[whatwg] Link-related feedback

2008-12-29 Thread Ian Hickson
On Wed, 28 May 2008, Martin Atkins wrote:
 [regarding link rel=stylesheet and .disabled]

 I wonder what use-case motivated that attribute that couldn't have been 
 satisfied by merely removing the LINK element from the DOM. Or, if you 
 wish to attack it from the other direction, why a generic solution for 
 causing browsers to temporarily ignore *any* HTML element (a use case 
 for which might be pop-up dialogs that are hidden at certain points) 
 wasn't more appropriate.
 Also, I note that the spec as it currently stands defines disabled 
 only as a property of the HTMLLinkElement and not as an attribute of the 
 LINK element. I don't know if this was intentional. Of course, I could 
 very well make the same objection about a type-specific property on a 
 class being better implemented by creating a new class.

The spec merely describes what the implementations and earlier DOM specs 
do and say.

   Finally, what is the process for contributors to the RelExtensions 
   page to include extension attributes?
  They can't.
 Given that you obviously consider it useful for third-parties to be able 
 to introduce new rel values without changing the HTML5 spec

There have been convincing arguments made along these lines, yes. I'm not 
sure I would say that I think it's a good idea personally...

 and that you also obviously consider it useful for certain rel values to 
 carry additional attributes, I find it likely that some of these 
 third-parties will also find it useful to introduce additional 
 attributes. Would you not agree?

So far in ten years, we've only had one rel value that needed a new 
attribute. I think at that rate, we can rely on such extensions going 
through the normal spec extension mechanism rather than needing an 
expedited extension mechanism (which is what we have for rel values).

 link rel=icon type=image/gif; width=24, height=24 
This doesn't really work because we would need to add parameters 
to types we might not yet know. It also results in potentially 
complicated parsing rules, which I don't think people would get 
right. (See the comments I made for media queries.)
   Presumably this would be defined (if at all) for everything under 
   image/, just as charset is defined for everything under text/. 
   (In theory, at least.)
  Getting the relevant RFCs changed would likely be non-trivial. (Though 
  we should probably look into it, actually, to fix text/*.)
 Given that (for now, at least) these type attributes would be of little 
 use outside of HTML, could HTML not define them itself? Sure, it's a bit 
 of a layering violation, but I would put it in the same boat as 
 modifying MathML/SVG so that it works inside HTML: you just reference 
 the bits of the other spec that suit you, and make your own exceptions, 
 right? (loud objections from the MathML guys notwithstanding, of course. 
 The MIME type RFC isn't authored by a W3C working group, so they won't 
 find it so easy to complain!)

We're not changing MathML and SVG either. As you say, it would be a 
layering violation.

  On Fri, 9 May 2008, Kornel Lesinski wrote:
   I'm afraid that this could cause trouble (every visitor downloading 
   icon that's 20–300 times larger than typical favicon). Why not use 
   rel=application-icon or rel=appicon?
  I don't understand the question.
 I don't know exactly what Kornel was asking, but this seems to be a 
 backward-compatibility concern. When given the following:
 link rel=icon sizes=16x16 ... /
 link rel=icon sizes=512x512 ... /
 ...current Opera will download both, which is suboptimal however you 
 look at it. Current Firefox, though, will presumably download the 
 512x512 version in preference to the 16x16 one even though its icon slot 
 is (usually) 16x16 pixels.
 I guess this concern would be solved (aside from Opera's behavior) if 
 the spec were to say that a 16x16 icon, if specified, should be the last 
 one listed for compatibility with legacy browsers.
 (Also, a 9.5 beta tester should probably inform Opera of that issue if 
 they aren't already aware of it.)

I think it would make sense for an authoring guide to mention this, but I 
don't think we need to saddle the language with this requirement forever. 
This isn't a huge deal really.

