Re: [whatwg] A New Way Forward for HTML5

2009-07-24 Thread Ian Hickson
On Fri, 24 Jul 2009, Benjamin M. Schwartz wrote:
 Ian Hickson wrote:
  On Fri, 24 Jul 2009, Benjamin M. Schwartz wrote:
  That sounds to me like a good reason to declare a freeze at last 
  call, and release an immutable beta 1 on which comments can be 
  made.  Then close the comment period on beta 1, and (potentially) 
  release a beta 2, etc.
  Unfortunately that would just mean that most people commenting on beta 
  1 would be reporting the same issues that have already been fixed. 
  We've already seen this happen with the W3C version of the draft
 Then you're not putting up a big enough deprecation notice at the top! 
 Also, comments should be disabled once the comment period has closed.

I think we're better off finding a mechanism (such as the one Joseph 
mentioned) that don't depend on the document staying static. That way we 
sidestep all the problems I describe above, and we don't ever waste 
people's times on issues that are already resolved. Basically I don't 
think it would ever really be beneficial to have people reviewing a 
version of the spec that isn't the most recent one, if we can help it.

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [whatwg] A New Way Forward for HTML5

2009-07-24 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Manu Sporny wrote:

Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:

Problem: A Kitchen Sink Specification
Ian recently implemented a way to hide or highlight the UA guidelines
that confuse so many more casual readers.  Does this help?  (I know it
helps me.  ^_^)

If I knew it existed it might have helped a bit. Even now that I know it
exists, I can't figure out how to activate it. How do I hide the UA
Requirements for:

It's just an alternate stylesheet, so you can select the Author 
documentation only style from your browser's menu.  There is also a set 
of controls at the top of the specification that does that using 
JavaScript, and it also sets a cookie so the choice is remembered.

Lachlan Hunt - Opera Software

Re: [whatwg] due consideration

2009-07-24 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Jul 23, 2009, at 7:51 PM, Larry Masinter wrote:

 “When people's opinions are ultimately rejected, it is not without  
due consideration first.”

The word “consider” is used inconsistently, and the result is  
confusion. I am willing to believe the confusion isn’t deliberate.

In some circumstances, you could say something has been “considered”  
if a person has given thought to the subject. So, I have considered  
what I am saying, here, but that consideration is my personal  
thought. T

On the other hand, in standards activities and other group decision  
making processes, a topic is “considered” if it has actually been  
raised, discussed, the sense of the participants assessed, before a  
group assessment and response is made.

In HTML, so far, most comments have only been “considered” in the  
former sense. I believe, however, that most people expect their  
contributions, feedback and comments on a standard specification to  
be “considered” in the latter sense, and what  “due consideration”  
requires in an open standards process.

Ian gives more careful consideration and more thorough responses to  
comments than any other specification editor I have seen in action.  
I've commented on many W3C standards and many times I've seen comments  
raising serious technical issues dismissed without explanation, or  
just ignored. I have never seen that with HTML5.

Personally, I don't think a nominally dictatorial process is right in  
principle. No one person should be trusted with that much power. In  
practice, I've seen Ian change the spec many times to achieve what I  
think is often a good compromise among factions that disagree. Many  
times the outcome of this process is better than what we would have  
gotten if we'd immediately greased the squeakiest wheels. And the  
quality of the technical output seems quite a bit better than many  
more wholeheartedly committee-based approaches. So in actual practice,  
I think the process ends up quite a bit more consensus-driven than Ian  
would claim.

As a result, even though I think the HTML Working Group has the  
authority to override the editor by group decision, I haven't yet felt  
the need to demand a vote, even on issues where I disagreed. And yes,  
there are still parts of the spec that I strongly disagree with, such  
as the use of legend for figure captions. People probably see me  
as a WHATWG insider or whatever, but the fact is, while we broadly  
agree on big-picture design goals, I often disagree with Ian's initial  
take on many technical problems. What I have found is that if I make  
reasoned technical arguments based on evidence and use cases, then  
either I'll convince him to make a change(*), or if not, he will make  
a plausible case for the other side to the point that I can let the  
issue go. I think this is something anything can do, if they make the  


* - For example, I think it was my technical arguments that largely  
convinced Ian to make summary= conforming, when months of shrill  
accusations of bad faith, rejections of evidence and appeals to  
authority failed to do so.

