Re: nodot version

2001-03-13 Thread Eddy Thilleman

Hi Timo!

There's a special version available which displays the d/l speed and
eta. I got it from

Wget v1.6 is out which is the first 'official' wget version that displays the 
download speed and/or estimated time of arrival, see the wget list for details.

I'm not a C programmer, so I asked here if someone could implement this
in all versions of wget.

I'm not a C programmer either.

  (o o)
Fidonet: 2:280/5143.7

Re: nodot version

2001-03-15 Thread Eddy Thilleman

Hi Timo,

Wget v1.6 is out which is the first 'official' wget version that displays 
the download speed and/or estimated time of arrival

I have a version 1.6 for OS/2 which doesn't display d/l speed. ): Where
did you get your version?

I still use v1.5.3.

v1.7 (which is in development, source code available in the CVS) displays the 
download speed and estimated time of arrival.

See the wget list for details.

  (o o)
Fidonet: 2:280/5143.7