[weewx-user] Re: Help weewx.conf for station registry

2018-01-01 Thread torresb1160
Thanks again Gary.
I found the nugget of knowledge I was missing in Lesson 11 from this YouTube 
video: https://youtu.be/rq4dban5qHo 
The video series Raspberry Pi Linux Lessons by Paul McWhorter was just what was 
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ cd /etc/weewx
pi@raspberrypi:~ /etc/weewx $ sudo nano weewx.confThis gets you in to the 
text editor of the weewx.conf is the changes can be made. 

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[weewx-user] Re: Help weewx.conf for station registry

2017-12-31 Thread gjr80

If I understand your first post correctly you have a functioning weeWX 
install and you would like to add your station to the station registry and 
post your data to WU. If so you are correct in that you need to make 
changes to weewx.conf but the wee_config utility will not do this for you. 
wee_config  allows 
you to (among other things) change driver, location (aka station name), 
lat/long, altitude and units. If you want to change station registry and WU 
settings in weewx.conf then you really need to manually edit weewx.conf. 
Given you experience with you RPi you really should get some basic linux 
skills under your belt, at the very least you need to be able to navigate 
around the directory tree of your system, understand and be able to manage 
file/directory permissions and of course edit text files. There are many 
other skills that will help but these basics will get you started with what 
you want to do. How you do these tasks will really depend on your system, 
for example, do you work from the command line or a GUI? Google is your 

Once you have these skills have a look at the User's Guide 
, in particular the following 
sections that cover various parts of the config file weewx.conf [Station] 
, [[Stationregistry]] 
 and [[Wunderground]] 

By all means come back for more help if you need it but make sure your get 
those basic linux skills first.


PS. One other word of advice, baby steps to start with. Get one thing 
working before moving onto the next, don't try the big bang approach of 
doing everything at once unless you really know what you are doing. You 
will get frustrated and it will make it harder for those that try to help 

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[weewx-user] Re: Help weewx.conf for station registry

2017-12-31 Thread torresb1160
Thanks Craig, any advise on how to get the conf commands to work?

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[weewx-user] Re: Help weewx.conf for station registry

2017-12-31 Thread Craig Thom
That station registry is just a collection of people running weewx.  That 
is independent of Weather Underground or any other site.

The section you want for Weather Underground is this one.  The station ID 
and station key (which you enter here as password) you from Weather 
Underground after you register your PWS.

# This section is for configuring posts to the Weather Underground.

# If you wish to do this, set the option 'enable' to true,
# and specify a station (e.g., 'KORHOODR3') and password.
enable = true
station = KKYLOUIS186
# To guard against parsing errors, put your password in quotes:
password = "xxx"

# Set the following to True to have weewx use the WU "Rapidfire"
# protocol. Not all hardware can support it. See the User's Guide.
rapidfire = False

On Sunday, December 31, 2017 at 3:25:18 PM UTC-5, torre...@gmail.com wrote:
> Sorry l’m a total newbee. Got weewx going no problems from the DEB 
> package. Would like to register the station and post the data to Weather 
> Underground. I don’t understand how to get  weewx.conf to work. I have 
> changed directory to: 
> $ cd /etc/weewx 
> But now what? sudo wee_congif —reconfigure does not bring anything in the 
> following section of the user guide: [StdRESTful] 
> This is my first Raspberry Pi project, and don’t understand permissions 
> and the directories yet. Any basic references would be appreciated. I 
> bought “Exploring Raspberry Pi” by Derek Molly. This book isn’t really 
> helping too much, I think I need it dumbed down to start. 
> Thanks, Brandon 
> User Guide Section: 
> [StdRESTful] 
> This section is for configuring the StdRESTful services, which upload to 
> simple RESTful servers such as the Weather Underground, PWSweather.com, or 
> CWOP. 
> [[StationRegistry]] 
> A registry of weeWX weather stations is maintained at weewx.com. Stations 
> are displayed on a map and a list at http://weewx.com/stations.html 
> How does the registry work? Individual weather stations periodically 
> contact the registry. Each station provides a URL to identify itself, plus 
> other information such as the station type and weeWX version. No personal 
> information, nor any meteorological data, is sent. 
> To add your station to this list, you must do two things: 
> Enable the StationRegistry in weewx.conf by setting the option 
> register_this_station to True. Your station will contact the registry once 
> per week. If your station does not contact the registry for about a month, 
> it will be removed from the list. 
> Provide a station_url, either in section [Station], or in the 
> [[StationRegistry]] section. 
> The station_url is used to uniquely identify each station, so choose it 
> carefully before you set register_this_station to True. 
> [StdRestful] 
> [[StationRegistry]] 
> register_this_station = True 
> register_this_station 
> Set this to True to register the weather station.

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