Re: [whatwg] A New Way Forward for HTML5

2009-07-24 Thread Geoffrey Sneddon

Ian Hickson wrote:

On Thu, 23 Jul 2009, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
That being said, inline spec comments sound interesting.  Can you expand 
on this?  Are these meant to be private and only shown to Ian? Shown to 
everything who views the spec (optionally, of course)?  Sent to the 
mailing list?

If anybody would like to follow-up on this particular idea, I'm very 
interested in setting something up that makes it even easier to submit 
comments without having to worry about subscribing to the lists or 
registering with the W3C's Bugzilla instance. I'm not quite sure what the 
UI would look like, but if anyone has any ideas, feel free to e-mail me 
directly and we can figure something out. (This would be exceedingly 
useful once we're in last call in a few months.)

I remember having some discussion about such a thing in IRC a few months 
ago. Indeed, the biggest problem seems to be what sort of UI we could 
use for it.

My proposal, on the whole, would be to have some box appearing upon 
selecting text. Then, in that box, give space for both an email address 
and a comment, and send that along with the selected text to the list.

Geoffrey Sneddon — Opera Software ASA

[whatwg] inline spec feedback (was: Re: A New Way Forward for HTML5)

2009-07-24 Thread Anne van Kesteren
On Fri, 24 Jul 2009 06:44:55 +0200, Ian Hickson wrote:
 On Fri, 24 Jul 2009, Joseph Pecoraro wrote:
 Alt-Double Click doesn't sound very discoverable.  Even if I knew that
 shortcut I'd probably forget at some point.  Maybe having something
 position:fixed would be better because there is something visible and
 reachable at all times.  The problem then would be automatically
 determining which section is being commented on.  Its certainly not as
 straight-forward as clicking on the section.  Just some ideas.  I'm very
 interested in seeing a commenting system.

 Hmm... Maybe a position:fixed text field somewhere on the page, with a
 submit button to send that feedback as mail... that could work. It could
 give the ID of the most recently clicked area of the page, or something.


Anne van Kesteren

Re: [whatwg] .tags on HTMLCollections

2009-07-24 Thread Anne van Kesteren
On Fri, 24 Jul 2009 04:56:15 +0200, Boris Zbarsky wrote:
 Anne van Kesteren wrote:
 From what I heard so far it is there because of document.all. If  
 document.all does indeed need to return a separate object as HTML5  
 suggests we can probably remove it from HTMLCollection in due course.

 Given that the namedItem behavior of document.all is different from the  
 namedItem behavior of HTMLCollection, I don't see how document.all could  
 possibly be a general HTMLCollection

They are indeed distinct, but do share the same interface name in Opera the 
moment, as far as I can tell... In any case, my point was that we'd be ok with 
removing the tags member from HTMLCollection in due course.

Anne van Kesteren

Re: [whatwg] due consideration

2009-07-24 Thread Eduard Pascual
On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 10:04 AM, Maciej wrote:
 Ian gives more careful consideration and more thorough responses to comments
 than any other specification editor I have seen in action. I've commented on
 many W3C standards and many times I've seen comments raising serious
 technical issues dismissed without explanation, or just ignored. I have
 never seen that with HTML5.

Is that really enough?

Let's take a long and well-known controversy as an example: Microdata.
It is true that Ian has given the topic very careful consideration,
and a lot of thought; but what is the result? There are already
several existing solutions that HTML5 could have adopted, most
prominently (and most argued for) RDFa, but also EASE, eRDF, and
others. During the discussions, people who have been working on Web
Semantics for *several years* contributed their knowledge, expertise
on the topic, and ideas.

By the end, Ian opted to create an entire new solution, disregarding
years of previous work on the subject and the significative base of
already existing RDFa authoring and consuming software. But that
solution has an complexity that is roughly equivalent to that of RDFa,
has no implementation nor existing content support so far, and can't
even handle all the use cases that RDFa could handle. The only
significative advantage of that proposal was that it used reversed
domain names to identify vocabularies instead of namespace prefixes;
however, there has been a lot of controversy about reversed domains
actually being better than namespace prefixes.