On Wed, 28 May 2008, Kornel Lesinski wrote:
 link rel=icon is currently used for favicons. Favicons are expected to 
 be small (in byte size). Current browsers always download favicons on 
 every website.
 If page author adds high-quality image using rel=icon (like Vista's 
 100KB icon or Leopard's 300KB monstrosity), it may significantly 
 increase site's traffic (these icons will be downloaded by every visitor 
 rather than only those who create a shortcut).
 link rel=icon sizes=16x16 href=tinyicon.png
 link rel=icon sizes=256x256 href=hugeicon.ico
 In current browsers this will not work as expected - browsers will 
 download the big 

Re: [whatwg] Database feedback

2008-12-29 Thread Ian Hickson
On Wed, 26 Nov 2008, Jim Jewett wrote:

 I would name the question mark character aqt least once, so that it 
 can't be mistaken for a placeholder in the spec (rather than in the 
 Where it now says:
 Parse the first argument to the method (sqlStatement) as a SQL
 statement, with the exception that ? characters can be used in place
 of SQL literals in the statement. [SQL]


  This still leaves open whether the statement has to actually be 
  PREPAREd, and whether other parameter types or host variables are 
  I'm not sure what you mean.
 There are systems where you need to prepare a SQL statement before you 
 can execute it, but I think the current wording makes clear that this 
 system works from the strings, and does the PREPARE-ation itself as part 
 of execution.

Yeah, that's an implementation detail.

On Wed, 26 Nov 2008, Aaron Boodman wrote:
 On Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 3:46 AM, Ian Hickson i...@hixie.ch wrote:
  We could have a .writeTransaction() and a .readTransaction(), where 
  the former always run in isolation.
  Any preferences?
 My preference is for separating read transactions from write 
 transactions. Then the API could throw if you tried to write in a read 

On Wed, 3 Dec 2008, Scott Hess wrote:
 In SQLite the lock is upgraded as-needed, and it does cause confusion. 
 The following can fail to get the write lock at the marked statement:
  SELECT x, y, z FROM t WHERE q = ?;
  INSERT INTO j VALUES (?, ?, ?);   -- *mark*
 In SQLite BEGIN is the same as BEGIN DEFERRED.  Gears changes the 
 default for BEGIN to BEGIN IMMEDIATE, which acquires the lock right 
 away.  If a developer wants to do a read-only transaction, they can 
 explicitly execute BEGIN DEFERRED.
 In any case, my point is that upgrading mid-stream seems to be a point 
 of confusion for people.  You can explain what's happening, and they 
 will understand it, but the case comes up seldom enough that most people 
 never internalize it.  Requiring an explicit decision up front makes 
 things clear, and doesn't absurdly widen the API.
 I would lean towards .transaction() and .readTransaction(), though. 
 Acquiring the lock immediately is almost always the right thing to do.

 You can code a join to get consistent data from multiple tables, but you 
 cannot code a single statement to insert data consistently into multiple 
 tables (ignoring triggers), which is why read-only explicit transactions 
 are rare, and write-only explicit transactions are common.  I'd say that 
 write-mostly transactions (one or two reads followed by a bunch of 
 writes) are probably also more common than read-only transactions.

On Wed, 26 Nov 2008, Jonas Sicking wrote:
 I'm fine with either the perf-hit solution or the 
 .writeTransaction/.readTransaction solution. Both seems better than 
 having writes throw under basically race conditions. If we go with the 
 perf-hit solution we can always add the speedier 
 .writeTransaction/.readTransaction APIs in a later version.

I've introduced transaction()/readTransaction(), and made 
readTransaction() fail when executeSql() is called with a method that 
would mutate the database.

On Wed, 26 Nov 2008, Chris Prince wrote:
  On Mon, 26 May 2008, Chris Prince wrote:
  // On the 1st call, this line means create a database,
  // and set the version string to the empty string.
  var db1 = window.openDatabase(foo, , , );
  // On the 2nd call, the meaning has changed to
  // open the 'foo' database, regardless of the version string.
  var db2 = window.openDatabase(foo, , , );
 On Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 3:46 AM, Ian Hickson i...@hixie.ch wrote:
  Yeah, that's a bit confusing. Not sure what to do about it.
 Two ideas:
 * Perhaps use a different value to mean open any version, if one 
 exists.  Using 'null' seems like an obvious candidate.
 * Alternately, don't allow the empty string as a valid version string. 
 Only use the empty string to mean open existing.

