Hi Sophie, Christoph, :-)

I think you take some things too far. I fail to see the *need* to
remove this beautiful artwork, which is a tribute to LibreOffice that
we should be proud to showcase.

We're not a corporation, we're an Open Source community project
staffed by unpaid volunteers. You don't need to get so *heavy* about

Plus, you have an approach that can give one the impression that we're
all under your orders, and that when you issue instructions then
people have to carry out what you say with no right to question or
discuss. :-D

Lighten up! Get real! ;-) Otherwise you'll find that there will be *no
more* contributors wanting to work for the project... Is that really
what you want?

The thing about the rejection of Windows screenshots was, IMO,
completely ridiculous. is *full* of Windows screenshots. *Many*
other project and sites on the Internet use screenshots taken under

In any case, Sophie, I took 250 screenshots, all under Linux, and then
uploaded them in 2 sizes, just to humor your wishes. And I will remove
the screenshot you want removed, Christoph - just to humor you.

But you need adopt a different approach to things, especially when
it's someone else's time and work, and not your own.

And I do hope that Sophie is not going to get into the habit of
jumping in and verbally duffing me up everytime I don't immediately
agree with you! :-D I didn't know we had an undeclared fifth team
member there to back you up! :-D

So, guys, please don't take all the fun out of contributing to this project. ;-)

And as for "and please upload the source data, so that anybody can
jump in"... You cheeky rogue, Christoph Noack! a) Most people who
contribute artwork to this project do not provide their *source
files*. I asked Ivan multiple times to send me his source files for
the new theme, and never got any but 2 of them, even though I sent him
my complete set of source files produced for Nikash' template! b) If
you actually logged into the site and took a look, you
would see that I already uploaded *all* my source files *days* ago! So
you are a bit out of order, my friend! :-D

Sophie, Christoph, please take a step back, take a deep breath, and
try and get things in perspective. ;-)

I know you don't really mean badly, but you do somewhat spoil the
contributor UX sometimes, with some attitudes that are rather out of
place! ;-)

Now, I'm not arguing further with you. Respond if you want, but I
won't answer you further in this thread for a couple of days, while I
get some work done by *clients who pay me*. (And I can tell you they
don't do my head in like you guys do!)

Ciao for now. :-)

David Nelson

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Re: [libreoffice-design] Re: [libreoffice-website] Re: new features page ...

2011-01-16 Thread Christoph Noack
Hi David!

Am Montag, den 17.01.2011, 09:40 +0800 schrieb David Nelson:
> Hi, :-)
> On Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 06:37, Christoph Noack  wrote:
> >> But it's simply a screenshot of a very nice graphic someone
> >> produced... This seems extremely draconian... do you think it's a very
> >> important issue?
> >
> > Yes, I do.

> [...]

> Personally I believe your insistence is irrational and not really
> driven by the reasons you state.

Why do you think that?

In this case: I've asked for removing one screenshot, based on the work
of a person I don't even know - why does this seem irrational? One of
the very first things we've did was to provide branding guidelines, and
blogging about that in detail. To make all aware of the fact, how
important our project's representation is.

If you don't think that I'm relying on guidelines/facts/experience, then
we should clarify that in advance. Otherwise, we've really get lost in
endless discussion - currently I still try to explain my thoughts, but
maybe our Marketing / UX understanding is different. So please tell me,
what information you need - or trust the SC's decision.

What I currently perceive is, that many of the requests to you
(non-Windows screenshots, navigation link issues, ...) end up in long
discussions until being commented (or clarified) by Sophie, Italo, or
Michael. Please do also consider that this binds resources that - you
asked for it - had been requested to focus on official TDF stuff or
development. So my wish is, that you put a little bit trust in our
initial website team as well :-)

> Nonetheless, I will comply with your wish (when I have time) and
> replace it with more artwork from the same person.

Thanks! If you miss some time, then please consider to ask the guys on
the Design / Website list to help you - and please upload the source
data, so that anybody can jump in.

Concerning the new artwork, if you are unsure whether it might fit -
please upload an example or link to the source file. Or, since Ivan is
currently the contact person, please ask him for his estimation.

> David Nelson


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Re: [libreoffice-website] Need assistance in Silverstripe navigation, wrt to pt-BR

2011-01-16 Thread Christian Lohmaier
Hi Oliver, *,

On Sun, Jan 16, 2011 at 11:33 AM, Olivier Hallot
> Just a couple of small but annoying glitches in the Silverstripe CMS
> 1) in
> the link to pt-br is not alive...