Even if we asume that reversed domains are slightly better (it's not
likely that they are much better if there is so much division about
the topic), is that worth the costs of: 1) Limiting the range of use
cases that can be handled; 2) Requiring new tools to be developed from
scratch; and 3) Requiring content to adapt to this new format? These
are huge costs. Especially, when we put 2) and 3) together, content
authors will be forced to keep supporting RDFa tools (as long as a
significant part of the audience is still using RDFa-related tools),
so they will need to duplicate metadata to support Microdata as well.
Wasn't duplication one of the issues inline metadata was intended to

Please, note that my intention is not to bring back this discussion.
It is just an example of controversy that will be known by most
participants on this list. Actually, I have no intention to step into
that debate again for a while.

The point
I do not doubt of Ian's good faith, nor of his huge effort in making
HTML5 the best possible thing it might be. However, I doubt of the
sanity of having an individual to have the final say about any topic,
even above expert groups that have been researched and discussed the
topic for years.
Just because the fruit of so long work can't be properly sintetized in
plain-text e-mails doesn't mean that there is not enough value on it.
Going back to the example, there was a lot of people involved in RDF
and RDFa since 1997. That's already twelve years of continuous work
and research by several people. HTML5 replaces all this effort (RDF
and RDFa) with that of a single person over few months (Microdata).

Honestly, I can't say for sure which method would be best for HTML;
but I'm still convinced that having a single gatekeeper with absolute
power over the next web standard is, at least, insane.
/The point

Eduard Pascual

[whatwg] Microdata and Linked Data

2009-07-24 Thread Peter Mika

Hi All,

I've been taking a closer look at microdata. While I like the proposal 
in general, in particular the chance to unite microformat style 
annotations with some of the Semantic Web formalism (such as URIs for 
objects), there are still a number of points that I feel could be 
improved. So here are my proposals for discussion:


The use of a URI as the value of the id attribute. It seems to me there 
is actually nothing in the spec that would stop this:

Identifiers are opaque strings. Particular meanings should not be 
derived from the value of the id  attribute.

This is great because in principle I could do something like:

section id=; com.example.feline

h1 com.example.fnHedral/h1

I assume you can achieve something similar with the about property but 
that would require me to write:

section com.example.feline
h1 com.example.fnHedral/h1
a itemprop=about href=

This is longer by itself, and if I want an internal identifier as well, 
than I have to write:

section id=hedral com.example.feline
h1 com.example.fnHedral/h1
a itemprop=about href=


The other area that could be possibly improved is the connection of type 
identifiers with ontologies on the web. I would actually like the notion 
of  reverse domain names if

-- there would be an explicit agreement that they are of the form 

-- there would be a registry for mappings from xxx.yyy.zzz to URIs.

For example, org.foaf-project.Person could be linked to by having the mapping from 
org.foaf-project to

It wouldn't be perfect, the FOAF ontology as you see is not at 
org.foaf-project but at com.xmlns. However, it would be a step in the 
right direction.


I would consider adding the sameAs property as part of the standard 
vocabulary. This is a term from the OWL vocabulary that is widely used 
in the Linked Data world for connecting entities that are deemed to be 
equivalent. Alternatively, we could add the entire RDFS and OWL 
vocabulary to the spec.


I don't expect that writing full URIs for property names will be 
appealing to users, but of course I'm not a big fan either of defining 
prefixes individually as done in RDFa with the CURIE mechanism. Still, 
prefixes would be useful, e.g. foaf:Person is much shorter to write than 
com.foaf-project.Person and also easier to remember. So would there be a 
way to reintroduce the notion of prefixes, with possibly pointing to a 
registry that defines the mapping from prefixes to namespaces?

section id=hedral namespaces=; 

h1 itemprop=animal:nameHedral/h1

Here the registry would define a number of prefixes. However, the 
mechanism would be open in that other organizations or even individuals 
could maintain registries.

