  I am very pleased to use wget to crawl pages. It is an excellent tool. 
Recently I find a bug in using wget, although I am not sure wether it's a bug 
or an incorrect usage. I just to want to report here.
    When I use wget to mirror or recursively download a web site with -O 
option, I mean to mirror the whole site's pages in one file. But as I type 
"./wget -m -O filename http://site";, I can only save the index file of site 
into file filename. Surprisingly, when I first type "./wget -m http://site";, 
after successfully download some pages, I stop the crawling process, and this 
pages will be save to a hierachy the same as the website itself. After that, 
when I use -O option again for the same web site, the mirror option will then 
take effect. 
    I will be looking forward to hearing from you ,


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