Read the hover-text...

> while we are here, Brazil in Brazilian is Brasil with an "s". Therefore it
> should read "Português (Brasil)"...


> 2) the link leads to nowhere.

This is why the link is not active on the international-sites one.

> We should
> redirect it to
> Can it be done?

You need to do it. As written earlier (basically everytime when a new
site is added: When you don't use "home" as the url-segment for your
homepage, you need to define your page explicitly as homepage by
filling out the "Homepage for domain" entry box within the CMS (on
the behaviour tab)


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Re: [libreoffice-website] On Japanese l10n site

2011-01-16 Thread Takeshi Abe
Hi Erich, Christian,

On Mon, 17 Jan 2011 00:55:47 +0100, Christian Lohmaier 
> On Sun, Jan 16, 2011 at 5:54 PM, Erich Christian  wrote:
>> Am 16.01.2011 11:42, schrieb Takeshi Abe:
>>> I would like to help to start Japanese l10n site which seems not
>>> launched yet.
>>> If it is OK, could you register and authorize me
>>> for editing the site?
>> Prepared subsite and group, added you as subsite admin.
>> We'll post the login link when things are ready.
>> @ Christian:
>> Please adjust apache for cs, ja, ml subsites, thanks.
> Done (and thanks for the reminder)
Thanks a lot for your fast work :)

-- Takeshi Abe

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Re: [libreoffice-website] Left margin for numbered lists

2011-01-16 Thread Christian Lohmaier
Hi Harri, *;

2011/1/16 Harri Pitkänen :
> It appears that list items within numbered (ol) lists are shifted a bit too
> much left. You can see the problem here:
> I'd expect the numbers to be aligned at the same level as the paragraph text.

This would only be possible with list-style-position:inside, but then
the second line of a  wouldn't align with the actual text-content
of the li (but with the numbering), and the numbering itself wouldn't
align-right anymore (when using more than 10 elements)

> The problem does not occur with ul lists where the CSS adds some padding for
> li elements to handle this. Experimenting with Firebug leads me to think that
> something like this might work as a fix for this problem:
> .typography ol li {
>        margin-left: 21px;
> }

I didn't try to align it exactly, but rather used a bigger margin, as
there might be list with 10 items or more, and then it would look
mismatched again. so now ol-lists are clearly indented.


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Re: [libreoffice-website] On Japanese l10n site

2011-01-16 Thread Christian Lohmaier
Hi Erich, *,

On Sun, Jan 16, 2011 at 5:54 PM, Erich Christian  wrote:
> Am 16.01.2011 11:42, schrieb Takeshi Abe:
>> I would like to help to start Japanese l10n site which seems not
>> launched yet.
>> If it is OK, could you register and authorize me
>> for editing the site?
> Prepared subsite and group, added you as subsite admin.
> We'll post the login link when things are ready.
> @ Christian:
> Please adjust apache for cs, ja, ml subsites, thanks.

Done (and thanks for the reminder)


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Re: [tdf-discuss] [libreoffice-website] [Forum] How will the forum be organized?

2011-01-16 Thread Christian Lohmaier
Hi Michael, *,

On Mon, Jan 10, 2011 at 10:36 AM, Michael Wheatland
> Your average end user
> will likely never search through mailing list threads,

The average end user will not search web-forums either.

My personal experience with forums is that they are useless for
technical, more complex questions, as most of the times it is clueless
people giving advice to other clueless people. Unless you're looking
for something obvious, most of the time a thread just lingers around
unanswered at all, or the one with the problem writes something like
"Oh, solved my problem, can be closed" and never bothered to state how
that person actually solved the problem. Or they are full of useless
suggestions that are not even covering the topic.
Again, my typical searches may be more "challenging" than those from
the average user, but I just hate all the noise that is in forums. I
only use one forum - for a well-seperated hobby. But those forums are
dedicated and exceptional in its quality (mainly to the few users it
has) - I used another one, but as the product is covered ran out of
production, it is idling along.
But I never use forums for software to to the lack of quality of the
answers therein.

> If we did provide a user forum, which I believe we should, using a
> dedicated forum system will provide far more functionality and
> usability,

That's what I've been saying from the very start..

