Re: -T parameter on HP-UX port

2004-06-01 Thread Hrvoje Niksic

> Here is the result of "wget -t 1 -T 10 -d
>"; command on HP-UX with version
> 1.8.1 and 1.9.1
> With version 1.9.1, time out never occurs

I'm not aware of significant differences between the two versions in
that department.  Could you send a system call trace so we can see
what Wget is doing?

replacing file contents?

2004-06-01 Thread Michael Dolan
Hi All,

I am using Wget 1.8.2 to mirror a database via ftp using the following

wget -m -nH --cut-dirs=3 -c -P/$path_to_dir 

and Wget is not replacing file contents with updated file contents. For
example, if the file 'apple' already exists locally, and a new version
of apple exists remotely, Wget will not replace the new file contents.

Any suggestions on how to accomplish this?

Thank you,


Re: file name problem

2004-06-01 Thread Tony Lewis
henry luo wrote:

> i find a problem at GNU Wget 1.9.1, but i dont know it is a new
> function or a bug;
> the old version(1.8.2) download a link ,for example:
> wget
> save file name is
>but the new version(1.9.1) save name is

It is a feature. The latest version of wget converts %nn to the appropriate
character *if* that character is valid in a filename on the target system.
In this case, %25 converts to "%", which can appear in a filename.
The --restrict-file-names option gives you some control over this which
characters are escaped, but it does not appear to provide the functionality
you're looking for:

 Change which characters found in remote URLs may show up in local
 file names generated from those URLs.  Characters that are
 "restricted" by this option are escaped, i.e. replaced with `%HH',
 where `HH' is the hexadecimal number that corresponds to the
 restricted character.

 By default, Wget escapes the characters that are not valid as part
 of file names on your operating system, as well as control
 characters that are typically unprintable.  This option is useful
 for changing these defaults, either because you are downloading to
 a non-native partition, or because you want to disable escaping of
 the control characters.

 When mode is set to "unix", Wget escapes the character `/' and the
 control characters in the ranges 0-31 and 128-159.  This is the
 default on Unix-like OS'es.

 When mode is seto to "windows", Wget escapes the characters `\',
 `|', `/', `:', `?', `"', `*', `<', `>', and the control characters
 in the ranges 0-31 and 128-159.  In addition to this, Wget in
 Windows mode uses `+' instead of `:' to separate host and port in
 local file names, and uses `@' instead of `?' to separate the
 query portion of the file name from the rest.  Therefore, a URL
 that would be saved as `'
 in Unix mode would be saved as
 `[EMAIL PROTECTED]' in Windows mode.  This
 mode is the default on Windows.

 If you append `,nocontrol' to the mode, as in `unix,nocontrol',
 escaping of the control characters is also switched off.  You can
 use `--restrict-file-names=nocontrol' to turn off escaping of
 control characters without affecting the choice of the OS to use
 as file name restriction mode.

Re: -T parameter on HP-UX port

2004-06-01 Thread nvarney

Here is the result of "wget -t 1 -T 10 -d"; command on HP-UX with version
1.8.1 and 1.9.1
With version 1.9.1, time out never occurs

See below

Best regards

Nicolas Varney

 A test with wget 1.8.1 on HP-UX :

# wget -t 1 -T 10 -d
DEBUG output created by Wget 1.8.1 on hpux11.00.

   => `test.jsp'
Resolving done.
Caching =>
Connecting to[]:80... connected.
Created socket 3.
Releasing 4000bfb0 (new refcount 1).
---request begin---
GET /supervision/test.jsp HTTP/1.0
User-Agent: Wget/1.8.1
Accept: */*
Connection: Keep-Alive

---request end---
HTTP request sent, awaiting response...
Read error (Connection timed out) in headers.
Closing fd 3
Giving up.

The same test with wget 1.9.1

#  wget -t 1 -T 10 -d
DEBUG output created by Wget 1.9.1 on hpux11.00.

   => `test.jsp'
Caching =>
Connecting to[]:80... connected.
Created socket 3.
Releasing 4001c7c0 (new refcount 1).
---request begin---
GET /supervision/test.jsp HTTP/1.0
User-Agent: Wget/1.9.1
Accept: */*
Connection: Keep-Alive

---request end---
HTTP request sent, awaiting response...