Looking forward to your feedback,


Re: [whatwg] due consideration

2009-07-24 Thread Rimantas Liubertas
 The point
 I do not doubt of Ian's good faith, nor of his huge effort in making
 HTML5 the best possible thing it might be. However, I doubt of the
 sanity of having an individual to have the final say about any topic,

I don't doubt the sanity of it at all.

 even above expert groups that have been researched and discussed the
 topic for years.

That's that happen when no one has a final say: years of discussions.
Quite often—about the color of the bike shed.

 Just because the fruit of so long work can't be properly sintetized in
 plain-text e-mails doesn't mean that there is not enough value on it.
 Going back to the example, there was a lot of people involved in RDF
 and RDFa since 1997. That's already twelve years of continuous work
 and research by several people. HTML5 replaces all this effort (RDF
 and RDFa) with that of a single person over few months (Microdata).

I doubt that discussions started in 1997 with HTML5 in mind. So I
guess those interested can keep going for 12 more years if so

 Honestly, I can't say for sure which method would be best for HTML;
 but I'm still convinced that having a single gatekeeper with absolute
 power over the next web standard is, at least, insane.

I'd say that's the one the best ways to get something practical done.
To quote Frederick P. Brooks Jr.:
Conceptual integrity in turn dictates that the design must proceed
from one mind, or from a very small number of agreeing resonant
— The Mythical Man Month, Chapter 4 Aristocracy, Democracy and
System Design


Re: [whatwg] Microdata and Linked Data

2009-07-24 Thread Eduard Pascual
On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 1:07 PM, Peter wrote:

 The other area that could be possibly improved is the connection of type
 identifiers with ontologies on the web. I would actually like the notion of
  reverse domain names if

 -- there would be an explicit agreement that they are of the form
 -- there would be a registry for mappings from xxx.yyy.zzz to URIs.

 For example, org.foaf-project.Person could be linked to by having the mapping from org.foaf-project

 It wouldn't be perfect, the FOAF ontology as you see is not at
 org.foaf-project but at com.xmlns. However, it would be a step in the right


 I don't expect that writing full URIs for property names will be appealing
 to users, but of course I'm not a big fan either of defining prefixes
 individually as done in RDFa with the CURIE mechanism. Still, prefixes would
 be useful, e.g. foaf:Person is much shorter to write than
 com.foaf-project.Person and also easier to remember. So would there be a way
 to reintroduce the notion of prefixes, with possibly pointing to a registry
 that defines the mapping from prefixes to namespaces?

 section id=hedral namespaces=;
 h1 itemprop=animal:nameHedral/h1

 Here the registry would define a number of prefixes. However, the mechanism
 would be open in that other organizations or even individuals could maintain

IMO, both of these proposals are quite related. However, you added
substantial differences I can't really understand between them.

For #2 you suggest to have a sort of centralized registry of mappings
between the reversed domains and the vocabularies they refer to. What
happens if next year I have to use an unusual vocabulary for my site
that is not included on the registry? Would I have to get the
vocabulary included on the registry before my pages' microdata can be
mapped to the appropriate RDF graph?
On the other hand, on #4, you are opening the gate to independent
entities (be them organizations or individuals) to define the prefixes
they would be using for their pages' metadata: why don't apply this to
#2 as well? IMO, it would be more important for #2 than for #4; since
#4 only provides syntax sugar while #2 enables something that would be
undoable without it (mapping Microdata to arbitrary RDF).

About #1, I'm not sure about what you are exacly proposing, so I can't
provide much feedback on it. Maybe you could make it a bit clearer:
are you proposing any specific change to the spec? If so, what would
be the change? If now, what are you proposing then?
Finally, about #3 I'm not familiar with the OWL vocabulary, so I can't
say too much about it. But if your second proposal gets into the spec,
then this would become just syntax sugar, since any property from any
existing RDF vocabulary could be expressed; and if #4 also got in, the
benefit of built-in properties would be minimal compared to using a
reasonably short prefix (such as owl:).

Just my two cents.

Eduard Pascual

Re: [whatwg] Microdata and Linked Data

2009-07-24 Thread Peter Mika
Yes, #2 and #4 are quite related in that they both concern the 
abbreviation mechanism for URIs and might be considered alternative 

On the other hand, on #4, you are opening the gate to independent
entities (be them organizations or individuals) to define the prefixes
they would be using for their pages' metadata: why don't apply this to
#2 as well? IMO, it would be more important for #2 than for #4; since
#4 only provides syntax sugar while #2 enables something that would be
undoable without it (mapping Microdata to arbitrary RDF).