> What do others think? Is the forum support option important for trust
> building and familiarity? What system would we use?

The ones that already exist. I absolutely don't see a reason for
creating yet another one. I think people agree on that one at least.

(and to avoid confusion: No, I don't consider nabble as a forum. Why I
personally don't like its's interface, I have no problem with
integrating it to the site as it seems technically easy to do)


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Re: [tdf-discuss] [libreoffice-website] [Forum] How will the forum be organized?

2011-01-16 Thread Christian Lohmaier
Hi Narayan, *,

On Mon, Jan 10, 2011 at 11:41 AM, Narayan Aras  wrote:

> The following features do not exist in a mail list at all:
> 1. Conduct precise searches (with search parameters).

Oh man, you're so mistaken. provides far more
powerful search than any forum I've seen so far.

> 2. Split the domain into hierarchical forums, which prevents a mixup of 
> issues.
>   This in turn avoids repeat discussion of the same topic endlessly.

Ha, that's a good one, most forums are full of repeating issues
because people are too lazy to switch to the second page or try one of
the "precise searches" etc.

The only solution to this would be a strict moderation that kills such
duplicates immediately, but there hardly are enough moderators to
close down such messages and move them into the "too lazy to search"

> 3. It establishes credentials of any user so that a casual visitor instantly 
> knows how much to trust him.

Sorry, but if there is no self control (i.e. other people immediately
writing "This is nonsense", then the system is a failure/it is not
used by enough knowledgeable people and thus useless to those seeking

Besides that rating is useless when you're seeking for help.
There was a time, when linux was for geeks only. Users had much
more trouble setting it up, but when you were lucky enough to have
internet access already, it was easy to find a solution by just
entering your searchterms into the altavista webserach engine  or
dejavu (newsgroup search) (yes, that was before the google-era) - any
you almost certainly did find a solution to your problem within the
first results.
Nowadays, while many problems might have that specific problems, all
you find is posts about "I also have this problem" or "push up", "hey,
nobody knows the answer",  or my favorite "solved the problem" -
.oO(nice for  you a*hole, just don't tell others how you solved it)...
Especially annoying are those results you get in a technical forum
that deals with multiple versions or editions, that return results
because people like to list their equipment in the footer and search
happily matches the footer that has nothing to do with the

>    (is he a SC member or any other office-holder? How many posts are to his 
> credit?)
> 4. We can check out a particular user by looking at his posts (genuine helper 
> or trouble-maker?)

You can do all that in a mailnglist as well. After all there are
forum-interfaces to mailinglists where you got all that. (although I
find those highly inferior to real mailinglists)

Newsgroups were best, but unfortunately even fewer people would use that...

> [...]
> While I think the forum should be established, I am against setting it up for 
> SilverStripe as well. The reason is simple: It will not be possible to 
> migrate the threads from SilverStripe to Drupal. We should not waste efforts 
> on two fronts.

I'm puzzles where you get the idea that it is wanted to set it up
within silverstripe. I mean I have been reiterating right from the
start, before even working on looking at silverstripe, drupal, etc,
i.e. when writing the requirements that forums, wiki, etc should be

And everytime someone wrote "forum" on the list, I was writing the same stuff.

Again: *there will be no forum within silverstripe for end-users* (and
also again: I don't consider the nabble ml-interface a forum in this

While not speaking on behalf the SC (not even member of the SC) - I
don't think there will ever be a forum hosted on the tdf
infrastructure. Mainly because there are existing forums already, and
also because the mailinglists are the primary way of communication.


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Re: [libreoffice-website] Nightly builds machinery

2011-01-16 Thread Christian Lohmaier
Hi Sophie,

On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 7:33 AM, Sophie Gautier  wrote:
> @Christian: will you take part of the work for the nightly builds (in other
> words: can I bother you with this ;-) ?

Sorry for the late reply, this was somewhat buried in the mail backlog
that I'm now working on

> Will that be a website team task or a developer team task, who will take
> care of that?

This is more a developer style task - as running the website is rather
different from doing builds...

While I myself didn't build on Windows yet, I'll provide my help in
maintaining it nevertheless.


