Hi all,

It has been brought to my attention by Italian NLP leaders that the LibreOffice website, when viewed in Italian, breaks on translations (for example, check out what happens on the download page in italian [1]; the right-sided buttons are not translated and I see their values are in the HTML code not translated. Or the donations page [2]: the second part of the page is not translated at all). This seems to be a long standing problem (probably years) and we would like to ascertain there is no misunderstanding in the understanding between TDF and the volunteers, here.

Translators affirm that the untranslated parts of the website are indeed available and translated inside Weblate. I honestly cannot judge if this is true or not ATM, but it is quite evident there are some not particularly nice partial translations there.

Are you aware of any issues in applying new translation efforts on the website? Is Weblate the right tool to source for website translations, then, or this is still Silverstripe? What's the expected workflow around updating NLP pages? Does the same issue occur also on other NLP projects' websites? Is there an automation pipeline to get newer translations applied directly from Weblate to the NLP-specific website or it is still manual work? Would the same process apply for an eventual Hugo-based website? Can someone point out the expected processes/steps, so we can at least evaluate if we can appoint representatives from our NLP community to care for the main website updating (and consequently, other translated web resource)?

Many thanks in advance; cheers,

[1]: https://it.libreoffice.org/download/download/
[2]: https://it.libreoffice.org/donazioni/
Emiliano Vavassori

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