Yes, the idea of distributing the registration could be applied to #2.

About #1, I'm not sure about what you are exacly proposing, so I can't
provide much feedback on it. Maybe you could make it a bit clearer:
are you proposing any specific change to the spec? If so, what would
be the change? If now, what are you proposing then?
Removing the about property, showing how id can be used in this way, and 
changing the description of how you transform an HTML5 document to RDF.

Finally, about #3 I'm not familiar with the OWL vocabulary, so I can't
say too much about it. But if your second proposal gets into the spec,
then this would become just syntax sugar, since any property from any
existing RDF vocabulary could be expressed; and if #4 also got in, the
benefit of built-in properties would be minimal compared to using a
reasonably short prefix (such as owl:).
I agree... I'm personally not so attached to reverse domain names, but I 
might have missed a lot of the previous discussions on why they are good 
to have.

In any case, my intention was to get the discussion restarted around 
these issues: it seems to me there was a lot of discussion at the very 
beginning on microdata vs. RDFa when microdata was first proposed, but 
then the discussion died without necessarily finding the best solution 
(for my taste).


[whatwg] Type of PropertyNodeList.contents

2009-07-24 Thread Andrew Oakley
PropertyNodeList.contents seems to be defined differently in the IDL and
the text related to it.

The IDL says:
 typedef sequenceany PropertyValueArray;
 interface PropertyNodeList : NodeList {
   attribute PropertyValueArray contents;

The description says:
 The contents DOM attribute on the PropertyNodeList object, on
 getting, must return a newly constructed DOMStringArray whose values
 are the values obtained from the content DOM property of each of the
 elements represented by the object, in tree order.

DOMStringArray doesn't appear to be defined anywhere, however DOM 3 Core
has a DOMStringList which seems to have this purpose.

HTMLPropertyCollection.names returns a DOMStringList, so I think we
should be consistent and also return a DOMStringList for

Andrew Oakley

Re: [whatwg] Microdata and Linked Data

2009-07-24 Thread Peter Mika

Fair point. Just brainstorming here: how about making about an attribute?

div item id=amanda about=http://;/div
pName: span subject=amanda itemprop=nameAmanda/span/p

We still have two identifiers, but at least giving the URI is simplified.


Julian Reschke wrote:

Peter Mika wrote:

Hi All,

I've been taking a closer look at microdata. While I like the 
proposal in general, in particular the chance to unite microformat 
style annotations with some of the Semantic Web formalism (such as 
URIs for objects), there are still a number of points that I feel 
could be improved. So here are my proposals for discussion:


The use of a URI as the value of the id attribute. It seems to me 
there is actually nothing in the spec that would stop this:


IDs like that would be very hard to use as fragment identifier...


BR, Julian

Re: [whatwg] Selectable category tree, nested optgroups?

2009-07-24 Thread Tab Atkins Jr.
2009/7/9 Oldřich Vetešník

 Imagine you have a (for example) category tree like this:

 * Cars
  * Sporty
  * Limo
    * 18 wheeler
  * Bloody good
  * Big
 * Places to live in
  * Villa
  * Flat
  * Under bridge

 and you are to select one for your article of some sort. optgroup isn't
 capable of doing this at the moment as it cannot be nested and you cannot
 select Cars category (it's its label attribute). Currently this is done by
 intending with spaces and, in my humble opinion, it doesn't look too
 accessible - I wouldn't want to crawl through it with my screenreader if it
 was a longer list.

 I'm here to ask if there is/could be a better way than intending.

This has been suggested before, and even made it into the spec at one
point, but got removed because there didn't seem to be a way to do
this in a backwards-compatible manner.  There was also the suggestion
of a new element to use for this case, but that appeared late enough
that it's being pushed to v2 for the moment - html5 already makes a
*ton* of changes and additions to forms.  ^_^


Re: [whatwg] .tags on HTMLCollections

2009-07-24 Thread Boris Zbarsky

Anne van Kesteren wrote:

They are indeed distinct, but do share the same interface name in Opera the 
moment, as far as I can tell...