Well the thing is that if the database doesn't exist, I still want the 
open the database regardless of its version case to actually open (and 
create) the database. The problem is what to use as the version string in 
that case.

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL
http://ln.hixie.ch/   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [whatwg] Resolving URLs

2008-12-29 Thread Ian Hickson
On Fri, 27 Jun 2008, Adam Barth wrote:

 In http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/#resolving, the 
 spec says:
 If the URL to be resolved was passed to an API
 The base URL is the document base URL of the script's script 
 document context.
 I believe browsers differ on this point.  When resolving a URL received 
 from a script, there are three likely sources of a base URL:
 1) The script's script document context (i.e., the document of the
 window object lexically in scope).
 2) The document of the window object dynamically in scope.
 3) The document to which the API belongs.
 I'm working on a test suite to reverse engineer the behavior of current 
 browsers and will report my findings.

The spec has changed now, but it is still based on a feature of the script 
right now. I would be interested in hearing the results of your research.

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL
http://ln.hixie.ch/   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [whatwg] Scripted querying of video capabilities

2008-12-29 Thread Robert O'Callahan
FWIW, in nightly Gecko builds we have an implementation of canPlayType per
spec. It parses the codecs parameter of the provided MIME type, so we can
answer no, maybe or probably depending on what's in the type. E.g.:

He was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are
healed. We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his
own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all. [Isaiah

[whatwg] Notifications API removed

2008-12-29 Thread Ian Hickson

I've commented out the Notifications API, since there was little interest 
in it, and what little interest there was was in the form of requests for 
a rather complete overhaul (changing from strings to arbitary documents).

Since notifications are mostly independent of HTML anyway, I encourage 
people who are interested in this feature to define it in an orthogonal 
specification, e.g. in the W3C Web Apps working group.

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL
http://ln.hixie.ch/   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [whatwg] number-related feedback

2008-12-29 Thread Ian Hickson
On Fri, 22 Aug 2008, Shannon wrote:

 I was going to suggest the spec define unsigned integers as a value 
 between 1 and MAX_INT inclusive when I realised the spec doesn't define 
 the range of integer values at all. Is this deliberate?

Yes. The range is likely to differ based on the platform used -- today's 
32 bit systems will likely have different ranges than next decade's 128 
bit systems.

 Either way I would recommend making a decision on minimum and maximum 
 integer values an using them consistently. If not I can imagine the 
 rapid adoption of 64-bit systems will cause unexpected errors when the 
 same code is run on older 32-bit systems. There are valid arguments for 
 letting each system use its native integer but if this is the case then 
 perhaps the spec should require MIN_INT and MAX_INT be made available as 

ECMAScript does define a range, and the limits of that range are exposed 
to scripts. Are there cases where there are non-script limits that would 
benefit from being exposed? Use cases would be helpful here.

 Also the spec interchanges the terms non-negative integer, positive 
 integer and unsigned integer. I suggest defining one of these clearly 
 and then using it everywhere.

non-negative integer is used to mean zero-or-more. I got rid of all 
cases of positive integers I could find. I changed the heading of the 
section on non-negative integers to say non-negative instead of 
unsigned but now the sections are inconsistently named, which may annoy 
me enough that I'll change it back at some point.

 This is a very minor point but is it necessary to say valid integer. 
 Given that there appears to be no defined min/max range when is 
 something both an integer and at the same time invalid? Isn't an invalid 
 integer a string?

A valid integer is a string also. I don't understand what you mean.

 Finally I wasn't aware Javascript made a distinction between signed and 
 unsigned integers. Is the distinction really necessary? Can we just make 
 everything signed integers and consistently call the full range 
 integer and the positive range integer greater than 0?

JavaScript doesn't make the distinction, but other languages do, and 
WebIDL defines behavior for unsigned integers that is different from 
signed integers.

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL
http://ln.hixie.ch/   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'