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Re: [libreoffice-website] Re: [Drupal] The road ahead and missed opportunities

2011-01-16 Thread Michael Wheatland
On Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 3:51 AM, Charles Marcus
> On 2011-01-15 4:41 AM, Alexander Thurgood wrote:
>> I would sincerely hope that this would not disappear in the near future,
>> it would in my humble opinion, be a great shame to lose all that work.
> +100
> The integration of mail list <> forums <> newsgroups alone is worth
> using Drupal, assuming of course that it can indeed be accomplished as
> Michael described...
> Michael, I'm sure all of your hard work won't be wasted, hang in there...

I would love to contribute to a brighter future for this project. I am
however getting the feeling that the establishment of this project is
less of a step forward for community coordination and governance than
I was expecting.

The consultation process with the website mailing list and website
team members when establishing the "Group of four" was non-existent.
In fact I have seen a shout out to the documentation mailing list for
new contributors for the website, while there are already members
poised to help if consultation and coordination occurs, as we have
seen with the Drupal development. I believe that ignoring and
belittling this large contributor base is mis-management of the
website team by the Steering Committee, and that these active members
can be utilised given the right leaders.

I sincerely hope that my impression is incorrect, and will remain
subscribed to the mailing lists and waiting to see the establishment
of the membership committee and some forward thinkers elected to the
Board and Engineering Steering Committee.

I appreciate all of the public and private support that much of the
Drupal team and myself have received, Everyone has done an amazing
job. It is now in the SCs hands to allow the website team to work
collaboratively and constructively in a grass roots 'open' way, rather
than dictating what the website team 'will do' and designating

Michael Wheatland

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[libreoffice-website] Re: URGENT REQUEST: Install the News/Blogging module

2011-01-16 Thread Ivan M.
Hi David, Christian,

On Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 6:16 AM, David Nelson  wrote:
> Hi Christian, :-)
>> On Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 00:45, Christian Lohmaier
>>  wrote:
>>> I installed it at pumbaa, but there it hasn't been used yet, so before
>>> you didn't even try it out on the staging site, I'll not install it to
>>> the live site.
> I've been trying to test the blog module on pumbaa, but there seems to
> be something wrong on pumbaa... I've attached a screenshot showing the
> problem...
> In any case, if you could just install the Blog module straight on
>, I think it will save us all a lot of wasted time and
> email... Thanks if so, Christian... Sorry for the inconvenience...

Is future development (of the theme) going to happen on the test
server or directly on the development server? If it's on the
development server (probably not the best idea IMO), could I please
get access?


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Re: [libreoffice-design] Re: [libreoffice-website] Re: new features page ...

2011-01-16 Thread David Nelson
Hi, :-)

On Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 01:59, Christoph Noack  wrote:
> Here is the poll, but I have to admit that I've - to not miss anyone -
> added all times (even those, I won't be available. So sorry for the many
> options in advance ...

I responded to the poll. IMHO, it would be better if you contact
Florian, because you are more likely to get a quick reply from him. If
you then give me the codes he sends you, I can host the call if you

> It would be great to put up an agenda before our call - so that others
> can follow our discussion or can add their own thoughts.

OK, I can do that when we've fixed a date and time...

> Thus, it is about: [0]

Ah that's a shame... it's one of the most visually attractive of
the screenshots, and made the Suite look good...
What's actually the problem with this screenshot?

> Oh, we may add the "language specific issue" here as well - some of the
> international teams will have to re-create the screenshots. This is why
> Michael (was it in his last mail in this thread?) talked about the
> "l10n" issues - if possible, we should use only those parts of the
> screen that are not locale specific (e.g. if graphics in Draw are
> sufficient to show a certain behavior, then avoid any text).

Well, since the NL sites have total freedom in their site design, I
don't see too much need to think of them in the English site design...
There's no guarantee that they will be wanting to offer the same or
similar content, is there?

> Concerning the size - yes, practically there is a need for showing
> different sizes. Let's state that a page "is good" if the width of the
> picture column is fix (so that scrolling down does not "wobble" the page
> content), then we can do:
>      * Crop to the desired part of the screenshot
>      * Resize the screenshot so that it fits to the width
>      * Allow the height to be flexible

OK, well let's talk about this during the call... It's worth
remembering that this information only has a limited shelf life, and
we don't have many people doing actual work in the project, so it
might be good to try and keep the production process as simple,
without too many complicated rules? ;-)

But let's talk and see how to meet as many constraints as possible...

> Mmh, I'll skip that - we may even ask the local communities to provide
> that (given some requirements how the screenshots should look like). I
> bet that the FR community already did something like that.