Oh, the _name_ is shared in Gecko too.  Just not anything else.  ;)

In any case, my point was that we'd be ok with removing the tags member from 
HTMLCollection in due course.

Indeed, and thank you for the response!


[whatwg] Section Attribute value normalization and title attributes

2009-07-24 Thread Elliotte Rusty Harold
A technical point that may perhaps have already been considered.
Section states If the title attribute's value contains U+000A
LINE FEED (LF) characters, the content is split into multiple lines.
Each U+000A LINE FEED (LF) character represents a line break. However
this is incompatible with XML and the XHTML serialization. In XML as
specified in

Before the value of an attribute is passed to the application or
checked for validity, the XML processor must normalize the attribute
value by applying the algorithm below, or by using some other method
such that the value passed to the application is the same as that
produced by the algorithm.

All line breaks must have been normalized on input to #xA as described
in 2.11 End-of-Line Handling, so the rest of this algorithm operates
on text normalized in this way.

Begin with a normalized value consisting of the empty string.

For each character, entity reference, or character reference in the
unnormalized attribute value, beginning with the first and continuing
to the last, do the following:

For a character reference, append the referenced character to the
normalized value.

For an entity reference, recursively apply step 3 of this algorithm to
the replacement text of the entity.

For a white space character (#x20, #xD, #xA, #x9), append a space
character (#x20) to the normalized value.

For another character, append the character to the normalized value.

Thus, absent some fancy tricks with character references, linefeeds
are not allowed in attribute values. Raw linefeeds are converted to

I'm not sure what should be done about this. This is one of the
weirder and more error-prone parts of XML. However, since HTML 5 is
suspicious of linefeeds in title attributes anyway, we could either
forbid them or adopt the XML interpretation.

I first noticed this in the description of the title attribute, but
the issue could be deeper. In particular, in the HTML 5 requirement
that If a reflecting DOM attribute is a DOMString but doesn't fall
into any of the above categories, then the getting and setting must be
done in a transparent, case-preserving manner. it's not clear what
transparent really means here, and whether it's compatible with
XML's attribute value normalization.

Apologies if this has been discussed before, but I couldn't find
anything on point in the archives.

Elliotte Rusty Harold

[whatwg] Close events and workers

2009-07-24 Thread Drew Wilson
I noticed that Section 4.6 of the Web Workers spec still refers to the
close event which has been removed:

If the script gets aborted by the kill a
algorithm, then that same algorithm will cause there to only be a singletask in
the event loop at the next step, namely the task for the close event.
The terminate
a worker #122aa363b1e6e893_terminate-a-worker algorithm removes all the

Seems like we should update this language.


[whatwg] Images whose contents are not known In such cases, the alt attribute's value may be omitted...

2009-07-24 Thread Darxus
I object.

The word 'politics' is derived from the word 'poly', meaning 'many',
and the word 'ticks', meaning 'blood sucking parasites'. - Larry Hardiman Guns save lives.

Re: [whatwg] Images whose contents are not known In such cases, the alt attribute's value may be omitted...

2009-07-24 Thread Tab Atkins Jr.
On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 12:07 PM, wrote:
 I object.

For reference, Darxus is referring to

Now, care to clarify?  A two-word objection is essentially useless for
anyone, and serves only to spam the mailing list.

What exactly do you have a problem with?  Examples, clarifications,
suggestions, etc?


Re: [whatwg] Make quoted attributes a conformance criteria

2009-07-24 Thread Keryx Web

On 2009-07-23 20:32, Eduard Pascual wrote:

While I don't consider a hard requirement would be appropriate, there
is an audience sector this discussion seems to be ignoring: Authoring
Tools' developers. IMO, it would be highly desirable to have some
guidelines for these tools to determine when they*should*  quote
attribute values.

There is one further rub. Code that initially has been made by authoring 
tools have a tendency to wind up in some front end developers lap, to be 
amended and/or fixed manually at a later stage. That is even more a 
reason for a strong recommendation about quotes.

Furthermore, I doubt that most people on this list did read my blog post 
I included as an URL when starting this discussion.[1]

In that post I talked about a common scenario. One developer works on 
the business logic. It puts out attribute values. Another developer 
works on the presentation logic. He makes templates. Dev 2 omits the 
quotes and for a long time it might work, since the business logic in 
question only produces single word values. Then there might come a 
change, because dev 1 - or the users of the CMS - suddenly starts to 
produce longer values. Suddenly things break, and since nobody touched 
the presentation logic code, it might not be the first place where the 
developers look for an error.

And believe me, lots of back end devs are absolutely clueless about 
front end issues! Yes, they might skip validation completely, but at 
least such a rule of thumb can be implemented more easily into their 
work flow.

I also note that no one who has spoken against my suggestion claims to 
have any teaching experience.

I see 4 effects that my suggestions might have:

1. Dismiss completely.

2. No new wording, but change the code examples.

3. Add some words about best practice, but do not enforce quotes as a 
conformance criterion.

4. Go all the way and do just that.

The scientific evidence in favor of my suggestion might be quite easy to 
pick up. Just ask any standards aware teacher how common it is that not 
using quotes messes up students code!

Stopping before (4) above will force people like me to keep requiring 
false XHTML from my students. My main concern is that in HTML 5 we get 
lots of new boolean attributes, like required on inputs or maxlength 
on textareas, and having to write things like 'required=required' will 
make the code longer and messier, since a normal input element might 
span 2 or 3 lines.

Of course this can be settled if we get a tool like JSLint, that can 
enforce a voluntary stricter check (Crockford's good parts), but 
please note that ES 5 introduces a concept of strict rules.

This means that ES 5 will be in a similar position to HTML 5, having a 
lax rule set about what browsers must be able to do, and a strict 
conformance critera like rule set that authors are encouraged to follow.

Perhaps this could be solved by simply adding an option to the 
validator: Do not allow unquoted non-boolean attribute values.

Henri Sivonen, are you reading this?

Keryx Web (Lars Gunther)


[whatwg] Submitting comments form within the spec itself

2009-07-24 Thread Ian Hickson

Based on recent discussions I've implemented a little text box that lets 
you file bugs straight from the spec itself. Comments submitted in this 
way are anonymous (well, your IP is logged publicly, but that's all).

Please only use it for short issues like typos! Technical topics with any 
kind of complexity are still best off filed by e-mail.

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [whatwg] Make quoted attributes a conformance criteria

2009-07-24 Thread Bil Corry
Keryx Web wrote on 7/24/2009 2:52 PM: 
 In that post I talked about a common scenario. One developer works on
 the business logic. It puts out attribute values. Another developer
 works on the presentation logic. He makes templates. Dev 2 omits the
 quotes and for a long time it might work, since the business logic in
 question only produces single word values. Then there might come a
 change, because dev 1 - or the users of the CMS - suddenly starts to
 produce longer values. Suddenly things break, and since nobody touched
 the presentation logic code, it might not be the first place where the
 developers look for an error.

That's a classic XSS vulnerability.  The backend developer must know if there 
are quotes or not in the template, then encode/sanitize the value accordingly.

- Bil

Re: [whatwg] Make quoted attributes a conformance criteria

2009-07-24 Thread Aryeh Gregor
On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 6:26 PM, Bil wrote:
 That's a classic XSS vulnerability.  The backend developer must know if there 
 are quotes or not in the template, then encode/sanitize the value accordingly.

It's not XSS if the values are statically provided by the first
developer and aren't generated from user input.

Re: [whatwg] Make quoted attributes a conformance criteria

2009-07-24 Thread Bil Corry
Aryeh Gregor wrote on 7/24/2009 5:44 PM: 
 On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 6:26 PM, Bil wrote:
 That's a classic XSS vulnerability.  The backend developer must know if 
 there are quotes or not in the template, then encode/sanitize the value 
 It's not XSS if the values are statically provided by the first
 developer and aren't generated from user input.

Sure, but I was basing my reply on the provided example: Then there might come 
a change, because dev 1 - or the users of the CMS - suddenly starts to produce 
longer values.

Even in the case where the developer is providing the values via a trusted 
source (say a database), it's still a best practice to encode/sanitize the 

- Bil