Well the NL communities can deal with the NL pages, and the English
site team can deal with the English pages...

> But the kind of realization doesn't fit into our "hierarchically
> presented" menu concept - so I propose a link like "See what you get!" /
> "See what's in the box!" / "That's new" / "Know more about the
> Features". Thus, the idea is great, but we can do better :-)

Technically it fits in fine, and this *is* a content issue, an IA issue, no?

> So back to the basic idea ... I think there will be a need (also on
> other pages) to highlight certain things "on page". So I'd like to
> propose some kind of action links in a common form (slight button, ...)
> that can be used across the page --> Ivan?

In addition, is anybody offering to actually produce buttons? For the
moment, I don't see any concrete offers...

>> We'll try to get something that pleases everyone, but I must admit
>> that it seems logical to me that the devs should have biggest say in
>> what features to highlight before others in the New Features page...?
> Mmh, why should developers have the biggest say here?

Because we are talking about content on the page - it's a content
issue, not a graphic design issue, and I feel it's important to have
very open ears towards Michael about this...

> Although developers invest a lot of effort to work on important stuff,
> some of this work has almost no end-user related impact on LibreOffice
> (now). The job of marketing and UX is to help to connect the both (let's
> call it) worlds of "users" and "development" :-)

For me, Marketing is Florian and Italo... If they have issues to raise
then I'll be happy to listen to them. But this Features page is
something very relevant to development, and I want to try and satisfy
Michael's priorities and concerns as much as possible.

We will, of course, work to come up with a page that is attractively
presented and in keeping with the graphic charter, but - apart from
that - I don't really see Design playing a big role in the production
of this page...

But I think we can better talk about things during the confcall ;-)

David Nelson

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Re: [libreoffice-website] Re: [Drupal] The road ahead and missed opportunities

2011-01-16 Thread Charles Marcus
On 2011-01-15 4:41 AM, Alexander Thurgood wrote:
> I would sincerely hope that this would not disappear in the near future,
> it would in my humble opinion, be a great shame to lose all that work.


The integration of mail list <> forums <> newsgroups alone is worth
using Drupal, assuming of course that it can indeed be accomplished as
Michael described...

Michael, I'm sure all of your hard work won't be wasted, hang in there...


Best regards,


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Re: [libreoffice-design] Re: [libreoffice-website] Re: new features page ...

2011-01-16 Thread Christoph Noack
Hi David, Ivan, Michael, all!

Am Samstag, den 15.01.2011, 16:10 +0800 schrieb David Nelson:

[conf call proposal]

> @all: Do you think this is a good idea?


> @Christoph: if so, would you set up a Doodle poll or do you want me to?

Here is the poll, but I have to admit that I've - to not miss anyone -
added all times (even those, I won't be available. So sorry for the many
options in advance ...

Currently, I don't have that much clue how to organize the call
(technically), because I'd like to focus on the icons today :-\ It would
be cool if you could ping Florian ...

It would be great to put up an agenda before our call - so that others
can follow our discussion or can add their own thoughts.

> On Sat, Jan 15, 2011 at 05:55, Christoph Noack  wrote:
> > Of course! And since you refer to "empirically", that's a great example
> > to document it in our upcoming wiki page (screenshot requirements).
> Sure, OK. Like we said during the SC call, I'll let you put up an
> initial page, and then I will get in there and contribute
> ideas/content to that page.



> > Since I've looked at the screenshots on the front page, I'd like to say
> > that the documents look that much (much!) better than before ... also
> > the Start Center (btw. not QuickStarter) looks better with some more
> > space around (the first picture).
> "Start Center"... good job you pointed that out... I'll remember.
> Actually I deliberately enlarged the Start Center panel so that it
> would stay properly readable at 400x300... you mean space around the
> panel inside the window?


> > But, only one picture doesn't fit that good - from the marketing's
> > perspective. Since we try to establish "our" branding, the following
> > picture is (although colorful) misleading how "we" look when installed.
> > It might be mis-interpreted as Splashscreen [0], so you mind to remove
> > it? Sorry to bother you with that :-\
> I'm not able to figure out which image you're referring to... I use
> Chrome, and use the "Awesome Screenshot" add-on, which lets me take
> screenshots and annotate them I recommend it for this kind of
> discussion. (Are attachments allowed on the design and website lists?)

As far as I know: not supported. But this is why I added the reference
"[0]" within the text above, it corresponds to the links at the bottom
of this mail. This is pretty common on mailing lists - sorry for being
not that clear :-\

Thus, it is about: [0]

[... structure of the items on the features page ...]

> >
> >
> > Don't be scared by the colors, this is what we (UX people) use to
> > highlight elements within other pictures or draw structures. Of course,
> > the color theme of the website applies here.
> I think it looks good, but I wonder if we can achieve what you seem to
> be thinking of here... the problem is that we're dealing with dialog
> boxes of *different* sizes, some of which can be done under
> Ubuntu/Linux but some of which intrinsically should be screenshot
> under Windows because of the specific content matter.

Oh, we may add the "language specific issue" here as well - some of the
international teams will have to re-create the screenshots. This is why
Michael (was it in his last mail in this thread?) talked about the
"l10n" issues - if possible, we should use only those parts of the
screen that are not locale specific (e.g. if graphics in Draw are
sufficient to show a certain behavior, then avoid any text).

Concerning the size - yes, practically there is a need for showing
different sizes. Let's state that a page "is good" if the width of the
picture column is fix (so that scrolling down does not "wobble" the page
content), then we can do:
  * Crop to the desired part of the screenshot
  * Resize the screenshot so that it fits to the width
  * Allow the height to be flexible

All of these items are (more or less strict) used on the OOo pages, but
- because of the less strict use - it still looks mediocre.

Ideally, the preview would provide the full screenshot to appear
(Christian worked on something like that before). And even more ideally,
users may just browse / being browsed through a collection of
screenshots (with some brief words) that "visually" explains the new
features. Oh, I seem to start dreaming :-) Just ideas...

> But we can certainly put the screenshots on the left, in column form?
> In any case, I suggest we talk about this during a confcall? Also, I
> won't have time to get to this before mid-week (~ 20th) due to other
> work...



> @MICHAEL: OK, on second thoughts, can you please do me any screenshots
> you're able to provide? (Windows and any other OS)
> But maybe try to avoid fancy one-off effects that break with the basic
> visual design of the site?
> Either ma

[libreoffice-website] Left margin for numbered lists

2011-01-16 Thread Harri Pitkänen

It appears that list items within numbered (ol) lists are shifted a bit too 
much left. You can see the problem here:

I'd expect the numbers to be aligned at the same level as the paragraph text. 
The problem does not occur with ul lists where the CSS adds some padding for 
li elements to handle this. Experimenting with Firebug leads me to think that 
something like this might work as a fix for this problem:

.typography ol li {
margin-left: 21px;


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[libreoffice-website] Re: URGENT REQUEST: Install the News/Blogging module

2011-01-16 Thread David Nelson
Hi Christian, :-)

> On Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 00:45, Christian Lohmaier
>  wrote:
>> I installed it at pumbaa, but there it hasn't been used yet, so before
>> you didn't even try it out on the staging site, I'll not install it to
>> the live site.

I've been trying to test the blog module on pumbaa, but there seems to
be something wrong on pumbaa... I've attached a screenshot showing the

In any case, if you could just install the Blog module straight on, I think it will save us all a lot of wasted time and
email... Thanks if so, Christian... Sorry for the inconvenience...

David Nelson

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Re: [libreoffice-website] Re: [UX] LibreOffice menu navigation issue

2011-01-16 Thread Christoph Noack
Hi David, hi Ivan, hi website team!

Sorry for being a bit behind ... but the icons kept me busy and today I
really enjoyed some brunch with some close friends. But now, let's get
the website rock :-)

Ivan answered yesterday, but missed the "Reply all" button, so only I
got a message. Consequently, I'll attach the essential parts of his text
below - including my replies.

Am Samstag, den 15.01.2011, 09:54 +0800 schrieb David Nelson:
> Hi Christoph, :-)
> Well, this is a something I'll leave for Ivan to answer... By the way,
> did someone tell Ivan he became part of the website management team?
> :-D

I forwarded him the link to the SC decision.

> The current functioning of the menu *seems* fairly rational to me... I
> can't personally think of another manner in which it should operate,
> and I can't think of how to implement another behavior...

Ivan explained me some of the basics of Silverstripe and also sent some
links to existing pages using Silverstripe - that helped me to
understand how Silverstripe works.

Our issue can be nailed down to either ...
  * the structure of our website will be mis-understood in certain
(but unfortunately too many) cases, or ...
  * we miss to correctly use visuals to indicate the behavior
(especially links) on the pages.

More below ...

> But I think we could probably talk about some of these issues more
> effectively during a confcall between the four of us (Ivan, Christian,
> you and me). If we hold one of these once a week for the next 3 or 4
> weeks, I think we will be able to iron out problems like this one more
> effectively What do you think? Me, I'm willing to be available on
> the time and date of your choice.
> Can we maybe set this up to happen in the next few days?

Oh, that would be just great - although I have to admit that my day job
is pretty challenging (time wise) at the moment, thus I am unable to be
available at any time. But, let's give it a try ... but first, I'd like
to check my job schedule (tomorrow).

Okay, let's continue with the already started discussion with Ivan ...

Hi Ivan!

Sunday, nice Sunday ... also to you :-)

Am Sonntag, den 16.01.2011, 12:19 +1300 schrieb Ivan M.: 

[... description of the current site navigation and other websites ...]

> I've come across such examples before, so I'm used to this style of
> navigation.

Well, it is a bit different if we look closer (since I hope to do the
right assumptions *g*).

> It's not very common; most sites have drop-down menus that
> don't show sub-menus when sub-pages are loaded

Correct, but I bet the mature ones do have a breadcrumb navigation or
something similar. So even if the user doesn't see the menu, they still
see the current "context". Funnily, the Silverstripe main page does this
(more or less) at the bottom of the pages:
See --> Partners --> "Any Company" and look at the page
bottom, left side.

> so for this reason I
> thought horizontal navigation would be preferable.

Yep, it's fine, but with one remaining issue that we should work on.

> Still, the concept
> of a hierarchical (tree) navigation is widely used online and the way
> the navigation works now is the way Silverstripe (and
> most other CMS) are designed to work by default - our design on the
> other hand may not be optimal in this respect.

Well, if you look at the Silverstripe site (still the same example),
you'll notice that "Partners" is highlighted (top of the page). But at
the bottom, the breadcrumb shows only "Any Company" in bold letters.

Thus, this shows the user that he is currently browsing the "Any
Company" page. If the user just clicks on "Partners" (which is a bit
weird), but at least shows this "being active" by mouseover-effect), the
breadcrumb (bottom) disappears - the user is now on the Partners page

This is still a bit crazy, but the user might get the clue where he is
at the moment, and what will work.

> >  * Top-levels categories represent own pages (the issue we talk
> >about for LibO). In that case, the highlighting is wrong (same
> >issue for us).
> It seems we may have a misunderstanding - in Silverstripe, what you
> refer to as 'category' is created by linking sub-pages to a parent
> page. There cannot be sub-pages without a parent page.

Ah, okay.

> I did some Googling and found a possible solution: have the top-level
> page redirect to a child page. Since our navigation is automatically
> generated by Silverstripe's page hierarchy model, this would be a good
> solution.
> However, this would require moving content from the top level page
> into a sub page and then setting up a redirect on the top level page -
> it would create some work for NL website teams, but hopefully not
> much. If it improves usability, then why not... however I'm not sure
> about the SEO side of things (whether Google picks up the redirect
> pages an

Re: [libreoffice-website] On Japanese l10n site

2011-01-16 Thread Erich Christian
Hi Takeshi, Christian,

Am 16.01.2011 11:42, schrieb Takeshi Abe:
> I would like to help to start Japanese l10n site which seems not
> launched yet.
> If it is OK, could you register and authorize me
> for editing the site?

Prepared subsite and group, added you as subsite admin.
We'll post the login link when things are ready.

@ Christian:
Please adjust apache for cs, ja, ml subsites, thanks.


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Re: [libreoffice-website] URGENT REQUEST: Integrate Nabble mailing list interface into site

2011-01-16 Thread David Nelson
Hi, :-)

On Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 00:45, drew  wrote:
> OK, does that mean that the js snippet from the other day did not work,
> or that you haven't had time to try it?

@Drew: it means that this is a job that currently only Christian can
handle, so...

David Nelson

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[libreoffice-website] Re: URGENT REQUEST: Install the News/Blogging module

2011-01-16 Thread David Nelson
Hi, :-)

On Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 00:45, Christian Lohmaier
> I installed it at pumbaa, but there it hasn't been used yet, so before
> you didn't even try it out on the staging site, I'll not install it to
> the live site.

Christian, I really prefer to have it on the live site so we can iron
out the potential CSS glitches... Could you please install it where
requested? It will definitely be used... We'll just be wasting more
time if not...

TIA if so...

David Nelson

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Re: [libreoffice-website] URGENT REQUEST: Integrate Nabble mailing list interface into site

2011-01-16 Thread drew
On Sun, 2011-01-16 at 14:07 +0800, David Nelson wrote:
> Hi, :-)
> @Christian: Could we please get the Nabble integrated into the site as
> per the attached screenshot?
> @Ivan: *Probably* no intervention needed by you for this, but could
> you maybe monitor this and see if something displeases you?
> @Drew: Almost certainly, action will be needed by you and/or I to
> nicely integrate Nabble into the site...

Hi David,

OK, does that mean that the js snippet from the other day did not work,
or that you haven't had time to try it?



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[libreoffice-website] Re: URGENT REQUEST: Install the News/Blogging module

2011-01-16 Thread Christian Lohmaier
Hi David, *,

On Sun, Jan 16, 2011 at 7:00 AM, David Nelson  wrote:
> Hi Christian, Ivan :-)
> @Christian: Please, would it be possible to install the SilverStripe
> News/Blogging module? I have attached an annotated screenshot to show
> exactly where... TIA if so. :-)

I installed it at pumbaa, but there it hasn't been used yet, so before
you didn't even try it out on the staging site, I'll not install it to
the live site.


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[libreoffice-website] Re: FIX NEEDED: Footer too wide by 5-6px

2011-01-16 Thread Christian Lohmaier
Hi *,

On Sun, Jan 16, 2011 at 1:51 PM, David Nelson  wrote:
> Hi Christian, :-)
> The site footer is wider than the header block... I
> attached a screenshot so you can see what I mean... Could we fix that
> when you have time? TIA if so. ;-)



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[libreoffice-website] Re: FIX NEEDED: Download widget dropdown box margin-bottom needs increasing

2011-01-16 Thread Christian Lohmaier
Hi *,

On Sun, Jan 16, 2011 at 4:26 PM, David Nelson  wrote:
> Hi, :-)
> @Christian: I attached a screenshot showing a tiny improvement to make
> to the download widget, to match with the new theme dropdown box
> margin-bottom needs increasing slightly... ;-)



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[libreoffice-website] FIX NEEDED: Download widget dropdown box margin-bottom needs increasing

2011-01-16 Thread David Nelson
Hi, :-)

@Christian: I attached a screenshot showing a tiny improvement to make
to the download widget, to match with the new theme dropdown box
margin-bottom needs increasing slightly... ;-)

David Nelson

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[libreoffice-website] FIX NEEDED: Footer too wide by 5-6px

2011-01-16 Thread David Nelson
Hi Christian, :-)

The site footer is wider than the header block... I
attached a screenshot so you can see what I mean... Could we fix that
when you have time? TIA if so. ;-)

David Nelson

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[libreoffice-website] Permission to add Twitter and RSS

2011-01-16 Thread Andras Timar

I would like to add twitter and rss widgets to Hungarian home page. I
created a WidgetPage. When I clicked on Add new RSS configuration or Add
new Twitter Widget variants, a read-only popup window was displayed. I'd
like to add Hungarian LibreOffice twitter [1] and feed of Hungarian news
site [2] obviously...


Is this possible?


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[libreoffice-website] On Japanese l10n site

2011-01-16 Thread Takeshi Abe
Hi all,

I would like to help to start Japanese l10n site which seems not
launched yet.
If it is OK, could you register and authorize me
for editing the site?

-- Takeshi Abe

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[libreoffice-website] Need assistance in Silverstripe navigation, wrt to pt-BR

2011-01-16 Thread Olivier Hallot


Just a couple of small but annoying glitches in the Silverstripe CMS

1) in

the link to pt-br is not alive...

while we are here, Brazil in Brazilian is Brasil with an "s". Therefore 
it should read "Português (Brasil)"...

2) the link leads to nowhere. We should 
redirect it to

Can it be done?

Thank you
Olivier Hallot
Founder, Steering Commitee Member - The Document Foundation
Voicing the enterprise
Translation Leader for Brazilian Portuguese

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